

  • Amazon lists three Tron: Legacy Blu-ray 3D packs for sale

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Looks like Disney's going all in on that promise to offer Tron:Legacy on Blu-ray 3D day-and-date with the standard release, while it hasn't been announced officially Amazon already has three separate editions available for preorder. Pictured above is the five disc limited edition with Tron: The Original Classic Special Edition and special identity disc packaging, while the others are a five disc set minus the special case and a four disc combo pack that drops the 1982 original. No word on price or release date, but DiscDish mentions the original will also be available in its own two-disc pack if you're not a Daft Punk/Olivia Wilde fan.

  • Android in-app purchases hands-on (video)

    Myriam Joire
    Myriam Joire

    Today Google announced that Android in-app purchases are coming to the platform and we were able to get a demo by Paul Sebastien of Disney. He showed us how to buy a track pack (Far East Movement, for those who care) in Tap Tap Revenge 4 over 3G on a Nexus S, and using a fake credit card! It's interesting to note that the in-app purchase UI matches the look and feel of the new Android Market and developers can implement the functionality in a few simple steps. In-app purchases should start rolling out in various Android apps this spring. In the meantime, take a look at our video after the break.

  • Lego Pirates of the Caribbean debut trailer

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Back in November, Disney revealed Lego Pirates of the Caribbean, the latest adaptation from TT Games. Originally set to launch this May, the game's first trailer, posted by MTV Multiplayer and available for viewing at your leisure past the break, now pegs it for Summer 2011.

  • Hulu looking to become more like cable, at risk of losing some ABC and Fox content?

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    We're still waiting to see just what the fallout for Hulu is going to be from the recent Comcast acquisition of NBC, and while many have feared that the cable company would try to kneecap Hulu to protect its market, a Wall Street Journal article has us wondering if maybe things could go a rather different way. The article, coming hot on the heels of Netflix posting promising Q4 results, suggests that Hulu management is considering transforming the purely on-demand service into more of a traditional cable network, offering "live" TV content in addition to the current archive of episodes. That could certainly give Comcast new life. Meanwhile, NBC, Disney, and News Corp., three companies that recently teamed up to speak out against FCC stipulations to the Comcast buyout, are apparently at odds regarding how much of what Hulu offers should be available to non-subscribers. There's talk that Disney may pull some ABC content and News Corp. may pull some Fox content from Hulu's free offerings, offering it instead on Netflix and other premium competitors. It all sounds a bit speculative at this point but, with cable subscriptions declining for the first time in years and online content viewership skyrocketing, it's obvious that some changes are afoot.

  • Disney to release Tangled on Blu-ray and 3D March 29th

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    As promised, Disney has scheduled the release of Tangled in Blu-ray (two disc) and Blu-ray 3D (four disc) combo forms with a $40 and $50 MSRP (currently available for $24.99 and $29.99, respectively, on Amazon) on the same day, March 29th. It's the first animated flick from Disney to come home day-and-date on 3D with 7.1 audio, behind the scenes featurette, deleted scenes, extended songs two alternate versions of the opening and a montage celebrating it as the 50th animated classic from Disney. Trailer and more details are after the break.

  • Source: Epic Mickey dev suffering layoffs

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Despite a number six debut on December's NPD charts, Epic Mickey apparently can't save Junction Point Studios from post-launch staff cuts. Sources speaking with Joystiq confirm that Disney Interactive issued layoffs at the Warren Spector-helmed studio today, though exact numbers are unknown -- we've contacted Disney for comment, but we imagine those plans for sequels to Epic Mickey aren't looking so solid right now. Following last week's closure of Disney Interactive-owned Propaganda Games, today's layoffs represent further steps back for the publisher in terms of "core" game development endeavors, and, we fear, may not be the last of Disney's cuts. Disney also owns Split/Second developer Black Rock Studios, and most recently acquired social game developer Playdom. Update: Layoffs hit entire Disney Interactive division. [Image credit: Flickr user 'junctionpoint']

  • See Kingdom Hearts 3D in 2D trailer

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    That didn't take long! Trailers from last night's Square Enix event in Japan have begun hitting the web. After the break you'll find Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, and we'd suggest checking it out soon before Square pulls it from YouTube. That said, Mickey Mouse speaking Japanese? Weird!

  • Disney to sell Android phone in Japan, apparently Apple doesn't care

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Disney has decided to debut a new smartphone in Japan, and given Steve Jobs' presence on the company's board of directors, we are surprised to find that the handset will run Android instead of iOS. The phone is essentially a Sharp Galapagos 003SH with a Disney-fied version of Froyo that comes with a Disney email address, exclusive content, and optional custom Disney-themed cases for users who wish to broadcast their allegiance to Mickey Mouse and company. The device is slated for release next month at an undisclosed price, but is only available to our friends in Japan. There's no scheduled US release, so stateside fans will have to look elsewhere for their Disney fix.

  • More Disney Epic Mickey easter eggs than you can handle

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Though Epic Mickey is pretty obviously rife with Disney lore, there are likely some easter eggs you missed. Maybe the game's camera refused to point at them (sorry, couldn't help ourselves) or maybe you just aren't versed enough in Disneyology to spot them all. Fear not, as Topless Robot has a list of 10 of the biggest you may not have picked up on. Our favorite? The secret basketball court inside the Matterhorn, which you'll find recreated in Mickeyjunk Mountain. If you still haven't gotten your fill of secret Disney nods, you can find even more at GamesRadar.

  • Time Warner, Disney and News Corp. bigwigs speak up against FCC stipulations in Comcast-NBC deal

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Hello, inevitable. It simply had to happen, and now, it is. As Comcast, NBC and the FCC attempt to work out stipulations over Comcast's proposed 51 percent buyout of NBC Universal, a smattering of major media companies are paying close attention to the play-by-play. Naturally, the precedents that are set from this deal will affect future agreements of this caliber, and lobbyists for both Disney and News Corp. (as well as Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes) aren't standing over on the sidelines any longer. All three outfits have reportedly been "voicing their concerns this week with the FCC, worried that such conditions could undermine their own efforts to profit from the nascent online video industry." We're told that the media mega-corps are worried that the rules -- if hammered down -- could interfere with ongoing negotiations with online video providers, and in turn, give them less leverage to monetize and control their content on the world wide web. In other words, if NBC Universal is forced to provide content fluidly to all ISPs (and not just Comcast), what's to say other content makers and internet providers wouldn't also be forced into similar deals, regardless of whether or not they're involved in takeover negotiations? Needless to say, we're nowhere near the end of this journey, and while the nuts and bolts are pretty dry to think about, the outcomes could have a serious impact on our future viewing habits.

  • Fujifilm's X100 hybrid viewfinder demoed on video, gets us all sorts of excited

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Imagine a retro-styled, Micro Four Thirds-sized compact camera with an optical viewfinder. Now, imagine that same camera having a switch that throws all sorts of useful data into your line of sight. That camera is Fujifilm's Finepix X100, and that viewfinder is real. Back at Photokina, the mockup we ran into didn't have a functioning viewfinder, but with just two months until the $1,000 beaut is released into the wilds of America, it's not too shocking that our brethren over at Engadget Spanish managed to come across a (mostly) functional one at CES last week. Eager to show the world exactly what a hybrid viewfinder looks like when being flipped on and off, they shoved a camera up against the OVF and toggled the new mechanism -- it's downright luscious, and it's waiting for you in the video just past the break.

  • The Incredibles Blu-ray release date revealed as April 12th

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    One of the most anticipated Blu-ray releases left finally has a release date, as Blu-ray.com points out an early announcement to retailers from Disney pegs The Incredibles to arrive on Blu-ray April 12th. We'll wait for an official release to find out more, but so far the only details are that it's a four-disc combo set with a $45.99 MSRP, current preorder price on Amazon is $31.99.

  • Beamz laser instrument gets upgraded to please hardcore laser rockers and gamers alike

    Ben Bowers
    Ben Bowers

    The demonstration of four-player Rock Band Mobile at Samsung's CES 2011 press conference was pretty slick, but to the folks at Beamz, that kind of music gaming is still so amateur compared to its laser switch-activated jam sessions. That's because they've redesigned their original product to be more living room-friendly thanks to a black paint job and a slimmer profile. They've also tried to appeal more to the gaming set by expanding the Beamz song library beyond the original 80 developed by independent artists to include "top hit jams" - aka cover versions of top 40 tracks -- and 35 licensed "video songs" from Disney and EMI. So if you'd like to laser thump the bass to Blondie's Heart of Glass music video, you can. Additionally, the Beamz software has been upgraded to support up to three laser instruments on the same track and recording for a real band experience -- though it still only runs on PCs. For $200, we don't expect these to fly off shelves, but for those who've mastered the whammy bar, it's at least another way to get your faux music-making fix. %Gallery-113166%

  • Disney has delivered 1 million iOS book apps

    Michael Terretta
    Michael Terretta

    Parents must be finding it easier than ever to keep kids in the backseat distracted -- Disney Publishing has hit 1 million downloads of its Disney Book Apps for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Disney Publishing has 9 book apps on the App Store, all of which have been seen in the top 10 paid book apps since the iPad debuted in April. Four of the apps are currently listed in the Top 10 in the iTunes App Store Books category, with Toy Story Read-Along in the Top 5 Book Apps in 35 countries.

  • Disney commits to 'at least 15' Blu-ray 3D releases for 2011 including Tron: Legacy

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Even though Blu-ray 3D officially hit the streets in 2010, actually finding any discs available at retail was easier said than done, but that may be turning around this year starting with Disney announcing it plans "at least 15" releases this year. Recent 3D hits like Tron: Legacy and Tangled will be available at retail in 3D day-and-date with the 2D DVD & Blu-ray releases, with conversions of classics like The Lion King and Beauty in the Beast also in the works. Like it or not, the consistent box office success means there is more 3D than ever on the way, and it won't be any different at home. Check the press release after the break for a few more details about which movie will find their way out of the Disney vault in 2011.

  • Disney imagineering long lines out of theme parks with military-grade monitoring systems

    Trent Wolbe
    Trent Wolbe

    They've got a monorail system, IRL Muppets, and a house from the future, so we're not surprised that Disneyland is kicking its line-monitoring system into technological overdrive. Beneath Cinderella's iconic castle, a NORAD-style operation dedicated to eradicating downtime for visitors to the Magic Kingdom has sprung up, with a whole team tracking wait times, average number of rides ridden, and a whole bevy of other visitor-happiness metrics all over the park. From there, they can do things like re-route foot traffic to less-populated areas of the park with a mini-parade, adjust personnel at different attractions, or dispatch Jack Sparrow himself to liven up a Pirates line-waiter's afternoon. Chief Creative Executive Imagineer Bruce E. Vaughan dreams of "a day where there is memory built into these characters - they will know that they've seen you four or five times before and that your name is Bobby." Sounds delightfully frightening to us. But hey, it's all in the name of increasing visitor happiness, which we're sure goes hand in hand with visitor brokeness by the time they leave the park.

  • Bart Decrem on Tap Tap Revenge 4 and the Disney acquisition of Tapulous

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Tapulous (purchased by Disney earlier this year) has released Tap Tap Revenge 4, the fourth iteration of the extremely popular iOS music game, and the new version brings a whole lot of new features to the series. The game is now compatible with the Retina Display, includes Game Center integration, and has quite a few new social modes that let you "like" various songs, as well as see which of your friends have also "liked" that same music. Like Tap Tap 3, it's a free app that sells music packs and avatars as in-app purchases, with music from artists in all genres, from Linkin Park to Rihanna, The Killers, and quite a few more. Earlier this week, TUAW sat down to chat with Tapulous CEO Bart Decrem about the new game, and how his company has changed since it was not only acquired by Disney, but since he was placed in charge of the entire Disney Mobile operation. Read on to find out just how well Tap Tap Revenge 4 is doing (it's showing "the biggest download numbers ever," according to Decrem), and how he sees Disney's future in the mobile app space.

  • Disney's plan for 'interactive cakes' revealed in patent application

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Mmm, cake -- no other confectionery can match its range, be it in the form of birthday, wedding, or bundt. But we never expected to see it integrated with a pico projector. Yet that's exactly what the imagineers at Disney seem to be planning according to a US patent application lovingly titled "Projector systems and methods for producing digitally augmented interactive cakes and other food products." The application includes a set of hilarious illustrations depicting over-sized cameras projecting images and video onto the surface of baked goods in order to promote storytelling and / or interactivity that is unique and individualized. Disney envisions images mapped to the 3D topography of the cake allowing it to sense, for example, when a slice is in the process of being cut (initiating a sword fight with Captain Hook) or removed (water rushes in to fill the void). While we doubt that you'll find these in the aisles of your local Best Buy grocer anytime soon, you might want to check for availability the next time that you book a birthday party at a Disneyland resort. Something tells us that these could be a hit with the youngins. %Gallery-111690%

  • Interview: Tron Legacy screenwriters on gaming and the 'DNA of Tron'

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    "I think gaming is in the DNA of Tron," says screenwriter Eddy Kitsis. "When the original came out in 1982, it really introduced the concept of a video game and it just blew my mind, because you play video games in the arcade and you're like,'Wow, what would happen behind the screen?'" Jeff Bridges' character Kevin Flynn was a gamer himself, Tron creator Steven Lisberger was inspired by early video games, and the images we remember of the first Tron aren't necessarily of the complicated metaphor of the Master Control Program and ENCOM's intra-company battle. They're of light cycles and disc fighting and the games. "Gaming is a gateway drug, and I mean that in the best sense," says Kitsis' writing partner Adam Horowitz (the two wrote the screenplay to Tron Legacy, after writing on Lost nearly since the beginning). "That's how I got excited about computers and technology and storytelling." Gaming was intrinsic to the first Tron, but when director Joseph Kosinski was finally given the go-ahead by Disney to make a sequel, he says he "had to evolve the classic games forward." And so Tron Legacy plays much closer to its characters, and farther away from the game metaphor. The games are there (in new forms), but the real gaming experience to be found in the new world of Tron, almost twenty years after its release, is -- go figure -- in the video game itself.

  • TUAW's Daily App: Tron Legacy

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, the new Tron Legacy movie is out this weekend, and if you haven't heard about it yet, you probably will soon. There has been a free promotional app out for a while now (and it actually has a few little games to play with), but Disney has also released an official Tron Legacy game, now available on the App Store. This one's a full-fledged 3D game, featuring a Light Cycle racing mode along with an on-rails shooting mode that puts you behind a "Recognizer" (one of the big ships they fly around in the movie). The games in this one work pretty well, though the app itself is a little disappointing -- there's no real storyline or overarching campaign to the map you play through. You're basically just competing in a series of events (and even those are pretty inexplicable -- why are you piloting a Recognizer and racing Light Cycles?). But as a US 99 cent game, it's not bad, and the Tron stylings are enough to remind you how awesome the movie is. The app is universal and even has Game Center integration to track achievements (That's a first for a Disney mobile game; it's good to see them endorse Apple's social gaming network.) If you're looking for a nugget of official Tron goodness on iOS, the game is worth checking out.