

  • Gazillion adds Colossus, Ms. Marvel costumes to Marvel Heroes

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you've been thinking that what Marvel Heroes really needs is another couple of costumes, well, the game's newest blog post is probably going to put a smile on your face. Gazillion's new title already boasts over 110 costumes, but the company says it's just getting started. The newest update adds a pair of 1980s-era outfits, one for Ms. Marvel and one for Colossus. Both are available either via an in-game loot drop or the cash shop. Click through to the original post for more info and a couple of close-up images.

  • Leaderboard: Marvel Heroes' character customization - Good deal or deal-breaker?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Every once in a while I get intrigued by Marvel Heroes, and then I do a bit of research and I remember that it forces me to play as a pre-existing comic book character rather than an avatar of my own creation. I love superhero MMOs, see, but dude, that's a complete deal-breaker. Half the fun of my favorite superhero MMO -- DC Universe Online -- is coming up with both character concepts and superheroic costumes. The other half of the fun is the IP, but that's neither here nor there, at least for this edition of Leaderboard. What about you, Massively voters? Does MH's lack of original avatar options turn you off or is the rest of the game enjoyable enough even with that restriction? Vote after the cut! Ever wish that you could put to rest a long-standing MMO debate once and for all? Then welcome to the battle royal of Massively's Leaderboard, where two sides enter the pit o' judgment -- and only one leaves. Vote to make your opinion known, and see whether your choice tops the Leaderboard!

  • Marvel Heroes compensates for early access delay

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Gazillion is looking to make amends with early adopters of Marvel Heroes who possibly experienced severe connection issues this past week. The studio laid out a plan to compensate those who had purchased a founders pack and expected to get in on the action prior to the game's official launch. Ultimate pack purchasers will receive 2,000 Gs of store currency and a cosmetic pet, while premium pack purchasers will get 1,000 Gs and a pet. The currency will be delivered to those players starting on June 7th, although the pet may be a little later in coming, as the team hasn't decided on what it is just yet. "As you may know, we had issues that delayed our initial launch of Marvel Heroes," CEO David Brevik wrote. "We take our commitment to you very seriously, and that's why we had our team working around the clock to bring the game to you as fast as possible. However, a promise is a promise, and we were late -- so we're going to compensate those of you who were affected by that delay."

  • A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Rounding up May's superhero news

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Today marks the start of a new format for A Mild-Mannered Reporter, but it's a natural segue because this is what I'd be doing anyway. Yes, it's time for a roundup of news, and over the past month, most of the news has been about two superheroic games hitting the "action" button until it falls off. It's all about Marvel Heroes and Infinite Crisis, in other words. Not that these are the only two games that have been doing things, mind you. Both Champions Online and DC Universe Online have brought out some new content, although the volume differs. But the biggest waves are being made by games emphasizing the punching of villains with extreme prejudice. Or the punching of heroes; it's a fine line. The point is that there is no finer time to round up superhero news, especially with the return of ComicsAlliance. So let's move on to the roundup, taking it point by point.

  • Marvel Heroes launch-day roundup and opening cinematic

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Suit up, Marvel Heroes! Today's the day you launch into the fight against evil, so grab your costume and join in on thwarting the dastardly plots of Doctor Doom. What's that, you say? You are stuck at work as your alter ego? Well don't let evil get the upper hand; use the time wisely to prepare for the upcoming battles. To help, we've compiled a collection of videos, hands-on experiences, and even a series of motion comics here to brief you on what to expect when you can finally break free of those workplace fetters and fly into the fray. We've also included the game's just-posted opening cinematic!

  • Marvel Heroes' Chronicles of Doom reaches its epic conclusion

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Not to spoil anything from this fourth (and last) entry in the Brian Michael Bendis-penned, animated comic-thing, Chronicles of Doom, but Dr. Doom is sort of a jerk. That's primarily why you'll spend most of your time in the now-live Marvel Heroes working to deliver him a swift punch in the metal jaw. The final episode follows Dr. Doom as his plan to seize the Cosmic Cube comes to fruition and as he broods dramatically and monologues about an invincible army in the way super-villains generally do. There's also a mysterious figure watching Doom from beyond -- presumably pondering a method for intervening in his dastardly plans. Check it out after the jump. And if you missed episode three, well, we've thrown that one in for you as well.

  • Marvel Heroes early access is live, Gazillion 'looking into' compensation

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Stow those pitchforks, Marvel Heroes fans; your early access is finally, er, accessible! The Gazillion team has been slaving away trying to squash a few last minute bugs that held up the game's May 28th debut for purchasers of the Founder's Pack, but as of last night everything seems to be shipshape. CEO David Brevik apologized for the delay in a post on the official MH website, and he also said that the firm is "looking into granting compensation for those who were unable to play yesterday." You might also want to read through the Early Game Access FAQ.

  • A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Marvel Heroes' strengths and weakness

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Those of you who have followed the column for a while are familiar with the fact that I'm not the biggest fan of Marvel Heroes, though it's more an issue of apathy than malice. Still, early access has started, players are starting to get what they paid for up front with Founder's Packs, and it's time to stop considering what the game could do before testing ends and start considering what it's actually doing. Leaving aside the discussion of whether or not it fully succeeds at its goals, I think Marvel Heroes has a couple of big positives in the current market and one staggeringly dumb decision. So we're going to look at that sandwich-style. And then let's talk about the future of the column at the end -- if we're talking about Marvel, we really need a shocking revelation at the end or it won't ring true.

  • Gazillion finds 'serious issues' with Marvel Heroes, delays early access launch

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Those of you with Marvel Heroes Founder's Packs might be wondering why you can't log in to the game, given that it's May 28th and given that May 28th was supposed to mark the beginning of the game's early access phase. As it turns out, Gazillion found some "serious issues" that left it unable to kick things off when it originally intended. CEO David Brevik spills the beans via a post on the MH community blog, saying that the dev team has been working for 96 hours straight to correct the problem. Brevik also says that the process "is nearly complete" and that "we will not leave this studio until you can play the game. We hope this will be a in a matter of hours."

  • PSA: Dust: An Elysian Tail explores Steam today

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    As promised, Dust: An Elysian Tail has found its way to Steam today. Until May 31, you can grab Dust for $13.50, ten percent off its usual $15 asking price. The action-adventure RPG from Humble Heart made its debut on Xbox Live Arcade back in August as part of the Summer of Arcade promotion. Despite how vast Dust: An Elysian Tail is, it's actually missing a third of its intended story, which was cut due to the months of extra time it would've taken to finalize the larger vision. Even with the omitted content, Dust: An Elysian Tail turned out to be a fine game.

  • Marvel Heroes' Chronicles of Doom dives into episode 2

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Were you hanging on the edge of your seat after watching the first episode of Marvel Heroes' Chronicles of Doom last week? Hope you haven't fallen to your doo...mise because the second installment is now available. The episode tracks the sinister Victor von Doom as he makes a devil's deal with Dorammu to gain power and YouTube likes. The Chronicles of Doom is a four-part motion comic series written by Marvel's Brian Michael Bendis, and it can be seen as the prequel to the game itself. Watch episode 2 after the jump!

  • Black Sheep Online gameplay detailed in new vids

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Neowiz is probably best known to western MMO fans as the publisher behind BLESS, one of those gorgeous big-budget Korean imports that seems to land on our shores once or twice per year. The firm is working on another title called Black Sheep Online, though, and if the gameplay vids and screenshots on display at are any indication, the new title might be worth watching. The game allows for different limb-focused hit boxes (so targeting arms and legs is a viable strategy), and it also features destructible environments including breakable dungeon walls. Steparu reports that Black Sheep boasts action-style combat and some sort of grappling system. You can check out a gameplay video after the cut, then head to for the full report.

  • Marvel Heroes rolls out first episode of Chronicles of Doom motion comic series

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    When Marvel Heroes launches on June 4th, it will begin a super story that finds Doctor Doom wielding a fair share of power. But what about the story behind that story? To reveal just how Doctor Doom rose to power, Gazillion is releasing a short series of motion comics entitled "Chronicles of Doom." Penned by Brian Michael Bendis, well-known for his work creating the Ultimate Marvel Universe, the adventure begins with the villain infiltrating the sanctuary of the Fantastic Four. Watch the first installment of the four-part series after the break. [Source: Gazillion Entertainment press release]

  • Marvel Heroes prepares for the end at the beginning

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    With early access to Marvel Heroes coming on May 28th and the actual launch a few days later on June 4th, the Gazillion team is on super-high alert. CEO David Brevik talked with us about the final additions that the team is putting in place, saying that most of the features are complete at this point. Brevik most wanted to talk about Marvel Heroes' endgame. Interestingly enough, the main PvE story will take your character only about halfway to the level 60 cap. After that, Gazillion expects players to fully rely on a robust endgame to finish the journey. The endgame is made up of three primary PvE activities (in addition to PvP): daily missions, group challenges, and survival challenges. Daily missions, which can be soloed or done in a group, are unlocked in a chain. The five-man group challenges only have a single entry at this point, although there are several variations on that challenge. Then the survival challenges can take groups of 10 to 15 players and pit them against waves of increasingly difficult foes. Difficulty for these wave battles can be lowered by grabbing shards and defeating enemies, and depending on how well your team performs, the boss could be a pushover or insanely tough. Gazillion is placing a premium on randomness and variety to keep things fresh, so don't expect all similar-looking mobs to actually be the same! Read on for all of the last-minute changes that players will encounter when they take on their superhero personae next month!

  • No launch torch for Marvel Heroes, but plenty of Steam

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    When Marvel Heroes announced that Squirrel Girl, Emma Frost, Nova, and Luke Cage would be delayed until after the game had launched, it was bad news, depriving the game of three popular heroes and Nova until later. Now another hero has joined the ranks of the not-in-launch crowd. The Human Torch will be delayed until after release, although players who have pre-purchased launch packs will still have full access to all of the Torch's add-ons when he does go live. Despite this loss, the game has obviously generated enough heat to make its way on to Steam for its final open beta weekend. Players who already have the game installed don't need to worry, but Steam users can install the game directly from the Steam client. Launch packs purchased prior to the Steam integration should work seamlessly, and you can also purchase launch packs directly from Steam if the final beta weekend inspires you to do so.

  • Marvel Heroes offers one final open beta weekend and Thor trailer

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    If you missed last weekend's open beta for Marvel Heroes, you've got one more chance to get in and get your super hero on before the June 4th launch. Gazillion Entertainment has announced the last open beta weekend will take place from Friday, May 10th at 8:00 p.m. EDT to Monday May 13th at 1:00 p.m. EDT. For this round, players will get to choose from their favorite Avengers: Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, and Black Widow. To get in on the action, just register on the official site. To celebrate the Avenger-themed final weekend, the studio also released a new trailer highlighting Thor. Check out the Asgardian action after the break. [Source: Gazillion Entertainment press release] [Update: The team has just posted an FAQ for the beta weekend.]

  • First Impressions: Forge

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    When I first picked up Forge on Steam back in the day (when it first hit the Greenlight service), I was hesitant to say the least. The last time I played any sort of game billed as a class-based PvP arena, it was FURY (does anyone else remember that?) and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic before that. To say those games were less-than-stellar would be a bit of an understatement. Despite my trepidation, I still snagged the game since it was fairly cheap and I felt there was at least a good deal of potential for it to finally do justice to the concept. Unfortunately, Forge ended up being released far too early because of (as I understand it) a lack of funds, so many of the advertised features (such as a ranking system, matchmaking, and so forth) were conspicuously absent. So I figured I'd put it on the backburner and check it out once it had received some much-needed polish. So of course I was pretty pleased when Dark Vale Games announced that Forge had been "re-released" with many of the missing features in tow, but my initial worries about the game were far from assuaged, and I figured it would just be FURY 2: Electric Boogaloo. But man, do I love being proven wrong.

  • Forking over your cash to play for free

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Free-to-play means you can play for free, right? Not if you've got your sights set on the top founders packs for upcoming games like Marvel Heroes. In a blog on Gamasutra, virtual world economist Ramin Shokrizade explores the trend of these F2P collector-edition equivalents and whether the value justifies the price or if it's all a con to push players into making uninformed purchases before they have enough info. Shokrizade compares the value of both Marvel Heroes and MechWarrior Tactics founders packs. At $199.99 and $120 respectively, both come with a hefty price tag, but both also claim significantly higher values. Do you really get your money's worth? Because of the replayability inherent in trying each superhero, Shokrizade rated Marvel Heroes as "pricey but reasonable." MechWarrior Tactics, however, received a "poor value" rating due to the tremendous in-game advantage that the founders pack gives. How will these titles ultimately fare? Shokrizade stated that it all depends on enjoyable player interactions. "[Players] should not have to spend a lot in order to be able to have a positive social experience," he said. "Taking this one step further, if [players] can spend to lower the experience of other players, this will cause a rapid collapse of revenues."

  • New Marvel Heroes trailer shows off Iron Man 3 specialty suits

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Marvel fans are well aware that Iron Man 3 released today, but did they know that after heading to the theaters to watch the hero in action, they can jump into Marvel Heroes tonight to live it? During this weekend's open beta from Friday, May 3rd at 10:00 p.m. EDT until Monday, May 6th at 1:00 p.m. EDT, players can suit up as Stark's alter-ego in a variety of suits from both the comics and all three movies. Not sure if you prefer the classic-looking Mark 42, the stealthy Mark 16, the sub-orbital Mark 39? If artillery or speed is more your style, there's also the Mark 17 and the Mark 40, respectively. Check out a demonstration of all the suits and their specialty powers in the new trailer after the break. [Source: Gazillion Entertainment press release]

  • A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Super news, super review

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's been a fairly quiet month on the superhero front, which is the way of things. Some months it seems as if you can't go a day without a new launch; others you realize belatedly that it's the end of the month because another round of bills are due. Possibly including subscription fees. It all ties together. Of course, the superhero arena has been quiet for a little while now, but we're seeing signs of life cropping up once again. There are titles in development, new content approaching, and a launch in about a month that should really be getting a bit more marketing support. That's a topic for another article. So as we do once per month at A Mild-Mannered Reporter, it's time to look back over the past month or so and talk about the news stories that have cropped up relating to the genre of men and women in spandex punching robots.