
Twitter kills notifications from threads of people you blocked

The microblogging platform has launched another anti-abuse measure.


Twitter is ramping up its anti-abuse measures lately. After making abusive accounts invisible to anyone who don't follow them, the microblogging website has announced that you'll no longer be notified of replies to conversations started by people you've blocked or muted. The only notifications you'll get from those threads, even if you're repeatedly @mentioned, are from people you personally follow. Twitter's Safety account revealed the new feature on the platform, saying that it's a decision made after receiving "consistent feedback from the safety community."

Over the past few weeks, Twitter showed that it has finally begun taking complaints about rampant abuse on its website much more seriously. Besides making abusive accounts invisible to most users, it now filters out offensive replies to tweets, as well. Ed Ho, Twitter's VP of engineering, promised to roll out "a number of product changes" addressing abuse on the website. We can probably expect more changes in the future if the company truly wants to squash online abuse.