

  • Editorial: Apple isn't making a 'converged' laptop / tablet hybrid, but I still want one

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Deflated. Disappointed. Let down. Unsurprised. All of those emotions ran through my being at one point or another following Apple CEO Tim Cook's comments regarding "converged" devices, but if anything, his denial has made me all the more hungry for this particular device. For months -- heck, maybe even years -- I've waited for Sir Jonathan Paul Ive and co. to finally nail the concept of a laptop / tablet hybrid. In many ways, Apple managed to get right on a smartphone in 2007 what I felt was wrong holding a BlackBerry. I still think the iPad's screen is about 2.7-inches too large for my own personal tastes, but the world at large has affirmed that it nailed that design, too. Oh, and the MacBook Air? C'mon -- we all know it's the thin-and-light you always wanted, and given that it'll run Windows with poise, it's arguably the sexiest Windows laptop currently on the market. The point? Apple has waited for companies to flounder about with certain designs before, all while perfecting its own take for a future release. Windows-based tablets were flooding out in the early noughties, and believe it or not, Toshiba was already giving the tablet / laptop hybrid thing a whirl in 2003 with the Portege 3500. Apple waited over half a decade to usher in the iPad, and the rest -- as they say -- is history. The iPhone followed a similar path; companies came before it and did their best to produced pleasing, long-lasting, highly usable smartphones, but the iPhone completely changed the trajectory of everything that came after. Love it or hate it, it's hard to imagine a 2012 with Windows Phone in it had Apple not pinned Windows Mobile in a corner back in '07. So, if Apple has shown an ability to thrive with designs that others have experimented with, why is the "converged" laptop / tablet a nonstarter?

  • iPad drag-to-edit keyboard prototype shows Apple how easy it could be (video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Text editing on the iPad is a bit of a slog unless you have a dedicated keyboard. One Daniel Hooper, however, has a simple but clever idea to fix this: use the keyboard as a pseudo-trackpad. As he shows in the prototype video below, his idea has touchscreen typists just drag one or two fingers along the keyboard to whip through text. Need to select something? Hold the Shift key while you swipe. While the concept is the sort of addition you'd normally only expect to appear in a jailbreak mod, Hooper sees the convenience as worth petitioning Apple directly -- and while there's no guarantee Apple will ever implement it, that he's been told Apple now sees it as a "known issue" suggests that someone in Cupertino is contemplating the possibilities.

  • Buying an iPad 2? Here's the rarer, more efficient specimen you need to (somehow) track down

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Not all iPads are made equal, even if they're all packaged and branded identically. There's a major new mutation within the 2nd generation tablet and it brings significantly better battery life. Specifically, the fourth and latest production model of the iPad 2 (known as iPad2,4) has not only a lower price tag ($399) but also a new 32nm processor, which is significantly smaller and more efficient than those in previous iPad 2s (which had 45nm chips and an older transistor design). According to AnandTech, this results in an overall 16 percent increase in battery life during web browsing and as much as a 30 percent boost when playing games. Obviously that's worth having, but how can you tell if a boxed-up iPad 2 has the new processor before taking it to the checkout? Here's the downer: you can't. Until retailers' inventories naturally flood with the updated type, the only way to tell is by switching the slate on and running a utility like GeekBench -- and perhaps there'll be circumstances where you can give that a go on the shop floor. Alternatively, if third-party sellers discover that their stock is the iPad2,4, they could pull off a Darwinian win-win by marketing that fact to buyers.

  • Rocketfish's Sound Prism is triangu-lovely

    James Trew
    James Trew

    Cunning design is a wonderful thing, and this triangular bundle of smarts is almost meta! Rocketfish's Sound Prism is exactly what it says it is, a three-sided speaker bar with a twist (metaphorically speaking.) Inventors, CRE8 Design studio, cooked up the clever idea of using the empty space created by a folded Apple Smart Cover. This fella neatly slips into the cubby-hole of the folded case, and attaches itself magnetically. It's Bluetooth, so can pair up with any compatible device, but won't look quite so snug as when used as nature -- or rather its creators -- intended. How much for a slice of the Pythagorean action? That'll be 80 rectangular dollars, sir.

  • IRL: gfxCardStatus, Nyko Charge Base 3 for PS3 and the OG iPad


    Welcome to IRL, an ongoing feature where we talk about the gadgets, apps and toys we're using in real life and take a second look at products that already got the formal review treatment. Different strokes for different folks. While Darren may have long since sworn off tablets as productivity machines, our very own Billy Steele (a designer by trade, don'tcha know) has been using one to workshop projects with clients. For Darren, anyway, productivity means having a laptop with a discrete GPU at the ready -- except for when the GPU drains his battery life, which is where an app called gfxCardStatus comes in. Rounding things out, we've got Jason Hidalgo talking up the different ways he's attempted to charge his needy PS3 controllers. All that and more after the break.

  • Chinese official says Proview owns iPad trademark in China, court battle continues

    Sarah Silbert
    Sarah Silbert

    Who knew some funky capitalization could cause so much trouble? Proview -- the purveyor of that 90s-era all-in-one called the iPAD -- hasn't let up in its fight to wrestle the rights to the iPad name from iPad maker Apple. The legal antics started in China, where Proview temporarily managed to get Apple's tablet booted off store shelves before being rebuffed by a Shanghai court -- after which the company promptly brought the case stateside. It's been all quiet on the iPad trademark front for a solid month now, but a report from All Things D indicates that the squabble is still going strong. Today the Chinese vice minister for the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) declared that Proview is, in fact, the rightful owner of the iPad trademark. The SAIC has so far kept mum about the iPad trademark spat, so its decision to break that silence is sure to carry some weight when it comes time for the Chinese higher court to hand down its verdict.

  • iCade Core coming to a tiny arcade near you in June

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Bummed that you won't be making it out to E3 this year? Well, at least you'll be able to console yourself with your very own tiny iPad arcade. According to Ion, the iCade Core, the latest in the company's line of nostalgia-inducing Bluetooth tablet controllers, will be shipping to UK customers in mid-June for £49.99 ($81) a pop. The iCade Mobile will be hitting right around the same time for the same price. Now you'll finally be able to experience Pac-Man the way it was meant to played: on a tablet attached to an oversized joystick.

  • Newsflash uses high-frequency light to transmit data from iPad to smartphone, we go hands-on (video)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    MIT's Media Lab is chock-full of cutting-edge tech projects that researchers create, then often license to manufacturers and developers. One such project is called Newsflash, and uses high-frequency red and green light to transmit data to the built-in camera on a receiving device -- in this case Samsung's Epic 4G. The concept is certainly familiar, and functions in much the same way as a QR code, generating flashing light that's invisible to the human eye instead of a cumbersome 2D square. In the Media Lab's implementation, an iPad is used to display a static news page with flashing colored bands at the top, representing just a few vertical pixels on the LCD. As the device presents the standard touch experience you're already familiar with, it also broadcasts data that can be read by any camera, but flashes too quickly to be distracting or even noticeable to the naked eye. A NewsFlash app then interprets those flashes and displays a webpage as instructed -- either a mobile version with the same content, or a translation of foreign websites. As with most MediaLab projects, Newsflash is simply a concept at this point, but it could one day make its way to your devices. Jump past the break to see it in action.

  • Cargo-Bot is a deceptively simple iPad puzzle game, made on the iPad (video)

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    After flinging avian creatures no longer provides a suitable outlet for your mental acumen, you may wish to graduate to a more challenging level of iPad gameplay. Might we suggest moving crates? Seriously, though, while the premise behind Cargo-Bot may seem effortless, it's actually nothing of the sort. In the game, players must program a crane to properly situate boxes, but with the help of loops and conditional variables, it rewards players for discovering the most efficient method. We definitely dig the idea behind Cargo-Bot, but what makes it truly unique is the fact that it was programmed entirely on the iPad with Codea -- which also makes it a first of its kind. Go ahead and check out the free app for yourself in the source below, but if you need a bit more convincing, just hop the break for a quick premise of the game.

  • Padcaster / Lenscaster lets you mount SLR lenses on iPad, we go hands-on at NAB (video)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Think people look ridiculous shooting stills or video with an iPad? Try throwing an SLR lens into the equation as well. Manhattan Edit Workshop founder Josh Apter developed the Padcaster as an inexpensive solution for mounting an Apple iPad on a tripod. And why would you want to do such a thing? With 1080p video capture, built-in LTE and a on-board editing suite, such a device makes for an excellent on-the-go all-in-one, letting you shoot, cut and transmit video with a single package. One major aspect of visual storytelling that the tablet doesn't excel at, however, is emphasizing details with blurred backgrounds, along with magnifying your subject with optical zoom. Enter the Lenscaster. This universal lens mount lets you use a standard 35mm adapter to attach any SLR optic to the iPad camera, enabling a small variety of hardware-driven optical effects, including shallow depth of field, manual focus and a zoom option that doesn't result in detail loss. Apter took the Padcaster and Lenscaster along on a demo shoot in New York City's Union Square, interviewing passersby with a Cinevate 35mm lens adapter, 85mm f/1.4 Carl Zeiss lens and a Sennheiser MKH-60 shotgun mic, all mounted to a Padcaster-equipped new iPad. The mounting duo may note be visually appealing from a physical perspective, but the resulting footage does look convincing -- you can see it in full after the break. The Padcaster's aluminum frame even doubles as a DSLR cage, letting you assemble a pro rig complete with camera, lens, mic and lights after removing the urethane iPad insert. The designer is also working on an iPad insert, though the tablet-sized contraption may prove to be overkill when paired with a pocketable smartphone. The Padcaster will be available soon for "about $200," while the Lenscaster attachment should ship for an additional 60 bucks. You'll also need to factor in a magnification optic to compensate for the distance between the iPad and the lens, along with a 35mm adapter, both of which are not included. The device is also unable to take full advantage of the iPad's resolution, creating black borders around the image, which you'll notice in the sample video, positioned just below our hands-on video right after the break.

  • Bella KillerKeys brings desktops shortcuts and control to iOS for $20, we go hands-on (video)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Creative types working their magic on Windows may already be familiar with KillerKeys, a desktop app that brings push-button control to most Adobe apps, Microsoft Office, Sony Vegas and a few others, letting you tap a preset action rather than digging through a multi-layer menu or remembering hundreds of keyboard shortcuts -- if you use any of these apps as part of your workflow, the $10 (and up) investment certainly seems to be worthwhile. Now, Bella, the company behind KillerKeys, is bringing the tool to iOS (the iPad, more specifically), letting you tap your intentions on your tab, rather than using the mouse to click around the desktop. You can group buttons by function, and the panel adjusts automatically to match the current app -- there's also an application launcher available at the bottom corners of the display, which helps to minimize your mouse time. To that end, you'll also find an on-screen trackpad (which unfortunately wasn't functional during the company's demo at NAB), and once it's enabled you'll be able to reposition your pointer from the tablet, letting you hide that cumbersome mouse. Initially, the app will only be available for iOS when it ships next month, though an Android version is in the works, as is a Mac OS version of KillerKeys, which should launch with the iPad app. The mobile application will set you back $10, and you'll also need to pick up a copy of KillerKeys, which ranges in price from $10 for a home and student addition to $90 for the whole shebang. Check out the hands-on demo after the break.

  • Three iPad giveaways in three days: day three, courtesy of Gogo!

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Here's one last opportunity for you to grab a new iPad for yourself, and Gogo's pulling out all the stops to ensure you're happy with your new treasure both on the ground and in the air. See, the in-flight WiFi provider is setting you up with the chance to win a 32GB AT&T LTE version of Apple's latest slate and it's throwing in a full year of free Gogo service to go along with it. That's definitely not a shabby prize, to say the least, so you'll surely want to read the rules and leave a comment to earn yourself a shot to win. Good luck!

  • Splashtop brings Windows 8 Metro Testbed to Apple's iPad (video)

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    This has gotta be uncomfortable for the iPad. Now, Windows 8 tablet developers -- or anyone, for that matter -- can test their apps and play with the Microsoft's Metro interface from within the confines of Apple's ubiquitous tablet. The functionality is made possible by Splashtop, which is known for its remote desktop apps that are currently available for Android and iOS. It seems that a good amount of effort went into this application, known as the Win8 Metro Testbed, which offers the same swipe capabilities that will be available on a native system. This includes the ability to swipe from the left to switch apps, swipe from the right to reveal the Charms menu, and pull down from the top to close an application. Splashtop's Win8 Metro Testbed is currently available for a promotional $24.99 in the iTunes App Store, whereafter it will sell for $49.99. You'll find the full PR and a quick video tour of the app's functionality after the break.

  • Three iPad giveaways in three days: day two, courtesy of CloudOn!

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    The amazing three day iPad giveaway campaign continues, and we're only halfway through. Day two is already here, and it's time to enter to win another new iPad. This time it's CloudOn (iTunes link) that's hooking you up with the opportunity to nab a 16GB WiFi-only version, as a way of celebrating Tuesday's release of its latest update in the App Store. The free app gives you the ability to create, edit and share Office docs with Dropbox, Adobe Reader and Box synchronization as well as a few other goodies.This time around, you'll need to answer a specific question in the comments as part of the entry process: what are two things you'd like to see on your iPad to help you stay productive while on the go? Good luck!

  • Three iPad giveaways in three days: day one, courtesy of Wonders of the Universe!

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    The response has been absolutely amazing since we began our regular series of giveaways two months ago. As a way of showing our gratitude -- not to mention the fact that these contests aren't going away anytime soon -- we're offering up three new iPads over the next three days! That's right, you'll have the chance to win one of Apple's latest tablets each day through Friday. Let's meet our first contestant. We have a 16GB WiFi-only iPad up for grabs, courtesy of HarperCollins and its new app called "Wonders of the Universe." The astronomy app was designed for iOS5 and takes full advantage of the new iPad's Retina display. It essentially combines seven programs into one, offering a visual experience that lets you explore the Universe from subatomic levels all the way up to full galaxies. So read the rules, leave a comment and you've successfully entered to win for the first day! But you'll need to come back tomorrow and Friday if you want to take a shot at the other two.

  • Buy this book: Darren Murph's 'iPad Secrets'

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    We have something of a history of Engadget editors writing books on tech-related topics, and our esteemed Managing Editor (and Guinness World Record-holder) Darren Murph is the latest to join the club. He's written a book in which he'll enlighten you on some of the inner workings of Apple's favorite tablet -- and he won't call you a Dummy in the process. Heck, the publisher was thoughtful enough to put the man's signature right there on the cover, so if you're not satisfied it'll make forging checks and cleaning out Darren's checking account that much easier.

  • Paper: the iPad sketchbook app from the brains of Courier (video)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Go figure -- Microsoft's Courier project lives again... as an exclusive app on Apple's iPad. FiftyThree, a company that features folks who previously worked on the aforesaid Courier initiative, has just put forth a monumental effort dubbed Paper. The app, which is available for free in the App Store, is a sophisticated sketchbook with a highly unique user interface that's seemingly designed with the budding artist in mind. Put simply, the company feels that this app is "where ideas begin," enabling users to capture mental light bulbs as sketches, diagrams, illustrations, notes or drawings before sharing them across the web.Of course, "free" only gets you in the door; in-app purchases ($2 per brush, for example) keeps the creators in business, but it's unclear at this point if a paid edition will be offered for those who aren't much on cherry-picking what they do and don't want to pony up for. Not surprisingly, the app ships with native support for the new iPad's Retina display, and while fingers are welcome, a capacitive stylus is recommended. Eager to see more? Peek the video just after the break, and get your download on in the source link.

  • Visualized: new iPad burns 10 degrees hotter than its predecessor

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    We wouldn't exactly be going out on a limb by suggesting that the new iPad is Apple's hottest tablet to date -- even before Tim Cook confirmed as much earlier today. But while Apple has plenty of reason to brag about the device's sales figures, it's slightly less motivated to be forthcoming about its tendencies to create more heat. 10 degrees more, in fact, according to infrared camera confirmation obtained by After five minutes of running GLBenchmark, the site used its infrared cam to confirm what many of you have already suggested: the new iPad runs a little hot. According to the site's measurements, Cupertino's flagship slab reached 33.6 degrees centigrade (92.5 Fahrenheit), compared to 28.3 centigrade (82.9 Fahrenheit) with the iPad 2. That's certainly not enough heat to cause a tablet to spontaneously combust, but if you happen to be one of those new iPad owners that noticed a difference, you can now rest assured that your internal thermometer hasn't missed a beat.

  • Is your new iPad heating up?

    Sean Buckley
    Sean Buckley

    Apple's latest hot ticket seems to be a tad too hot to hold, some users are reporting. New iPad owners on the MacRumors forums and Apple's own support community complain that the slab's lower left corner can get a little warm during extended use. Don't get excited though, reports seem to vary by user -- some are reporting that their tablet becomes too uncomfortable to hold while others say that it only gets "slightly warm" and that it's "expected." How's your new iPad treating you? Click on through to the comments and let us know.

  • Under the microscope: a closer look at the new iPad

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Sure, you can take us on our word that the new iPad really is that much sharper than its predecessor -- or, you can opt for a more scientific approach, and peek at that Retina display under a microscope. Our own Richard Lai slid his 64GB WiFi iPad under a USB scope, going far beyond the naked eye for a close-up look at those gorgeous high-density subpixels. As you can imagine, it's impossible to distinguish one dot from the next when you're looking at a cool three million pixels packed tightly within a 9.7-inch slab, but that view clears up quite nicely under a 230x microscope. What you'll see is that those tiny red, green and blue dots are now significantly smaller, when compared to the iPad 2. That means text that's easily legible without a pinch, smooth icons and far sharper pictures. There's a dramatic improvement for sure, but is that new display alone enough to justify the upgrade for you? A quick click through the gallery below should help clear things up.Richard Lai contributed to this report.