
You'll need a new cable to connect the MacBook Pro and iPhone 7

Looks in iPhone 7 box at USB cable. Looks at new MacBook Pro ports. (sigh)

Today, Apple unveiled brand new MacBook Pros with a dynamic Touch Bar and a quick (albeit forced) migration to USB-3 (AKA Thunderbolt). Of course, it's Apple's prerogative to continue to push its customers toward better standards. It did it with USB back in the '90s and removed the headphone jack on its phones because it wants everyone to go wireless. But while it's evolving its ports, it also just made every iPhone owner who wants one of these computers buy a new dongle.

Sadly, your fancy new iPhone 7 won't directly connect to your new MacBook Pro. Think about that for a second. Two flagship devices from a company that prides itself on its ecosystem won't connect to each other without a special converter.

Plus, Apple doesn't include the needed dongle in the box with the new MacBook Pros. You have to buy it separately.

So iPhone 7 owners, in addition to your $9 headphone dongle, if you want a computer with a TouchBar, you're going to have to pony up an additional $19 for the Apple USB-C to USB to connect to your phone. Or drop $25 for a Lighting to Thunderbolt cable.

Of course, the iPhone isn't the only device that'll require a dongle. If you want to connect any of your legacy USB peripherals to your new MacBook Pro, you're going to need a dongle until you upgrade to Thunderbolt-happy items. Additionally, you're finally going to have to break down and buy an SD reader, as it's been whisked away to the land of headphone jacks, USB 2 and the 30-pin connector.

Oh, and those fancy new Lightning headphones that came with your iPhone 7? You might as well keep those out of your laptop bag.

Sometimes progress is confusing and painful. Especially on the wallet.

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