ccp games


  • EVE Community Spotlight: Jade Constantine

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Jade Constantine is a veteran player of EVE Online, long known for having a forceful personality and a flair for writing. As the CEO of Jericho Fraction and the head of The Star Fraction alliance, Jade has become a pioneer in EVE roleplay, upholding ideologies of freedom that run counter to some of the very systems that define the game. Along the way, Jade has made some enemies, but clearly some allies as well, having garnered the most votes in the Council of Stellar Management (CSM) election. As Chairman of the CSM, Jade Constantine is a magnet for controversy, but as an elected delegate, is also in a unique position to deal directly with CCP Games and potentially change EVE. Massively recently spoke with Jade on the state of roleplaying in EVE Online, the challenges that the CSM faces, and what it's like to be under the magnifying glass.

  • The CSM speaks, will CCP Games listen?

    James Egan
    James Egan

    EVE Online's delegates elected to the Council of Stellar Management (CSM) have made headlines in recent weeks, both in the gaming press and mainstream news. Amidst all the media attention, EVE players have been debating to what extent the CSM will be able to work with CCP Games on changing the game to better accommodate the playstyles of the subscribers. An article at The Escapist called 'Politics in a Vacuum' explores this interaction between the CSM and CCP Games, focusing on the Council summit in Reykjavik. CSM delegate Alison Wheeler (aka Inanna Zuni in EVE) told The Escapist: "I'm not totally sure yet how much agreement there is between CCP management and CCP development teams. They've opened this can of worms that said, 'These people get elected by other pilots and players, they have the right to say, "We want this to happen; please make it so!" Predictably, this could lead to some problems where the expectations of EVE's players, conveyed through the CSM, are unrealistic in terms of what CCP can deliver on.

  • EVE dev blog announces changes to forum posting

    James Egan
    James Egan

    EVE Online players know what a valuable resource the forums can be in learning about the game or keeping current with what's happening. However, it would be an understatement to say that it's been getting harder to find what you need among all the clutter. CCP Taera's latest dev blog, Forums Refined, announces the forthcoming EVE Online forum revamp, which will go into effect in the coming weeks. The announced changes don't address the search issues that players are well aware of, but rather deal with mergers of existing forum content as well as a few new additions. There will also be clearer descriptions of each forum category, hopefully resulting in fewer moved posts for those who have not trained up Reading Comprehension.A new addition to the EVE forums will include 'Warfare and Tactics,' for PvP and Factional Warfare discussions. Once this section goes live, members of Factional Warfare NPC corporations lose their rights to post in the Corporations, Alliance and Organization Discussions (CAOD) forum, CCP Taera says. An EVE Gameplay Center category is also being added, which will place 'Science and Industry,' 'Missions and Complexes,' and 'Market Discussions' in one section, keeping them all near the top of the forums. It should have the added benefit of keeping it "easier to find specialized conversations on gameplay topics instead of just posting in General," CCP Taera adds.

  • The high price of trust in EVE

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Trust is a rare commodity in EVE Online, and is one of those aspects of the game that makes it at once interesting and frustrating. That friendly person who offers you assistance in a mission, wants to sell you a faction module, or seeks to join your corporation may very well be waiting to backstab you when you least expect it. This might sound bad, but it's not necessarily a terrible thing in terms of enjoying the game. Indeed, some may feel that it adds to the risk inherent in EVE, and thus the thrill. The fact that players can manipulate trust within the rules of the game is one of the aspects of EVE that sets it apart from most other MMOs. The risk vs. reward stakes are raised when trust comes into play with groups of players. Collective action through corporations or alliances will, at some point in time, entail trust. It may be a CEO or director lifting restrictions on access to resources for a member of the corp, hoping that the faith placed in the recruit wasn't a bad move. In other scenarios, the situation is reversed -- a director decides to cut and run, seizing assets and leaving the corporation shocked and understandably enraged.

  • The freedom of living in EVE Online's lawless space

    James Egan
    James Egan

    In EVE Online, there are few things as feared by highsec dwellers as going into 0.0 space. These lawless tracts of New Eden do come with certain perils -- as CONCORD isn't there to protect you -- but there are arguably more benefits to flying in 0.0 than there are drawbacks. Still, there will always be a dichotomy in EVE between players who like the game for the freedom 0.0 offers, and those who prefer the safety of highsec. In 'Living the good life in 0.0,' EVE blogger Xiphos explains his choice to leave Empire space behind. "In 0.0, you are free. Free of Concord, free of hundreds of players, and free to set your own destiny... it is the untamed wild west, where fortune, power, and glory are right for the taking and few have yet to reach out and grasp it," Xiphos writes. Of course, being a member of Agony Unleashed, an EVE corp that provides in-game PvP courses, doesn't hurt in terms of knowing how to handle yourself in 0.0. Have a look at 'Living the good life in 0.0' and see Xiphos' take on the appeal of flying in lawless space. Do you agree with Xiphos' view of the game, and have you largely abandoned highsec in favor of 0.0 and all that comes with it, or simply to experience the most from the game? [Via CrazyKinux]

  • Player and developer interaction in EVE Online

    James Egan
    James Egan

    MMOs are constantly evolving games, from their earliest days as they're conceptualized to their final days when the servers shut down, forever. They evolve throughout their lifespan because they must. Players naturally pick up on ways to use the ever-changing game mechanics to best suit them, prompting the devs to either brand these tactics as an exploit or targeting them for rebalancing in a future patch. A case in point is the impending speed nerf in EVE Online, which is one of the biggest issues currently debated by EVE pilots. But do players have the right to be this angry when the developers change the game? Jim Rossignol argues this point in "EVE Online and the Big Nerf": "EVE is basically a ongoing symbiotic process... perhaps this means the developer has to make some unpopular decisions for the good of the process as a whole. The relationship between player and developer is not one of equals, nor is it always at its best when it is entirely amiable." Do you agree with Rossignol on this -- and does paying that $15 a month entitle MMO players to pressure devs to change the game to fit their playstyle, or should MMO developers keep the game balanced as they see fit?

  • Morality and legality in EVE Online

    James Egan
    James Egan

    One of the strengths of EVE Online is that the game's professions can be freeform. Many players take the standard route of being a miner or a mission runner. However, new and deviant professions have arisen in a kind of symbiosis with the more established trades in the game. This is the focus of an article called 'Morality and Legality', written by ISD Magnus Balteus of CCP Games. 'Morality and Legality' looks at two of the sketchier professions that sprang from EVE's more standard career paths. Mining has given rise to ore theft, which boils down to theft that has the side benefit of potentially baiting the victim into combat, even in high security space. If the ore thief or 'can flipper' is successful, he or she can make off with the ore that someone else mined plus the modules looted from the miner's ship wreck. The morality of this type of career doesn't even enter into the equation... this is EVE. CCP's unwillingness to change the game mechanics involved in can flipping means that this is not an exploit, it's a valid profession, albeit not in the mind of the miner victim.

  • Era of suicide ganking in EVE Online coming to a close

    James Egan
    James Egan

    CCP Games has addressed the long-standing problem of suicide ganking in EVE Online in their latest dev blog, titled "Serious Security." CCP Fear stepped up to inform the player base that, yes, the devs do take the issue of suicide ganking seriously, and that they're going to take action. The proposed changes, outlined below, are not going into effect immediately, nor do they impact actions taken as part of Empire war declarations. However, they will be implemented with the next major update to EVE, which will be Empyrean Age 1.1, rolling out this Fall. The dev blog focuses on CONCORD improvements and the increased consequences of suicide ganks. CCP Fear states: "We have been looking at suicide ganking and overall security standing issues, and how these features affect the general landscape of EVE. We are not happy with the current ease of suicide ganking and the relative 'no hassle' it has become. In many cases, unsuspecting victims have no chance to escape, nor any help from CONCORD. We want to change this."

  • Outlaws of EVE Online: Verone

    James Egan
    James Egan

    EVE Online's futuristic setting of New Eden is one of sprawling galactic Empires and megacorporations, imposing order on uncharted frontiers through massive industrial infrastructures, elaborate networks of trade routes, and military fleets that ensure the galaxy remains firmly in the grasp of the technocratic elite. But beneath this orderly paradigm in New Eden, criminal organizations thrive. They prey upon those who cling to the illusion of safety in an unsafe galaxy. They reject your system of values and play by their own rules. They are relentless in pursuit of their goals and completely without mercy. One notable criminal organization devoted to piracy is Veto Corp, headed by their CEO Ethan Verone, who is without a doubt one of New Eden's more notorious pirates. Under his guidance, Veto Corp has been linked to numerous incidents of ransoming, hijacking, and illegal arms sales, among their many other crimes. Their modus operandi of shunning territorial control in favor of remaining fast and free ensures that Veto can conduct 'business' and hit targets anytime, and practically anywhere. Massively recently managed to lock down Verone for a line of questioning, and discussed the allure of life as an outlaw.%Gallery-28407%

  • Wayfaring through New Eden with EveMap

    James Egan
    James Egan

    EVE Online has an active community of 3rd party developers who release free tools for the benefit of other players. While tools like EVEmon, used to plan skill training, and EVE Fitting Tool, used to experiment with ship fittings, are widely used by players, there are a number of other great programs out there that have gotten less attention. One of those out-of-game tools is EveMap, created by Paul van Santen -- otherwise known as "AcriQuo." The galaxy of New Eden has over 5000 solar systems, and plotting safe routes or simply some optimal wayfaring can be a bit involved. When in-game, you can pull up an interactive map to help navigate, but it takes up the entire client window while active. Some players prefer to view their maps off-screen, and there are some 2D options available to help in this regard, but until recently, going 2D was the only option players had. That's all changed with EveMap, which is a fully-functional 3D map of the EVE universe, with myriad display options and filters. The beauty of the program is that it literally displays all of EVE's systems without being confined to the client. The system requirements to run it are minimal: Java Runtime Environment version 1.5 or higher, and an OpenGL-capable graphics card. EveMap has been well-received on the official EVE Online forums. If having another way to navigate in EVE sounds good to you, why not fire up EveMap and see how useful it can be?

  • Social networking meets MMOs at Avatars United

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Social networking already intersects with gaming through GAX Online, but there's a newer MMO-centric community that's growing in popularity. Combine the anonymity of being identified only as your avatar with a way to connect with gamers across many MMOs and virtual worlds, and you've got Avatars United. It's like Facebook for your virtual personas. Avatars United has found favor with a number of EVE Online players, according to an interview in the most recent issue of E-ON; EVE players account for roughly 40 percent of the sign-ups. Certainly part of the draw is that Avatars United makes use of EVE Online's API, allowing character data to be displayed along with the other features you've come to expect from a social networking space. Namely -- messaging, blogging, photos, and video. Avatars United isn't just a site for EVE gamers though, and is seeing growing popularity with players from the entire gamut of major MMO titles out there, ranging from Age of Conan to World of Warcraft.

  • CCP Games releases faction overview for EVE Online

    James Egan
    James Egan

    For participants in EVE Online's factional warfare in the Empyrean Age expansion, it's common knowledge that there are four races embroiled in conflict. However, CCP Games has decided to add some more variety to the roles that EVE players can assume. To that end, EVE dev Matthew Woodward (aka CCP Greyscale) created a political overview for those who wish to immerse themselves a bit more in the backstory, or for those who wish to assume roles in the factional struggle beyond what is currently known about the key races in EVE's setting of New Eden. The cruel yet devoutly religious Amarr bring worlds and systems under their heel to 'save them from themselves.' They're opposed by the fractious Minmatar, a group of tribes resisting Amarr tyranny -- many of whom are chemically enslaved by a tailored virus and regular fixes of its narcotic treatment, ensuring their continued servitude to the Amarr.

  • A look at EVE Online's combat basics

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Jim Rossignol has become well-known in the game journalism scene, more recently as a regular contributor at RockPaperShotgun and the author of This Gaming Life. Along the way, he's become a veteran EVE Online player, and he's passing along some of that combat know-how to readers in a series of articles at Eurogamer. Rossignol is starting out slow with the first installment, easing readers into "the basic principles of killing people," but he'll progress to more advanced aspects of combat and conflict in EVE. Ultimately, he hopes to introduce players to the ambitions and tactics of New Eden's alliances, which can number well into the thousands of players.In 'combat basics', Rossignol relates the basic principles of combat in EVE Online to the standard groupings of damage, tank, crowd-control, and healer that most MMO gamers are familiar with from other titles. He notes that these combat roles are quite different in EVE, as a given ship's module fittings give players a great deal of flexibility, but of course makes for a more complex PvP system. Rossignol touches on the idea that speed is king in EVE, and he's correct. Just keep in mind that the nano-era's days are numbered, a fact which Rossignol stresses as well. Have a look at Rossignol's combat basics, and his take on the ever-changing state of PvP in EVE Online. [Via CrazyKinux]

  • EVE Chronicle: Masks of Authority

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Most EVE Online players wouldn't characterize themselves as roleplayers. Simply by piloting their ships as capsuleers -- whether it's to make New Eden a safer place, or to lay waste to every unfortunate soul that crosses their path -- all EVE players assume a role of sorts. However, for those who prefer greater immersion, one of the real strengths of EVE Online is the depth and breadth of its backstory, which provides a gritty setting for players to delve into, should they choose to. The latest EVE Chronicle provides a look within New Eden's power structures that goes beyond the heads of the four races. "Masks of Authority" sheds more light on the corporate paradigm that governs one's life as a Caldari player in EVE, a system overpowered by the Chief Executive Panel -- eight megacorporations whose collective wealth and influence makes or breaks the lives of all Caldari citizens.

  • EVE Fanfest 2008 PvP Tournament to be unconventional

    James Egan
    James Egan

    One of the highlights of the annual EVE Online Fanfest in Reykjavik is the PvP Tournament, which draws strong competitors from the most powerful alliances and relative unknowns alike. As you'd expect, the PvP Tournament has always been purely about annihilating the opposing side or conversely losing horribly in front of a live audience of EVE fans. The 2008 PvP tournament, however, will be a little... different. CCP Claw has dubbed this year's tournament "The Super Ultimate EVE Online Mining Tournament of Awesomeness." Why, that name just rolls off your tongue. But the changes coming to the tournament aren't limited to an unwieldy name; players will need to mine for ore while under heavy fire from the opposing team. "Any method within the rules can be used to accomplish this and stop your opponent from doing the same. Mining ore for yourself, killing enemy miners and looting their wrecks, stealing from enemy jetcans, or just outright destroying the opposing team are all within the rules," CCP Claw states.

  • Speed kills

    James Egan
    James Egan

    EVE Online has evolved into a game where being fast and agile allows you to choose your fights, dictate range and thus control the course of the battle, disengage whenever you choose, and often move so quickly that you're largely unassailable. However, the era of the nano craze will soon be coming to a close, according to EVE Online developer CCP Nozh. His latest dev blog addresses the insane velocities achievable, even by previously lumbering battleships, with combinations of speed modules, rigs, pirate implants and performance-boosting drugs. (For those less familiar with EVE or its more deviant aspects, you can in fact use and sell drugs in the game.) CCP Nozh outlined the dev team's design goals in stemming the speed crisis:

  • EVE Online currency sellers rip off players (shocker)

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Well, here we are again... certain people among EVE Online's player base who buy their isk from shady sites are the focus of another dev announcement. GM Grimmi just posted the following: "We have had a number of cases recently with hacked accounts and similar issues and we have found that a lot of them are directly connected with a certain website. This website sells ISK and supposedly EVE Time Codes (ETC), though the ETCs always turn out to be faulty or already used. Players that go to this website and do business with them are running a very high risk of getting keyloggers placed on their system and subsequently having their EVE accounts hacked, and ISK and assets removed. Customer Support cannot correct damages that result from problems with the security of username and passwords. We strongly urge everyone to keep their virus protection up to date and stay away from dodgy ISK seller websites."Here's another novel idea. Admittedly it's a radical concept and some people might not be ready for it: Play the game and stop trying to buy your way to the top. That said, the ability to legitimately buy and sell ETC is supported by CCP Games, but only from the official ETC resellers, paired with a secure system of buying/selling ETC at the EVE website. The incidents that GM Grimmi describes, as have numerous other dev blogs in the past, stem from players shelling out cash for their isk, presumably from those spam bot sites that turn up in popular channels from time to time. Standard practice with the GMs is to give the isk buyer a negative wallet balance and force him or her to claw their way back up to a positive balance; CCP bans sellers but not buyers. But perhaps this is too lenient. Do you think these players should get banned for buying isk? How does your MMO of choice handle players who try to buy their currency and gear?

  • Ten things every new player should know about EVE Online

    James Egan
    James Egan

    There are some valuable lessons learned as you progress in EVE Online, lessons which get pounded into you when making mistakes. There are so many things you wish someone had told you before you went out and made a noobish ass of yourself. Even with the much-improved Aura tutorial that's been implemented in EVE, there are lots of things that still cause players to scream something to the effect of, "Why didn't anyone warn me?!" This is often accompanied by frantically warping away from one's obliterated ship in an escape pod with a liberal amount of cursing. Of course, it doesn't have to be this way.

  • Leadership in EVE Online applicable to real-world ventures

    James Egan
    James Egan

    EVE Online has been getting increased mainstream media coverage. Recently the New York Times covered EVE's Council of Stellar Management (CSM) summit in Reykjavik, as well as the self-styled 'bad guy' alliance Band of Brother's initiative to annihilate their rivals in New Eden, wiping them from New Eden's star maps. A new MMO article at Forbes takes a close look at the corporate paradigm of EVE Online, both in-game and out. The piece touches on the views of Goonswarm alliance leader and CSM delegate Sean Conover (aka Darius Johnson, CEO of Goonfleet) and the real-world CEO of CCP Games, Hilmar Veigar Petursson. The Icelandic CEO states: "There isn't a lot of difference between what you can apply within the game and out of it... It's more about social skills than gaming skills. It's very hard to stay on top."

  • Divinity and malevolence personified in latest EVE Chronicle

    James Egan
    James Egan

    CCP Games has been giving us a glimpse into the lives and motivations of the four leaders of the warring races in EVE Online, through a series of weekly Chronicles. Thus far we've seen the weight of years of struggle carried by the Minmatar leader, Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor, and the Gallente President Souro Foiritan forced to make horrific compromises to ensure the future of his people. We've also seen the questionable background of Tibus Heth, the head of the Caldari State. But it seems that CCP saved the best for last: Jamyl Sarum, Empress of the Amarr Empire, is by far the most forceful personality among the four -- a feared and loved ruler of billions. And rightly so, we've witnessed how grandiose her actions tend to be in the Empyrean Age trailer; she commanded the battleship which obliterated a vastly superior Minmatar fleet which included a Ragnarok-class titan. This time, in "All These Wayward Children," it's her words that speak louder than her actions. The viewing platform of an Amarrian starship, bearing the newly-coronated Empress, is the setting for the final of the weekly Chronicles. "All These Wayward Children" shows her extreme beliefs about the divine imperative to conquer other civilizations and how she doesn't simply punish perceived wrongs; she exacts sadistic retribution upon her enemies, political and otherwise... her "Benediction."