
See Speed Racer Wii in action

Like (we'd wager) most of you, when we first saw the Wachowski Bros. take on Speed Racer, we thought, "Hey, that looks like a video game!" So, imagine our surprise when we saw the video game take on the Wachowskis' take on Speed Racer (courtesy of MTV Multiplayer) and said, "Hey, that looks like a rental at best!"

OK, so, to be more diplomatic, we think the stylized look is actually kind of cool and a smart way to get around the Wii's comparatively diminutive processing power. But are non-animated pictures really going to take up 1/4 of the screen and yell at you every three seconds? Like, really?

(In a related note, check out the picture we put after the break. We know John Goodman plays Speed's dad, but was Speed's dad an Italian plumber?)