

  • Japanese hardware sales, May 28 - Jun. 3: Explanatory Aqua Teen edition

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    We know, you were disappointed. Last night, as you happily refreshed DS Fanboy every nine seconds or so looking for this week's Japanese hardware sales, the vim slowly faded from your eyes as the hours ticked into oblivion. We would never willingly deprive our readers so; we were unavoidably delayed! You see ....Thousands of years ago, before the dawn of man as we knew him ... there were the moon men, reigning over the Earth. But this was not the Earth you knew! It was covered in jelly and high-density motor oil, making the planet very slippery. The moon men blamed the corporations, and there was a war and many were killed. The battle raged for millennia until 8000 A.D., when the moon men realized they were not actually from the moon, but from rural Pennsylvania. They then built a monument to the moon but then the Quakers stole it and filled it with oatmeal, and no one knew what flavor. Californians were highly displeased and turned all the Quakers invisible, which is why you never see them anymore. And that ... is where babies come from.- DS Lite: 123,140 4,321 (3.39%) - Wii: 69,748 11,104 (18.93%) - PSP: 26,358 261 (1.00%) - PS2: 11,814 503 (4.45%) - PS3: 8,998 629 (6.53%) - Xbox 360: 2,219 175 (8.56%) - Game Boy Micro: 310 97 (23.83%) - GBA SP: 247 41 (14.24%) - Gamecube: 226 30 (11.72%) - DS Phat: 71 10 (12.35%) - GBA: 16 1 (5.88%)[Source: Media Create]

  • Naughtiness on the Nintendo DS

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    var digg_url = ''; The Nintendo DS's software library is diverse enough to satisfy almost every genre craving or niche interest. If what you're looking for, however, is a game with more mature themes -- nudity and sexual content -- it's doubtful that your needs will be met. Japanese dating sims and witch fondling titles notwithstanding, the DS doesn't have any Leisure Suit Larrys, Hot Coffee mods, or even porno-Tetris clones.But just like any other scene, the Nintendo DS has a network of people working outside of the fringe to create those illicit goods you'd never ask for at a respectable shop. They hustle their homemade software from the back-alleys of the internet, each downloaded bit transferred in a nondescript paper bag.We're going to take you through that DS underworld, previewing a selection of homebrew games that are sure to arouse your interest. So put the kids to bed, light those candles you've been saving for a night like this, and slip into your robe and wizard hat. This feature is for adult eyes only!

  • Do gamers want adult games?

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Kotaku has a story about a PSP mahjong game that has some ... saucy imagery in it. It isn't an adult game persay, but it got me thinking: do gamers want adult games? In this month's EGM, they predict that 20 years in the future, gamers won't be playing adult titles on anything but the PC. While this seems like a believable prediction, is our society so puritanical that we can't accept adult gaming in the mainstream? On the flip-side of the argument, one could point out that the popularity of adult movies has exponentially grown the past few years, and this may have a trickle effect to gaming. Also, gaming has yet to wriggle free of its "just for kids" perception. Once today's gamers are adults, doesn't it seem like the potential for adult games having success would be much higher? Will today's God of War sex mini-game be tomorrow's XXX portable gaming pornucopia? Is the concept of adult gaming appealing to you, or gamers as a whole? Let us know in the comments!

  • CNET editor says DS for girls, PSP for adults

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    David Carnoy, executive editor of CNET, has written an interesting piece about the appeal of Nintendo DS to females. Girls seem to love Nintendo's handheld, and they help make a large portion of Nintendo's current audience. For example, one CNET editor's girlfriend "liked the concept of the touch screen ... She thought it was more interactive than what you had with the PSP."Certainly, women can enjoy PSP (see picture), but it's clear that PSP is largely targeted towards males. But is that really a problem? As Carnoy points out, focusing on this demographic has created a large library of games that can entertain an audience that simply won't be satisfied by the DS's numerous casual games: "Fact is, the number of really good titles for the DS is actually pretty thin, especially if you happen to be over 21 and don't worship at the altar of Mario or Pokemon. If you're looking to play more 'adult' games with any sort of backbone, the PSP is a far better choice with a much stronger game library."Like almost every other analyst out there, Carnoy believes that PSP can better attract a wider audience with a redesigned handheld. The problem appears to be Sony's reluctance: "I wouldn't be surprised if I saw the DS Extra Lite before I saw the next iteration of the PSP."[Thanks, Joel!]

  • European carriers to control adult content

    Michael Caputo
    Michael Caputo

    If you're a adolescent living in the EU, consider your access to adult content coming to a rather abrupt end shortly. Thanks to some of the major carriers in Europe -- including Orange, Vodafone, and Deutsche Telekom -- efforts to control objective material on children's phones are underway. With an amazing 70 percent penetration rate among 12 - 13 year olds and almost 25 percent among 8 - 9 year olds, there are strong efforts to remove access to such services. Unless you're an 8, 9, 12, or 13 year old, that is, in which case this is all hogwash to you.

  • University's Morgui robot deemed too scary for kids

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Terrifying robots most certainly aren't anything new, and be it frightening or downright creepy, there's probably a bot out there weird enough to freak just about anyone out. Enter Morgui, the University of Reading-based robot that has been around for some time, but is just now getting the credit a bizarre skull that follows humans around should. The creation, which consists of a disembodied head, oversized blue eyes, and a classically evil grin, has been officially banned from testing around anyone under the age of 18 (permission notwithstanding) by the school's ethics and research committee, leaving the "Magic Ghost" to spook only mature audiences from here on out. Mo, as it's so aptly nicknamed, sports a metal head, the ability to detect visual / auditory cues, and sensors for radar, infrared, and ultrasonic detection as well, but oddly enough, it cannot detect human emotion, so you better not count on this fellow to have sympathy on your soul when you're screeching. The purpose of the machine is to judge how "people react to robots," and when the bot just so happens to lack any form of facial covering beyond a skeletal structure, we're sure the reactions are quite noticeable.[Via CollisionDetection]

  • When porn stars and pool collide

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Oh no. It's yet another one of those NSFW PSP games. You know what I'm talking about: games that seem to offer no benefit other than displaying gratuitous amounts of T&A. Considering the older demographic of the PSP, and the relative privacy one has while using it, it's unsurprising that publishers are trying to take advantage with more "adult" skewed games. Pocket Pool rewards players with photos and videos of a questionable nature for playing a round of billiards. However, is taunting realistic "ball control" a good thing in a game like this?Potentially NSFW video embedded after the cut.

  • DealSexDuo: homebrew game for adults

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    This might be one of the hottest tips we've ever received. A French homebrew developer by the name of Cau'x has released a game he calls DealSexDuo. According to his website, "DealSexDuo is a sexual preliminaries game for couple on PSP. Make a deal with your mate and sort out the winner with mini games. Humour, Hot pledges, and sexy ambient are announced. Your PSP turns into the most usefull sextoy's for your night of love."This game requires 2 players (of any gender). If you're over 18 and would like to have a scandalous evening with you, your loved one, and your homebrew-ready PSP, visit CauXPROD. (I haven't played this game, so the braver [and less single] individuals can leave a comment!)[Via DCEmu][Update 1: Changed image, as per reader request.]