
Attend Dragon*Con via Second Life

We here at Massively know that not everyone can spend the money or the time to come out to Dragon*Con. But we don't want you guys to feel left out of the fun!

Tonight there's going to be a Second Life panel being run here at Dragon*Con, and we'd love it if you attended! The panel will be run simultaneously in Second Life and in real life, hosted by us here at Come, meet your fellow Second Life Massively readers, and you can even interact with and send questions to us here at the convention!

The panels topics will cover the entire culture of Second Life, serving as a player meetup opportunity and a pubic forum for everyone to talk about Second Life and discuss issues relevant to the virtual world platform.

Interested in attending? The panel will start at 7 PM ET (4 PM SLT/PT) and you can find our meet up as easily as clicking this link to boot your Second Life client. See you tonight, hopefully!