

  • The Daily Grind: Is beta testing just free labour?

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    It seems 2009 is the Summer of Betas. There certainly are a lot going on at the moment: Aion, Cities XL and Champions Online are just three of the most popular currently going on but the sheer concept of beta testing is a bit of a bug-bear amongst players. There are basically two camps: those who lap up a beta and treat it is a chance to explore the newest games (and seems to include most of Team Massively) or the latest content months before anyone else. Camp number two is a little more pragmatic. For these folks, betas (while fun and exciting) are just an excuse for Company X to save some money by getting a few million free and eager quality assurance monkeys. After all they ask for detailed bug reports and the same kind of information that is asked of professionals who get paid minimum wage to play games for hours.So, readers, as you mull over your coffee and cereal this morning, I'm eager to know to which camp you see yourself belonging? Are betas just a cheap ploy to get a few thousand fresh pairs of eyes or a genuine attempt to gauge a new game? Drop your thoughts in the box below.

  • Second Aion vidcast now available

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    As we inch closer to the Aion launch on 22nd and 25th September (NA and EU, respectively), the excitement about NCsoft's latest MMO is reaching fever pitch. Yesterday, G4TV released the second Aion vidcast (the first one was hosted by IGN). Featuring devs including Associate Producer Lani Blazier and Producer Brian Knox, this one is all about character customisation. The interviews are also interspersed with some impressive in-game footage and rather arty shots of their Seattle offices. The vidcast begins by going through the differences between PvP, PvE and PvPvE. Indeed the highlight has to be seeing Lani try to figure out the best pronunciation of PvPvE. There's also a rundown of the main classess and the sub-class choices you can pick upon Ascending. If you're looking for one word that sums up both the game and this vidcast, it would have to be 'uniqueness'. While none of the information will be new to people playing the beta or who have been following the game, it's great to see more of the people behind the game and their genuine passion for Atreia.Hit the jump to check out the video.

  • NCsoft release Korean trailer for Aion patch 1.5

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    For us here in the west, the launch of Aion might still be on the horizon. However, having had the game for the better part of a year, gamers in Korea have already turned their attention to patch 1.5. Indeed this is something we should also be excited about as the localized version of Aion aimed at Europe and the US will include this newest content patch. With this in mind, NCsoft over in Korea has revealed a trailer touting the new patch, catchily nicknamed The Shadow of the Balaur. According to translated patch notes from the official Korean site, 1.5 will include new instances that will see players visiting a twisted Balaur-infested version of the Elyos starter zone known as Dark Poeta. There's also a flying ship crewed by the adorable ferret-like Shugo and a new battleground. On top of that are plenty of minor changes including the ability to zoom in on the minimap, four new face presets, new armour sets and, my personal favourite, in-game clothing in the form of kimono and the imperial uniforms of China and Taiwan. Check out the video after the jump for a taste of what's to come.

  • One Shots: The abyss stares back at you

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Sometimes screenshots aren't amazingly breathtaking so much for what they are, as they for what they get us to thinking about. Such is the case with today's One Shots from Aion that was sent in to us by our fellow MMO blogger, Paragus. He explains the image: Flying into the Abyss portal for the first time to me was also the crossing the finish line of some marathon grinding sessions to get access. Hopefully what lies beyond this portal will live up to the expectations of Aion fans for what will hopefully be a fun RvR experience. Suppose we'll have to see how people like Aion's RVR.If you enjoy PvP, RvR, arenas, raids, or any type of battle, we want to see your screenshots of carnage. Just email those in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a brief description. We'll post it out here for everyone else to check out and give you credit. %Gallery-9798%

  • Aion origins video now in the wild

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    With less than twenty four hours until the next Aion beta weekend begins, everyone is getting rather excited about the introduction of English language files. In advance of CBT5, the internet is being flooded with leaked videos showing ascension cut scenes and other aspects of game play. However, there's also something we've not seen before: a video prologue which shows the history of Atreia. As well as setting up the events of the game, it has got some pretty fantastic artwork seeming more of a montage than a cut scene. My guess is this will loop if the login screen is left alone for a while, much like a demo, in the final version of the game. There's little new here in terms of lore but it certainly looks very nice.Hit the jump to see the video.

  • NCsoft reveals the second Mage subclass: the Sorcerer

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    Aion: The Tower of Eternity is attracting quite a lot of attention and, hot on the heels of the next phase in the beta, NCsoft has released a new and exciting batch of screenshots. This time focusing on the second Mage subclass -- the Sorcerer -- the fourteen screenies show new mobs and locations, as well as both Asmodian and Elyos' Sorcerers. As usual, the screenshots also come with a little bit more info about the class:"The Sorcerer is a Daeva who follows the Star of Magic. They are able to freely wield the destructive power if the natural elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. A sorcerer is a scholar at heart, evident by the books and orbs they normally carry with them. However, these items can be dangerous weapons in their hands as they help to increase a Sorcerer's power."Check out our gallery below to see the new screenshots in all their shiny glory. %Gallery-69076%

  • Aion finds its voice for CBT5 weekend

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    This weekend sees the fifth iteration of Aion's Closed Beta Test and NCsoft has released a nice set of notes to go along with it. The big news is this CBT will see the introduction of the first sound files for English audio, including NPC greetings, farewells and narration during cut scenes. During character selection you'll also be able to sample the avatar voices for the first time. If you're curious to see what the NPC voices sound like AionSource have managed to track down some samples of the Shugo, Elyos and Asmodian sound files.But that's not all; the long-awaited racial prologues will also be included. This is the first quest in the game, an opening cutscene which leads into the starter zones of Poeta or Ishalgen. To see them you just need to create a new character of either faction. For beginners, NCsoft are also including tutorial videos, new dialogue and quest text, various fixes and two new servers in both Europe and North America. Excited yet? Well don't forget, the fun begins on Friday at noon PST and 8PM CEST.Update: NCsoft have posted some samples and outtakes of their own, as well as some interesting facts about the process of creating English language dialogue, on the official site.

  • LG uses Aion to advertise new gaming monitor

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    We've given Aion: The Tower of Eternity a lot of coverage over the last couple of months but you know a game is going to be big when it appears on TV. After all, just look at the star-studded World of Warcraft adverts which have been doing the rounds around the world for the last year. Now Korean electronics firm LG are using the game to advertise their latest widescreen gaming monitor, the W2363V, and if it doesn't make want to play even more, then it might make you want to buy the monitor.The rather epic advert features in-game and CG footage and was released on NCsoft's official YouTube Channel last night. Touting the W2363V as the 'secret item' which will enable players to 'beat the game' (a bit of a misnomer for an MMO), the advert is suitably fantastical in feel and score. However there's no information on the monitor's release date or price, only that the advert will be shown worldwide. Hit the jump to check out the video in all its HD glory and you might want to think about raiding your piggy bank too.

  • Aion website refresh includes game guides and wiki

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    Ahead of Closed Beta Test 4, which starts later today, NCsoft have revealed a new-look website for Aion: The Tower of Eternity which includes its own wiki and the electronic equivalent of a manual, explaining how to play the game. The site itself has been given an overhaul and now seems identical regardless of whether you prefer the US version or the European one. There are also feeds to Aion's Facebook and YouTube pages, as well as the collective Twitter feeds of the devs and regional CM's. All four are well worth following but more so if you've not yet pre-ordered the game or got yourself a beta key as they normally give quite a few away just before each new beta test event.However, the big new addition to the site is the wiki. It's an excellent resource to anyone looking to figure out how the game works.and there's an especially detailed page explaining character creation, on top of this there are pages exploring the lore and the zones which have been made available to Elyos and Asmodian players. Indeed the addition of this new wiki is perfectly timed and means players new and slightly more experienced are going to be able to understand how the game works that much more easily. The wiki is still in beta, but that said, it's a wealth of official information about the game which is sure to be invaluable to players who are rolling a toon for the first time or finally exploring how the other faction lives. So, don't forget to check it out before today's fun and games begin at noon PST/8pm CET.

  • The Daily Grind: Do you play the same class in every MMO?

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    They might sometimes have different names, but most MMOs share traits recognised as specific classes. Warriors, for example, are hardcore tanks able to take and deal a lot of damage. Priests are healers who can bring back the dead while Mages are squishy but able to devastate if you don't get in and down them fast. So, readers, I want to know if you stick to a certain class across many MMOs? If you don't, why not? Tell us in the usual way by dropping a comment in the box.Personally I usually play casters like Druids and Mages simply because my visual disability means I like to stand and pew pew to my heart's content rather than tanking or chasing mobs. Plus I really like the light show that goes with a really good incantation. However, during the last Aion Closed Beta Test, I rolled a Warrior just to see what it was like and had a heck of a lot of fun not dying for a change. I still prefer casters though, what about you?

  • NCsoft reveal Aion's Mage sub-class, the Spiritmaster

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    NCsoft have released a new batch of screenshots from Aion: The Tower of Eternity, this time showcasing the Mage subclass, the Spiritmaster. Now the Spiritmaster, as I'm sure you'll remember from the Ten Ton Hammer interview we mentioned last week with Associate Producer Lani 'Liv' Blazier, are able to summon elemental spirits to their aid in battle. This helps make up for the Spiritmaster's otherwise squishy nature. NCsoft have also released a series of screenshots of Asmodian Spiritmasters doing their thing with some fiery and icy companions, giving us a first proper look at higher level 'pets'. They have also provided an overview to tease the class:"Spiritmasters use the power of the Spirits to strike fear in the hearts of their enemies, and have the capability of harnessing fierce pets to turn the tide in combat. While they make deadly opponents in long-rage encounters, Spiritmasters lack the physical strength of other classes. The path of the Spiritmaster is one of the more testing paths to journey in Aion." Don't forget Closed Beta Test 4 takes place this weekend, until then take a look at our gallery below.%Gallery-67915%

  • The Daily Grind: What part of MMOs do you not like?

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    MMOs are well known for variety, in fact they're famous for it. The world (whichever you might choose) is quite literally your oyster, You can mine, you can craft, you can kill and you can quest. Part of the charm of these virtual worlds is the freedom to do or not do whatever you want. Some people, for example, live for PvP, while others spend their time making things, digging up plants or drifting in the depths of space mining asteroids and other celestial bodies. However most people have one thing that they hate doing. No MMO out there is perfect, there's always going to be some aspect of them which drives people bonkers. This could be a nitpick with game mechanics, or perhaps a boring quest. What about long flight times to get from A to B or a raid lock out period? Perhaps you hate fishing or squinting looking for herb nodes. Maybe it's PUGs or running a specific instance. Mine is PvP, waiting for an hour for raids to get started and rescuing scantily-clad maidens tied to trees (AoC I'm looking at you). What's yours?

  • The Daily Grind: Do you still rely on DVDs or direct download for your MMO fix?

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    I have loads of games, probably a bit of a given considering my day job, but I'm terrible when it comes to locating DVDs. Either I put them in the wrong cases (don't we all?) or, thanks to my visual disability, I just can't find them. I do mean that, the case could be sitting in front of me and I just wouldn't see it. Indeed I've not seen the discs for half my PC games since the day I installed them. As a result, and in order to pacify my inner minimalist, I love the way you can just re-download a game using just the internet. Whether it's WoW or Guild Wars, WAR or Aion, digital downloading seems to be the way to go.So I wonder, readers, do you still rely on DVDs and have all those special collector's editions lined up on your shelves? Are you a minimalist and prefer the simplicity of going to an MMO's website and pressing 'download'? Do you find digital downloads are just faster and hassle free? What about if you're sans internet (let's say there's been a massive storm and you're putting the game on a new hard drive), do you keep the DVDs tucked away, just in case?

  • NCsoft's Lani Blazier reveals Aion's Spiritmaster class

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    NCsoft's Lani 'Liv' Blazier has revealed more detailed information on Aion's Mage subclass, the Spiritmaster, in an interview with Ten Ton Hammer. Spiritmasters are, as their name suggests, able to summon spirits who will help them battle. In the beta, it's common to see Spiritmasters running around with a fiery minion at their heels but Lani is keen to let everyone know that there's a lot more skill to playing this class than meets the eye: "In the Aion beta, Spiritmasters can summon four kinds of spirits, each based on one of the core elements: earth, wind, fire, and water. At Aion's release, we will introduce a fifth spirit. This new spirit is specific to a character's race. Asmodian Spiritmasters will be able to summon a spirit that is a combination of the elements of fire and earth, and Elyos Spiritmasters will be able to summon a spirit that is a combination of wind and water. Each spirit has different abilities. It can be challenging at times to recognize which element would be best to call on, and it is a mark of a player's experience in the class to become skilled at this decision. Using the right spirit at the right time can be the difference between winning or losing a battle."Check out the full interview for more information.

  • NCsoft reveals Aion's warrior subclasses

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    With Closed Beta Test 3 for NCsoft's Aion finishing earlier today, they're keen to keep interest until the next phase of the beta. With this in mind, they have released some shiny new images of the Warrior subclasses; the Gladiator and the Templar. Just to recap, you play a Warrior until level 9 and, upon ascending, you must choose which class to specialise in. Do you want to just kick some arse? Go Gladiator. If you're after more of a hybrid with the ability to keep yourself and your mates alive, go Templar.NCsoft have released three shots of each subclass. Frankly they don't really tell you much about the specific subclasses or their abilities. However that doesn't stop them being great eye candy. Think of them as an advertisement to show you what Atreia can really offer MMO players, it's all about looking completely awesome in kickarse gear. Seriously, the avatar in the image above looks really, really cool. Anyway, don't forget to check out the gallery below.%Gallery-67460%

  • The Daily Grind: Greener grass

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    I've played Alliance since Day One of my time in World of Warcraft. Granted I've dabbled now and then with Horde, I've always been so depressed by the starting zones that I never went further than level 4. However my recent experience with Aion and leveling both factions has given me a new perspective on playing 'good' and 'evil' factions. Indeed terms like that are fast becoming obsolete. So when a friend of mine told me she had rolled a Horde on a backwater server (describing her toon as 'furry with horns') I was eager to join her. Of all the Horde races, the Tauren seem the least evil, the most peaceful and have the prettiest starter zone. So I rolled a female shaman just to be completely different and my friend chose a male warrior.The grass really is greener on the other side of the fence. The quests are new, as is the lore and while the actual objectives are often similar it's like seeing an MMO with a new pair of eyes. Indeed I think it could totally change how you enjoy a particular MMO and how you play it. When it comes to WoW specifically, this is even more the case now that Blizzard have revealed their plans to allow you to change your faction. So, come on readers, have you leveled a toon in (insert your chosen MMO here), got them geared up and then decided to see things from the other side? Did you switch because you wanted a change? Was it the lore? Better quests? A chance to do something different? If you were like me, would you consider jumping ship and re-rolling during your next bout of burn out? Speak up, constant readers, and drop your comments in the box.

  • Which version of Aion will be available at launch?

    James Egan
    James Egan

    NCsoft is hoping that the pairing of flight and fantasy in Aion will prove to be a hit in both North America and Europe. Gamers who were accepted into the betas have been asking the Aion team about which version of the title the Western markets will see at launch. NCsoft has announced: "Aion is planned to release with version 1.5, the third major game update, bringing the content as up to date as possible. The Aion team strives to keep the game content consistent between territories, and releasing with this game version brings us one step closer to this goal." Our own Lesley Smith has been writing about her experiences with the game through Aion's various beta test phases, particularly the experience of becoming a Daeva as an Elyos or as an Asmodian; we recommend reading her hands-on series if you're interested in this title. Massively will continue to cover Aion leading right up to the game's September launch.

  • NCsoft reveals Beluslan in a video tour

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    There might be another week until the next stage of the Aion beta but NCsoft are ramping up the excitement surrounding their next big MMO. Today they released a video showcasing yet another part of the rich world of Atreia. Profiling the Asmodian zone of Beluslan, the short video offers an eagle's eye view of what we can expect when the game goes on sale in September.Join us after the jump for NCsoft's take on the zone as well as the video itself.

  • The Daily Grind: Asmodian or Elyos?

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    When I first heard about Aion: Tower of Eternity, my first thought aside from "wow" was "I'm so going to play Elyos". It was the wings, you see, and I always seem to play on the 'good side'. However, having now played both sides, I'm torn. I love the look of the Elyos and their angelic society, but I also appreciate the struggles of the Asmodians. Plus they do that groovy glowing-eyes-in-combat thing which just looks awesome. I might just roll one of each. I was curious to see a lot of people loitering in Pandaemonium over the weekend advertising their Elyos guilds and the same thing happened during CBT1 but with Elyos advertising their Asmodian ones.So now you've had a chance to play both factions from Aion: Tower of Eternity I'm curious to know whether you will still roll (insert your faction here) or whether you've had a change of heart. Does a particular faction's lore or locale grab you more or have you just bonded with your avatar so much that you can't dream of defecting to the other side? If you've not changed your mind, are you going to stick with your avatar during CBT3? Were you glad the Aion devs allowed you to play Elyos this weekend or were you glad you could finally roll that Asmodian? Speak up, readers, and let us know what you think.

  • Hands on with the Aion beta: Becoming a Daeva

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    As the Aion: Tower of Eternity Closed Beta Test 2 continues, it's time to go deeper into Asmodae. You've explored Tunapre Lake, passed through Sap Farm, explored the Odella Plantation, braved the ghost-filled Ishalgen Prison Camp and you've even discovered the Forgotten Place of Exile. As you level, the Raiders and other NPCs start to mention Daevahood and an old man called Munin. Are you ready to meet destiny? Join us after the jump to find out what the future holds.