

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Do hug ghosts

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    I've been laid up all week with a nasty case of the flu. Fortunately, I think I have managed to avoid passing it on to anyone by staying indoors and suffering in silence. Here's hoping that all of your weekends have been better! We have a couple of new comics to add to the list this week, as well as some updates from comics that only refresh sporadically. What do you guys think about the newbies? To compensate for my lack of trivia inspiration this week, I shall send everyone "flu immunity" vibes. That has to be at least as good, right? You'll also be happy to note that Battlemasters is back! Zack, coincidentally, had the flu a couple of weeks ago. Isn't spring wonderful?

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Durable underwear

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week, we have a healthy crop of WoW-related webcomics for your perusal. Before we get into that, let's look at last week's challenge. I asked everyone to make some comments about the week's comics, hoping for some funny, astute, honest, and observant ones. Lots of you rose to the challenge, and to you I bequeath a virtual and imaginary collection of kaleidoscopic thimbles. I'll even throw in some chocolate flavored lemon drops and your very own pretend mini hippopotamus. For this week, I want you to try reading a comic or two that you don't usually bother to read, or that you haven't paid much attention to, and let us know what you think about it. Next week, I'll give you guys another trivia question. Ready? Go!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Me want

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Last week's trivia challenge produced several great answers, although no one guessed what I had been thinking about; My Pet Monster! Still, that was only worth bonus points. Thanks to shadowQQ for guessing Bull from Where the Wild Things Are, and Correlation and Undra for guessing Sully from Monsters, Inc. The other bonus trivia question was of the "one of these things is not like the other" type, and Noekh was the winner; all of the items were something that Canada is known for. Cartmensfoe also gets points for noticing that everything included in the list was edible. Apologies for forgetting to exclude the elephant shrews wearing berets with the ascots and toast. That probably confused a few people. As for your virtual and imaginary prizes, you have all earned robots that know how to do laundry (although they are known for their laziness), bottles of detangling spray that are rumored to bring good luck when used, magical and unpredictable pink highlighters, and a lifetime supply of butterscotch-flavored gum that will help you see the future.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Big tongues vs puppy men

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week, we have several newcomers to the list! I love having new comics; you never know what will become a core feature for each week's entertainment. For last week's trivia, there were so many winners, that I'm frankly just too lazy to list them all. You guys did a great job, although the consensus did seem to be aimed at Frankenstein and its famous comedic little brother, Young Frankenstein. This is going to require some sort of mass prize awarding distribution system (MPADS). First, I shall create a virtual and imaginary, but giant, Frankenstein's monster pinata. I might duct tape it on the inside just to make you work for it; your epics should be able to get through it in time. Inside, there will be toast, poutine, a white Christmas, a family of elephant shrews wearing tiny berets, and butter tarts with a side of real maple syrup, topped with Smarties. There will also be enough ascots for all. This week's trivia question can be found buried within the comic list, so you'd better get cracking! Bonus extra trivia points if you can tell me which of the above virtual and imaginary prizes does not belong (not counting the ascots or the toast - those were just necessary) and why.