
The Public Access Weekly: Let me see your Super Bowl

Yes, it's finally here -- the day that we all gather around to eat snacks, yell at the TV and watch the sportsball. I have personally prepared for the weekend's Super Bowl 50 event by doing something I almost never do: Actually throwing a football around. In between finalizing all your Sunday plans, why don't you sit down and join us for another Public Access Weekly?

This week, the survey is still up and I am still pushing it harder than your auntie with a side dish at Thanksgiving. If you've been meaning to chime in, please take a moment this weekend and give us your thoughts because we'll be closing the survey soon and we really want to hear from you. If you've already taken it, many thanks! Your answers have been truly interesting and helpful.

In other news, a big ol' proper tip of the hat to Edward Watkinson, whose story on travel apps is the first Public Access post to make it to the Engadget home page! Thanks to Edward for a great story on your favorite travel apps! I will honestly fess up to immediately downloading the Bonjournal app to test out (oddly for non-travel purposes, but more on that after I get a chance to play around with it). If you want to see your story on the Engadget home page, you can sign up to contribute to Public Access right here. Go ahead, do it. All your friends are doing it.

We're also still giving shout-outs on social media to those members who have posted their first stories to Public Access; if you'd like an @ mention, make sure you've included a Twitter handle or social media link in your profile. (Not sure how? Sign into your Public Access account and go here.)

Public Access members may have noticed that some old topic ideas have been removed from the CMS, as we're currently working on updating and refreshing topic ideas and how they're displayed to members. If you have a draft that you've been waiting to finish, now is a great time -- It might get a hard due date sooner than later! And if you have an idea for a great Public Access topic idea, feel free to hit us up here.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, we're developing a lot of plans this year for Public Access and we'll be keeping you updated both via these weekly posts and on the Public Access landing page.

Looking for something to read? Check out:

Operation Finish All The Games January 2016: Kris Naudus gives us the first update on her plans to play through a game a month, all year. This month: Broken Age.

If Apple doesn't launch an 802.11ah router, who will?: Good question, Robert Blake. Who indeed.

Google 'ProjectSkyBender' to Beam 5G Internet Using Drones: Meanwhile I'm still getting my internet out of tubes, like a sucker.

Looking for something to write about? Mull over:

Clean out your computer day: Celebrated on February 8th, this is a holiday designed to remind us all to spend some time cleaning out files and downloads. Share your cleaning tips and organizing tricks in a helpful how-to.

Professional gamers: If you could play a game - any game - professionally, what would it be and why?

Children and technology: There are some interesting points being made in the comments to this story about a man who was arrested after confiscating his child's iPhone (a case complicated by custody issues). But what are best practices for parenting children who have constant access to technology? How do you instill proper tech etiquette in kids who have never known a life without a smartphone?