

  • '8-bit Xmas' breathes new life into your 'Bah! Humbug!' NES

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Is there still room in your heart for eight more unassuming bits of Xmas? We hoped you'd say yes. See, 8-bit Xmas 2009 is an all-new NES cart full of festive LEDs and an original multiplayer snowball fight NES game. It sells for $43, but for $5 more you can get a personalized title screen -- which seems like a relatively cheap fulfillment of that decades long dream of yours to have your name up in pixelated lights on the home console that defined the home console. The cart should be compatible with all real NES systems and hopefully many fake ones, and while it can't help you forgive your Aunt Samantha for giving you that Sudoku quilt, it might just do the insignificant task of teaching you the true meaning of Xmas.

  • This '8-bit Xmas' NES cart makes your heart, NES glow

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We apparently missed one release in our Now Playing list for this week: 8-bit Xmas 2009 for the NES. The cart was apparently constructed entirely from new parts and -- aside from incorporating the festive light display you see above -- is actually a fully functional NES game. The best part: you can totally buy it. RetroZone is selling the cart up until tomorrow for $43 and there's even a demo you can try out right in your browser. If you forgot someone on your gift-giving list, you can throw down $5 more and get a personalized title screen added along with a nice Christmas card. If there ever was a way to make up for being such a Procrastinating Pete, this is probably it. [Via Video Games Blogger]

  • NES emulator on the App Store? Not anymore.

    Kelly Guimont
    Kelly Guimont

    TUAW loves our iPhones and we love our NES games. We've been convinced for some time now they are two great tastes that would no doubt taste great together. Tonight I settled in to write a post about how exciting it was that you could play old school public-domain and freeware Nintendo games on your iPhone now, thanks to Jonathan Zdziarski and Nescaline, the app he built to do just that. Ah, Kid Icarus and Ninja Gaiden and Zelda and Mario, all my old friends back again (if I had legal licenses to the ROM images, of course). I was excited to relive my pixelated past, but it was not to be. Jason updated his site this evening saying Nescaline had been pulled: Nescaline was removed from the AppStore by Apple at 22:19 PST tonight. I haven't received anything from Apple as to why. I predict they've either proven to be a pushover to Nintendo, who has no valid claim against Nescaline, or decided they really didn't want the ability to play NES games in the AppStore. NESv3 continues to be available in Cydia. Apple's draconian and anti-competitive AppStore practices is [sic] sadly why jailbreaking will always remain a necessity. I was all set to be indignant about this, but then I read the update again. Is it possible that Apple yanked it simply for being available on Cydia? Not being the person at my house who runs a jailbroken iPhone, I don't have any experience with anything being available through Cydia that is also available on the App Store. I know there are those who have been pulled from the App Store for one reason or another and made their way to Cydia, but I can't find any apps that seem to be available in both places. I would like to think this is the issue Apple saw with Nescaline and that's why it vanished, since the "Nintendo's knickers are in a twist" reason seems more heavy-handed. Then again, there's also the "no un-vetted code running in emulation" rule that the C64 emulator ran afoul of previously, which might well be the issue. Either way I'm disappointed: since my phone is not jailbroken I can't just get it from Cydia now that it's gone from the App Store. I do have a couple of long weekends coming though, and Google says it's pretty easy...

  • Mega Man goes to 8-bit Hell in Doom 2 mod [update]

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Doom's main character always seemed to be lacking that little extra something. Sure, he had a BFG 9000 and could battle demons with the best of 'em, but did he have a gun arm? How about a body covered by totally sweet blue metal armor? Didn't think so. And that makes all the difference in the Mega Man mod for Doom 2, created by Mike Hill of the UK. "I've been modding for Doom ever since I first got a hold of the PC version ... some may find it hard to believe that the Doom modding scene is still live and kicking after all these years," Hill told Joystiq. The 22-year-old built the mod (still in alpha) as an homage to "the time when I feel Mega Man was in full fruition: on the NES," harnessing not just 8-bit sprites for characters but for entire levels. Mike Hill's hope is that someday the mod will contain "all the levels and weapons from Mega Man 1–6 (and maybe even 9)," though, as of right now, he's still got a long way to go. "Right now the gameplay is a bit slow paced and unbalanced, and the maps are extremely difficult to navigate ... expect a more stable release some time next year." He promises more levels and more weapons in 2010, but we're hoping the power of Joystiq BioMass™ can spur Mike on to get us more Mega Man deathmatch asap. Go forth and comment, BioMass! Update: We've added a video of the mod in action just after the break.

  • Swedish rapper Pato Pooh asks you to follow him into the old school

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Adding himself to the short list of things we associate with Sweden other than Volvo, Ikea, and delicious meatballs, Stockholm's Pato Pooh recently released a music video for his song "Follow Me." It features a regular who's who of 8- and 16-bit era gaming in the process, referencing everything from Mega Man's opening to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He even kills off that snickering jerk dog from Duck Hunt we all love to hate. Who's laughing now, dog? Who's laughing now?![Thanks, SuerDOS!]

  • Put on your rose-colored glasses for the first 3D Dot Game Heroes trailer

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    From Software's homage to classic 8-bit gaming in upcoming Japanese release 3D Dot Game Heroes has been expressed in the first trailer. Sure, it absolutely reeks of the original Legend of Zelda, but in an updated, tongue-in-cheek kinda way. It certainly doesn't hurt that, visually speaking, it's stunning from beginning to end. We've got screenshots and the gorgeous video above, but only a Japanese release date so far -- how about some love for the rest of the world, eh? %Gallery-70578%

  • 8bitar Hero turns NES music into Rock Band tracks

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    "Oh, please. You think Painkiller is tough? You should try The Moon theme from DuckTales." We expect this phrase to soon become commonplace among the Rock Band and Guitar Hero elite as Insignificant Studios' recently unveiled 8bitar Hero program begins its swift rise from general obscurity to rampant popularity.The program works like this: as one person plays an NES emulator, 8bitar Hero breaks down the game's audio code into four Rock Band tracks in real time. The developer's site has a complex breakdown of the algorithm that makes this Audiosurf-esque gameplay possible, though we know the truth behind the program's inner workings -- it's magic. Possibly dark magic. Check out the video preview after the jump, and decide for yourself.[Via Offworld]

  • 8 bit computer now available for all your homebrewing needs

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    The above 8 bit computer -- which is intended as an educational tool in emerging markets, and has been available in China and India for a while now -- is finally for sale here in the good old US of A. This hackable little package boasts a 1Mhz 6502 chip, and comes with a keyboard, mouse, two game controllers, an OS cartridge, RCA cables and nine volt power supply. You'll be jamming to your own, handheld version of "Personal Jesus" in no time at all. These bad boys are available now for the shockingly affordable price of $49.99.

  • Solar-powered broadcast on WFMU New York Monday night may just change your life

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    If you're on the planet tomorrow night, you may just want to check out Engadget's own podcast producer, Trent Wolbe, on his WFMU radio show. Sure, Trent can be found assaulting the airwaves there every single Monday, but this coming one (March 30th), the show will be live from the Solar One facility on the East River in NYC, and the broadcast will be entirely solar-powered. Oh, there's going to be live performances by some great 8 bit / handheld, artists too. We love that. Hit up WFMU.ORG for all the details, or to listen to the show live tomorrow night, from 8-10 PM EST. Should be awesome, friends.[Via Solar One]

  • SXSW 2009: Free Datapop Gameboy chiptunes party open to the public

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    If you're interested in all 8-bit music and chiptunes, then you'll want to get yourself to the free Datapop party in Austin this Wednesday night, March 18th. It's free, open to everyone, and will be full of Gameboy music from people like Bit Shifter, Nullsleep, IAYD, Anamanaguchi, 8Bk OK, Graffiti Monsters, and Sievert. Free game-related music, free drinks, and free admission? Three of our favorite free things. We'll be there, and if you will be too then let us know and come say hi.

  • Keepin' it real fake, part CLXXIII: 8-bit Xbox 360 / PS3 consoles only serve to dash dreams

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We've seen some pretty low tricks when it comes to giving what appears to be a gaming console to a junior, but we're pleading -- nay, insisting -- that you don't ever buy in on either of these in an attempt to pull the wool over a kiddo's eyes. Straight from a shady warehouse in China comes Rodisson Technologies' totally ridiculous Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 clones, both of which can only play 8-bit titles. The worst part, however, isn't the complete lack of effort in knocking these systems off with any level of pride; rather, it's the 10,000 item minimum order quantity. Thanks, but no thanks.[Via technabob]Read - RDC Xbox 360Read - RDC PlayStation 3

  • Top 5: Things We Love About Mega Man 9

    Kaes Delgrego
    Kaes Delgrego

    var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/nintendo/Top_5_Things_We_Love_About_Mega_Man_9'; Ugh, I'm so sick with the obsession over Mega Man 9. WE GET IT, IT'S A RETRO GAME. WHOOPEE. No, seriously, I'm sick of my own obsession with it. I still haven't picked up Wario Land: Shake It!, de Blob, or NHL 2K9. That's mainly because I've spent every waking moment enjoying the blue bomber's latest outing. My Wii Fit board is scolding me for its lack of use, my girlfriend is feeling neglected, and apparently my judgment is slipping. But there's something about the game that just won't let go of me. The thing should be illegal for its extremely addictive nature, right next to heroin and Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips. I usually fall behind on discussing recent games, as I like to take awhile to fully absorb and process the arts and entertainment before I comment on it. But I think my Wii's play log will testify that I've made myself quite familiar with the title. The main quest is conquered, the event challenges are being slowly but steadily checked off the list, and I'm trying my best to climb the leaderboards of the time attack levels. Without any further ego-stroking, here's the top five things we love about Mega Man 9. Then we won't talk about it for a few weeks. Promise! ... maybe. NEXT >> #ninbutton { border-style: solid; border-color: #000; border-width: 2px; background-color: #BBB; color: #000; text-decoration: none; width: 100px; text-align: center; padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px; margin: 2px 2px 2px 2px; } .buttontext { color: #000; text-decoration: none; font: bold 14pt Helvetica; } #ninbutton:hover { text-decoration: none; color: #BBB; background-color: #000; } %Gallery-30253% The Top 5 is a weekly feature that provides us with a forum to share our opinions on various aspects of the video game culture, and provides you with a forum to tell us how wrong we are. To further voice your opinions, submit a vote in the Wii Fanboy Poll, and take part in the daily discussions of Wii Warm Up.

  • AGDC: Reset/Play, more gaming inspired artwork

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Click for more pictures from the exhibit One of the opening night parties at Austin GDC was held at the Arthouse, which is currently housing an exhibit of gaming related art that ranges from 8-bit inspired to some truly abstract pieces. Reset/Play is showing in Austin through November 2nd, and is well worth a visit. Eddo Stern's Best...Flame War...Ever... (King of Bards vs. Squire Rex, June 2004) is worth the trip alone. It recreates an online flame war between two EverQuest gamers with sound and animation, and runs for about 14 minutes. Truly amazing.Another impressive piece in the exhibit is Andrew Galloway's How to Play World of Warcraft, which features two huge video images showing closeups of the mouse and keyboard of a gamer, and those are flanked by huge blowup images of ASCII text guides for the game. You can see both of these pieces in the gallery below, or read more about it at the Arthouse main page.%Gallery-32061%[Much thanks to Amaze Entertainment's Rodney Gibbs and SXSW's Linday Muse for the invitation]

  • i am 8-bit show highlights

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Though states or even oceans might separate you from walking through the fourth annual i am 8-bit exhibit in Hollywood, California, Wii Fanboy sister-site Joystiq has put up an image collection of its own with enough photographs from the video game gallery to make you feel like you're actually at the art house!We've picked out a number of notable pieces that we liked, such as the double framed Link and Zelda sketches above, but make sure to also check out Joystiq's gallery and impressions from the show's opening. It's enough to make you want to go out and buy some art supplies to create your own video game art!

  • Joystiq goes to i am 8-bit

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Last night was the opening night shindig for the latest i am 8-bit show, and it was by far their biggest event yet. We arrived early as part of a press event to mill around and quietly take photos, but by 9PM the place was packed with people checking out the art, listening to the whomping sounds of Computer Jay, DJ R-Rated, and Leeni (check her out in the Pac-Man dress, along with her 8-bit tattoo). There was a massive line of people outside waiting to get in, and it had turned into the hottest ticket on Hollywood Blvd. Which, yes, is actually saying something.They had turned the entire storefront of the World of Wonder (didn't they used to make Teddy Ruxpin?) into a huge display, featuring giant Piranha Plants from Super Mario Bros., and they had an old-school setup where you could play games ranging from an NES to a full-sized arcade cabinet, right there on full display to everyone passing by. It probably didn't hurt that some of the Nerdcore calendar girls took up residence here later and played Game Boys and quarter-eaters in their underwear.Read more after the break, and be sure to take a spin through the huge gallery which shows off the more than 200 pieces in the show, and how crazy the whole scene became.%Gallery-28797%

  • Joystiq Exclusive: a sneak peek at the upcoming i am 8 bit show

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    We've been able to pry some exclusive images out of the i am 8 bit showrunners -- here they are in gallery-tastic form, just for you. As a wallpaper-friendly reminder, be sure to click the "Hi Res" button in the upper right corner to get some enormo versions of the art. It's the best way to have a technicolor Samus gracing your desktop.The new gallery show will open on August 14th in Los Angeles, and will run through September 7th. If you can't make it West, don't worry ... Joystiq will have you covered. Check back on the evening of the 14th for a plethora of photos from the show. That is, if we haven't hocked our laptops to buy this Dig Dug meets Animal Crossing piece.%Gallery-28797%

  • i am 8-bit returns with a new show in Los Angeles

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    If you've been able to make it out to any of the i am 8-bit exhibitions in the past, then you've seen some incredibly cool artwork from the 8-bit movement. If you haven't, then just check out the scads of pictures from their past two shows, or pick up their book featuring high-quality photos of the pieces.If you're in the Los Angeles area from August 14th through September 7th, then stop by the World of Wonder storefront gallery at 6650 Hollywood Blvd. They're having an opening night party, and we'll be on hand to get plenty of pictures of the new art to pass along like we did last time. Hopefully, we'll have more Evil Mario this year.

  • Punch-Out!!, bongo style

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    While we're sure that nobody is going to trash Soda Pop while using the Donkey Konga bongo controller in Punch-Out!!, it's good enough to take down Glass Joe with ease. And, it's a neat way to enjoy one of the best 8-bit games around. Just, uh, skip like the first minute of the video. It's kind of painful to watch.[Via Joystiq]

  • Capcom opens E3 booth to the public

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Want to check out Capcom at next week's E3, but don't have a pass? Fear not, for they are extending an invitation to you, fine reader, to check out their wares for free. Instructions on how to pounce on this opportunity can be found here.This is all well and good, but we have one thing to say to any of you out there expecting to take advantage of this: if Mega Man 9 is playable, you better back off the machine. We're totally ready to spend a night in jail for beating up some chump that tried to play Mega Man 9 before us. We loves us our Mega Man, you know.[Via Joystiq]

  • First footage of Mega Man 9

    philip larsen
    philip larsen

    Here's a little confidence-builder for all those developers out there wanting to go in the opposite direction of technological progress. Huzzah, the entirely new Mega Man 9 for WiiWare is essentially an 8-bit game, with terrible graphics, sound and animation. And it's awesome. Evidence is right there in front of you -- the first "man, we totally want it" footage.It's an uber-short video, and there's a giant Rockman 9 logo in the way, but we still get the gist of what's going on. Mega Man himself is jumping around, shooting stuff and just being generally mega. Sit back, relax, and let the blips and bloops of the soundtrack put you into a dream-like state until the game's Japanese release in September -- though we have high hopes for a short North American waiting list.[Via Siliconera]