
Google CEO speaks up against 'intolerant discourse'

Pichai: 'We must support Muslim and other minority communities in the US and around the world.'

Following a slew of tech CEOs coming out against anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric, Sundar Pichai published his first essay on Medium tonight. Like Mark Zuckerberg and others his words stand in contrast to those of Donald Trump and others who suggest the country close its doors to immigrants from certain places or religions. According to Pichai, "Let's not let fear defeat our values. We must support Muslim and other minority communities in the US and around the world."

Let's not let fear defeat our values

The exec did not mention Google by name in the post (or say why he posted it on Medium, with only a link to it from Google+), but did try to explain why he's saying this now, and why he waited.

I debated whether to post this, because lately it seems that criticism of intolerance just gives more oxygen to this debate. But I feel we must speak out — particularly those of us who are not under attack. Everyone has the right to their views, but it's also important that those who are less represented know that those are not the views of all.

Noting his own story of moving to the US from India, he called for America to remain a land that provides opportunities to and gains strengths from immigrants. While saying that Google is "urgently working to become more diverse," (oh?) he pushed for a mix of backgrounds that he says will lead to a better outcome for everyone.

Any series of essays and internet videos are unlikely to extinguish Presidential campaigns that rely on fear mongering, bombastic statements and dog-whistle racism to garner attention, but it's good to have an idea of where everyone stands on these issues.

[Image credit: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images]