

  • X06 brief, see it again for the first time [update 1]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If you were unable to catch the live webcast of Microsoft's X06 briefing, it's now available on (links directly to video). We've given you some snippets of it already, but now you can get the whole enchilada (mmm ... enchiladas). The briefing was filled with lots of glitz, glamour, and video, things that were lacking in a certain other keynote at TGS earlier this month. Viva Piñata, Gears of War, Blue Dragon, you name it. If it's a big game, it's there. Check it out, if you're so inclined.Update: It looks like the link wouldn't play nice with our interface. Should be fixed now. Click here.

  • Tons of new X06 Marketplace content

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Following today's press briefing, there is now a boatload of new trailers on Marketplace. They are, in no particular order:Assassin's CreedBlue DragonLost OdysseyHalo WarsViva PiñataCall of Duty 3Marvel UniverseBanjo-KazooiePGR4Splinter Cell: Double AgentBioshockFIFA 07All this and a bag of DOOM. We have to wonder, though: what the hell will we get next? They've got two more days to fill after all. Any predictions?

  • HD Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey tomorrow

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    YouTube shaky cam be damned! Microsoft is set to bring us the real goods on both Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey tomorrow. That is to say, we'll be getting big, beautiful high definition trailers for both games on Marketplace. Make sure you grab 'em tomorrow and soak up the high resolution goodness. Makes us wish the 360 could queue up scheduled downloads, Tivo style.[Thanks, Sjohn]

  • TGS 'best of' video roundup, yeehaw!

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Our must-see-Tokyo Game Show list of videos delivers a jab straight to your optic core. This year's standouts are embedded after the jump. Click the links for larger and downloadable versions.Tell us what your favorites were from the show and we'll add 'em to the lineup.

  • TGS 06: Best in Show, according to CESA

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The mighty Computer Entertainment Software Association of Japan revealed the eleven titles they thought were the "best in show." Of those titles, two were exclusives for the PSP. Here are the winners, in no particular order: Elebits (Konami) for the Wii Gyakuten Saiban 4 [Phoenix Wright] (Capcom) for the DS Gran Turismo HD (Sony) for the PS3 The Eye of Judgment (Sony) for the PS3 Seiken Densetsu 4 [Dawn of Mana] (Square Enix) for the PS2 Tales of Destiny (Namco Bandai) for the PS2 Blue Dragon (Microsoft) for the Xbox 360 Heavenly Sword (Sony) for the PS3 Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops (Konami) for the PSP Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (Capcom) for the PSP Lost Planet (Capcom) for the Xbox 360 This should come as no surprise. There are so many excellent games at TGS this year, that it must've been nigh impossible to even narrow the list down. But, for those of you that are battling a fanboy war, you might want to note that PSP got two titles, and the DS only got one.[Via Joystiq]

  • Microsoft TGS briefing video now available

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If there is one completely memorable moment for us in the Microsoft TGS press briefing, it was seeing DOAX2 announced as a "sports" title. That ... is hilarious. has posted two videos of the Microsoft TGS briefing. One is the entire briefing, full of Japanese goodness, and the other is only Peter Moore's remarks. The whole conference clocks in at just under an hour. There are no trailers or anything we typically associate with press briefings so, if you don't speak Japanese, we'd suggest you stick with the Peter More video.The conference does a good job of emphasizing all things Japanese -- complete with Peter Moore humbling himself to Pac-Man creator, Toru Iwatani. Of course, Blue Dragon gets its fair share -- Sakaguchi-san talks it up for quite a while near the end. Perhaps the most bizarre bit is Microsoft's marketing slogan for Japan: "Do! Do! Do!" Let's hope that didn't come from the same marketing team that did all those "playtests" of the original Xbox control.We'll go ahead and say that things look better than they have in the past for MS in Japan. As usual, it's the games stupid, and Microsoft showed up with more actual Japanese titles than ever before. Will it help? Who knows, but they're definitely heading in the right direction.[Via Major Nelson]360 at the Tokyo Game Show:Today's Marketplace content, 9/21DOAX2 video makes us feel naughtyLost Odyssey intro videoVideo of Trusty BellSee Blue Dragon gameplay (finally)

  • Tokyo Game Show videos aplenty [update 1]

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Videos have started hitting the net from the Tokyo Game Show 2006, and they're already impressing us. It's nice to see so many new RPGs coming out. Here are some of the best for your viewing pleasure.

  • TGS: Lost Odyssey intro video

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Yet more cinematic RPG goodness from the Tokyo Game Show, this time from the other Mistwalker game, Lost Odyssey. Lost Odyssey is a game about a man who has lived for over a thousand years. If this intro video is any indication, he apparently lived that long by kicking ass. Check out the video after the break. Be sure and watch the very end when the intro snaps right into real time play. Very slick.

  • TGS: Blue Dragon = Dragon Quest + Chrono Trigger + Grandia

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Wired's Game|Life blog has posted an early, albeit vague, impression of Hironobu Sakaguchi's pair of upcoming Xbox 360 RPGs, Blue Dragon & Lost Odyssey. During today's media briefing in Shibuya, Japan, Sakaguchi took the stage and demoed (read: picked up controller and played) his studio's new projects. While Game|Life doesn't provide many specifics, its post does draw some big comparisons, describing Blue Dragon as a fusion of Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger, with "maybe" a dose of Grandia. Game|Life notes that enemies are on-screen (i.e. no random battles) and that the Job Change system (from Final Fantasy V) is featured in Blue Dragon. Game|Life's description of Lost Odyssey is even more provocative, as it declares the game to look like a "much more dramatic" Final Fantasy. We're sure that Microsoft has its fingers crossed that this impression will stick -- and spread. We'll hit you with our own from the show floor in the coming days. In the meantime, see for yourself: Blue Dragon Lost Odyssey

  • TGS: See Blue Dragon gameplay (finally) [update 2]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Xboxyde has scored actual in game footage of the would be killer app for Microsoft in Japan, Blue Dragon. Split into two parts, the video shows off the game's graphics and combat system. For the RPG buffs out there, it's worth noting that battles are not random and that enemies can be seen before the player decides to engage them (or not). Beyond that, the game is very nice to look at. We know that a lot of readers will disagree on this point, but these graphics are solid and polished beyond belief. The gameplay, on the other hand, looks fairly standard. There are big chests with items in them, turn-based battles, summoning techniques, and a boss battle (complete with craptastic rawk music). Granted, the quality of the video makes it difficult to pick apart the intricacies of the combat, but it all looks pretty traditional. Then again, it also looks an awful lot like Dragon Quest -- a game so popular in Japan it's practically a national holiday when a new sequel is released. Will bundling Blue Dragon with a core system be enough to entice Japanese buyers? Only time will tell.Update: It looks like Xboxyde's servers are getting beaten up by the demand for this video. See the embedded YouTube video after the break.Update 2: Fixed some weird formatting.

  • TGS: HD-DVD for $170, $250 Core w/ Blue Dragon

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    More 360 news out of Tokyo, Microsoft has announced that the HD-DVD drive for the 360 will launch November 17th at a price of ¥19,800 ($170). This pretty much confirms the oft speculated $200 price when the device ships stateside -- then again, Microsoft is rather fond of giving the Japanese insane price cuts.Speaking of price cuts, Microsoft also announced that they will be releasing a new core system bundle in Japan this holiday. Priced at ¥28,900 (~$250), the new core comes with a copy of Blue Dragon. That's right, for half the price of the low end PS3, the Japanese can get a copy of Hironobu Sakaguchi's latest. Futile or not, Microsoft is going to war in Japan. Stay tuned for more TGS goodness.360 at the Tokyo Game Show:1080p for the 360!

  • Blue Dragon scans Japan

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    JeuxFrance has a bunch of Blue Dragon screens scanned from the gaming magazine Shonen Jump. At the request of Microsoft Japan, please do not comment on this post unless you are a Japanese gamer dying to purchase a 360 just to play this game.[Thanks Mike]

  • TGS: Blue Dragon hits Japan this holiday

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Microsoft's expects their arrangement with legendary game designer, and father of the massively popular Final Fantasy series, Hironobu Sakaguchi to earn them a considerable amount of sales in Japan. Sakaguchi's new studio, Mistwalker, is working on two RPGs exclusively for the Xbox 360: Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. Microsoft announced today that Blue Dragon will lead the console's Japanese push this holiday, along with over 110 other games. Microsoft was unable to confirm what percentage of those titles are digitally distributed Xbox Live Arcade games versus retail DVD-based games, though the North American numbers are about 110 DVD-based, 50 XBLA.As a sign of the strategic importance of the title, they'll begin bundling Blue Dragon with the recently revealed Core version of the console, creating an intoxicatingly affordable package. Like the HD-DVD announcement, there is no release date for regions outside Japan. Blue Dragon will be playable for the first time at TGS, so we'll be sure to get our hands all over it. Microsoft's TGS press briefing:HD-DVD add-on hits Japan Nov. 17th for ¥19,800Xbox 360 to add 1080p support, PS3 to lose bullet point

  • MS TGS lineup, no Blue Dragon

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's no secret that we're a little excited for Blue Dragon, the little game from Hironobu Sakaguchi's Mistwalker. It's also considered to be one of Microsoft's few big titles in Japan. This makes one wonder why Blue Dragon isn't featured on Microsoft's lineup for the Tokyo Game Show. We can only assume it won't be a no show. After all, Blue Dragon is supposed to be Microsoft's system seller this holiday. This is supposed to be what the Japanese will see when they find out the PS3 is sold out. Suffice it to say, we'd be more than a little surprised if Blue Dragon didn't make an appearance.Still, there are plenty of other notable titles like Forza 2, Viva Piñata, Sonic, DOAX2, and, of course, Gears of War. See the complete list after the jump.

  • Microsoft brings TGS and X06 home

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Remember back at E3 when the Halo 3 trailer was available on Marketplace before Microsoft officially unveiled it at the show? That was only part of the barrage of E3 content that was piped directly into our 360s. It made it a cool perk to have the latest and greatest hardware, allowing thousands of 360 owners to get a piece of E3. It looks like Microsoft plans to continue that tradition at this year's Tokyo Game Show and its own X06 (I had to decline a trip to cover the latter, stupid wedding!). TGS coverage will start on September 20th and run through the 24th. X06 will run September the 25th through the 29th. There is a chance that US and European gamers won't see all the TGS coverage, but Japan got most of the E3 coverage so, it's stands to reason this will be the same.Now we can all look forward to previews of the latest and greatest. Expect more of Blue Dragon, Gears of War, Viva Piñata, Blue Dragon, Fable 2, and Blue Dragon. And, since it's TGS, you'll probably see some Blue Dragon. In all seriousness, we really dug Microsoft's coverage of the last E3 ever, and hopefully this will recapture the same excitement.[Via Xboxic]

  • Blue Dragon, could it save Japan?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Mistwalker has re-released the extended trailer for Blue Dragon, the original RPG from Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. Many have said that this is one of the titles that will make or break the 360 in Japan. What do you think? Can one title really make that much difference? Check out the video after the break. If you're a Japanese gamer who reads this site, tell us what you think (come to think of it, are there any Japanese 360 fans dedicated enough to visit a site called Xbox 360 Fanboy?)

  • 360 title in Famitsu's most wanted. Wha??

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Several sites have been posting Famitsu's latest most wanted list. But wait! What's this? An Xbox 360 exclusive, Blue Dragon -- the RPG being developed by Hironobu Sakaguchi's Mistwalker studio -- is number 8. A prestigious spot indeed for a 360 title. Even more impressive, Blue Dragon tops the Japanese favorites like The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. This is just the sort of thing that Microsoft's new Japanese PR blog should be pimping, and pimping hard. Be warned, the read link points to a Nintendo fan site. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with the 360 at all. So, just prepare yourselves for that.