

  • Hellgate staff abandoning sinking ship

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    We never like to see a developer start to go on the down and out. Even in the rare event where we find few redeemable things about a game, we understand that the developers behind the project are generally good people and we hope that they continue to be fruitful in their endeavors. That's precisely why we were sad to read an old blog post from Hellgate: London programmer Guy Somberg describing how much of the Flagship staff, including their founders, is abandoning ship for less choppy waters.Although developers usually present a united front of optimism when their games are struggling, and indeed there is still some hope to be had with Hellgate's release into the Chinese market, you know that the individuals behind the game have to suffer when they're subject to so much heat from online vultures. After all, we've seen people on the developer side crack even when their game is a success. It's a very high pressure environment. We hope Somberg hangs in there and that Flagship manages to turn a corner.[Via]

  • Lessons learned in virtual worlds

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Nic Mitham from K Zero is going to offer up the key things he's learned about virtual worlds in the last 18 months. But who is Nic Mitham, you wonder, and what is K Zero? Mitham describes himself as a "one time corporate strategist, ad man and analyst. Now spreading the metaverse word." K Zero describes itself as a virtual worlds consultancy, 'specialists in connecting real world brands and companies with the residents and environments of virtual worlds.' Mitham's most recent blog post, '50 lessons I've learned in virtual worlds' is an introduction to his upcoming series of reflections on the unpredictable nature of the metaverse. The series of posts will be a look back at what Mitham's seen in the 18 months he's been immersed in the virtual. It's chiefly aimed at those interested in doing business in virtual worlds. Mitham writes,"The point to getting my 50 lessons 'out there' is to attempt to ensure mistakes made by companies along the way are not repeated by others and also to hopefully assist new companies in this space get traction as quickly as possible, because that's in the interest of everyone."That's not to say that only biz types will get something from his blog; the series of insights is likely to have some significance to the people who populate the virtual worlds already in existence, and those who will flock to the birth of new worlds in the future.

  • Glenn Beck proves how much of a jerk he is

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    So, reader Steven is, like, the greatest guy ever. He got some time in with Glenn Beck, who apparently has a radio show (as if having his mug on TV for however long he's on each day isn't enough) and, we're convinced the guy is just a jerk, plain and simple. Instead of, oh, we don't know, treating Steven like a human being and having a civil discussion, Glenn Beck instead decides to pull out his big book of clichés and takes the time to place every stereotype gamers above the age of 12 suffer from onto Steven. Real mature, Glenn, real mature.Also, what else comes off as comical to us is Glenn's recollection of his remarks that game bloggers are losers. He says it was a joke, that he said it in a joking fashion, yet, when we watch the video again, we don't see a smile, a smirk or even hear a chuckle. Glenn looks pretty darn serious when he says it. But, then again, we're often busy losing at life and converting our parents' basement into the bridge of the Enterprise, so we're not really sure how emotions or human interaction work. We are gamers so that's how it goes, right Glenn?Hit up the link below to download the segment for yourself. Around the 6:50 mark is when Steven calls in.

  • Glenn Beck doesn't like game bloggers too much

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Okay, now this bit on Glenn Beck's show revolves around that GTA IV game, but he does manage to say something relevant to us (and, in turn, you all reading this). He thinks game blogs are a waste of time and their bloggers are "losers," citing that he could care less about video games overall, even though he has a pretty lengthy segment on his show about them (we imagine he's had other gaming-related topics on his show, but we steer clear of shows with hosts on power trips). We can only imagine what this implies about you, the reader, who spends their time keeping current on the industry news with us.It honestly cracks us up, because not only is he calling us losers and pretty much saying video games aren't worth his effort, but he's being such a toolbox as to say his supposed opinions during a video game segment on his show. You tell us what is worse, fine readers: a person who blogs about something they're passionate about, or a guy on TV who talks about what his producers say are the day's hot topics and blatantly shows no regard for the subject matter?[Via Go Nintendo]

  • Koster writes "how to hack an MMO"

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Have you ever wanted to walk through walls in MMO? How about telepathically sense the locations of all the good drops in a zone, or make invisible things very, very visible?A blog post by game designer Raph Koster (of Ultima Online and now Metaplace fame) will tell you how! Admittedly, Koster doesn't really go into much detail. Also, he's trying to help developers avoid hacking problems, not giving inside secret tips to hackers. It's still an interesting read, though!He lays out an overview of the various design choices developers make that are exploited by hackers. For example, some developers might choose to trust the client to handle collision detection to reduce lag and increase gameplay responsiveness. Well, a clever hacker can make the client report to the server with false collision information, allowing that hacker to move through walls. It turns out that most designers take a middle-of-the-road approach, meaning that, as Koster puts it: "only bad-ass hackers are cheating, instead of damn near everyone."

  • AoC dev blog update looks at the polishing process

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    The latest entry in Age of Conan lead designer Ole Herbjornsen's 1UP Blog discusses, in quite some detail, the process of optimizing and polishing the game using the "tools of the trade". His emphasis is on the fact that this cleaning up is done on both the code and data, not just one or the other, and often both at once.Along the way to arriving at this point, Herbjornsen lists off a number of scary sounding developer tools, like "showmeshid" and "occluder monsters". The reassuring explanation of the especially frightening occluder monsters is that they are flat rectangles with a very low polygon count, that can be spawned in the game world, and are used to test (among other things) how a system's frame rate is affected when they block out certain parts of a picture. Check out the blog for more of Herbjornsen's interesting developer antics.

  • How to get Massively on your RSS software

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    In an ongoing series of articles we'll show you how to put Massively on your own blog, guild website, personal website, or even on your computer's desktop. For a complete list of the software that's covered, check out our guide's index. Note that the images in the guide are for illustration only and you can replace all references to WoW Insider with Massively.About a generic RSS feed With all of our previous guides, we've basically setup the site using the RSS address for Massively. Getting this address, or any other site's address, is pretty easy – but often not understood. The old adage "If you teach a man to fish, he can eat for his life," comes into play here. If you can get the RSS address for Massively, then you can get it for any page and use the other guides to syndicate any other site. How to get Massively's RSS Feed Address 1. Go to 2. Click on the little orange RSS icon in the address bar. 3. You'll be taken the RSS feed, and you'll see that the address in the address bar has changed. For Massively, this happens to be . Each site will different. Just copy this address – this is the RSS feed address. 4. Use this address in any program or website that can accept it! Massively, or any other site, can easily be syndicated like this.If you want the Massively feed for a particular game, you'll find the category of the game in the side bar of our site. Click on that and copy & paste the url of that category into your RSS reader.

  • How to put Massively on your GuildPortal website

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    In an ongoing series of articles we'll show you how to put Massively on your own blog, guild website, personal website, or even on your computer's desktop. For a complete list of the software that's covered, check out our guide's index. Note that the images in the guide are for illustration only and you can replace all references to WoW Insider with Massively.About GuildPortal GuildPortal is a very popular guild website, and has been around for a long time. Because of that, it's a very mature piece of software, and has lots of ins and outs. It's not the easiest thing to use, and has some notoriety as being difficult at times. It also costs money to use anything but the most basic free features. In fact, RSS syndication, and thus the ability to get Massively syndicated on a GuildPortal site, is part of the pay only package. Because of this, we can only take you half way – right up to where we get an error saying we need to pay. How to syndicate Massively on your GuildPortal website 1. Login as an administrator.2. Click on the Control Panel link located at the top of the webpage. 3. Click on the "Site Pages" link located on the left hand side of the webpage. 4. Click on a page, such a "Home". 5. Click on the link named "Add Content" which is located near the top of the webpage, just above all your pages content items. 6. A window will open, asking you to choose what type of content you want to add. Fill it in as pictured above. 7. Click the "Save" button. 8. This is where you'll need to pay for the site for things to work. What you'll want to do next is click the "Edit Content" link of the content you just added. Another window will open up. There, you want to type in the RSS feed URL for Massively, which is . After that, you'll be done, and see a Massively feed on your guild's website!If you want the Massively feed for a particular game, you'll find the rss feed url next to the name of the game in the side bar of our site.

  • How to put Massively on your web site and computer

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Everyone these days either has a blog or a guild site that they post to regularly; and it's especially common amongst the greater MMORPG community. One of the neat features of most of these sites is that they allow you to subscribe to other blogs, like Massively. The software of these sites and tools can put up our headlines in easy to access places, so you and all your friends can stay up to date on the latest Massively news.Getting this setup might seem like a hard thing to do, but it's really not. In fact, with our guide, complete with pictures, you'll be able to get Massively's latest news on your site in no time! We give you step-by-step instructions for sites and software like Guild Portal, Guild Launch,, Word Press, vBulletin, Google Reader, Outlook, and more. We also tell you the info you need to get our news setup on any other site.Continue reading on for a complete list of guides we provide.

  • How to put Massively on your WordPress blog

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    In an ongoing series of articles we'll show you how to put Massively on your own blog, guild website, personal website, or even on your computer's desktop. For a complete list of the software that's covered, check out our guide's index. Note that the images in the guide are for illustration only and you can replace all references to WoW Insider with Massively. About WordPress WordPress is a fancy blogging site that has a lot of features. In fact, I think it has more features than Google's However, it's not as easy to use, nor does it flow as well as does. Nonetheless, it's a really great site and is pretty popular. Getting Massively on your site isn't hard at all. How to syndicate Massively on your blog 1. Open up the Dashboard of your blog. This is where you create posts and edit your blog site. 2. Click on the top "Presentation" tab, and then click on the "Widgets" tab right bellow that. You want to see the screen pictured above.3. Scroll down until you see the "RSS 1" widget. Left click and hold on the widget rectangle.

  • How to put Massively on your blog

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    In an ongoing series of articles we'll show you how to put Massively on your own blog, guild website, personal website, or even on your computer's desktop. For a complete list of the software that's covered, check out our guide's index. Note that the images in the guide are for illustration only and you can replace all references to WoW Insider with Massively.About This site is owned and operated by Google, and has a lot of popular features. It's very popular and easy to use. You can be rest assured that while the site looks, and is, easy to use, there is still a lot of power with it, just like anything else the folks over at Google produce. How to syndicate Massively on your blog Log on to your blog and head over to the Dashboard. This is where you write your posts. Click on the Layout tab. It's located right under the name of your blog, in the upper left hand corner of the webpage. While in the Layout tab, click on the "Add a Page Element" rectangle in the middle of the webpage. A window called "Choose a New Page Element" will come up. Scroll down until you see the Feed element and click the big blue "Add To Blog" button. Enter the RSS feed URL as seen in the above screenshot. It's Click the orange "Continue" button. Title the feed, and choose the options you want. You can see what the feed will look like on your site in the preview box. Click the orange "Save Changes" button. You will be returned to the Layout tab of your Dashboard. You can see that Massively is now listed in your side page elements. Click the orange "Save" button. You're done! You've now added a Massively feed to your site! If you want the Massively feed for a particular game, you'll find the rss feed url next to the name of the game in the side bar of our site.

  • How to put Massively on your PHP enabled website

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    In an ongoing series of articles we'll show you how to put Massively on your own blog, guild website, personal website, or even on your computer's desktop. For a complete list of the software that's covered, check out our guide's index.About PHP and RSS PHP is a very fun programming language. Just like most MMOs, it is easy to learn, and difficult to master. The idea behind PHP is that you enter a script, located within your webpage, and the server processes the script as it send the webpage to your visitor's web browser. PHP and things like it literally power the web – everything from Massively, to Google, to Amazon. For more information on PHP, I highly recommend O'Reilly's book Learning PHP. How to get syndicate Massively using Magpie RSS The easiest RSS syndication addon for PHP I've found is Magpie RSS. It's quite simple to use, and can easily integrate itself into existing page architecture. A sample Magpie script that would syndicate Massively would look like this: require_once ''; $url = '; $rss = fetch_rss($url); echo "Site: ", $rss->channel['title'], "<br>"; foreach ($rss->items as $item ) { $title = $item[title]; $url = $item[link]; echo "<a href=$url>$title</a></li><br>"; } Of course, the above is just a rough template and doesn't include any formatting or bulleting or anything like that. Where other sites and tools listed above will provide you with lots of bells and whistles off the bat, PHP is bare bones – you have to make everything from scratch. Luckily there's a lot of great information out there and most of the work has already been done. However, that work is beyond the scope of this guide.If you want the Massively feed for a particular game, you'll find the rss feed url next to the name of the game in the side bar of our site. Copy and paste that url into the script.

  • How to put Massively on your vBulletin Board forum

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    In an ongoing series of articles we'll show you how to put Massively on your own blog, guild website, personal website, or even on your computer's desktop. For a complete list of the software that's covered, check out our guide's index. Note that the images in the guide are for illustration only and you can replace all references to WoW Insider with Massively.About vBulletin Board vBulletin Board is a very advanced piece of software that has to be installed on a website. It uses backend technology to make a very nice forum website. Ask your web provider if they have a vBulletin Board system setup for you already. If not, you might have to go through installing it and setting up the basic functionality. While this process is not too hard, it is beyond the scope of this guide. However, once everything is all setup, getting Massively syndicated on your vBulletin Board site is easy. How to syndicate Massively on your vBulletin Board website 1. Log in as an administrator. 2. Scroll down the left side administrator tools until you see "RSS Feeds". Expand that topic, and select "Add New RSS Feed". 3. Fill in the information as shown above, and select the options that fit your needs. 4. Scroll down and click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. 5. That's it. You're now syndicating Massively on your vBulletin Board site! Give it five to ten minutes to grab the news from Massively, and you'll soon see it on your site's forums.If you want the Massively feed for a particular game, you'll find the rss feed url next to the name of the game in the side bar of our site

  • How to put Massively on your Windows Vista Sidebar

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    In an ongoing series of articles we'll show you how to put Massively on your own blog, guild website, personal website, or even on your computer's desktop. For a complete list of the software that's covered, check out our guide's index. Note that the images in the guide are for illustration only and you can replace all references to WoW Insider with Massively.About Windows Vista Love it or hate it, eventually you'll probably end up using it. One of the neat features of Vista is the Sidebar, which is a place where you can put widgets that do different things, like tell the time, show what your EVE Online character is training, or tell you what the weather is like outside. How to add Massively to your Windows Vista's Sidebar. 1. Right click on your Sidebar and choose "Add Gadgets..." 2. This will open up the gadgets window. Double click the "Feed Headlines" gadget. 3. Close the gadgets window. 4. You'll now see the new gadget added at the top of your sidebar. 5. Open up Microsoft Internet Explorer and go to 6. Click the "Subscribe to this feed" link. 7. A window will open up. The default settings will be fine. Click the "Subscribe" button. 8. Position your mouse over the feed gadget on your side bar and click the little wrench icon. It'll appear towards the upper right hand side of the gadget. 9. A window like the one above will slide out of the gadget, asking you what feed you want to display. 10. Choose to display "Massively", and set the number of headlines to whatever you want. 11. Click the "Ok" button. 12. You're done! Left click on a feed headline to read the Massively article.If you want the Massively feed for a particular game, you'll find the rss feed url next to the name of the game in the side bar of our site

  • How to put Massively on your Guild Launch website

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    In an ongoing series of articles we'll show you how to put Massively on your own blog, guild website, personal website, or even on your computer's desktop. For a complete list of the software that's covered, check out our guide's index. Note that the images in the guide are for illustration only and you can replace all references to WoW Insider with Massively.About Guild Launch Guild Launch is a popular site that hosts guild's websites. It's popular because it has advanced forums, integrated wikis for each guild, easy administration, and lots of space for file storage. It's also not to hard to use, and the free version is pretty good. How to syndicate Massively on your Guild Launch website 1. Log in as an administrator. 2. In the Site Admin area of your sidebar on the left of the webpage, click "Sidebar Widgets". For me, it's the last option. 3. Choose a widget, in this case an "RSS Feed" widget. You can also specify where you want the widget to go. 4. Click the "Add Widget" button. 5. You'll now see that you've added an RSS Feed to your site's layout. Click the little pencil in the RSS Feed box. 6. Fill in the settings as you see above. 7. Click the "Submit" button. 8. You'll see now that the settings reflect the changes you've made, and you're ready to go! You've just added Massively to your Guild Launch site!If you want the Massively feed for a particular game, you'll find the rss feed url next to the name of the game in the side bar of our site.

  • How to put Massively in your MS Outlook feeds

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    In an ongoing series of articles we'll show you how to put Massively on your own blog, guild website, personal website, or even on your computer's desktop. For a complete list of the software that's covered, check out our guide's index. Note that the images in the guide are for illustration only and you can replace all references to WoW Insider with Massively.About Microsoft Outlook Outlook is a staple of many businesses. While the program itself does have its problems, no one can deny its overwhelming acceptance in the work place. Because of this, people often spend hours a day in Outlook – answering emails, scheduling with the calendar, and managing contacts. One of the features that Microsoft has included in Outlook is an ability to subscribe to RSS news feeds. By adding Massively to your Outlook news feeds, you can conspicuously stay abreast of MMO news while at work. How to add Massively to Microsoft Outlook 1. Open up Microsoft Outlook 2. Right click the "RSS Feeds" item located on the Folders bar on the left hand side of the screen. 3. Select "Add a New RSS Feed..." 4. This will open up the "New RSS Feed" window. Enter WoW Insider's RSS feed address, which as pictured above, is . 5. Click the "Add" button. 6. Outlook will likely ask if you want to add the feed, and ask if you trust WoW Insider. Click the "Yes" button. 7. You're done! Massively posts will appear just like other emails will in the preview pane of Outlook. This is great for work environments!If you want the Massively feed for a particular game, you'll find the rss feed url next to the name of the game in the side bar of our site

  • How to put Massively on your Google Reader

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    In an ongoing series of articles we'll show you how to put Massively on your own blog, guild website, personal website, or even on your computer's desktop. For a complete list of the software that's covered, check out our guide's index. Note that the images in the guide are for illustration only and you can replace all references to WoW Insider with Massively.About Google Reader Google has developed an online tool that coalesces all your RSS feeds into one source. It's a very handy tool, and is one of the windows that I always have open. For me, it helps me stay abreast of everything happening in the world in one easy spot. One of the best things about Google Reader is that you can search through news with ease, and you can search through lots of news in just seconds. How to add Massively to your Google Reader 1. Logon to Google Reader.2. As you can see from the above screenshot, I already have Massively in my reader's list. However, you probably don't. What you want to do is click the green "Add subscription" link. 3. This will open up a window as shown above. Type in "" and click the "Add" button. 4. Massively is now added to your Google Reader! You can see it on the list of subscribed sites to your left.If you want the Massively feed for a particular game, you'll find the category of the game in the side bar of our site. Click on that and copy & paste the url of that category into Google Reader.

  • How to put WoW Insider in your MS Outlook feeds

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    In an ongoing series of articles we'll show you how to put WoW Insider on your own blog, guild website, personal website, or even on your computer's desktop. For a complete list of the software that's covered, check out our guide's index.About Microsoft Outlook Outlook is a staple of many businesses. While the program itself does have its problems, no one can deny its overwhelming acceptance in the work place. Because of this, people often spend hours a day in Outlook – answering emails, scheduling with the calendar, and managing contacts. One of the features that Microsoft has included in Outlook is an ability to subscribe to RSS news feeds. By adding WoW Insider to your Outlook news feeds, you can conspicuously stay abreast of WoW news while at work. How to add WoW Insider to Microsoft Outlook 1. Open up Microsoft Outlook 2. Right click the "RSS Feeds" item located on the Folders bar on the left hand side of the screen. 3. Select "Add a New RSS Feed..." 4. This will open up the "New RSS Feed" window. Enter WoW Insider's RSS feed address, which as pictured above, is . 5. Click the "Add" button. 6. Outlook will likely ask if you want to add the feed, and ask if you trust WoW Insider. Click the "Yes" button. 7. You're done! WoW Insider posts will appear just like other emails will in the preview pane of Outlook. This is great for work environments!

  • How to put WoW Insider on your WordPress blog

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    In an ongoing series of articles we'll show you how to put WoW Insider on your own blog, guild website, personal website, or even on your computer's desktop. For a complete list of the software that's covered, check out our guide's index. About WordPress WordPress is a fancy blogging site that has a lot of features. In fact, I think it has more features than Google's However, it's not as easy to use, nor does it flow as well as does. Nonetheless, it's a really great site and is pretty popular. Getting WoW Insider on your site isn't hard at all. How to syndicate WoW Insider on your blog 1. Open up the Dashboard of your blog. This is where you create posts and edit your blog site. 2. Click on the top "Presentation" tab, and then click on the "Widgets" tab right bellow that. You want to see the screen pictured above.3. Scroll down until you see the "RSS 1" widget. Left click and hold on the widget rectangle.

  • How to put WoW Insider on your Google Reader

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    In an ongoing series of articles we'll show you how to put WoW Insider on your own blog, guild website, personal website, or even on your computer's desktop. For a complete list of the software that's covered, check out our guide's index.About Google Reader Google has developed an online tool that coalesces all your RSS feeds into one source. It's a very handy tool, and is one of the windows that I always have open. For me, it helps me stay abreast of everything happening in the world in one easy spot. One of the best things about Google Reader is that you can search through news with ease, and you can search through lots of news in just seconds. How to add WoW Insider to your Google Reader 1. Logon to Google Reader.2. As you can see from the above screenshot, I already have WoW Insider in my reader's list. However, you probably don't. What you want to do is click the green "Add subscription" link. 3. This will open up a window as shown above. Type in "" and click the "Add" button. 4. WoW Insider is now added to your Google Reader! You can see it on the list of subscribed sites to your left.