

  • Erik Sagen

    The Engadget Podcast Ep 13: A Chicken with its Head Cut Off

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Editor in chief Michael Gorman and executive editor Christopher Trout are in town this week and stop by to talk Peter Thiel, Vine and online voting with host Terrence O'Brien and reviews editor Cherlynn Low. Then, after they've had their fill of beating up on Thiel, the four will explore how dating and sex have changed in the age of apps. Warning, things get a little NSFW.

  • Bumble will verify profiles by asking users to take selfies

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Bumble, a dating service that you can also use to find new BFFs, has launched an unorthodox verification process specifically designed to prevent catfishing. It won't just ask you to click a link sent via email or to confirm your identity through a phone call -- no, the service will ask you to take selfies to prove you're not using somebody else's photos. If you choose to go through the process, Bumble will send you one of the 100 random photo poses it has on file. You'll then have to take a selfie copying that particular pose and send it in. Bumble says it can hand out verification badges within just a few minutes, even though real employees will authenticate and take a look at every single picture people send.

  • Bumble is adding paid features to help find your perfect match

    Brittany Vincent
    Brittany Vincent

    Bumble, the dating app that's previously dabbled in offering services beyond traditional swipe-based matching, is now offering a subscription model that offers three new features for just $9.99 a month.

  • Dating app Bumble is putting networking ahead of romance

    Brittany Vincent
    Brittany Vincent

    Bumble, a swipe-based dating app in the same vein of Tinder, is looking to offer its users a very different way to network.

  • Getty

    Bumble now lets you find a new BFF

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Bumble, the dating app from former Tinder co-founder Whitney Wolfe where women make the first move, has launched a new service that will allow users to find a friend as easily as they find romance. The new BFF mode works just like the existing dating UI -- save that potential love-interests are replaced with potential friends of the same sex as the user. If both parties swipe right, then they can initiate a conversation with each other. The system will differentiate conversations by color: green for your new bestie, yellow for your new hot date. Bumble has also confirmed to Engadget that "for Bumble BFF, women see women and men see men. We approach every new product feature with safety in mind and we did not want people gamifying the system."

  • Exiled Tinder co-founder comes back with another dating app

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Earlier this year, Tinder co-founder Whitney Wolfe left the company after launching a sexual harassment lawsuit against her colleagues. One of the allegations leveled was that co-founder Justin Mateen stripped her of her credit because her age and gender would harm the company's brand. It looks as if Wolfe may be about to get her revenge outside of the courtroom as well, since TechCrunch is reporting that she's teamed up with Tinder alumni Chris Gulczynski and Sarah Mick to create a similarly swipe-based casual sex dating app called, er, Bumble.

  • Captain's Log: Star Trek Online's wacky Winter Event

    Terilynn Shull
    Terilynn Shull

    Ah, the holiday season! I've learned over the past few years that MMO developers must really look forward to working on their respective games' winter events because they're allowed to break free from the rigidity of individual franchises and create things that are a bit more avant garde. OK, maybe not every developer, but one thing's for sure: The team over at Cryptic certainly uses the Winter Event in Star Trek Online to allow its silly flag to fly. The Star Trek Online Winter Event has incrementally grown bigger and wackier since it first began, and this year's festivities are no exception.