

  • The Club one-ups GoW's Seriously achievement

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The humorous and ever so witty dev team over at Bizarre Creations got a little creative with their achievements for upcoming title The Club. So creative, they somehow managed to one-up Gears of War's "Seriously" achievement.Looking over The Club's achievements one will quickly notice an achievement by the name of "No, Seriously" which can only be earned if a player gets 10,001 kills in ranked multiplayer. This, of course, is a direct reference to GoW's famous (and nearly impossible to obtain) "Seriously" achievement where gamers must rack up some 10,000 ranked kills. As you see, The Club's "No, Seriously" requires an extra kill. Nicely played Bizarre, nicely played.Though, we're sorry to say that Gears' "Seriously" will forever be held high atop our list of most respected achievements and can never be replaced or duplicated, even if it only requires 10,000 kills to unlock. Heck, "No, Seriously" will only net you 40 Gamerscore, ten less Gamerscore than the the original "Seriously". It must not be as l33t of an achievement as it's made out to be ... just saying Bizarre, just saying.[Thanks, Scott (HHHawk)]

  • Bizarre Creations explains why you should join The Club

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    In our hands-on with The Club's PlayStation Network demo, we weren't too entirely impressed. However, we plan to wash our hands of that experience when we finally get a chance to play the full game. In the mean time, though, several of the key players responsible for The Club's creation want to tell you what sets the game apart from every other third-person shooter on the market. Bizarre Creations is banking on the fact that gamer's natural drive for competition will help The Club sell as the game's focus isn't on level progression or story development, but rather chaining kills together to score the most points possible. Whether it succeeds in that goal or not, one thing's for sure, Bizarre Creations is most certainly living up to its name with such an original take on an otherwise increasingly stale genre.

  • More shooters in the cards for Bizarre?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    A job listing posted on the Bizarre Creations website hints that The Club won't be the last shooter we see from the company. The job listing in question is seeking a level designer with "proven ability to design and create engaging gaming experiences (preferably a 1st/3rd person shooter)." The listing provides fuel for the rumor that Bizarre is working on a new James Bond title, a story that broke last month. Regardless of whether or not the game in question stars 007, it's clear that Bizarre is working on another shooter title. We'll have to wait and see just what they have in store.[Via Videogamer]

  • Geometry Wars: Galaxies drops to $20

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Even with its new multiplayer mode, single-player campaign, and game-changing features (e.g. customizable drone), Geometry Wars: Galaxies is a hard sell for the people comparing the DS's $30 update to the original $5 download on XBLA. Meijer's $19.99 online sale for Galaxies is still a lot more expensive than five bucks, but when you consider all the extra content Kuju Entertainment threw in, that price doesn't sound bad at all. Besides, the DS version has a huge advantage over the old and crusty XBLA release that you shouldn't forget: portability! [Via CAG]

  • The Club demo now on Xbox Live

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    When a demo for Bizarre Creation's The Club was released only in Europe and Australia, we were understandably testy. But then, we had a revelation: That's what it's like every day in countries that aren't America. We were so moved that we bought a red-white-and-blue T-shirt and six of Miller High Life to celebrate our appreciation for our homeland. Now, our patience has been rewarded, with the demo finally hitting Xbox Live. If you need more encouragement to check it out, you should know that Tycho from Penny Arcade said nice things about it, which is good enough for us. Typically, the guys use their power to steer you towards the finer things, (unlike our power, used only to win fights in the comments section). But will you be joining The Club? Let us know below.

  • North America is now a part of The Club (demo)

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Available for download off the Xbox Live Marketplace to North American Live members is a sorta new The Club demo that was previously released to Europe and Australia a few weeks back. This 1.36GB demo download has been under a lot of heat lately, with gamers sounding off that they are either in love with it or despise its very existence. But that's exactly why demos are released, they're for you to garner your own opinion. Makes sense. Go get downloading and garnering fellow North American fanboys, you're now a part of The Club ... even though you have yet to send in your club registration fee. Get it in by next week though.

  • New bullet riddled footage from The Club

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    GameTrailers has posted some new footage from the upcoming Bizarre Creations arcade shooter The Club. A fast paced action game in the vein of Geometry Wars (with a few more polygons added), the game rewards players for dispatching enemies and dispatching them quickly. Featured prominently on the game's HUD is a score multiplier that increases with each successive kill. Wait too long and the multiplier drains fast. It's an interesting way to treat a third person shooter, and frankly it's a welcome change. Sometimes you don't want to bother with all that thinky-stinky stuff required by the likes of Rainbow Six and GRAW, you know? Also, given that the game's stages are really more like courses, leaderboard hogs should definitely be keeping an eye on The Club. Now where's that US demo? Find the footage after the break.

  • Possibly the most impressive Geometry Wars video you'll ever see

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Bill Tangeman clearly has a pretty high tolerance of cramp, if his highest score on Geometry Wars: Galaxies is anything to go by. But what really gets us about the above video is that he could have gone on and on and on and on and Ariston, until he developed Carpal tunnel syndrome reached whatever score he damn well pleased. As it happened, he was happy to settle for a piffling 5,000,000,000, a total that saw Bill top the regional Galaxies leaderboard. We're slightly dismayed to learn there's a difficulty ceiling in the game, but it's safe to say that we're quite a distance from breaking it. [Via Aeropause]

  • XBLM Roundup: The Club demo & Rock Band DLC

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    This morning, both The Club demo and new Rock Band downloadable tracks released to the XBLM as foreshadowed and expected. And just as we mentioned earlier, The Club demo is a limited release that is not available for download in North America, Germany or Asia, but everyone other Live region will be able to play the 1.36GB demo. Also, the new Rock Band DLC, which includes three songs from Iron Maiden, Stone Temple Pilots and The Hives, are now available for 160 points each. We posted details about the Rock Band DLC after the break, so feel free to check that out if you're feeling clickity clicky.That should wrap up all the major new XBLM downloads for the day and should keep you busy if you either live outside of North America or if you have Rock Band. If not ... well, just go download an XBLA trial or something. Move along now.

  • The Club demo releases to UK XBLM tomorrow

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    This weekend we mentioned that The Club demo was headed to the Xbox Live Marketplace "soonish" and that it would have a staggered region release. Well, we didn't have to wait long for SEGA to confirm news that tomorrow morning, January 8th, The Club demo will release to the XBLM for our friends in the UK and Australia. You read correctly. The US, Canada, Mexico and every other Live region is being left out of demo goodness for the time being, so be proud fellow UK and Aussie Live subscribers. You're getting content first for a change. W00t for you.So, if you are in a region that the demo releases in, Bizarre already confirmed that you'll be treated to a The Club demo featuring the prison level "Escape from Newhaven", two single player game modes including Time Attack and Sprint as well as split screen multiplayer. Enjoy your demo and be sure to tell us what you think fellow UK and Aussie fanboys. You know, since we won't be able to download it and all.

  • Bizarre confirms The Club demo is coming soon

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Ben from Bizarre Creations posted a little note on the Bizarre forums updating everyone on the status of The Club demo that is scheduled for release to the Xbox Live Marketplace. He confirms that they are indeed done with it, that they've handed it off to SEGA and are awaiting them (and presumably Microsoft) to announce the demo's release. He also mentions that the demo will rollout to the Marketplace as a "staggered launch for all of the regions", which means it will not be a worldwide release. Here's to hoping the US, Canada or Europe don't get shafted.The Club demo is coming soon fanboys, so get excited, keep your eyes open and your focus directed at the Xbox Live Marketplace for the time being. And don't blink either.

  • More Geometry Wars on the Wii is a possibility

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Roger Carpenter, the Senior Producer at Vivendi Games, recently talked about the future of Geometry Wars (and whether it involved the Wii) in an interview with Cubed3. Carpenter said the decision to make a new Geometry Wars for the Wii would depend on "how much the public liked [Geometry Wars: Galaxies]," which we assume is a euphemism for "how well the game sells." Wii Ware is also a possibility for a new Geometry Wars, but Carpenter wants to wait and see how successful the service becomes before considering that option. For those of you who like Geometry Wars, would you want to see another version for the Wii? Or do you prefer the game on the DS and XBLA? [Via GoNintendo]

  • See The Club demo in action

    Chris Powell
    Chris Powell

    After playing through the newly released demo of The Club, we have to admit we're not completely blown away. From what we've gathered, the game feels pretty much like any generic third-person shooter with a tacked-on point system. Additionally, we never really got the feeling of excitement of the supposed fast-paced action that we were promised. Also, we're a bit dismayed by the confusing button layout. Who ever thought it'd be a good idea to map the sprint and shoot actions to the R1 and R2 button, respectively? On the plus side, there are a variety of interesting looking characters, a few of whom are a bit cliche, but they appear to have some decent background stories that we can only hope Bizarre Creations delves a bit in to. In the end, though, the game's saving grace might be its multiplayer, which pits several players against each other as they run through the level trying to rack up the most combos and gain the most points to win. Bizarre and Sega have until February to hopefully rectify some of these issues before The Club is released.

  • Rumor: Bizarre working on a new 007

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    It's juicy rumor news time kids! Oh joy! Word on the street (EGM's street) is that recently acquired Bizarre Creations is hard at work on a new (get this) James Bond game. Yup, that same James Bond 007 guy that used to be so darn awesome, but has gone missing as of late. The rumored Bizarre Bond game is supposed to be heavy on the vehicle driving (makes sense), which tickles us to pieces. Bizarre Creations making a Bond game ... this should be good.[Via Joystiq]

  • Rumor: Bizarre working on James Bond game

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    You know, up until a few years ago, James Bond games were big business. In fact, they were so hot that publishers actually created 007 plotlines (Everything Or Nothing, Nightfire) when movies weren't coming quickly enough. Sadly, since 2005's From Russia With Love, the series has sat stagnant, with the best Bond film in recent memory not even getting the video game treatment. Now though, it appears Ian Fleming's secret agent is staging a comeback, not only with a Treyarch-developed action game but with a previously-rumored second Bond project, which EGM may have gotten the scoop on. The mag is reporting the rumor that recently-acquired Bizarre Creations is the dev behind the second project, a driving-heavy 007 outing. (If the idea sounds familiar, it should: EA took at stab at it in 2000 with the PSone's 007 Racing.) We're not sure what we're more excited about: The fact that Bizarre could be working on a Bond game, or the welcome news that there's not going to be another street racing franchise cluttering up shelves.

  • Wii Fanboy Review: Geometry Wars Galaxies

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    There's a war going on out there. It's not one fought by men and women aligning themselves to countries or territories, battling over land or future prospects. No, this is a very different war, one which takes place between shapes in a fantastic space environment. The weapons are different, the combatants are different, but the principal has remained the same: survive to see your enemy's demise. %Gallery-4778%

  • DS Fanboy Review: Geometry Wars: Galaxies

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Geometry Wars is one of those games that shows up on every system possible, and yet it always manages to be a little bit different in every iteration. And if you played it first on Xbox Live (let's all raise our hands), then you might be wondering -- as I was -- just how the game, which worked so well with a dual analog setup, would translate instead to dual screens. The result not only plays and controls better than expected, but ends up being just as much fun as the original ... if a little tougher on the ol' hands. The real question here is: how do you take a cheap downloadable title and turn it into a full game? This is a question a lot of DS games have faced, and with Geometry Wars: Galaxies, there's plenty of added content that makes the shooter feel fully expanded. The lower price on the DS title (as compared to the Wii version) surely never hurts, though! %Gallery-11043%

  • Big surprise: Guitar Hero 4, Call of Duty 5, and Tony Hawk 11 confirmed

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Activision's biggest pre-merger franchises are all (GASP!) getting sequel treatment. In a fact sheet concerning the Activision Blizzard deal (PDF file), the publisher lists Guitar Hero 4, Call of Duty 5, a new Tony Hawk title (which would be its 11th iteration), a James Bond game and a racing title with the recently-acquired Bizarre Creations, as well as licensed titles with Dreamworks and Marvel.None of these sequels come as a surprise, as they are all critical and commercial successes, but this is the first official confirmation of their existence. According to Activision Blizzard's earlier conference call, 50% of Activision's revenues are derived from franchises it owns outright, including Guitar Hero and Call of Duty. It should be noted that as well that all three franchises also have competition from rival Electronic Arts in the form of Rock Band, Medal of Honor and Skate. No word on project release dates for any of the sequels.Read - Fact sheet [Warning: PDF file]

  • The Club and Condemned 2 due out in February

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Sega has released an updated release schedule that goes to the end of the fiscal year and if they're serious about these dates, we'll have two fairly anticipated games to enjoy come February by Sega alone (we'll also be diving into Devil May Cry 4 around that time). First off, Sega will be bringing The Club to us, courtesy of Bizarre Creations, on February 8th. Soon after that, scheduled for the month of February but given no specific day, is Condemned 2. It looks like February is going to be another month where we find our money flying out the window, much like how November has been. If you're unsure what either game is, the former is a mish-mash of genre, and the latter is a pretty intense horror/action game.

  • Boom Boom Rocket to get explosive Rock Pack DLC

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Dust off your guitar, dance pad and your copy of Boom Boom Rocket (don't ask ...), because today Bizarre Creations will release brand new content for everyone's favorite explosive game. And we use the terminology "will release", because the content has yet to appear on the Marketplace, though Bizarre promises a Thursday release.The new Boom Boom Rocket "Rock Pack" content will include five new musical tracks ("Sting of the Bumble Bee", "Explode to Joy", "Sugar High", "Eine Kleine Rochtmusik" and "Cannon in D") and feature fifteen additional fireworks that can be unlocked. But guys, we saved the best news for last. The new "Rock Pack" will be offered as a FREE download through December 16th after which it'll revert to 250 Microsoft points. Explode to joy indeed!