adobe photoshop


  • Poll: Vote for your favorite Frankengadget!

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    We had a great time combing through your Frankengadget mash-ups, and while there were many worthy submissions, we sadly had to narrow it down to just five. Our submission deadline has since passed, but now the real fun begins -- it's time to vote! Scroll through the gallery at the bottom of this post, then make your pick in the poll below, selecting just one winner (you can use the thumbs above as your guide). Your top selection's creator will get to take home their very own copy of Adobe Creative Suite 5.5. Voting closes at 12PM ET on Friday, and the winner will be announced on the Engadget Show later that evening, so stay tuned!%Poll-70022%%Gallery-136983%

  • Adobe Photoshop update ushers in new era of iPad compatibility

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    We've been quite enamored with Adobe's demos of iPad / Photoshop interactivity for some time, and now it looks as if we'll finally be able to take the whole thing for a spin. As promised, the company today released Creative Suite 5.5, which offers, among other things, the ability to use tablets and smartphones to interact with the company's flagship image editing software. While there's still no word of apps for other platforms, Adobe has given Apple's "magical" device a special namecheck, and those previously announced Eazel, Color Lava, and Nav apps will likely be hitting the App Store any minute now. Owners of the now ancient Photoshop CS5 will also be able to utilize the new feature through the recently released 12.0.4 update. Press releases after the break.

  • Adobe Photoshop Express: mobile manipulation mastery gets prettier UI, iPad support

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    You're probably well aware that we like to tinker with Photoshop from time to time, and while we're constantly building up our database of funnies, it's quite difficult to do so on the road. For times like these, there's the newly-rebranded Adobe Photoshop Express, a completely free (!) application designed for both iPhone and (new for this update) iPad. The newest version (v1.3) weighs in at 6.5MB and provides users with the same abilities to mildly edit their photos as before, via crop, color, filter and border controls. Better still, it'll let you access your entire online photo gallery at, so if anyone's down to try it out and send us their best gadget-related mutations, drop a link in comments or tips. Only catch is there's still no support for layers or compositions culled from multiple images, but hey, it's free! Don't say we never encouraged you to live a little, okay? Update: Hey, it's out for Android too! Thanks, Wes!

  • Adobe engineer explains delay in Adobe universal binaries

    Jan Kabili
    Jan Kabili

    Adobe has taken some heat for delaying universal binary versions of Photoshop and other Creative Suite software until the next scheduled release of those apps. If you're interested in a view of this controversy from the trenches, take a look at this post by Photoshop engineer Scott Byer. Byer starts out: "'But, c'mon', I hear people saying, 'Steve said it was just a recompile!'  Or, 'Back during the PowerPC transition, you guys released a patch?'Well, this time is different.  And I really wish it weren't.  But let me tell you how..." He goes on to explain why Adobe can't perform the same kind of midcycle shortcut for the Intel platform that it could for the PowerPC. His explanation is worth a read. This kind of communication from the trenches is a very good thing IMHO.