

  • Choose My Adventure: Cue da ork-estra

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It took me some hunting to find a copy of Warhammer Online on shelves. I could have just bought one online, yeah, but I will admit to being a fan of sentimental clutter like retail boxes. Once I finally nabbed one -- an adventure in and of itself involving a trip around Farmington, CT in a dismally overcast evening -- I installed it and got busy making a character. Or at least, I would have, if not for the fact that one of the polls was a dead heat from start to finish. See, while my faction and class were apparently pretty easy to assign by consensus, getting my ork-or-goblin's class decided proved quite an ordeal. By the time the class poll closed, ranged DPS and melee DPS were in a dead heat. Well, I had to have a little executive initiative, right? Klurgind the Choppa was born on Gorfang and given the oldest and most intelligent ork face I could find. (I would have gone with Grignr, but it was sadly taken.) So jump on past the cut to see what I got up to during my first foray into Warhammer Online and to let me know where I'm going next.

  • Choose My Adventure: Marching off to WAR

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The readers have spoken! More specifically, the fans of Warhammer Online have spoken, and so the game is my destination for the next several weeks. And what a surprising speech it was, especially given that I, my editor, and my co-workers all assumed that with RIFT on the ballot we might as well just close up the voting after half a day. But the forum thread on the official boards kept people coming over and voting, and thus I'm heading over into the world of Order and Chaos. I'm glad to see Warhammer Online as the selection, as it's long been a game and setting that I've found interesting even though it's never quite made it on my list of things to play next. The game has certainly seen its fair share of hardship over the past several years, so it's going to be interesting to take a look at the game as it exists now. So click on past the break to start me down the path that leads me into the game and check out my usual disconnected ramblings.

  • Dark Age of Camelot launches new website

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    It's extreme makeover time for Dark Age of Camelot's website, and it's a good thing too. The game launched in late 2001, and while its former web portal wasn't quite GeoCities-awful, let's just say it was time for an update in terms of aesthetics and layout. The new version of The Herald is leaner, meaner, and much easier to navigate, though it does come with an "under construction" caveat. DAoC producer Stuart Zissu provides users with a brief introduction to the new site via an embedded video on the front page, and he also hints at the long-running title's 10th anniversary celebration currently scheduled for October. Head to the official website to, er... check out the new official website.

  • Warhammer community update talks crafting, scenario tweaks

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Community update posts are piling up as the calendar rolls on toward May, and a new letter on the official Warhammer Online website adds Mythic's RvR title to the list. The letter addresses the recently released 1.4.2 patch as well as a tentative time window for 1.4.3 (late June). Crafting adjustments are also on the discussion table, and before you scratch your head regarding the importance of tradeskills in a kill-'em-all PvP-fest like WAR, someone's got to make all the bows and blades, amirite? Details are sketchy, but the update letter indicates that interested craftsmen should keep an eye on the dev discussion forums over the next week. There's a blurb about some upcoming scenario changes too. Gromril Crossing and Thunder Valley are expanding to include 18 players over the Easter weekend, and both instances will also reward combatants with double scenario tokens. Finally, Mythic is ponying up for a 50% renown and XP bonus for the weekend.

  • New producer's letter for Ultima Online hints at future updates and an end to sobriety

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    For all that Ultima Online allows player freedoms, it's always had certain lacking features. As far back as the game's launch, you could run up and rob someone blind, but you've always been unable to do so while inebriated. But fear not -- as part of the project to revitalize Magincia, the distillery is being introduced, allowing players the freedom to brew and distribute all the joys that liquor can bring. It's only a small note as part of the overall producer's letter for the game, but it's still noteworthy. There's a lot else in the letter, however, including planned upgrades to the Enhanced Client and a number of story arcs set to begin in June. The restoration of Magincia is also ongoing, and while the distillery is one of the new additions, there are also new gardening additions and enhancements set to make unused land more vibrant. Ultima Online players can check out the full letter for a rundown of features in the pipe and on the horizon.

  • Rumor: A new Ultima MMO might be in the works

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The modern era of MMOs began in 1997 with a little game called Ultima Online, and it's fair to say that the genre would look very different if that first example hadn't gone live. These days, outside of a dedicated playerbase and stalwart fans, the game is no longer at the center of attention. But there are a lot of players who still remember it fondly as an introduction to the field... and there are hints here and there that it might be time for a sequel to the game that started it all. It's a known fact that Paul Barnett has been hinting at a secret project that is quite possibly an RPG, and it's also no secret that Electronic Arts is recruiting for an MMO programmer at its Redwood location. The company has also stepped up defending its trademarks for the Ultima franchise of late, which leads to a bit of interesting speculation. Could it be time for Ultima Online to get a sequel and a new generation of players, a project which has been started and stopped twice before? There's surely something happening behind the scenes...

  • Warhammer Online producer's letter mentions crafting additions

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    While we here at Massively are swamped with GDC-related news tidbits, life outside the annual conference does indeed go on. BioWare-Mythic's Warhammer Online is one such title that keeps on keeping on, and the latest producer's letter is up on the game's official website for your perusal. If you'd rather we peruse it for you, well, keep reading. Producer James Casey has a fair bit to say, and he starts things off with a mention of the new communication initiative that is ongoing in the Developer's Corner section of the WAR forums. Casey also touches on the upcoming tweaks to Grovod Caverns, a new live event called Sigmar Tide (currently scheduled for this summer), and a few proposed additions to crafting that are intended to "introduce new mechanics and flesh out the offerings available" for artisans throughout the realm.

  • Warhammer Online bringing 1.4.1 out for testing

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Scenarios have formed one of the PvP cornerstones for Warhammer Online, leading to a large-scale overhaul of Scenarios several months ago. Certain Scenarios were placed on a weekend rotation, while others were permanently available at different level bands for players to enjoy. Patch 1.4.1, which is due to hit the public test server, Warpstone, tomorrow, is making some alterations to which Scenarios may be played at all times, with some cycling into a permanent slot and others entering retirement for a time. While the shifting lineup is certainly one of the big elements of the patch, it's not the only one. Balance changes have been made for several Skaven abilities, including several overhauls for the Packmaster class. A number of item sets have had their Renown Rank requirements lowered, as well, to give players easier access to the items; there has been a new set added to fill the newly created gap between the Warlord and Sovereign sets. Warhammer Online players can examine the current patch notes and take part in the testing starting tomorrow.

  • Warhammer Online producer's letter hints at major forthcoming features

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    The first Warhammer Online producer's letter of 2011 is hot off the virtual presses, and Bioware-Mythic's RvR title has a few changes in store for the upcoming year. First and foremost, Carrie Gouskos has given way to James Casey when it comes to authoring the producer's letter, and Casey states that Gouskos is "still working on WAR, but is looking at a different aspect of the game. This new focus will be revealed in due time." As far as WAR itself, 2011 will see what Casey calls major features in each of its numbered patches. These features include the expansion of existing areas "as well as new concepts to the Warhammer Online experience." No concrete details are forthcoming as of yet, but Casey does hint at further reveals in upcoming producer's letters. Finally, the letter takes a brief look at WAR's live events, upcoming account entitlements, and the ongoing issues with server population. Casey doesn't commit to any news on server merges but does state that "we are actively discussing our plans for lower population servers."

  • Demonic live events returning to Dark Age of Camelot

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    It's been a while since demons ran rampant over the lands in Dark Age of Camelot (last summer to be exact), but Mythic's Andy Belford has posted a notice on the game's official website that the live developer events will be returning shortly. "The scholars studying the artifacts and objects left behind by the demons have made some startling discoveries. Rumors have begun to make their way across the realms, whispers of dark portents, rituals, and objects. The rumors have not gone unnoticed," proclaims the cryptic blurb. Belford also mentions that players on the Mordred shard will have the opportunity to take on Mythic devs in PvP, and he gives us a heads up as to the official live event schedule: Glamorgan: Tuesday January 11th, 8:00 a.m. EDT, 2:00 p.m. EDT, 7:00 p.m. (2:00 p.m. CET, 8:00 p.m. CET, 11 p.m. CET) Mordred/Gaheris: Wednesday January 12th 2011, 2:00 p.m. EDT, 8:00 p.m. EDT, 11:00 p.m. EDT. Ywain: Thursday January 13th 2011, 2:00 p.m. EDT, 8:00 p.m. EDT, 11:00 p.m. EDT.

  • The Perfect Ten: The movers and shakers of 2010

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Even though MMOs are the products of great teams of talented workers -- from sound artists to writers -- it's inevitable that a few of the people behind the curtain step out into the limelight. It's a smart move, really; it provides a personal face for people to associate with the game, it keeps messages consistent, and it draws any potential hate onto one person instead of the team at large. It stands to reason that these public figures end up being some of the major movers and shakers in the industry because of their high-profile positions. From CEOs to community managers, these are the people with power to make decisions, the voice to change opinions, and the personalities to inspire millions. Oh, that last sentence is pure poetry. Let's re-read it again, shall we? So in our last Perfect Ten of the year, I've asked the Massively team to compile a list of the 10 biggest MMO movers and shakers of this year. All of these people now owe us cupcakes of gratitude. (Legal Disclaimer: This does not signify a binding cupcake-blogger contract.)

  • Waging WAR: Tapping the keg

    Greg Waller
    Greg Waller

    Mythic has released the Keg's End live event in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, and this week in Waging WAR, after falling off the wagon and bumping his head, Greg talks about all the things to see and do in-game during this holiday season. Don't worry, though -- we were able to get him to stop singing carols after the swelling went down. It's that time of year again, and most everyone is celebrating something in some fashion. Whether it's Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza or Festivus, ultimately, it's a section of the calendar that many of us can appreciate and look forward to. On that note, I would like to extend my warmest and sincerest Season's Greetings to all Massively readers out there, wherever you are. And as fun as it is with the gift giving, merriment and world-peace-wishing, the best part of the season is when we get hammered and smack-talk our families. Wait, you don't smack-talk your family at your house? You mean... the season really is all about warmth, love, and mistletoe mischief? Hmm... well, it seems as though my family missed that memo. Behind-the-back dirt-dishing has been a staple at my house for as long as I can remember. But enough about that, let's talk about Warhammer Online and the Keg End live event -- something I can relate to. Forget about religion, politics, and corporate pan-handling; let's get out the gourds, chug a frothy or two, and loudly proclaim our bravest victories in that barrel-chested manner we're all so accustomed to (OK, maybe not all of us, but play along, will ye?). Read on after the cut to learn about all the fun things you can look forward to with WAR's Keg End live event.

  • Ring in the end of the year with Warhammer Online's Keg End

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Warhammer Online players have things to be thankful for this year, not the least of which being the 1.4 patch. And as the end of the year approaches, it's the traditional time for players to celebrate the passing of the old year in the game via copious amounts of liquor and the usual helping of ultraviolence. That's right, it's time for another round of Keg End, with Order and Destruction alike taking part in the festivities and competing for chances at the coveted Golden Stein. Aside from the boastworthy exploits of the festival, players will also have giants to face off against, with special rewards for those capable of felling these enemies. There are also rare world drop items for players to look for, including your own personal keg handler or a battlebrew backpack. Warhammer Online players are encouraged to take a look at the official preview of the holiday event, which runs until January 4th to ensure that everyone has plenty of time to ring in the new year with a proper toast. Or a proper inebriated violent rampage, one or the other.

  • Waging WAR: White Lions ite domum

    Greg Waller
    Greg Waller

    This week in Waging WAR, Greg shows off the rather large chip on his shoulder and talks about one particular career in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Despite the following column, Greg wants it to be known that he does indeed love kittens of all kinds and does not condone harming them in any way, unless it involves several Doom Bolts and a few handfuls of Flickering Red Fire, in which case he enthusiastically gives his approval. For the most part, I consider myself pretty easygoing when it comes to scenario PvP. I don't flip out when I die, I try to not take failure to heart since the next scenario is usually right around the corner, and DPS-healers don't bug me like they bug many other players out there (I used to play one, neener-neener). But recently, I've noticed a particularly aggravating trend growing among Order players on Badlands in the lower tiers. There is an inordinate number of White Lions being rolled, and objectively, it isn't difficult to see why. They're extremely mobile, they can cause outrageous amounts of damage in a very short time, and their pets represent more than mere harassment -- they actually hurt. Sadly, objectivity comes at a pretty hefty price these days. When it has run dry and all I find myself left with is the hot, bitter aftertaste of subjectivity, the result is something like the rant that follows. Read along after the break and enjoy my rant about White Lions.

  • Waging WAR: Guide to addons

    Greg Waller
    Greg Waller

    This week in WagingWAR Greg takes a look at the basic interface offered in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Well, he said he would take a look, but then he mumbled something about needing a blindfold first. Instead, he writes about all the great ways it can be changed via third-party add-ons and shows us why WAR's modding community really is just the bee's knees. Let's be honest with ourselves right off the bat and agree that the WAR default interface, although functional, is lackluster in some respects. That's not to say that the developers of WAR made a disastrous UI for us to play with; in fact, the truth is quite the opposite. The standard UI is functional, genre-standard, and provides all the necessary information at a glance. It gets the job done. It also offers a layout editor that allows for simple, easy customization. But sometimes, someone else's idea for a UI element is simply better. Thankfully, WAR supports the Lua programming language and enjoys a strong and talented modding community. Continue reading for the lowdown on what I consider to be the best of the best of what WAR's mod community has to offer as of patch 1.4.

  • Waging WAR: On the distant horizon

    Greg Waller
    Greg Waller

    It's that time again! Yes, Greg's imagination has escaped its tiny 3x3 cell and is off spreading ruination and ruffling feathers across the countryside, armed with absurd notions and a not-so-surprising lack of reason and logic. This week's Waging WAR attempts to follow along in its wake as we take another look at the potential future of Warhammer Online: The Age of Reckoning. WAR released with an impressive lineup of playable armies and careers, setting the stage for the Age of Reckoning with a 3v3, two-sided RvR layout. In the summer following the official release of WAR, we got our first free content expansion featuring the Tomb Kings in the Land of the Dead. Just recently, we finally, at long last, got our Skaven wishes granted. In the spirit of the holiday season coming up, I've decided to look ahead at what may come in the future as we approach new horizons in WAR. Even if we discount Brettonia as another flavor of civilized human (akin in many ways to the Empire), the Daemons of Chaos as being already represented in some form or another as a part of Tzeentch's Warhost, and the Ogre Kingdoms (and other assorted Dogs of War) as being more-or-less an NPC army, we're still left with some excellent offerings from Warhammer lore as far as where WAR can go in the foreseeable future. Follow along after the break as I take another look at what's left on the table to play with for future packs and expansions for WAR.

  • Waging WAR: Inside patch 1.4

    Greg Waller
    Greg Waller

    The Verminous Horde game update aka patch 1.4 for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is pretty much old news by now. Despite that, Greg takes a look at some of the highlights from the patch as well as the RvR Packs in this week's Waging WAR. Wow! What a patch! There are so many new little tidbits, toys and tweaks in this patch that it's really sort of hard to describe them all in the space of a single issue of Waging WAR. On top of all the free content in the patch itself, there are also the progression and personality packs available on the EAStore ($10ea/$15combo). In fact, there is so much new content in WAR right now, it's going to take quite a bit of time for us to exhaust it all and start complaining about stagnation again. Follow along after the break as I talk about some of the highlights from the patch.

  • Warhammer's Verminous Horde patch coming on November 18th

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    BioWare-Mythic has set the live date for Warhammer Online's 1.4.0 patch (otherwise known as The Verminous Horde) as well as for the availability of the game's new RvR packs. All three updates will take a bow on November 18th, with the patch comprising a free update for all subscribers and the Progression and Personality RvR packs commanding $10 price points in the EA Store (or $15 for the pair). The 1.4.0 patch brings a new capture mechanic to WAR's open RvR gameplay, four playable Skaven classes, and a high-level Skaven-themed dungeon called Thanquol's Incursion. The Progression Pack gives you an accelerated leveling bonus, 20 more renown ranks to grind, and new gear options. The Personality Pack brings the ability to restyle your avatar in a variety of ways including new dyes, surgeon tokens, vanity pets, and a mount. Check out all the details at the official site.

  • Waging WAR: Battle for Badlands season 3 finale

    Greg Waller
    Greg Waller

    With so many awesome things happening for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning lately, with the Verminous Horde expansion, the new store, patch 1.4 and all the rest, Greg has decided to turn his all-seeing eye sideways, to a land called the Badlands, and take Waging WAR along to explore a community-driven event that has been held there for nearly a year now with great success. Since launch, WAR has enjoyed a great community. With every great community, a great event is inevitable. I've been around the block since WAR was released and have experienced the game on several different servers. I originally rolled my first character, a Swordmaster named Xiimmel, on Iron Rock. Later, I rolled an Archmage named Feiyen on Dark Crag, who I eventually moved back to Iron Rock where she was renamed Veeo. I never did get a chance to explore Phoenix Throne, which was collapsed along with Dark Crag some time ago. Recently, I joined the Badlands community on the side of Destruction with a variety of new characters, and the community there has been good to me so far. Part of that experience the last few weeks has been the opportunity to participate in a community-driven phenomenon known as the Battle for Badlands. Since this is all quite new to me, I decided to do a community spotlight on the event in today's Waging WAR. Read on past the cut where I play 6Qs and deliver the details about the Battle for Badlands while I try to answer your 5Ws and maybe an H.

  • Waging WAR: Warhammer's new online store

    Greg Waller
    Greg Waller

    This week's Waging WAR catches a whiff of recent happenings on the internet and with Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Greg dives in face-first, grabs a fist-full of the news, and delivers a fast-ball rant on the issue. Well, apparently the RMT has hit the fan, and the resulting spackle is starting to plaster the proverbial walls of the blogosphere and beyond. Recently, some information was released about what players can expect to buy at EA-Mythic's new store. Although only a few items are actually available now, there's a pretty extensive FAQ on the server transfer service, and we'll have to wait a little longer for the Progression and Personality packs, as they're set to be released along with patch 1.4. Naturally, the drama is building up some nice momentum, and it will be interesting to see how the whine will affect this particular cheese over at the Mythic official forum. For now, you can read past the break and enjoy my rant.