

  • Castle Crashers Super Survey: Hit up X3F!

    Terrence Stasse
    Terrence Stasse

    While it isn't strictly news about the game itself, the so called Castle Crashers Super Survey is being held by the guys over at The Behemoth and contains a whole host of different metrics on which they would like their audience's feedback. The questions cover everything from your favorite blogs (wink nudge) to your systems and your digital distribution purchasing habits.Of course there's really no way to know exactly what this survey is in regards to. But now that development on Castle Crashers has wrapped up, The Behemoth is probably looking towards its next project and could be using this data to help them figure out exactly what direction to head. It seems likely, given Dan Paladin's art style, that their work will continue on XBLA, but their games have seen retail release before and they could be looking to expand the range of services on which their content is available (they do mention Steam after all, and do ask whether or not your consoles are online).

  • Castle Crashers scares up a skeleton

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Those Behemoth jerks just keep teasing us with more content for Castle Crashers. Earlier this week, we were treated to a new ninja character and now we discover that there is also a skeleton. We don't know much about him (or her) apart from the fact that he wields a bone firing bow as his long range weapon. Since we know so little, we'll have to make something up. His name -- we have decided -- is Skelly. Now, someone please tell us when we can buy this game.

  • A ninja sneaks into Castle Crashers

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Face it, everything is better with ninjas. It's like in that movie The Last Samurai when all the ninjas attacked. It was like, "Whoa, ninjas! This movie just got even awesomer!" Imagine that feeling, only applied to Castle Crashers. See, it feels awesome, righ?. The game was already cool and now it has a ninja and is even cooler (and by cool we mean totally sweet). If you thought it couldn't get any better than that, then get this: the ninja carries ... a mug. Not just any mug ... a Ninja Mug. We're not quite sure how it works, but according to the Castle Crashers website, its purpose is "defensive shielding."It's official now: the wait for Castle Crashers is killing us. Follow the source link for shots of ninja doing his thing.

  • Suhweet Castle Crashers wallpapers are here!

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    So, we aren't really sure how old or new these super sexy Castle Crashers wallpapers are or how long has had them available. But it really doesn't matter, because they're teh awsomez and you need to know about them. Mmmkay? Now go already, head over to the media section of the official Castle Crashers website where you'll be able to download (in 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1280x720, 1600x1200 and 1900x1200 flavors) the badass and ever so purple desktop wallpaper you see above as well as a pretty sky-blue wallpaper featuring a Red Knight action shot. We're currently rockin' the purple background and can 100% confirm that it'll make your Tuesday nine times more enjoyable. Enjoy.

  • Castle Crashers jumps through another hoop, gets rated 'Teen'

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We love the Xbox Live Arcade Service (fanboy placation: we love the PlayStation Network and WiiWare too), but it's a well-known fact that there are a number of hurdles a finished game has to clear before it can find its way onto the imponderable internets. One of said hurdles, labeled "the rating process" is actually three-hundred feet tall, covered in flaming, poison-coated spikes, and surrounded by a moat filled with bull sharks in mating season. Metaphorically speaking, of course.Thankfully, in an act of incredible vaulting prowess, Behemoth's upcoming racist multiplayer beat-'em-up Castle Crashers recently cleared said hurdle, receiving a decisive "Teen" rating (the German judges, obviously confused and unimpressed, gave the effort a 7.5). There are a number of other hoops the adorable brawler must jump through before attaining that coveted XBLA certification, but we're hopeful that we'll be storming cartoon strongholds relatively soon.

  • Castle Crashers isn't only done, but now it's rated!

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Yes, we'll admit, we're a bit obsessively excited to play The Behemoth's Castle Crashers. And ever since we learned that development has wrapped we've been experiencing reserved excitement. Reserved only because our Castle Crashers wait has been full of delays, more development and more waiting which leaves us believing that there may be a chance that The Behemoth will announce that they've jumped back into development for some crazy reason, ultimately leading to a 2010 release. Scary thought, no? But we're pleased to reveal that there is absolutely no turning back with Castle Crashers' release, because we just learned that the game has been rated "T" (for teen) by the ESRB. This means we can now go from reserved excitement to full fledged, ecstatic, ADD filled excitement. We say, bring on the blood, gore, cartoon violence and crude humor! We're ready![Thanks, Jonah Falcon]

  • Castle Crashers Animal Orb poll results

    Terrence Stasse
    Terrence Stasse

    The Castle Crashers dev blog recently had up a poll on the readers' favorite Animal Orbs, and the results are in! While we would have liked to have seen the Giraffe do better, he made it into the top three so we're sort of happy, as for the ultimate purpose of the poll, the official position is that we can't know about it just yet. However the rumblings say that the project is going to be some sort of plush toy, which would make sense considering the shape of the things. And sadly, if we saw a Bitey Bat plush toy for something like $5.99, we'd probably get it.

  • The Behemoth wants your animal orb opinion

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    It is no secret that we've fallen in love with Castle Crashers' overly adorable animal orbs, including the recently revealed Frogglet, Troll and Monkeyface. And all our animal orb fawning is being put to good use, because (as part of The Behemoth Secret Project #34.567-899) they want to know which of the already revealed animal orbs is your favorite. We aren't sure how The Behemoth will use the poll results, but we don't think that matters. What matters is that the Frogglet or Giraffey MUST WIN the popular vote. A frog with antlers and an overly tonguey giraffe are just too cool. Now head to the Castle Crashers dev blog and cast your ballot on the right hand column.

  • Adorable! Castle Crashers' Bitey Bat and Giraffey

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Just as they've done for the past month or so, The Behemoth just took the (100% Egyptian cotton) shroud of mystery off of two more of Castle Crashers' Animal Orbs and this time the adorable-meter is off the charts. Meet Bitey Bat and Giraffey. They're Animal Orbs. During battle, Bitey Bat promises to gnaw on your foes' heads and Giraffey will use his magically limp tongue to aid in leveling up your character quicker. You'll probably come across each floating orb of helpfulness alongside Seahorse, Scratchpaw and a bunch of other zoo'licious Animal Orbs when Castle Crashers releases later this year . Admit it, they're freakin' adorable!Read - Bitey Bat animal orbRead - Giraffey animal orb

  • Mega64 puppet Marcus hits up the Castle Crashers

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    This week on Mega64's interview miniseries Marcus' Corner, the foul-mouthed puppet interviews "Dan Pilates and Josh ... John, I don't know who cares" (whose birth names are the not-so-interesting Dan Paladin and John Baez) from Behemoth, makers of Alien Hominid and the upcoming Castle Crashers. After the interview, Marcus answers fan mail and looks at fan art, such as that seen above. See what he has to be say after the break.

  • Castle Crashers is so done, you don't know how done it is

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Remember that upcoming XBLA title from The Behemoth called Castle Crashers that everyone and their mother can't wait for? We know you do! According to artist Dan Paladin's on the official Behemoth blog, the anticipated XBLA game is finished. But, before you start marking your calendars keep in mind the game is still far from ready."It has to go through all the required hoops of certification/final testing & all that jazz before it will actually become available on the service [XBLA]," wrote Paladin. While Paladin also mentioned the team is excited the game is hitting "the world," he notes it still may be a number of months before we're hacking-and-slashing our way through the world.Now we play the waiting game... aw, the waiting game sucks. Let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • The Behemoth says Castle Crashers is finally complete

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    It seems like just yesterday that Alien Hominid creator The Behemoth first announced its upcoming XBLA release Castle Crashers. Well, that's an outright lie. It's been a near unbearable wait, but according to a post by artist extraordinaire Dan Paladin on the studio's blog that game is. finally. complete.But don't take up your swords and shields just yet, as it appears that it could be a little while before the decidedly old school, not to mention stylish brawler is available for download. Writes Paladin, "It has to go through all the required hoops of certification/final testing & all that jazz before it will actually become available on the service." He adds that "it's a good feeling know that the crashers are working their way into the world," though with the company noting that it could be a "couple months" before we're finally able to play the game the only feeling we're left with is impatience.[Thanks Obvious]

  • Castle Crashers bronze and a seahorse too

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    It has been far too long since we've talked Castle Crashers (eight days to be exact), so we figured we'd jump over to the Castle Crashers dev blog to see what's new. Upon arriving, we found out that our The Behemoth friends have attempted a first pour cast of the promised Castle Crashers bronze trophies. So far, they have a few kinks to work out, but nobody ever said bronze casting was an easy process. The other piece of newsy news is the reveal of the Seahorse animal orb! Not only will this little guy make you move quicker in water, but it'll also melt your enemy's hearts with its stone-faced smile.Okay, we're good. That should be enough Castle Crashers news for at least twelve hours.Read - First Bronze Trophy PourRead - It's a Seahorse!

  • The Behemoth will be awarding bronze Castle Crashers trophies

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Alien Hominid HD players will no doubt remember the trophies developer The Behemoth awarded to players for completing various alien tasks, etc. And good news fanboys, they'll be doing the whole trophy thing with Castle Crashers too, but this time in bronze! That means that when Castle Crashers makes its way to the XBLA later this year (it is this year, right?) we'll be trying our darnedest to earn a coveted trophy ... no matter the task. Let's just hope The Behemoth's crew learns how to cast bronze statues by release day. Because, per the photographic evidence above, their attempts thus far haven't been successful.

  • Video: Castle Crashers drawing fun times three

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Don't hate us because we love Castle Crashers and their dev blog's entertainingly mesmerizing animation videos. Hate us because we force them down your throat. We say this because we're bringing you three (count 'em) three new Castle Crashers animation videos done by Mr. Dan Paladin himself. Watch in awe as he draws, paints and colors a Tall Grass Field or make your way towards the break to view the King's Boat get completed in an epic two part saga! It's Castle Crashers. It's video. It's awesome. Read - Tall Grass Field videoRead - King's Boat 1 videoRead - King's Boat 2 video

  • Video: Jaw-dropping Castle Crashers 3D render

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Just look at him, he's ... beautiful. Behold the 3D rendering artwork of Andre Mercier who, after suffering from a serious case of boredom, decided to create the traditionally 2D Castle Crashers red knight into a fully rotatable 3D model. The thirteen minute video showcases the two and a half hours that were spent creating the 3D knight and well, just watch and be amazed. If The Behemoth ever wants to take the Castle Crashers crew into the third dimension, we recommend Mercier for the job.[Via The Behemoth]

  • Castle Crashers: Bears & Cats & Fish, Oh My!

    Terrence Stasse
    Terrence Stasse

    Dev blogs are becoming more and more popular these days, as devs are learning that community managers have much more diverse tools at their fingertips to hold consumer attention and interest, while at the same time informing them about the upcoming game's inner workings and mechanics. The Castle Crashers dev blog has done a great job at this, giving the community a consistent flow of news. The blog has been updated several times since we last updated on its contents and now includes a few new weapons (as well as the names of all those so far revealed), a new animal orb (the cat, who will add to your agility and strength) and a new playable character (the bear, who wields the deadly fish).

  • New Castle Crashers video and news

    Terrence Stasse
    Terrence Stasse

    We've seen Dan Paladin of The Behemoth create levels before, and here he is back again. The Castle Crasher's dev blog was recently updated with a video of Dan building the Industrial Castle level, as well as a few scans of OXM's pages on the game in their most recent issue. As with any demonstration of this sort its amazing to watch the artist at work, and we're just glad that this has been sped up to a decent speed. Our only complaint is that there is no music to this one! Other than the video, there were the scans, which revealed a few interesting, previously unknown things. First, there's the Arena Multiplayer mode with it's four different competitive modes: Free for All, Arrow Challenge, Beefy Beat-Up and Treasure Battle. Second are some smaller things, like the fact that there is an unlockable fish for a weapon, and that you can get a shovel that will yet you dig for treasure. We can't wait for this game, and the more info that gets released, the more our anticipation grows!

  • New Castle Crashers feature: Animal Orbs

    Terrence Stasse
    Terrence Stasse

    The Castle Crashers dev blog has had some fun and interesting things, keeping the media flowing and the interest high. Their latest reveal is a feature they're calling Animal Orbs. During the game you'll find these animal-limbed orbs and they will imbue you with an enhancement, or help you in combat, or aid you in some manner not unlike a power-up. As with the Periwinke Knight, there was a reveal of a single orb, along with it's unique power, visible above. Though it was explained that there is currently a total of 23 different orbs with a variety of powers, there has only been one official reveal, and the dev blog suggests that not all of them will be unveiled there. However, the top banner of the blog has been changed to include some animal orbs, and from the looks of things there's going to be a cardinal, a dog or wolf, and cat or small tiger tagging along with you as well.

  • Watch Castle Crashers levels made in real-time

    Terrence Stasse
    Terrence Stasse

    Given the recent launch of their dev blog, the guys over at The Behemoth are interested in getting news about Castle Crashers out there. Recently updated, the blog now contains a video of the game artist Dan Paladin painting pieces of the game in real-time. The video is well worth the watch for any artistic types, or even those who just like the game's art style. We watch about 30-40 minutes of work fly by in 9 minutes as Dan paints rocks, walls, tombstones and more, as well as place them right into the game environment. It's a fascinating view into the creation process of the game as it seems to be unique to The Behemoth, though of course there may be other companies that use the same process. Either way, if you liked this video, there's another one embedded after the break, this time showcasing Dan creating the Castle Crashers world map.