
Updates coming any day now for AT&T's Treo 680 and 750?

AT&T Treo 750 owners have been waiting patiently (or not so patiently, as the case may be) for an update to Windows Mobile 6 seemingly since Earth was a hot, lifeless mass of molten lava -- and thankfully, it seems that wait might be drawing to a close. TreoCentral's forums have turned up what appears to be a legit slide deck from within AT&T detailing software upgrades for both the 750 and the Palm OS-based 680, with the former getting the aforementioned Windows Mobile 6 Professional, 1.8Mbps HSDPA, Cellular Video, AT&T Mail, AT&T Music, MobiTV, TeleNav, and a refreshed active call display. The 680 gets boosted with PTT support, MP3 ringtone capability, TeleNav, MobiTV, and instant messaging. The slides list October 15 as the rollout date for the 750 update -- a date which has obviously come and gone, so we're holding out the naive belief that we'll see it pretty much any minute now. The 680, meanwhile, allegedly gets hooked up on the 22nd. Here's hoping!

[Via Palm Infocenter]