

  • More cakes, plates, and tats in our galleries

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, that's Arthas admiring his own title on a license plate -- Kallis of Silver Hand sent us this shot, presumably before his head was chopped off by Frostmourne. Trust us, if you think celebrities are angry when the paparazzi come by, you don't want to see what the Lich King does.This picture and quite a few others are all new in our WoW-related license plate gallery, and we've gotten a few other new pictures of cakes and tattoos to share with you as well. Browse through all of the pictures from readers in the galleries below, and if you've gotten a new WoW-related license plate, someone's baked you a WoW-related cake, or you've picked up some new WoW-themed ink, feel free to send us a picture so we can share it here on the site.%Gallery-20183%%Gallery-31459%%Gallery-40471%

  • Ask a Lore Nerd: It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome to Ask a Lore Nerd, where each week blogger and columnist Alex Ziebart answers your questions about the lore and history of the World of Warcraft. Ask your questions in the comments section below, and we'll try to answer it in a future edition.I didn't intentionally choose today's Scourge theme. Really. These things just happen. That Dragon-specific one I did all that time ago? I didn't plan that, either. I'm just awesome enough that these things come together all by themselves. Yep. It's my pure, radiant awesome.What? What do you mean current game content dictates what topics are hot or not? Pssh, that's crazy talk. That can't be it. It's all me, y'all.Briz9 asked... "Who built Icecrown Citadel and the accompanying structures? Did Arthas build it after he became the Lich King, or was it already there?" The massive Saronite structures that make up Icecrown as it is today is all fairly new, from what I understand. Most Scourge architecture is based on Nerubian architecture (as you can see in Ahn'kahet) but the Saronite structures in and around Icecrown seem more styled after the Lich King himself. You certainly didn't see that stuff in Warcraft III either, but I suppose that's not always a good indicator.

  • The cake of WAGGGGHHHH!!!

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    var digg_url = ''; This last Saturday was Games Workshop's Games Day celebration, and was on site to get you the latest Warhammer Online coverage straight from Mythic Entertainment. Want to know more about Ultima Online's Stygian Abyss expansion? Curious about Land of the Dead? Interested as to the future direction of Warhammer Online? Do your favorite devs play on order or destruction? Find all of these answers and more in our full coverage of the event starting tomorrow, including our hands-on impressions of the new mega-dungeon, Land of the Dead!In the meantime, if you're hungry for coverage, let your eyes feast on this awesome squig herder cake, made by Charm City Cakes. You know, Chef Duff from Food Network's Ace of Cakes? Yeah, he would be the guy who cooked this bad boy up. The cake lasted for the entire show, but we think there might have been some squig pieces shared amongst staff once the event's doors closed.Excited? Come back tomorrow and check out all of the tasty coverage. The squig is only the icing on the cake! Ok, we're done with the bad puns now, we promise.

  • This cake runs WoW

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We've seen some awesome Warcraft-related cakes before, but this one is probably the most literal we've come across -- it's an actual representation of a laptop, complete with what looks like a to-scale keyboard, and little letters etched on the keys. Sure, it's a little more pillowy and frosted than your average MacBook, but that edible paper screenshot does look really cool. And before someone in the comments asks: what addon is that around the ability buttons?You can see all of the other cakes we've collected so far in the gallery below. And as always, if you spot (or even make) a WoW-related confectionary contraption, drop us a note so we can check it out.[via Wonderland] %Gallery-31459%

  • Eat cake, get into the Fat Princess beta

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Hurry and rush to a bakery! The first 250 people to take a picture of themselves eating cake will be eligible to gain access into the Fat Princess beta. To enter, simply snap a shot and upload it to PlayStation's Facebook fan page. This beta is a real beta -- not a glorified demo -- so you'll have to submit feedback and play it like a beta tester should.Now, if you'll excuse us, we have to stop by the grocery to pick up some Devil's Food.[Via PlayStation.Blog]

  • USB cake design worst birthday surprise in history

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Imagine this -- you walk into a custom confectionery and inform the design team that you want the image on a USB flash drive made onto a very special cake. In fact, you even leave the flash drive with them so they can really look it over. Sure, you'd think they would get to frost-brushing that unicorn flying through a rainbow right onto the cake, but apparently the artists in question had other ideas. Namely, creating a photo-perfect replica of a Lexar flash drive on the surface of what appears to be an otherwise delicious pile of sugar. Seriously. Too bad about that black icing, birthday boy.[Via UberReview]

  • My bag of spice has everything nice

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    In each cooking daily you get a Small Spice Bag. The bag is one of the two ways you can pickup the essential Northern Spice, which is required for the major cooking recipes that are prevalent in Wrath*.The Small Spice Bag also has a certain chance to drop some other goods, including Old Spice, Baby Spice, and a recipe for a Delicious Chocolate Cake.The Old Spice, which is a reference to a brand of deodorant, makes you smell nice. The only result of it is a buff which lasts for five minutes and says "Smelling Great!"So you smell nice, congrats you stinking plate wearer.The Baby Spice is a fun buff you can apply to a target which shrinks the target by 50%.

  • Some Paladin changes announced for patch 3.0.4

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    A lot of hints and news on the upcoming patch 3.0.4 have been dropped on the forums recently, so like other WoW Insider writers have mentioned on and off, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw it on the PTR in the coming weeks. Before we get ahead of ourselves too much though, there was a lot of neat Paladin stuff announced by Ghostcrawler yesterday. A lot of it is simple stuff we've sort of expected would happen, but there's still some interesting new stuff in there. Divine Shield: Penalty changed so that all damage done is reduced by 50% instead of an attack speed penalty.

  • Cake of the Lich King

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    If there's one thing we love, it's cake. If there's two things we love, it's World of Warcraft and cake. And so, when our two favorite things are combined, as they were by reader Mike W's girlfriend (he plays Valaar on Kargath), we get more excited than Millhouse Manastorm when he's about to light some sweet-cheeks up. She made this confectionary piece of art for his birthday the other day, and we think you'll agree that Arthas has never looked tastier.And Mike points out that this is completely and totally hand- and icing tip-made -- no fondant here. Beautiful. I especially like the "spikes" around the outside -- I don't know if that was designed that way, or just the way it looks when you put icing on a cake like that, but it looks great. If we had Dalaran Cooking Awards to give away, she'd get one.We've added the cake to our ever-growing gallery of favorite Warcraft-related cakes -- if you've got another one, feel free to send it in.%Gallery-31459%

  • Show and Tell: Edibles

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Gamer cakes, cookies, and cupcakes have become a staple of the community, because hey, we've all gotta eat. But there's no reason your food should be at all normal! There's no canvas like the edible canvas, and because of that (or maybe because we're hungry), we're shining this week's community spotlight on sweet treats (with a gaming spin). Take the guided tour here, or just hop right into the gallery below!%Gallery-37141% Show and Tell is all about fan stuff, so long as it's Nintendo-related. We love to see your collections, your crafts, your frosted creations, your t-shirts and swag of all sorts.Just snap a few pictures, tell us what's up, and send it all to showmeit [at] dsfanboy [dot] com. We'll take care of the rest. Not a handy type, but found something neat? Send us a link instead.

  • RipIt yanks your DVDs right off the disc

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    HandBrake handles most of my DVD-ripping responsibilities just fine, but RipIt came to our attention recently, and as a simple one-touch way to get a movie off of a DVD and on to your hard drive (in order to, say, watch it on a laptop without lugging the disc itself along), it looks pretty simple. In fact, it's about as cake as these things get: load up the app, throw a disc in your drive, and press Rip -- a few minutes later (a 7.9gb rip took about 30 minutes for me), you've got a DVDPlayerMedia file on your hard drive to watch at your leisure. It's $18.99, which is pricey, especially (again) compared to HandBrake, which is conveniently open source, and provides tons more ways to rip things. But if you do a lot of movie ripping and want to have one single button rather than worrying about formats or encoding, that $19 might be well spent.

  • [UPDATED] Azerothian birthday cake

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    I think I've lost count of the ongoing tally between the Alliance and Horde cakes over here at WoW Insider, although I can say for certain that I've never actually eaten a WoW-themed cake (bummer!). Reader Steve tipped us in to a cake that doesn't side with either the Horde or Alliance, but features the two continents of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms (Northrend didn't make the cut, apparently).While a map and faux faded parchment colors probably don't help make a visually appetizing cake -- the lower right of the cake is actually the Naga depicted on the world maps, don't worry about the green -- this literally sweet gesture was made by WoW widow girlfriend Natalie for her man Sean's 21st birthday. Sean plays on the Bronze Dragonflight EU and held a party for his guildies in May Contain Funk where this edible Azeroth was unveiled. According to Steve, the cake was vanilla sponge with raspberry jam and was, "absolutely delicious". Since those guys didn't send us a slice, we'll just have to take his word for it![UPDATE: Reader Alex3 sent in a picture of his friend Woo's birthday cake made by Woo's awesome mom -- a Warlock icon cake that looks delightfully, infernally scrumptious! Man, I'm hungry now. Check out the gallery for all the awesome Warcraft-themed cakes we've seen over here at WoW Insider.] %Gallery-31459%

  • The world's deadliest dessert

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    We've seen Hordecake, Alliance cake, Horde-oken cake, and now we have a cake from Fatalis Sciurus, the 'Deadly Squirrels' of the Uldum realm. According to Kronq, a member of the guild, Fatalis Sciurus is a pretty small, tight knit group that all gets together in person now and then for "food, drinks, and whatever." Guildie Hallana decided to go the extra mile and put together a themed chocolate cake for the gang, bearing their adorable yet deadly namesake. I don't know about you guys, but that picture makes me want to lick the Horde emblem right off of the thing. Delicious, delicious sugar!I have to admit, I have some pretty serious envy about the regular guild get-togethers. I enjoy gaming with my long distance friends (and yes, I consider them real friends), but there's just no substitute for hanging out in person sometimes. I wish I could have more of my guildies over at my place or vice versa regularly, the few times I've been able to do it were amazingly fun.From now on, I think we of WoW Insider should start requiring that you guys send us a piece of the cake along with the pictures. It's just not fair to taunt us with sweets like this!

  • A Horde guild wedding cake

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    From the traditions of Hordecake and Alliance cake comes the new form of... guildcake! Yes, this cake was seen at the wedding of Bhajrungbali and Halei, the Druid tank and healer from the guild Hadoken on Thunderlord. On the top there you can see the old school Hadoken code (down to forward and punch, don't you know), and below that, a ring of Horde symbols. Apparently Bhajrungbali made the cake design with some simple digital rendering software, and the cake makers took their inspiration from that. And the guildies who attended the wedding were happy to find that their table was called "Team Hadoken" -- you can see their FTW tablecard in the gallery below.Looks tasty, though we're a little disappointed that Warcraft didn't make it on to the main wedding cake -- it was just consigned to a little side cake (we weren't told, unfortunately, just what kind of cake it was). But we understand -- a whole fullsize wedding cake adorned with Horde symbols would probably have been too much ownage for one wedding. Grats to the newlyweds, and thanks to Voltius and Binxi of Hadoken for sending the pictures in.%Gallery-30956%

  • Homebrew proposal culminates in 'Bejeweled' wedding

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    You've probably all but forgotten about a story we ran way back in March in which one Bernie Peng used a homebrew version of Bejeweled to propose to his girlfriend of three years. Well, Bejeweled publisher PopCap didn't forget about the proposal, helping to make the couple's wedding this Saturday an unforgettable affair.According to the New Jersey Star-Ledger, PopCap chipped in $1,000 for decorations ($500 of which went to a Nintendo DS-shaped cake) and $5,000 for free copies of Bejeweled that were given to all 250 guests. "There are good ways and bad ways to hack software and to us, this is a good way," said PopCap spokesman Garth Chouteau. After a honeymoon in Bali, the happy, nerdy couple will also get a guided tour of Popcap's Seattle headquarters.

  • Then let them eat cake

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    While it isn't the most exciting, mind-blowing, game-changing addition to Dalaran thus far, I thought the addition of a cupcake vendor was pretty cool, especially now that they've itemized it. The vendor has some mundane found that are still pretty fun like Dalaran Brownies and Carrot Cupcakes, which are charming but not entirely what grabbed my attention.What did grab my attention? She sells cakes! The Lovely Cake and Chocolate Celebration Cake are sold on this vendor, perhaps a little expensive (about 25g), but they work pretty neat. The cakes are used like Lightwells (Cakewell?), you lay them on the ground with a targeting circle and 5-10 of your friends can grab a slice. Maybe a Mage's food table was a better comparison, but I prefer the idea of a cakewell.

  • Penny Ar-cake makes Gabe cry, us drool

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Click to giganticize Penny Arcade's Mike/Gabe told us in an interview that he hates all cake coverage. The good news is, you can't hate our cake and eat it too. So, it's with love and appreciation that we present this glorious photo of a sweet-looking, sugary Penny Arcade cake, featuring deliciousness from the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness.Gabe, you might hate cake, but we think the masses would decimate this Penny Arcade pastry piece with vim and vigor. It was created by cakesmith Brian Kurtz, who is also available for weddings, bar mitzvahs, your LAN party, or "any other situation that calls for a bad-ass 3D cake that will make your guests crap their pants in disbelief." Stay tuned for our interview with Tycho and Gabe later this week.

  • Red team go ... get me a piece of this CoD4 cake!

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    One of our X3F tipsters, Amanda, showcased her baking rank by crafting this Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare inspired cake for her stepfather. Going so far as to list his rank and gamertag (sorry for the influx of Friend Requests you're about to get, General!), this cake goes the extra mile. Also, it looks delicious which is a trait all cakes should be required to have. Now Amanda, some of our birthday's are coming up and we'd like to know if you can create a cake for us based on this Photoshop of Peter Molyneux jumping up and down in his race car bed? That would be delicious!

  • Show and Tell: Recipes for awesome

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Good news -- we're expanding Show and Tell a little to include not only your personal creations (though these are, of course, our favorites), but all sorts of interesting fan-created things we find in the wide world of the internet. Each week, we'll show off a new set of Nintendo-inspired projects, and this week, we're starting with the basics: recipes and ingredients. Every creation has to begin somewhere, after all. Your journey can start right here.%Gallery-29463% Show and Tell is all about fan stuff, so long as it's Nintendo-related. We love to see your collections, your crafts, your frosted creations, your t-shirts and swag of all sorts.Just snap a few pictures, tell us what's up, and send it all to showmeit [at] dsfanboy [dot] com. We'll take care of the rest. Not a handy type, but found something neat? Send us a link instead.

  • Be a Cake Hero

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Few cakes are so completely awesome that they earn the maker a marriage proposal, but then, not all cakes are a Guitar Hero homage. Charm White made this cake last fall for her then-boyfriend's birthday, but didn't manage to get around to talking much about it until recently, and talk she did -- by which we mean there's an entire step-by-step walkthrough on how she created the amazing cake. That doesn't mean we could actually pull it off (that probably takes patience and maybe some decorative talent), but knowing there's a how-to gives us a chance to pretend we could. Y'know. Kind of like Guitar Hero makes us feel like we could totally rock out for real.Now we want to see someone make the Wii version, complete with Wii Remote. Gallery: Nintendo cakes and other confections