
EVE dev diary crunches the numbers on New Eden violence

EVE Online - Crucible nebula

Despite the fact that EVE Online has one of the most advanced virtual economies in the world (not to mention pretty graphics, interesting lore, and a great soundtrack), CCP's sandbox game is primarily about one thing and one thing only: blowing up spaceships.

Sure you can become a captain of industry, a respected (feared?) trader, or a profit-seeking miner, but at the end of the day, many EVE fans care little for the gameplay that exists outside of spaceship on spaceship violence. CCP's latest dev blog reflects this obsession, and CCP Diagoras presents a load of statistics culled from the end of 2007 to the present. Among the interesting (if esoteric) factoids: Something blows up in New Eden once every six seconds.

Head to the game's official website for more numbers.