

  • The Joy of Tech sums up Apple Event Essentials in one perfect comic

    John-Michael Bond
    John-Michael Bond

    Tomorrow is the big day. We finally get to see the iPhone 6 and will hopefully also get a peek at the future of Apple's wearable tech. Apple fans will be live blogging, chugging coffee, and refreshing like mad throughout the day feasting on information, but before you get started make sure you have proper supplies. The fine folks at The Joy of Tech webcomic have created just such a list for you today with their latest installment "Apple Event Essentials." You can see a preview of the comic above, but to check out the whole thing head over to their website, which you can find here. We could repost the whole comic here, but then we've be depriving them of the clicks they rightfully deserve. Enjoy, and don't forget your soundproof bunker.

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup is hungry

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    When I go to Subway, I usually get a toasted footlong of the Spicy Italian variety on honey oat bread, with pepperjack cheese, lettuce, onion, green peppers, tomato, banana peppers, jalapeno and the Chipotle Southwest Sauce. How about you? What do you like? I ask because there was a Subway restaurant inside the Washington State Convention Center, where PAX Prime was held last weekend, and the lines stretched to a ridiculous length. I made the mistake of not getting in line until I was already hungry, and now that I'm feeling hungry today, I'm reminded of how I felt waiting in that 40-minute line. So yeah. What kind of sandwich do you like? Oh, and don't forget to vote for your favorite topping webcomic after the break! Penny Arcade (Strategery) Manly Guys Doing Manly Things (I'll Show You Old Man) Omake Theater (Another Brick in the Wall) Critical Miss (More Gaming Pick Up Lines/The Pickup Artist #2) ReadySoup (Way of the Warrior) ActionTrip (Oculus Mobile Reality)

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup is making the most of summer

    Thomas Schulenberg
    Thomas Schulenberg

    Technically the last day of summer is September 22, but the weather already feels like it's turning and we won't have another three-day weekend for quite a while. This holiday feels less about sleeping in and more about frantically trying to have as much outdoors fun as possible before the chill of autumn lingers beyond mornings. While our frenzied efforts will eventually give way to falling leaves and the bite of frost, there's still a few weeks of enjoyable weather left! Our grill is fired up and this tarp we've laid on the lawn might work as a C-grade slip 'n slide, but we're wondering what you do to enjoy the summer weather. Are you a theme park junkie, or do you prefer weekend-long hikes that let you camp out under the stars? Not that we're trying to steal your ideas or admitting that you're generally more creative than us ... No, of course not. Tell us how you make the most of summer in the comments, right after you read the comics after the break and vote for your favorite!

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup has one week til PAX Prime

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    PAX Prime is just around the corner. Heading to Seattle next weekend? Perhaps we'll see you on one of the many panels we'll be part of. Or maybe you can just bump into us on the floor. Either way, be sure to say hi. And if you're not going to PAX Prime, well, that's what the internet is for! And hey, the internet; that's where we are! Anyway, while we wait for time to march onward, why not check out this week's selection of webcomics and vote for your favorite after the break? Penny Arcade (The Conclave) Fanboys (Tasteful Interpretation) Hejibits (Shell Shock) Critical Miss (Mid Bud) ReadySoup (Think Don't Stink) Awkward Zombie (Farcissism) ActionTrip (Ice Bucket Challenge of Draenor)

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup feels the sting of disappointment

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Aliens: Colonial Marines was a disaster. I think we can use that word, right? Development took forever and thanks to it being a terrible game that looked and played nothing like the previews shown, resulted in a lawsuit against publisher Sega and developer Gearbox. Yet this is hardly the first time gamers have felt the sting of being let down by something they hoped would be great. This situation made me curious: what are the games that have failed to meet your expectations? Keep in mind this question isn't about which games you feel are bad or which games you think don't deserve their hype, but is instead about which games you were looking forward to and played, only to wind up disappointed. Since this week's question is a bit of a negative nancy, I'd also like to remind everyone to play nice in the comments and share your opinions respectfully. Or, you could just check out and vote for your favorite webcomic! You know, whichever. Penny Arcade (Semicompetence) Manly Guys Doing Manly Things (That's Not Fair, Commander) Three Panel Soul (Bug Fix) Hejibits (Point Taken) Critical Miss (The Second Coming) ReadySoup (Fashion Bro-pah) ActionTrip (Kojima And Del Toro's Snake Hill) Awkward Zombie (Getting A Grip)

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup is running out of space

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Physical space can be a precious resource, I've recently discovered. See, I just moved from the second floor of my apartment complex to the first floor, and while the ability to walk outside with just the slide of a door plus the ease of having a yard (small though it may be) for the dogs are both super-convenient, the shift from a two-bedroom to a one-bedroom is most definitely not convenient. I wouldn't call myself a serious collector, but I know I own more physical media - mostly movies and television shows - than many of my friends. The stress of trying to figure out what goes where alone can drive you mad. Where does Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 for PS2 fit? Should I put it next to the Dreamcast copy I have of LoK: Soul Reaver to keep the series together? That mixes up systems! Should I file under L for "Legacy" or S for "Soul"? Where does LoK: Blood Omen 2 go? Chronologically it takes place before the Soul Reaver games, but it was released after them! Aaaugh! I can't take it sometimes! Anyway, before I ramble too much, my question to you this week is: How do you manage your real-life inventory? When you're tight on space like me, how do you decide what goes and what stays? With gaming moving more toward an all-digital future, do you imagine you'll keep things physical, or will a hard drive be the only thing you need to unpack next time you move? Let me know after voting for your favorite comic! Manly Guys Doing Manly Things (I drew most of this ...) Critical Miss (Skyrim: Cabbage Rocket) ReadySoup (REnewed Faith) Awkward Zombie (Eye Slight) The Gamercat (Compromise) ActionTrip (If Square Enix Made Thor)

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup is a sucker for pretty toys

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Okay, I admit it: the other day, I finally succumbed and pre-ordered Disney Infinity 2.0 Marvel Super Heroes. Something about the look of the figures based on Guardians of the Galaxy and the villainous Loki really grabbed my attention, and made me long for the days of walking down the aisles of a KB Toys to pick out a super-cool Spider-Man action figure. It was as though my inner child was screaming "buy me that one, I want that one!" Or maybe it was someone else's inner child - after all, I was a well-behaved kid and never screamed about getting a toy. (I swear!) Anyway, my interest in Disney Infinity 2.0 felt like a surprise, but I suppose it shouldn't have; while unpacking some boxes this week, I found plenty of old toys that I had kept since I was a kid. And hey, wouldn't you know it, most of those were various Marvel heroes and villains. So yeah, a video game that allows, nay encourages, me to recapture those old childhood feelings of joy that came from playing with my toys? I'm all over that. My question to you this week then, is what's something from your childhood that gaming has helped you recapture? Tell us the tale of how a game warmed your cold and unfeeling heart into a warm and gooey puddle of happy feelings. After you vote for your favorite webcomic, of course. Critical Miss (It's Not Like I Reich You Or Anything) ReadySoup (Love It or List It) Ctrl+Alt+Del (Console War, p29) Nerd Rage (Mistakably Blue) Awkward Zombie (Duress Code) VG Cats (Sage Words)

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup likes Comic-Con, and that's okay

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    There's quite a bit of news oozing out of San Diego this weekend thanks to Comic-Con 2014. While only some of it is video game-related, why limit yourself when there's so much delicious, nerdy news to be enjoyed? We've seen Game of Thrones bloopers, posters for Ant-Man, new teaser images of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (including Wonder Woman!) and plenty more. If I had to pick just one "winner" of the show thus far, I'd have to go with Legendary Pictures. Godzilla 2 confirmed with Rodan, Mothra and King Ghidorah set to appear "in future franchise installments;" an Oculus Rift demo set in the world of Pacific Rim; new teases regarding the Warcraft movie. Sam like. How about you? What news from Comic-Con has you excited? What made you squeal in your highest-pitch voice? What made you sigh in your most exasperated breath? Discuss in the comments after you check out this week's selection of webcomics! Fanboys (Ship Wreck) Hejibits (Evolutionary Tactics) The Gamercat (Block by Block) VG Cats (Five Years) ActionTrip (Professional Assassins) Nerf NOW!! (Second Jobs)

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup is in beta, please excuse the dust-iny

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    The beta for Activision and Bungie's sci-fi epic Destiny started earlier this week for PlayStation owners, and it won't be long before those wielding Xbox controllers are able to jump in and enjoy the fun. I myself have played just a handful of hours as a Warlock, blasting Fallen left and right with my super pew-pew space guns. I gotta admit, I'm having fun so far. It reminds me of the days I would get giddy over experiencing the next Halo game - and hey, you don't even have to buy another game to get access! I find betas to be an interesting experience. They let you get a sneak peek at an upcoming game or expansion, and even though there's often bugs or other hiccups in the way, it's fun to feel like you're in on something so early. I know some beta testers take their responsibilities as bug reporters incredibly seriously, while others are just happy to get a taste of an anticipated game. So I pose the question to you: where do you fall on the spectrum? Are betas a fun little taste test, or are they a serious QA test for you to rigorously throw yourself against? Tell us your views or share some of your favorite beta stories after voting for your favorite webcomic! Penny Arcade (Doctrine) Three Panel Soul (Better Than Placebo) Hejibits (Clue Clog) Ctrl+Alt+Del (Starting Hand) Action Trip (Divine Kardashian: Original Sin) Awkward Zombie (P-1000)

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup is chillin' out, relaxin' all cool

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Earlier this week, I took a bit of a mini-vacation. Nothing big or expensive, just a day-trip to see Grandma and jump in the lake with the puppy, Balto. I also got to eat at my very favorite restaurant, and stuff my face full of spicy tacos topped with plenty of lime juice and extra cilantro. Mmm! By the time I got back home, I was ready and raring for just about anything; I felt super energetic and full of warm, fuzzy feelings. Sometimes, I think we all need a little day-vay-cay (that's short for "day-vacation," feel free to use it at your next party or social gathering) to recharge our batteries. Even if we don't go somewhere out of the way, just a pit stop at your favorite buffet line can do wonders. So tell me: what's your favorite way to break the tension and get away from it all? Where do you go to get an extra bounce put back into your step? Share your secrets of zen in the comments, after you vote for this week's favorite webcomic! Penny Arcade (Marxio Kart) Hejibits (Smoldered Shenanigans) Critical Miss (An Occupational Hazard) ReadySoup (Friendship is Manic) Brawl in the Family (Mii...?) The Gamercat (Model Citizen)

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup celebrates freedom every day

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Happy Sixth of July, everyone! What's the occasion, you ask? I don't need an occasion, because I've got freedom. Why, just this morning I ate grilled steak and eggs, and I wasn't even grilling for a family get-together. Mmm, delicious. How did/do you celebrate freedom, though? Did you manage to keep all your fingers despite igniting dangerous powders and other flammable materials? Did you stuff your face with seared animal flesh? Or maybe you joined us for our independence-themed jubilee ... of freedom? Let us know how your Fourth of July went in the comments, after you check out and vote (one of things you can do because of freedom) on this week's selection of webcomics. Woo! 'Murica! Penny Arcade (The Next Generation) Hejibits (Heads Up) ReadySoup (A League of Their Own) Ctrl+Alt+Del (Time's Up) Gamercat (Watch_Cats) Brawl in the Family (Mario Maker)

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup's resolve is wavering

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    *Entering the hallowed Joystiq chambers, you see before you several doors, each labeled with glistening, hand-carved marble letters. You open the one marked "Webcomic Wrapup" and enter. There you find Weekend Editor Sam Prell, curled in fetal position, rocking gently and muttering to himself. You listen closely and hear the ramblings of a broken man:* Just a couple more days, just a couple more days. Just a couple more days until the end of the Steam Summer Sale, you can make it. Okay, so you bought Thief while it was 50 percent off. That wasn't too bad, that was a good deal. Yeah, absolutely! And that copy of Goat Simulator, well, that may have only been $2 off, but when you factor in the money you made selling Steam Trading Cards, well, then it was more like $8 off! What's that? The copies of Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind and Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion you bought? Well, those were just too important to your growing up! You have too many memories attached to them to pass on those deals! Yes, that's it! Oh, and Magrunner: Dark Pulse, that game you got that wasn't even on sale? Well I don't know why you got that, but I can tell you it certainly wasn't because you started going Steam-crazy! What a silly idea! How ... how utterly preposterous! To think that I was going insane! Ha! Haha! HahahahahaHAHAHAAAAA!!" *You exit the room slowly, but make sure to note your favorite webcomic of the week after the break* Penny Arcade (The Red Zone) Dorkly (The Pros and Cons of Getting a Wii U) Fanboys (E3 2014: It's Complicated) Critical Miss (Child of Light) ReadySoup (Well Swung) Awkward Zombie (Tricks of the Trade (Part 2))

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup fears the Summer Sale

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary / Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore / While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a beeping / As of some one notifying, notifying me of things in store. / 'Tis some text message,' I muttered, 'keeping me awake and sore - / Only this, and nothing more.' Ah, distinctly I remember it was six months since December, / And each separate bill and penny held their weight and I earned more. / Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow / From my games surcease of sorrow - sorrow for a backlog chore - / This year I would fend off Steam and all its sales, the sales galore. Quoth Valve's Gaben, 'Nevermore.' The Steam Summer Sale is going on now, so hide your wallets everyone, or Gaben will get 'em! Need a distraction to keep yourself from spending all your hard-earned cash? Why not read and vote on these webcomics? Manly Guys Doing Manly Things (Qunari love interest please) Fanboys (Stimulation) Hejibits (E3 2014) [NSFW] Critical Miss (Assassin's Creed: Unisexity) ReadySoup (Zelda's the Girl) Ctrl+Alt+Del (Canon to the wind) Awkward Zombie (Tricks of the Trade (Part 1))

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup is decompressing from E3

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    The battle of E3 2014 was fought hard and long, and not everyone came out unscathed. We've put up more than 100 stories so far, with more still ahead. Did you miss the Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, EA and/or Ubisoft events? We got you covered with recaps. Want to see what we saw? Check out our Seen@E3 posts. And last but certainly not least, check out #E3JOY to see what Vines grew from our carefully-crafted orchard of delightfulness. As for me? Well, I'm just a simple farm boy from li'l ol' Ioway, so I'm just catching my breath after being in the big city for so long. You city-slicker fellers sure are a hustle-bustle bunch! (Did I play up the yokel a bit too much there? Yeah? Okay, I'll reel it back in.) Anyhoo, now that you've got all the tools and links to get caught up on E3, I want to know what you thought. What were you hoping for that didn't happen? Which announcement excited you? What are you looking forward to? Leave your answers below, after you check out this week's selection of webcomics! Penny Arcade (Inquiry) Manly Guys Doing Manly Things (I've been waiting to draw this for ages) Hejibits (Mean Green) ReadySoup (Testosterone) Ctrl+Alt+Del (Stuff) Castle Vidcons (Waiting for Guardian)

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup says 'E3? More like WHEE-3, amirite?'

    S. Prell
    S. Prell


  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup is not a fan of the dog right now

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    You ever had a dog? I've had several throughout my life, but most of the time, they're already adults when I get them. Puppies are a whole other bag of worms - sometimes literally - that I generally find to be too stressful. Case in point: while my 8-month-old husky/lab mix previously slept in until 9 or even 10 a.m., lately he's been whining to go out at 7 a.m., and that is not a good time for me. That is Sam's Sleepy Time. In the end though, I love my doofy-looking little buddy and I can't be truly mad at him for needing to go outside. And as much as I hate waking up earlier than I'm used to, it's not like he's doing it specifically to annoy me. At least, I don't think so - he could be more devious than he lets on. But enough about me, tell me about you and your pets! What are some of your favorite pet stories? What are some of your most horrific? Weirdest pet you've ever owned or known someone to own? Share everything and anything pet-related in the comments below, after you check out this week's selection of webcomics! Penny Arcade (Early Adopter) Critical Miss (Twisted Transistor) ReadySoup (Crotch_Dogs) Ctrl+Alt+Del (Thin Blue Line) Awkward Zombie (Water Under The Bridge) Castle Vidcons (What Have They Done?)

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup brings horrors from the deep

    Earnest Cavalli
    Earnest Cavalli

    In case you were planning on showing up for work on Monday, consider this your early warning that we're smack dab in the middle of Memorial Day Weekend. Ostensibly a day of remembrance for fallen soldiers, Memorial Day is better known as a handy excuse to visit the beach and grill various fatty meats, both in patty and sausage form. In that spirit of lazy, sun-baked indulgence, we pose the following hypothetical scenario - of terror! You're trapped on an island, surrounded by giant, hungry crabs. Okay, actually, they aren't so much "giant" as "roughly terrier-sized," but that's still pretty impressive for a crab, and you'd better believe those pincers will sting like the dickens. You're running low on food, night is about to fall, and you can hear the menacing cacophony of thousands of tiny crustacean feet skittering toward your huddled form. Clickity-clack, clickity-clack. Clickity-clack, clickity-clack. You quickly rummage through your pack, searching for something, anything with which you might defend yourself. The only supplies you find are a broken wooden oar, a lighter, two cashews and a box of delicious Thin Mints. With only seconds remaining before those tiny terrors give you the pinching of a lifetime, you have to make a decision: What do you do?

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup wants to go play outside

    Earnest Cavalli
    Earnest Cavalli

    Here in Portland, Oregon, our weather forecasts alternate between "rainy" and "rainy enough to spawn a race of bipedal fish people." Yet, somehow, it's currently 70 degrees, sunny and the only clouds in the sky are localized around our copious "blown glass retailers." Despite this natural beauty, here I am, strapped into the pilot's chair of the USS Joystiq to bring you this week's finest offerings from the world of Internet comic strips. You don't need to thank me - the crate full of office supplies I swiped this morning is reward enough - but if your local area is likewise bathed in the warmth of Earth's nearest star, let me know what your plans for the day are. Are you going to stuff your pocket with meat snacks, then visit your local park with a excitable pooch in tow? Are you going to hop through a sprinkler, then pester your mom until she buys you a sno-cone? Whatever you're up to, let me live (and tan) through you vicariously.

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup wishes you a happy Mother's Day

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Happy Mother's Day everyone! Have you called your moms, step-moms, grandmoms and moms-in-spirit to wish them your love? We have - and not only that, but we interviewed our mothers to see what they thought about video games and our careers. Check out the article to see their responses if you haven't already! My mother was never too into video games, but I still have lots of memories of growing up under her care and supervision. We frequently went on horseback riding trips through the hills, pastures and forests of Iowa - because yes, we have forests - and I fondly recall her as my high school science teacher. I would stay after school while Mom graded homework, listening to Martina McBride and Toby Keith as I played primitive Flash games like SnowCraft on the school computers. It was ... a different time. What about you? Any stories of your mom or mom-like figures in your life you want to share? Go on and embarrass yourself in the comments after checking out this week's webcomic selection. Penny Arcade (Hearthboned) Cyanide & Happiness (#3548) Fanboys (What's In A Name?) Critical Miss (Outlasted) ReadySoup (We The Best) Dorkly (A Videogame Mother's Day) VG Cats (Blue Man Group) Awkward Zombie (Juicy)

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup hopes the Force will be with you

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Regular readers will know we here at Joystiq love our puns. Thus, we heartily endorse and support the holiday that is May The Fourth - a day that not only celebrates one of pop culture's greatest nerdy creations, but is also a fine play on words on its own! On top of those reasons, I personally hold a deep love for Star Wars, so it's a win-win-win for me. My love for George Lucas' universe is vast and varied - I own prop replicas, movie stills, video games, board games, roleplaying games, comics and novels, and when existing materials didn't tell the stories I wanted to hear, I wrote my own fanfics. One year while in college, I dressed up as a Sith for Halloween and went to class only to find my professor dressed as a Jedi. We walked into the classroom at the same time, saw what the other was wearing, paused, then promptly drew our lightsabers and dueled before class started. And yet, despite all of the above, I'm sure someone else's love of the franchise dwarfs even my own. Maybe that's you? What fond memories do you have of Star Wars? Do you celebrate May The Fourth? Tell some stories that show your love. Alternatively, if you're not a fan of Star Wars, tell us why and what you do enjoy! After you vote for this week's webcomic, of course. Penny Arcade (Amazing In Quotes) Sandra On The Rocks (I Need A One-Up) ReadySoup (Rug Racers) Awkward Zombie (All Due Respect) 8BitGamer (Reality Check) Dorkly (How To Spot A GEEK!)