

  • Transmigration washes away a sad, wasted life

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Well, this looks cool. Transmigration: Into Darkness Peering is a narrative-driven, rain-soaked, single-player game from Polish studio Transhuman Design. It's dark, with elements of historical weirdness, transcendental ideas and alternate universe medicines. Get a glimpse of the game in motion here. Transmigration follows Joseph, an old man full of regret, living an unfulfilling 9-5 life, and considering a trip to the Transmigration Clinic, a spot that may allow him to try everything all over again. "Transmigration grew from the need to create something quite different and a bit personal – it's a game about an unusual friendship, depression, euthanasia, weird dreams and dark humor," Transhuman says. "We'd like to inspire people and try to push the medium forward a little bit. Whether we manage to do it or not – we'd like to try." Transmigration is due out for PC and Mac in Q1 2015, with more platforms to be announced. [Images: Transhuman Design]