
The Queue: Pandaria CRZ, a whole lot of nonsense, class/race combos

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today.

So I got asked a huge set of questions and that's kind of taking up the majority of this installment of The Queue, so let's get on with things, shall we? Let's do.

MichaelVakian asks:
Q4TQ: Any thoughts on if 6.0 will drop on a Tuesday or a Thursday? I know generally Tuesdays are the magic day, but there has been something about them terrible Thursdays that keep pricking the hairs on the back of my neck.

My default assumption is a Tuesday until I hear differently, which has not been the case so far.

Chrth asks:
Q4TQ: You're only allowed to use one race-class combo for your toons. Which would you choose? We'll presume that there are no race-class restrictions anymore (so we can finally have a PC Tauren Rogue).

This is me looking at you right now.

I'm not angry, Chrth, I'm just disappointed.

But just to be nice, I'm going to answer this question assuming I can't be a warrior for some reason. Who knows? Perhaps I've suffered a catastrophic brain injury and I can no longer play the best class anymore. I would therefore choose worgen shaman. Because a worgen enhancement shaman, dual wielding fist weapons (and they'd be huge honking claws like these) and going ghost wolf would just be awesome. Not as awesome as a warrior, mind you. But awesome nonetheless.

Never let it be said I won't play along with a gag even when the very premise is utterly ridiculous. Why would I ever playing anything but a warrior in this scenario? Madness.

JordanPhillips asks:
q4tq: once pandaland expansion ends, will there by any way for higher level toons to access MoP scenarios?

Yes. Lorewalker Fu is standing alongside the rest of the Lorewalkers in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, atop the Mogu'shan Palace, and he will start letting you access those scenarios once you're level 91 or higher.

Bugboy sort of asks:
Okay, Alex has already been subject to this particular form of abuse. Now, it's your turn, Mr. Rossi, for...

Wow, I'm already just aquiver with anticipation.


1. Explain the economic concept of "self-suffiency" vis a vis the isolationist policies of Gilneas during the period of the Greymane Wall. Especially, discuss whether it was said policy that lead to Gilneas falling to the Worgen Curse, or rather it was because the Gilneans are rather a bit dim, Gilean rangers/hunters excepted.

It helps if you view it in relation to the Isolationist period of American politics following World War I. Like Gilneas, the US was weary of foreign wars (even though, reasonably speaking, the US barely participated in World War I, just as Gilneas barely participated in the Second War) and wanted to focus their growing industrial and economic might on their own issues. Gilneas never abandoned trade with Kul Tiras, for instance, and therefore was in limited contact (mostly economic contact) with the other human kingdoms - it was necessary for them to keep their industrial base intact. Therefore, Gilneas was never actually self-sufficient/self-contained in the strictest sense in economic terms. It's true that due to the Old Religion Gilneans could provide their own food and thus were in no danger of starving due to the Greymane Wall, the fact remains that trade continued, albeit in a limited and controlled fashion.

As to Gilneas' falling to the Worgen curse, that's a consequence of their isolationism, yes, but not to any economic policy. In the end, to fend off the undead, they released the worgen, but had no way to fend off the worgen curse.

2. Trace in detail the line of succession of the former Kingdom of Lordaeron, with an eye toward definitive determination as to whether the current "Alliance", so-called, is in fact the rightful successor-in-interest to both the Alliance of Lordaeron and the royal line of Lordaeron itself in regard to the legal status of dominion over such lands, and is thus the legal suzerain of said realm as a matter of law, assuming the continued absence of Calia Menethil. Complete answers will discuss such private claims by and on behalf of the former subjects of Lordaeron, now living on in undeath, as have and will arise both at law and in equity.

Luckily, this is extremely easy. There is only one claimant to the throne of Lordaeron at this time, Calia Manethil, and her whereabouts are unknown. No other claims can be honored - all titles and property rights are lost upon death, and the Forsaken have, by definition, died. Now, they certainly currently hold possession of the former capital city of Lordaeron and much of its former territory, but they do this without any legal justification under the former law of the nation of Lordaeron, which made no provision for the walking dead.

The current Alliance nations have no claim to Lordaeron either, as the Alliance of Lordaeron was dissolved before the kingdom's fall. Thus, Lordaeron is currently, legally speaking, defunct. The only rightful authority has abdicated her responsibilities for whatever reason, and the current inhabitants hold the region without laying claim to its status as Lordaeron.

3. Fandral Staghelm was a complete ass. Discuss.

He was right about Tyrande and Malfurion. During the War of the Shifting Sands, what did they do? Nothing. He fought the Qiraji while his 'shando' slept. Fandral indeed had vision they lacked.

On the other hand he was rude to me when I brought him morrowgrain, so there's that.

That's the Queue for today. Tomorrow is, as they say, another day.

Have questions about the World of Warcraft? The WoW Insider crew is here with The Queue, our daily Q&A column. Leave your questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer 'em!