

  • Lego's MINDroid Android app remotely controls Mindstorms NXT robots

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Hardcore hobbyists have been controlling their Mindstorms NXT creations with all sorts of paraphernalia for years, but now Lego itself is stepping in to lend a hand. The new MINDroid app just splashed down in the Android Market, and it enables Android 2.1 (or greater) handsets to dictate Mindstorms NXT robots over Bluetooth. According to Lego, tilting / turning the phone can make the robot move forward, turn to the sides, and by pressing an action button on the phone's screen, activate the 'Action' motor. Given that the download will cost you absolutely nothing, what are you waiting for? Your robot army awaits your commands.

  • Adobe AIR runtime for Android lands, apps already starting to follow

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    We've been looking forward to this for a while, and now it's here: Adobe AIR runtime for Android. That means developers using Flash Builder or Flash Professional CS5 can publish AIR apps directly to the Android Market, and all users will need is this little runtime from the Market and they're set. AIR's desktop-oriented .air packages aren't compatible, so you can't just go and grab anything, but there are AIR apps already starting to pop up -- AppBrain has a whole list of them in one of the source links below -- since Adobe has been trialling this with developers for a little while now. Check out a video demo of the procedure from the developer end of things after the break.

  • Amazon app store for Android confirmed by WSJ

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Amazon's always worked hard to make sure it's in the digital goods business as well as its obviously successful physical one, but this might be one of its boldest steps yet: another app store for Android. We heard the rumor a couple weeks ago through TechCrunch, and The Wall Street Journal is now claiming to have proof, including an Amazon document explaining some of the terms to the developers. It's apparently still unclear when the store will be launched or even what it'll be called, and since so far it seems like Amazon is mainly talking to developers about this behind closed doors, some of the specifics might still be in the air. According to the WSJ, Amazon stipulates an app can't be sold for less anywhere else (which was hinted at in the earlier leak), and there's a stranger requirement that the app can't be on offer anywhere else for more than two weeks before it's given to Amazon. We're guessing that's an Android only stipulation -- or else a bit of a high barrier for iOS ports -- but that just brings up more to worry about: is Amazon building a store just a first in an onslaught? And is this indeed part of an Android tablet launch for Amazon?

  • Skype app arrives in Android Market, WiFi-only in the US

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Finally, at long last, after so much waiting, Skype has made its debut as a full-fledged Android app. There are no Verizon-related limitations anymore, but Android Police reports that calling through the app is only available via WiFi, you can't use your mobile's data connection -- not yet, anyway. Another note they make is that Skype is using quite a few processing cycles to do its job, so much so that it introduced crackling on a call carried out with the EVO. You'll need to have Android 2.1 installed to run this thing, but if you do, why aren't you downloading it already? Let us know how your own 'droid fares in the comments below. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in] P.S. -- Skype's press release and video after the break have confirmed that 3G Skype calls will be available to all outside the US. Wow. Also, Skype's acknowledged there are some incompatibilities with Samsung Galaxy S phones and is working to iron those out.%Gallery-104268%

  • Google expands Android's reach, accepting paid apps from 20 more countries, selling to 18 more

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Android may be climbing the charts when it comes to market share, and the Market may be quickly approaching the 100,000 apps mark, but the whole thing is hardly a global proposition. As of earlier this week, paid apps were able to be purchased in just 14 countries, submitted by developers of just nine nationalities. That changes now, with Google adding 20 countries to its list of approved submitters, meaning developers living in 29 nations are eligible to submit paid apps to the Market. Over the next two weeks the purchasing of those apps will be flipped on for users in 18 countries, 32 in all that will have the "buy" button enabled -- music to the ears of Java app developers everywhere. Which flags are newly embracing app capitalism? We have the lists waiting for you below. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Gmail for Android updated, becomes Market app

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    We've always said the native Gmail app is one of the best parts of Android, and it just got even better: it now supports Priority Inbox, has a "show quoted text" button, and features a floating message actions toolbar like the browser-based mobile Gmail webapp. The bigger news, though, is that Google's releasing Gmail directly to Android Market, where it'll be a separate download that can be revved with new features independently of Android itself. That's a pretty great move, as anyone still waiting for a carrier-approved Froyo build can attest, but there's irony afoot: the new Gmail won't run on anything less than 2.2. Wah-wah.

  • HTC said to have placed production order with Pegatron for mythical 'tablet PC'

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    DigiTimes reports can be shaky at the best of times, but this one takes the digi-biscuit. Reporting on an apparent order by HTC with Pegatron for the production of a new Android-based "tablet PC," DigiTimes claims the new development will help Pegatron achieve its goal of being one of the top four global notebook manufacturers. So is this a tablet or, dare we say it, a smartbook? Nobody clarifies that point, but specs are said to include a 1280 x 720 widescreen display, a 32GB SSD, 2GB of RAM, and Tegra 2 under the hood. Android Market support is also expected (huzzah!), though pricing might be steep at around $790 unsubsidized. At this stage, we'd be more surprised if HTC doesn't bring out a tablet in the next few months, but we wouldn't invest too much of our emotions into this report just yet. Maybe once Mr. Blurrycam decides to join the fray and give us something to look at.

  • Electronic Arts ready to embrace Android, but wishes it had an App Store

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    Thought EA had no love for Android or Windows Phone 7? Not quite -- it's just the existing market opportunities that the company doesn't seem to enjoy. CFO Eric Brown told the Deutsche Bank 2010 Technology Conference that the game publisher is actually quite bullish on Google's rapidly popularizing mobile OS and plans to 'position its mobile business' accordingly, but first he said this: "I think the next big positive way to push better growth in mobile will be the deployment of an App Store equivalent for the Android operating system." Since we're fairly certain Brown would be aware of a little thing called the Android Market, we figure he's talking about the same mysterious reason that caused Gameloft (which produces a number of Android titles already) to circumvent the Market in favor of their own online store. One thing's for certain on the EA Mobile front: the company really needs to update their smartphone games page to support a wee bit more than the "Google Android-Powered T-Mobile G1."

  • Verizon gearing up for Android V Cast App store?

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    We're guessing Verizon has been pretty happy with the results of its V Cast App store for BlackBerry, as it looks like the carrier's now accepting submissions in the Android category for software that'll propagate its eventual marketplace on that mobile platform. According to a purported letter obtained by Android and Me, Big Red has been sending out letters to developers extolling the virtues of using its store in lieu of Google's: no testing fee, 14-day turnaround, carrier billing (with the promise of an eventual subscription billing option), 70 / 30 split favoring the developer, etc. Froyo is the flavor of choice, and the only version of Android that'll be supported from the onset -- so that includes both flagship Droids, Droid Incredible, and Droid X. Verizon's Developer Community Conference is the end of this month (21st and 22nd, to be exact), and we imagine the skinny will be gotten by then. [Thanks, Ryan]

  • Android developer anecdotally claims AdMob brings home the bacon

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    In February 2009, Arron La's $0.99 Advanced Task Manager was one of the first paid apps on Android, allowing T-Mobile G1 users to do what was then a novel thing -- close applications. (We immediately bought a copy.) Today, the app is all but obsolete, its functionality baked right into Android's core, but Arron's still making thousands of dollars a month. Why do we bring this up? Because nine months after Arron released the pay-first version, he unleashed an ad-supported variant as well... and since that day, each has contributed about the same amount ($30,000) of money. It's not exactly an object lesson in what's possible on the 70,000-application-strong Android Market, as this gentleman obviously had quite the head start, but it does show that when it comes time to monetize your best-thing-since-sliced-bread app, there's more than one option -- ads can be an equally good revenue source. Find rays of hope for indie development (and several stormy clouds for comparison) at the links below. Update: Did we say 50,000 apps? We meant more like 70K and counting as of July. Thanks to the astute commenters who pointed this out. [Thanks, Shannon G.]

  • Editorial: Waiter, there's a Nazi theme in my Android Market (updated)

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Earlier tonight our friend Michael Gartenberg tweeted that when he went to the Android Market to search for the word "Jewish," a number of Nazi and Hitler themes turned up. Of course, we had to take a look for ourselves, and sure enough, the search for a fairly innocuous word related to a religion and culture turns up skins which are disgustingly, hatefully pro-Nazism and pro-Hitler. That's a problem, no matter how you look at this. In the past, we've railed against Apple for its confusing, unfair, and often absurd App Store policies, particularly when it comes to the policing of applications based on content, not code. Steve Jobs has made a point during press conferences to say that the Android Market allows porn apps -- which of course set off a furious debate. Sadly, what Jobs should have pointed out was that the Market allows something far more insidious and damaging than even the hardest-core pornography -- apps that spread hate and propagate the views of a movement that is pretty much universally reviled.

  • QNAP's QMobile app enables multimedia NAS streaming to Android and iOS

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Got yourself a QNAP NAS, do you? If you're also in legal possession of an Android or iOS-based device, you could soon be streaming your dusty Boyz II Men and / or Our Lady Peace jams straight from your network. Over the past month, the outfit has released QMobile apps for both Android and iOS, enabling everything from Google's Nexus One to Apple's iPod touch, iPad and iPhone to remotely stream images, tunes and videos so long as their NAS is online (and connected to a halfway decent broadband line). The app is said to work just fine over 3G or WiFi, and there's even a My Jukebox feature that essentially acts as a shuffle system for those who aren't too picky about what comes through. Both apps are available now in the Android Market and App Store for no charge, but you'll probably want to tap those source links and update your NAS management software to v3.3.0 before trying any fancy business. Video promo is past the break, if you need some encouragement.

  • Augen's Kmart tablet and smartbook won't have Google-branded apps from now on

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    The future for Augen's $150 tablet and $100 smartbook isn't looking good -- not only do the blue-light specials have slow processors and resistive touchscreens, but their official Google app privileges have just been revoked. To be fair, Android Market actually wasn't working on either device from the get-go, but Augen just sent us a statement confirming that the entire proprietary suite (including Market, Gmail and more) was preloaded on the devices without Google's permission, and won't appear on new batches that make it to store shelves. Augen says it's working with Google to secure rights to these apps for new products further down the road, but if you want a dirt-cheap mass market Android device with these apps preinstalled, you'd best head on down to Kmart... assuming they're finally in stock, of course. Press release after the break.

  • Augen Gentouch 78 preview

    Joanna Stern
    Joanna Stern

    It's taken quite a bit of chasing (and Kmart stalking) this week to score Augen's $150 Gentouch Android tablet, but lo' and behold, the gadget is now in its rightful home... our home! We don't need to tell you that we ferociously ripped open the box to finally see how the Android 2.1 tablet performs, test out its touchscreen and see if it actually has access to app stores (unlike Augen's smartbook which we toyed with earlier this week). We're assuming you're just as eager to find out the answers to those questions, so hit that read more button for some early impressions as well as a hands-on video. %Gallery-98571%

  • New 'licensing service' replacing existing copy protection method in Android Market

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Copy protection has always been a concern in the Android Market, primarily because applications can be sideloaded onto phones without a root or other modification from the end user. In a brief announcement made today, Eric Chu has made clear that a new method for protecting the work of paid app creators will be implemented long-term, with the plan being to "replace the current Android Market copy-protection mechanism over the next few months." This new "licensing service" is available now for those that want in, providing developers with a secure mechanism that can ping a Market License Server upon launch in order to see if a particular app was indeed purchased legitimately. It's hard to say how exactly this will affect usability (specifically in offline scenarios), but it's certainly an interesting twist to the whole situation. Expect to hear lots of growling on both sides as more and more apps opt to take advantage. [Thanks, Jonathan]

  • aCircuit Board live wallpaper is aMazing (video)

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Like teardowns? Ever worn a loose resistor in your pierced 80s earhole just to show the world how geek-punk you really are? Man, have we got the Android Live Wallpaper for you. aCircuit Board is a ¥99 (a bit more than a US buck) animated wallpaper available on the Android Market. Moving fan; binary clock; GPS, WiFi, and Bluetooth status lights; a pulsating Android bot; and active circuit paths depending upon where you touch the PCB. Of course, it's all configurable too, via the options menu. Buy hey, don't take our word for it, see it in action after the break.

  • Sony's 2010 ES line includes 3D and excludes online retailers; Android remote app on the way

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Given the company's focus on 3D this year, it's not at all a surprise to see Sony's 2010 line of ES receivers (and lone Blu-ray player) touched up with a dash of 3D support and HDMI 1.4-compatible features, but it may be a shocker to see their sale restricted to "specialty AV retailers and custom installers." That means no or other online retailers, but wherever one finds the STR-DA5600ES, STRA-DA4600ES, and STR-DA 3600ES, they'll include IP, RS-232 and IR control support for easy home automation integration, iPhone remote control (Android -- and of course we'd expect Google TV -- version coming soon) as well as working as an Ethernet hub and DLNA streaming device. At the top of the line the STR-DA5600ES ships in September for $2,000 and is able to automatically calibrate audio for speaker types (like last year's), plus locations and angles, function as a DLNA Live Audio server itself and stream audio and video to other rooms via HDMI (six in, two out) or CAT5e. While the remaining models do a bit less, for a bit less when they all ship in August, the STR-DN2010 is a new model for 2010 at just $800. As for the Blu-ray player, the BDP-S1700ES ships with 3D movie play back, BRAVIA Internet video and Qriocity streaming WiFi and Gracenote database browser for $400 this August, check for a picture and specs on all after the break.

  • AT&T explains, basically ignores criticism for locking down Android handsets

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    When the Moto Backflip launched we were a wee bit miffed that AT&T stuffed its ROM with what our esteemed Chris Ziegler referred to as "unremovable crapware." But, even more annoying was the handset being locked down to only accept apps installed via the Android Market, preventing users from the wealth of other goodies floating around these great internets. A few months on the situation is still the same for the HTC Aria and the company is responding directly to criticism with a statement that indicates it's all in your best interests: AT&T selected Android Market as the exclusive source for applications because it forces developers to be accountable for the apps they submit. If the Android community has issues with an app, the app can be flagged and removed. This minimizes the risk of malicious apps harming customers and provides more protection to the customer's private data stored on the phone. There, don't you feel safer now?

  • Android Market is down, showing zero apps (update: fixed)

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Look, we know that checking the Android Market for updates its a nervous habit during brief periods of downtime for many of us -- but for now, you're going to have to go back to chewing your nails or tapping your fingers on the table, because the Market's down. Well, that's only partially true -- you can still get into the Market app on your phone without any errors, you just won't see any apps in there, which renders it pretty useless by our estimation. Hang on, don't panic -- we imagine this won't last long. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in] Update: It's still down for us on a Froyo Nexus One, but if you take a gander through our comments section, you'll see that a lot of folks are having no trouble at all -- so it's probably based on your location, your devices, and your operating system. As far as we can tell, it's not restricted to Froyo since we've received a number of tips on the issue and we're hearing of some Droids that can't see apps. Keep the observations coming, folks! Update 2: Google just reached out to us to let us know that it should be fixed and that the total outage was somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 minutes. They're apologizing for the inconvenience -- but with the Droid X being announced today, can you really hold a grudge?

  • QIK admits Evo 4G launch problems after 20x increase on server load

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    While record sales are generally a desirable thing, that one-time spike in demand can leave service providers scrambling to cope on launch day. Evo 4G owners are well aware of this after noticing one of the handset's flagship features -- Qik video calling -- was unavailable in the Android Market on Friday. After correcting the issue, Qik then had to pull the app after users experienced intermittent service failures resulting from what Qik calls "an unprecedented 20x" workload increase on its servers. The Qik team is scrambling to provision more capacity and expects to have things under control "shortly."