
Unspectacular PSP-3001 outed by the FCC

We expect a lot when Sony makes a full point update from the PSP-2001. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case as we thumb through the FCC filing for Sony's newest PSP. Then again, it's being pretty tight-lipped with most of the juicy docs well hidden in support of Sony's request for confidentiality. We can tell you that the FCC's tests were all focused on the 2.4GHz spectrum for the PSP-3001's stated use of 802.11b WiFi (nothing new there) -- no GPS, no 802.11 Draft-n, no Bluetooth. In fact, the schematic used to demonstrate the FCC ID placement looks identical to the existing PSP slim -- no evidence of that rumored mic or redesigned Home button. Guess we'll have to wait for this one to walk through the system a bit. Nevertheless, fanboys rejoice, PSP-3001 is real and this close to a formal announcement. See the label placement pic after the break.