

  • Celebrating Guild Wars' 8th anniversary


    Today is Guild Wars' eighth anniversary. Depending on which tradition you follow, I should be getting the game either bronze, salt, linens, or lace as a gift. Since I don't happen to have any of those handy, I'd like to reflect upon the rich life that Guild Wars has led so far. The game didn't start out with all of the neato features that it has now, so I'd like to look a bit at its evolution over time. I can't hit every update ever, but I thought we'd take a stroll down memory lane and look at some of the key moments in the game's life.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Returning to a simpler time in Guild Wars


    Some days, saving the world from Elder Dragons just feels like such a drag. Every time you put a dragon lieutenant down, you know that another one is, even then, being knit together from crystals or rotting corpses and it won't be all that long before it's time to save the world again. That sort of knowledge can really take a toll on a girl. Making full use of the magic of technology, I've started escaping the pressure of dragonfighting by going back into Guild Wars. Because it's the game that most directly relates to the state of affairs in Guild Wars 2, I've been playing the original Prophecies campaign. I've also been streaming the experience for the uninitiated, so if you'd like to catch up and live the adventure vicariously through me, you can check out the first bits on Massively's Twitch channel. If you'd like to quickly familiarize yourself with where Prophecies sits in the grand scheme of things, I recommend acquainting yourself with our brief history of Tyria. It's been a neat experience so far. I'd like to talk about it with you.

  • Jukebox Heroes: Guild Wars Prophecies

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    What's that, you say? A cheap tie-in, you say? Oh, pish posh. It just so happens that I appreciate the rich oeuvre of Jeremy Soule, and the alignment of the planets is... OK, it's a cheap tie-in. I can't help it; Guild Wars has been on my mind this past week, and since the full Guild Wars 2 soundtrack has yet to ship for DirectSong, this will do. Besides, as we well know, music doesn't age at the same pace as games. So why not hit up a soundtrack for the first Guild Wars while we dive into the sequel? At the risk of understatement, I think it's safe to say Jeremy Soule is somewhat well-known in the field of gaming. As a composer, he's tackled projects like Knights of the Old Republic, Icewind Dale, and the last three Elder Scrolls titles. In the Guild Wars community, he is the voice of the musical soul of the game. His compositions are the stuff of heaven: full, ethereal, dreamy. It's almost impossible to separate Soule's work on Guild Wars: Prophecies from the game, especially for those who played Prophecies extensively since its 2005 release. I'll be eager to digest and report on his newest work when it arrives, but until then, let's sample the highlights of his first foray into Tyria.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: A brief history of Guild Wars 2's Tyria


    I see a lot of questions about whether or not people who want to play Guild Wars 2 should jump into the original in the (increasingly diminishing) time left before launch. I don't think there's really a one-size-fits-all answer to that question. For those of you who are worried about missing a bunch of lore and history, however, I can do a little to help with an introduction to Tyria, its history, and the events leading up to Guild Wars 2. This won't be exhaustive (see the word brief in the title?), but it might help you understand what the dragon nonsense is about and what's going on with the world you're stepping into. Except where events had exceptional impact, this focuses mostly on what happened in the continent (not the entire world) of Tyria. I hope it goes without saying that there are lore spoilers ahead, as well as Guild Wars campaign spoilers.

  • The Game Archaeologist looks at Guild Wars Utopia

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Aztecs. Chronomancers. Mounts. Halberds. Golems. Dual wielding. These are all but a hint of what a fourth Guild Wars campaign could have been, a campaign that was under development in the mid-2000s but was scrapped by 2007. Replacing it was the expansion Guild Wars Eye of the North and the workings of a super-secret sequel to the game (which you've probably never heard of). It was the forgotten campaign, swept under a rug while it was still under the rug. But what if, in some alternative timeline, ArenaNet had gone ahead with this campaign? What if it became an established part of the Guild Wars legacy, as familiar to us today as Nightfall and Factions? What if Guild Wars Utopia had lived?

  • Making the 'jump' from Guild Wars to Guild Wars 2

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    The second Guild Wars 2 press beta weekend has come and gone, and Massively was there every step of the way. Stay tuned throughout the day today for even more guides, impressions, videos, and Q&As to get you ready for the highly anticipated sequel to Guild Wars. Guild Wars 2 is on the way (when it's ready), and classic Guild Wars players probably understand that soon they'll be competing with a younger sibling -- a smarter, more attractive one who's sure to get more of mom's attention. And while we're sure that some of the more stalwart Guild Wars 2 fans are also Guild Wars players, not all veterans of the first edition are dedicated to licking up every drop of sequel info squeezed out of blogs, conventions, and betas. Those veterans might just be wondering, what exactly can Guild Wars 2 offer them, other than Hall of Monuments tie-ins? What's changed? What's the same? What will they love, what will they hate, and what could possibly make them jump ship to the new hotness? The first and most important thing you must know is that yes, you can jump in Guild Wars 2! Seriously, though, jumping is more than just a thing you do with your spacebar when you're bored; it's a symbol of boundlessness. Guild Wars 2 itself is trying to jump a lot higher than its elder brother, and probably the essential difference between the games is that feeling that the walls have come down and gravity is letting loose. That alone should urge classic players to take a peek, but if that's not enough for you, fire up your Jeremy Soule soundtracks (yes, he's onboard for an encore!) and read on...

  • The Daily Grind: Are you playing GW in anticipation of GW2?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    So last week was basically Guild Wars 2 week around these parts. There were the press beta reveals, ArenaNet's 48-hour beta signup blitz, and a general we-can't-wait-for-this-game vibe in the air. All of that conspired to drive me back into the world of Tyria for the first time in six years, and after I patched the original Guild Wars client, I spent a few hours poking around the pre-Searing bits of the Prophecies campaign. What about you, Massively crew? Assuming you're not in the Guild Wars 2 beta, are you getting ready by playing (or replaying) the original game? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Memory lane and the delights of anticipation

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The clock is ticking -- 2011 is winding down (less than six weeks left!) and Guild Wars 2 fans everywhere have closed beta on the brain. This news has been out there for a very long time, but just to eliminate any confusion, I'll go straight to a recent quote from Martin Kerstein: "We will enter CBT before the end of the year, and depending on the results we get from it, we will decide on Open Beta and Launch." The phrase "small closed beta" has also been tossed around, so I seriously doubt ArenaNet plans to go all BioWare on us and start slinging hundreds of thousands of keys in every direction. (Of course, Star Wars: The Old Republic is exactly one month out from launch at this point, and Guild Wars 2 is definitely not.) That doesn't stop us, the fans, from having a pile of questions. When will the beta start? How many people will get in? How long will it last? Will it be ongoing or weekends only? What is the development team hoping to focus on? Only time will tell, but it doesn't stop us from waiting, wondering, and anticipating. (Aside to the developers: I'm out of town this Wednesday through Sunday. Please don't do anything then.) There's a lot to look forward to, but at the moment we're in the lull that comes after new information has been revealed, dissected, and discussed to pieces. We're waiting for whatever comes next, so I'm going to take the opportunity to look in the other direction: back. Follow along after the jump to join me on memory lane.

  • One Shots: How do you get in there?

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    As we approach the end of starting zone week on One Shots, we have a Guild Wars screenshot from Kirana (not to be confused with Karana): Pre-searing in Prophecies is a place I make sure to visit now and then for the sake of nostalgia. It's too bad we can't reach all the places we can see. Hey ArenaNet, can you get someone to unlock this big gate? We're approaching the end of starting zone week, but we've still got room for a few more images. Show us a screenshot of your favorite starting zone -- add your name and a little bit about the image, send it in to, and we'll feature it in this week's One Shots! If you want to get a jump on next week, we'll be taking to the skies. One Shots will be all about aerial shots, whether they're taken from atop a high-flying mount or on the ground while you're viewing the action in the air. Send your image in and we'll show it off next week. %Gallery-112285%

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Why you need to play Guild Wars right now

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The fourth pillar is story. Raise your hand if you are completely sick of hearing that statement or some variant of it. It was about a year ago that "story" became the watchword for MMO studios, and since then it's been tossed around a lot. I've honestly gotten to the point that I sort of roll my eyes when I hear it, but I've been rethinking lately thanks to Guild Wars 2. I know it sounds fangirly, but hear me out -- follow along after the jump and I'll explain further.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Let's review!

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The ArenaNet team has been quiet lately in the news department and deservedly so. Between GDC, PAX East, the Guild Wars 2 Thief, and Embark Beach and heroes in Guild Wars 1, I imagine the developers are ready to catch up on frivolous things like eating, sleeping, sitting, and breathing. We've got Winds of Change and Guild Wars' sixth birthday to look forward to, but in the meantime, I want to take the opportunity to play catch-up. When there's a pause in new information, I always enjoy backing up a bit and spending some quality time with newer players. I know that there's been another influx of new players recently, particularly after so many saw GW2 at PAX. Follow along after the jump for a roundup of Guild Wars basic guides as well as an update and information on Massively's official Guild Wars guild.

  • One Shots: Wishing for wings

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    There are corners in every MMO world that leave players wondering just how they can get there. Sometimes, it takes a tricky quest to land in a locale; at other times, these spots are simply inaccessible and left to the imagination. Today's Guild Wars image comes to us from 10thDoctor, who found this floating fortress in Guild Wars: Prophecies during a recent adventure and thought it made for a lovely enough screenshot to send in to us for One Shots. He writes in to tell us a bit more about the day: "Here is my Ranger adventuring with a friend through Guild Wars. This shot was taken while we were in Kessex Peak taking on Galrath in all his villainy. I only wish I could get there to explore it!" Have you found a breathtaking vista on your recent adventures? Want to show off an MMO we may not get to see very often? Whatever your reason, we're always on the lookout for great screenshots. All you have to do is snap an image and email it to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a note telling us about what we're seeing in the picture. We'll post it out here for everyone to enjoy and give you the credit for sending it in. Couldn't be easier! %Gallery-112285%

  • Embark Beach and Mercenary Heroes coming to Guild Wars

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Do you play Guild Wars with nothing to lose and nothing to prove? Then you might wind up dancing with yourself in the newest update to the game, which will add a new system of Mercenary Heroes -- turning other characters on your account into special heroes just for your use. And since this update also gives players the option to have a full party of seven heroes, there's plenty of reason to improve alts and play with them even on other characters. Of course, that's the least of the features packed into the new update, and you may not even need the new heroes with the introduction of the group-focused Embark Beach. Allowing players transport to a multitude of locations and missions, the outpost serves as a waypoint for players to find groups and get right into the action of a mission without any trouble. It's also a hub for services, making it an ideal place for players to congregate and look for any needed assistance. That's not even touching upon the new daily quests in Pre-Searing Ascalon, the changes to the Survivor title track to make it earnable on an existing character even after that character has died, and a new Minion UI feature. In short, Guild Wars players have plenty to dance about in the new update, whether by themselves or with others. %Gallery-9135%

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Expectations vs. reality

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Welcome to another edition of Flameseeker Chronicles, and happy Thanksgiving several days late! I had an enjoyable weekend visiting family, eating way too much, and shopping (also way too much). In between that I managed to hop into Guild Wars and farm some pumpkin pie and hard apple cider. Earlier last week I also spent two and a half hours playing through Hearts of the North on Massively's Livestream channel, showing the content to several hundred readers. That was a bit of a nerve-wracking experience, because it's not the easiest content in the world, and there's nothing quite so much fun as having to restart over and over in front of a huge crowd. In the end I had a great time, and it was a good illustration that this isn't throwaway content that you can skate through. My thoughts on the content as well as some Guildcast discussion got me looking at the interaction between ArenaNet and the Guild Wars community, something I've been doing a lot in the absence of major Guild Wars 2 news. Follow along after the jump to see where my focus has been lately -- and as always, share your thoughts at the end!

  • The Road to 50: A guide to filling your Guild Wars Hall of Monuments (III)

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Today's Road to 50 is all about the Monument to Honor. The biggest of them all, the one with the cool statue behind it, and the one that you need 15 points rather than eight to max. You've got more freedom here, though: there are a total of 53 available titles and you need 40 for maximum points. This gives you some flexibility to pick and choose according to your playstyle, but it can still seem pretty overwhelming. There are some pretty efficient ways to do this, and once you start you'll be surprised at how quickly the bars start filling. Follow along after the jump and let's take a look.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Back to basics

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    With all the talk of Guild Wars 2 these days, many players are beginning to pay attention to Guild Wars, something they've not done before. And there's good reason to jump into Guild Wars right now. It serves as the backstory to Guild Wars 2; the entire Guild Wars trilogy plus the Eye of the North expansion can be had for a song these days; and there's no subscription fee. Players who are a little burned out on their previous games of choice are thinking that maybe there's something to this game after all, and I've been getting more than a few emails with general questions about starting this five-year-old game. So while we've been focusing pretty heavily on Guild Wars 2 in Flameseeker Chronicles lately, I decided to take this week to discuss why it's never too late to start Guild Wars while you wait for GW2 to arrive.

  • One Shots: Beauty amongst the ruins

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    When it comes to the lands of Guild Wars, many may prefer the pre-searing lands for beauty versus the mangled lands of later days. But as today's One Shots contributor, Winter, shows us, there's still sparks of loveliness in the wreckage of earlier cities. He writes in to explain a bit about this image: "Recently I was replaying the first Guild Wars campaign (Prophecies) and noticed that even in post-searing Ascalon you still can find some gorgeous places -- like this mural of Balthazar the god of war." If you've found a nugget of awesome while out playing your favorite MMO, we'd love to see it! One Shots is all about what you, as players, are doing from day to day. Email your screenshots of anything and everything to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here and give you the credit for sending it in! %Gallery-85937%

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Charr bags, Elementalist cleavage, Peacekeepers, and a flood of NPCs

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    It's been an extremely busy week for Guild Wars fans -- for starters, the Massively guild went rampaging through pre-searing again with the goal of unlocking all of the towns in pre, accomplishing this with an extension of the Charr bag giveaway mentioned last week. Instead of a single one, I wound up with a total of five thanks to the generosity of a member of [MVOP]. Once the original bag was given away, I handed out the other four through more random drawings and trivia questions, one in each new town we unlocked. It was a good time and an excellent way to help the group reach all of the towns. The Ventrilo group had a great time as usual with players assisting one another through various quests, answering questions, discussing other games, and having some hilariously disturbing conversations about what exactly a "Charr bag" is, and how ubiquitous Elementalist cleavage is in Guild Wars. Sera was the exception to this rule, as her Elementalist is entirely composed of bloom and she has no visible features whatsoever. Joking aside, the large-capacity Ventrilo server has added an element of fun to the Massively outings that would absolutely be lacking otherwise. If you've not joined us there on Thursday nights, please jump in and chat with us -- you can find the login information in the [MVOP] guild status window. All good things must come to an end, though, and most of [MVOP] is ready to move on to the Searing. Next week we're going to go Charr hunting in the Northlands for a bit, then wrap up the evening by going post as a group, so be ready! What about the other events happening in Guild Wars lately? Follow along after the jump to see what's going on in Tyria.

  • One Shots: Forgotten in the Crystal Desert

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    The ruins of ancient civilizations are always interesting to poke around in. While this may not be KV63 in terms of importance, it's still cool and interesting to see. Today's One Shots comes to us from Hawk Nevermore, who found this location while on 'pilgrimage' in the Arid Sea area of the Crystal Desert from Guild Wars Prophecies. Hawk writes: Slowly emerging from the haze of the burnt sands, like a mirage shimmering in the distance, this great statue watches over the Arid Sea. It is the last remnant of a forgotten civilization that sought Ascension in the Crystal Desert. As you approach the great colossus, it collapses without a sound, causing you to wonder, "Was it really there before?"Have you found the ruins of an ancient civilization in your in-game travels? Perhaps an area that just reeks of mystery and history? If so, we'd love to see them! Just send them in to us here at oneshots AT Then relax and look for them in upcoming One Shots columns!%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Amnoon Oasis

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    We've been getting some really tremendous panoramas lately from Shawn W who compiles them in Guild Wars. Today's One Shots is of Amnoon Oasis in Guild Wars Prophecies. Shawn writes: For travelers into the desert, this tiny harbor represents a last chance to rest and resupply. It also provides one last view of water, sight of which becomes increasingly rare as one ventures eastward. This image is nearly a 360º panorama. If you really want to be blown away, check out the full-size panorama!Do you have any screenshots you've compiled into panoramas? Perhaps you just have a lovely landscape? If so, we'd love to see them! Just send them to us here at oneshots AT %Gallery-9798%