

  • The Road to Mordor: The Professor

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    This past week on January 3rd, J.R.R. Tolkien celebrated his 118th birthday -- or rather, we celebrated it for him. Tolkien was born in South Africa in 1892 and lived a rich and full life, from fighting in the first World War to working on the Oxford English Dictionary to taking a position at several universities that would earn him the nickname "The Professor." He is, of course, most well-remembered for his seminal works of fantasy -- The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion -- although his writings didn't end there. Due to Tolkien's love of nature, linguistics, and mythology, his creations were born out of comprehensive backgrounds and rich histories, which he seemed to love making up just as much as the stories themselves. For years now, Tolkien fans around the world have remembered his birthday by raising a glass on his birthday and giving a simple toast, "The Professor," at 9:00 p.m. wherever they lived. Likewise, in Lord of the Rings Online, many players gathered at their tavern of choice to do the same. Today I thought I'd remember the Professor in a slightly different way by exploring the quest chain "Missing the Meeting." While it's not completely overt if you happened to come across it, "Missing the Meeting" is a tribute to J.R.R. Tolkien and his life, and it's worth going through at least once if you want to pay homage and get a nifty token by which to remember him.

  • New birthday icon for Calendar in iOS 4.2

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    The release of iOS 4.2 has brought us a nice little surprise in the form of the new icon shown in this post. If you're tracking birthdays in your Contacts application, those birthdays will appear in your iCal calendar with a little gift package icon. It's a nice little touch to the friendly organizer application, and it helps you visually spot that special day for your loved ones. No one's made a big deal about this being a new feature in iOS 4.2, of course, since it's such a small detail (much as the new Voice Memos icon is a small detail). But for those of us who rank reaching out to loved ones to say "Happy Birthday" as a priority in our to-do list, this little touch might be a favorite change in iOS 4.2. In order to set up this functionality, pull up the Contacts record for the person whose birthday you want to track. Select Edit in the upper right hand corner, scroll to the bottom and tap "add field." Then enter the birthday, and the date will show up in your calendar app. Updated to correct iCal/Calendar app mixup. Thanks to Ryan for the tip!

  • Edible iPhone birthday cake

    David Quilty
    David Quilty

    And you thought that store-bought $10 cake you got for your birthday was cool. Sure to be the envy of Apple fanboys everywhere, Chris Samuels -- an independent iPhone and iPad developer -- received this detailed iPhone cake for his birthday from his wife Cath. Everything on (and inside) the cake is edible, with the icons carefully made from frosting and food coloring. With all the work that must have gone into this cake it would almost be sad to eat it. Almost. This certainly isn't the first Apple device made in cake form. Check out this iPhone wedding cake, these icon cupcakes and this tasty chocolate Apple I cake. Happy Birthday, Mr. Samuels. We look forward to seeing what Cath makes for you next year. Maybe a chocolate-covered iPad? Some iChocolates? Be sure to let us know!

  • Windows 1.0 debuts 25 years ago today (video)

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    If you were paying attention in 1985 (not that we were -- the only thing we were really paying attention to in 1985 was The A-Team), you might have noted that on November 20, Microsoft announced the debut of its long-awaited Windows operating system. Just imagine! You already had the PC (and the requisite 256KB of RAM, DOS 2.0, and two 5.25-inch floppy disk drives), and all you needed to do was shell out $99 for the ability to run Paint, Windows Writer, and Reversi -- in color! Let's take a moment to consider how far we've come in twenty-five short years... by watching Steve Ballmer do his 'used car salesman' schtick in an early commercial for the OS after the break. At least, we hope he's having a laugh -- otherwise, how would you explain that jacket?

  • The Tattered Notebook: Six years of EverQuest II

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    I looked down at the dog-eared journal and shivered. As excited as I was to finally be in possession of The Tattered Notebook, I recalled the fates of its previous owners. First, seemingly out of madness, Seccia made a sudden and unexpected career change to blog about kittens. Now, Scarve, a Ratonga, has disappeared in the night, leaving behind only a wedge of cheese, this tattered notebook, and a tiny stuffed Kerran doll. Rumors spread of his appearance among a shadowy cult of Gnomish tinkerers, but it's unclear whether he's with them by choice or by force. Regardless, I took a deep breath and opened the cover. What a perfect time to begin adding my entries to the journal, right at the celebration of EverQuest II's six-year anniversary! To celebrate, the game is holding its second annual Festival of Heroes, from November 19-30. In honor of this milestone, my first entry into The Tattered Notebook is a retrospective of those past six years, with an eye towards the future.

  • Happy 10th birthday to Mac OS X Hints

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Because we veteran Mac sites have to stick together, we're sending congratulations out to the good folks over at Mac OS X Hints, who yesterday turned the ripe old age (in blogging years, anyway) of ten years old. The site, created by Rob Griffiths and now run by Macworld, continues to be a terrific source of hints, new and old, about cool things to do with our favorite operating system. OS X Hints is just one of the many storied pillars of this wild and crazy Mac community, and we're glad to have them around. It seems like just three years ago we wished them well on their seventh birthday. Here's hoping we can do the same and congratulate them on all of their great work 10 years from now (when we're all playing with the iPad X and the Mac micro).

  • Ask Massively: I have eaten so much birthday cake edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It gets absolutely crazy around here once November 2nd rolls around. You'd think that another year of operation was something that only came around once every 9,000 hours or so. Of course, this means an opportunity for me to gorge myself on so much cake that I can't walk under my own power any longer without its just being arbitrary gluttony, and who can say no to that? I certainly can't. I'm still unable to walk two days later. This week, in honor of our anniversary, I've pulled a few questions straight from our anniversary edition of The Daily Grind, so that readers who missed the answers before can see the answers again... and questions unanswered can get a response. So click on past the break for our offerings, and as always, you can leave a question right here or send it along to Hopefully by next week I will be able to walk again.

  • Celebrate Hello Kitty's birthday in Hello Kitty Online

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Hello Kitty is 36 years old, which should be the sort of thing that makes everyone blink once or twice in surprise. With that sort of pedigree, you'd be surprised not to see a celebration going on -- especially in Hello Kitty Online. Sure enough, there's a huge birthday bash going on right now for players of the game, and participation in the event will have some positive effects in the real world. Sanrio is giving money to charity, based in part upon how many people take part in the birthday festivities. Players taking part will be sent around the world with sparklers to help cheer up monsters, so that everyone can enjoy the birthday celebration. There's also a small line for upgrading and improving sparklers for maximum effectiveness, with upgrades available in the item shop as a shortcut for participants. A full event guide has been posted, and it promises a special in-game event on November 15th -- which should be an excellent motivator for Hello Kitty Online players to log in and ring in another cat-filled year. %Gallery-106551%

  • One Shots: Do not question it!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    It simply wouldn't be much of a birthday celebration without a party. As such, while we're throwing a virtual party here at the Massively offices, today also seemed like a perfect time to show off a fun MMO party in One Shots! This celebratory image was captured by our resident aficionado of Lord of the Rings Online: Justin "Syp" Olivetti, who writes The Road to Mordor among many other things. We'll turn things over to him to explain the merriment: "Both LotRO and Massively are known for their off-the-charts parties which often draw the attention of angry polar bears. Why is this so? It is the mystique of the party -- do not question it! In honor of Massively's third birthday, here's a shindig in front of the Shire's Party Tree. Can you feel the music? Sense the vibe? Then get out of your chair, put on your favorite tunes at top volume, and do a jig in the name of the Boogie Bear!" Have you captured an image of a celebration in your favorite MMO? We're all about the parties. Send in your festive screenshots to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. It could wind up being one of the next screenshots we feature! %Gallery-85937%

  • Three years of Massively: Celebrating the alumni

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Over the past three years, we've seen plenty of faces come and go through the doors of Massively. I can honestly say that I'm proud of the current team and it's been a pleasure working with such a diverse crowd since I started. Some former writers went on to work in the industry itself, either on the community or development side of things. We wanted to spotlight those Massively alumni with this article detailing their accomplishments. As an added bonus, a few of the former staffers answered some questions regarding their new gig. Follow along for more!

  • Three years of Massively: A few of our favorite things

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Three years ago today, Massively cartwheeled into the MMO blogosphere, providing fresh fields on which its writers could ruminate (and a credible reason for its editors to go prematurely grey). If you don't remember those earliest days, it's probably because you were too busy "actually gaming" to "read about gaming." But if you're here reading this now, then you understand the unavoidable, irresistible lure of the gaming meta and why we writers do what we do (protip: it's really, really not for the money). To commemorate the occasion of our having existed three whole years without being thanklessly defenestrated, dethroned, or otherwise decommissioned, we asked the Massively staff members to reminisce about their past articles and offer up their favorite posts from the site for your amusement. Join us after the break for a retrospective of our very best work -- funny, sad, ranty, weird. Then hit the comments and let us know which of our posts really made a splash for you this year. Happy birthday, Massively! Let's eat internet cake!

  • The Daily Grind: Three years of coffee talk

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Three years! Three years we've been here at Massively, talking about all manner of things! Speaking as someone who has been here from the start, it's all been like butter. Like butter, I tell you! Along the way, every morning, we've gotten up, grabbed our coffee and enjoyed some coffee talk here on The Daily Grind. From simple questions about things like favorite music in MMOs to more in-depth discussion about systems, lore, character development, and more, we've given you over a thousand different topics so you could talk amongst yourselves -- like now, when we're a little verklempt. There. OK. It's passed. This morning, we thought it would be fun to give you the chance to ask us (and of course, the other Massively readers) something in honor of our third birthday as a site. Ever wanted to know what a day in the Massively virtual offices is like? Does Shawn really have a post-apocalyptic costume? Does Eliot randomly say "kupo?" If you've got burning questions, we've got answers. Just leave them in the box below, bubeleh... and you know... we'll talk. Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Windows 7 moves 240 million copies in its first year

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Can you believe it's only been a year since Windows 7 hit the market? So much has happened in the interim, we could swear it's been a decade. Of course, Microsoft is celebrating Windows 7's birthday the best way it knows how: sales numbers. Turns out the little OS has done pretty well for itself, with 240 million licenses sold, giving it a 17 percent global operating system market share, and making it a healthy chunk of the 1.2 billion Windows PCs out there. As for the slow-to-adopt businesses out there, Microsoft still has some work to do, but it says 90 percent of companies have upgraded or "started their move" to 7. So, we've got the cold hard facts out of the way, any precious, personal, heartfelt memories of your time with the OS you'd like to share? We've got dibs on Steve Ballmer dropping by the Engadget Show on launch week.

  • Chrome is now 2 years old! Google celebrates with release of version 6

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Two years. Can you believe it's only been two years since we started browsing the internet faster than a potato can tear through the air? Well, Google can, and it's certainly not been sitting around during that time, improving Chrome's JavaScript performance by a factor of 3, and throwing in a litany of additional features, like tab side-by-side view, themes, auto-translation, and bookmark and preference sync across machines. To celebrate the anniversary, the company's uploaded version numero 6 to its stable channel, which brings a few more GUI optimizations and some bug fixes to the table. Hardware graphics acceleration isn't yet included in the public release, but it too shall be joining the party before long.

  • Welcome to the terrible twos: Happy 2nd Birthday, App Store!

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    You could argue that the App Store ages in Internet time (it's like dog years, only slightly faster), so in terms of its mental age it might be closer to a gawky adolescent than a human two-year-old. Nevertheless, as we mark the 2nd anniversary of the launch of the App Store back in July of 2008, in some ways it is remarkably like seeing an individual personality emerge from an immature, unfinished baseline. It may be a personality with a fondness for bathroom humor and some disturbing control-freak tendencies, but it's something. I could cite superlatives from here until the App Store's next birthday -- over 225,000 apps live in the store, more than 40 thousand unique publishers, over $1 billion in revenue paid out to a crowd of still-enthusiastic developers -- but what it comes down to is this: Apple built a market. Built it, made it run, invited in the innovators and 'the crazy ones' who decided to see what would come of their hard work. Before the App Store, most people didn't associate 'phones' and 'applications' at all, even though there were plenty of apps out there. Now, a would-be smartphone that skips over the app availability question is pretty much dead on arrival. Happy birthday, App Store; we'll begin our celebration today from the date of the press release announcing 500 launch applications (500!), even though tomorrow (July 11) was the on-sale date of the iPhone 3G with OS 2.0. Congratulations to all the people both inside and outside of Apple who have contributed to making the past two years as lively and exciting as they've been. We can't wait to see what happens next -- even if it is a few months of tantrums and growing pains. [hat tip to William @ Different District] Photo by D. Sharon Pruitt | flickr: cc

  • The laser turns 50, we hope to still be that cool at that age (video)

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    On May 16, 1960, Theodore Maiman did something totally awesome at Hughes Lab: he fired the first functional laser and sent the future of arena rock and the rave scene well on its way. Hughes Lab has since moved on to become the military skunkworks Raytheon and the laser has moved into history as one of the coolest things to ever come out of a laboratory. Not a week goes by that we don't see someone doing something amazing with the things, whether it's blowing up ballistic missiles or just beaming your home movies on the wall. So, to everyone involved in the creation of the laser (including the great Albert Einstein himself), we salute you with this commemorative video embedded below.

  • Lord of the Rings Online celebrating 3rd birthday with $10 subscription

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    To celebrate the arrival of its third birthday -- or, as is more accurate when describing the age of MMOs, the third year it's managed to avoid the sweet release of a global server shutdown -- Lord of the Rings Online is seeing a temporary reduction in the cost of its monthly subscription fee. From April 26 to June 30, you can grab a three, six or 12 month subscription for LotRO for just $9.99 a month, down from the standard rate of $14.99 a month. In addition, Turbine is turning up the rare item drop rate for monsters during the birthday festivities, and is providing each player with a skill which reduces the price of vendor goods by 20 percent. That's awfully nice of the studio, but aren't birthday-havers supposed to receive presents, and not give them? We're not complaining, mind you -- we just feel like we're taking advantage.

  • Happy 34th birthday, Apple!

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    It's hard to believe, but Apple has been around for 34 years today. On April 1, 1976, Apple Computer, Inc. was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The company had an amazing childhood (Apple II, Mac), an awkward adolescence where it nearly killed itself with a broad, unfocused product line (Performa, Quadra, Newton), and then finally straightened itself out after reaching true adulthood in the late 90s and early 2000s (iMac, iPod). Apple now has a nice family (iPod, iMac, MacBook, Mac Pro, Mac mini, iPhone, and the awkward kid Apple TV) and another child on the way -- iPad. It's been able to become one of the most prosperous companies in the United States in the midst of a recession, and shows all signs of being able to survive into middle age. Happy 34th birthday, Apple!

  • Sony's PSP turns 5, may very well live forever

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's somewhat hard to believe that Sony as a whole turned 60 just under 4 years ago, and since then we've seen the PlayStation turn 15, the PlayStation 2 turn 10 and the PlayStation 3 celebrate its first. Today, the outfit's PlayStation Portable (or PSP, in shorter terms) is gettin' down on its fifth birthday (while our own bionic Thomas Ricker parties on his 482nd), with the North American debut happening on March 24, 2005. To date, over 17 million of the iconic handhelds have been sold, over 820 titles have been created for it and an all-new, UMD-free version has come along to dazzle those who are champing at the bit to ditch physical media. The platform as a whole still has a ways to go before it catches the Big N and its Game Boy / DS line, but hey, the millennium is young.