

  • Chromebooks now available to enterprise and education customers with a pay-once option

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Google made a big splash when it revealed plans to offer Chromebooks to enterprise and education customers under a subscription model. What's not clear is how much of a splash it actually made in those markets. While the notion of paying a monthly fee for three years, instead of buying a machine up front sounds like a game changer, some people just like the comfort of the familiar. To that end Google is now offering those same customers the option to purchase a Chromebook (with a year of support included) in one lump sum -- $449 for the WiFi model or $519 for the 3G to educational customers, while business are looking at $559 and $639 respectively. After that first year is through, customers have the option to sign up for a monthly support contract, at $5 a month for education and $13 a month for enterprise.

  • How would you change Samsung's Chromebook Series 5?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's compact, it's cute and it's weird. But it might be your perfect netbook. Google's Chromebook family isn't apt to ever be an end-all solution -- particularly for those that aren't married to the company's suite of web-based products -- and we're pretty sure Samsung's taking notes on how to make the eventual followup to the Series 5 even better. Battery life was stellar, and the matte display was a joy to look at, but we still found plenty of quibbles. Are you one of the early adopters who picked one of these guys up? If given the chance, how would you tweak the design / software / whatever else? Go on and get crafty in comments below!

  • Dublin City University adopts Chromebooks -- time to go streaking through the quad!

    Lydia Leavitt
    Lydia Leavitt

    Instead of handing out cheap mugs (or iPads... or iPods) and sending students on their merry way, administrators at Dublin City University will be showering incoming freshmen with free Chromebooks -- in doing so, it'll become the first European higher-education institution to adopt the device. As you probably recall, Google's always-connected laptops have gone through various incarnations throughout the years, but they've always included a dash of WiFi or 3G and a pinch of hasty boot -- intentionally ditching local storage for the cloud. The Google Chromebooks for Education partnership is said to support DCU's commitment to make 80 percent of its classes partially or fully online by 2013, allowing coeds to stay in their Scooby Doo pajamas or attend class from Pi Kappa Delta HQ. Now, if only the dining hall supported online ordering...

  • IRL: The stuff Engadget editors are using... in real life


    Hi, guys! Welcome to IRL, a brand new feature where we talk about the gadgets, apps and toys we're using in real life. One of the reasons we started this column is that we don't necessarily stop evaluating products once we slap on a numbered rating and publish some 3,000 words worth of impressions. This is a dilemma all gadget reviewers wrestle with, really. It's one thing to test a product for a week and report back on benchmark results and battery life, but it's another thing entirely to live with it. Sometimes, there are things we didn't get to test. And if you play with something long enough, the Honeymoon always comes to an end. No exceptions. We still see reviews as a snapshot in time -- our job, after all, is to size up the products folks might be thinking of buying today, and it's not fair to stay mum while we wait for companies to tweak products they had no business shipping half-baked in the first place. But we don't think the conversation should end with the review. You guys already get to sound off on the things you own in the "How would you change?" column. Consider this our turn.

  • MMObility: My week in mobile

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    I love exploring the mobile gaming world. I also really enjoy window-shopping on different websites, looking at the latest mobile technologies. If I really let my imagination run, I can picture society in only a dozen or more years: people walking around while constantly being connected to their family and friends, playing games while video chatting. Of course, I also wonder whether this would be a good thing or not, but I forget the concern as soon as I spy the latest patch for one of my favorite MMOs. The last week was an eventful one, and as usual I was all over the digital map. Why don't you click past the cut and see what happened? I promise I'll skip the parts about what I had for breakfast (always two pieces of toast, a cup of tea, and a fruit smoothie) and will get right to the better digital parts.

  • Citrix app opens Windows for Chromebook owners

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Google hasn't made any bones about its desire to position Chrome OS as a presence in the business space. But for plenty of users, the relatively limited functionality of Chromebooks doesn't quite get the job done when it comes to doing serious work. The latest offering from Citrix could change that for a number of Chromebook-sporting business-types, offering access to Windows applications and desktops. Citrix Receiver Tech Preview is free from the Chrome Web Store (but requires a MyCitrix login). So now there's no excuse for not getting any work done -- except maybe a bad connection.

  • Amazon releases web-based Kindle Cloud Reader app, optimized for iPads

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Amazon may have changed its Kindle iOS app to comply with Apple's revised in-app subscription policy, but the retailer has now come out with its own, web-based alternative, known as the Kindle Cloud Reader. Compatible with both Chrome and Safari, the new app is essentially a browser version of the Kindle eBook reader, providing PC, Mac and Chromebook users with access to their digitized libraries. The tool also offers local storage, allowing for offline reading, though Amazon's device limit still applies, so if your library's already strewn across multiple gadgets, the app's reading functionality may be limited. The company unveiled the Cloud Reader today with relatively little fanfare or explanation, but its site highlights the service's main attractions, including its iPad optimization. Interestingly enough, the reader still isn't compatible with iPhones (or, as Android Community discovered, any Honeycomb tablets), though we imagine it's only a matter of time before Amazon's cloud coverage expands even further.

  • Netflix Watch Instantly streaming now works on ChromeOS, when it's working

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    It didn't make launch as was originally promised, but today the Netflix Twitter account officially announced streaming access is operational on Chromebooks (when it's not suffering an outage, like it was last night during Amazon's cloud server troubles). The Netflix ChromeOS plugin jumping to 1.0.2 a few days ago was a good indication it was on the way, but now you can take your CR-48s, Series 5s and the like straight to the Chrome Web Store and get outfitted for some Watch Instantly streaming. Unfortunately, despite rumors that it's on the way in the next year or so, there's no change for other environments outside of Silverlight-compatible OS X and Windows, but Linux users can always dream, right? [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • WhiteHat Security hacks into Chrome OS, exposes extension vulnerability at Black Hat

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    It's been a rough Black Hat conference for Google. First, FusionX used the company's homepage to pry into a host of SCADA systems, and now, a pair of experts have discovered a way to hack into Chrome OS. According to WhiteHat security researchers Matt Johansen and Kyle Osborn, one major issue is Google's vet-free app approval process, which leaves its Chrome Web Store susceptible to malicious extensions. But there are also vulnerabilities within native extensions, like ScratchPad -- a note-taking extension that stores data in Google Docs. Using a cross-site scripting injection, Johansen and Osborn were able to steal a user's contacts and cookies, which could give hackers access to other accounts, including Gmail. Big G quickly patched the hole after WhiteHat uncovered it earlier this year, but researchers told Black Hat's attendees that they've discovered similar vulnerabilities in other extensions, as well. In a statement, a Google spokesperson said, "This conversation is about the Web, not Chrome OS. Chromebooks raise security protections on computing hardware to new levels." The company went on to say that its laptops can ward off attacks better than most, thanks to "a carefully designed extensions model and the advanced security available through Chrome that many users and experts have embraced."

  • Netflix plugin for ChromeOS hits v1.0.2, is an official release around the corner?

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    When Google Chromebooks started arriving without the Netflix streaming we'd been promised we were predictably bummed, but that may be rectified soon. While Chromebook owners attuned to beta channel updates first noticed an entry for a Netflix plugin last month, it still couldn't actually play movies and didn't appear on older, single-core Atom powered Cr-48 laptops. Fast forward to the present, where one of our friendly comment moderators, masterofrandom has spotted this updated v1.0.2 plugin lurking in the depths of his murdered out 12-incher. There's still no playback to be had, but we're figuring Netflix didn't update the version number past 1.0 because it's finally figured out the perfect queue management system. Chromebook owners or prospective owners (and by extension, Linux users) still awaiting Watch Instantly streaming -- your alert level is at Vermilion. [Thanks, masterofrandom]

  • Mozilla planning a Chrome OS-like operating system for phones and tablets

    Dana Wollman
    Dana Wollman

    The jury is still out on whether Chromebooks will sell like hotcakes (we're guessing not), but no matter to Mozilla. The organization behind Firefox has plans to develop its own operating system for mobile devices -- a clear shot across the bow at Google's browser-based Chrome OS. In a page on Mozilla's own wiki, a handful of senior developers announced their intentions to create a "complete, standalone operating system for the open web" running HTML5 apps. The OS, codenamed "Boot to Gecko," will be designed with tablets and handsets in mind, says Mike Shaver, the foundation's VP of technical strategy. And here's the fascinating part: the OS will rely on Google's own Android drivers and kernel to boot the device. In a Google Groups discussion thread, the lead devs said they chose Android over a Linux stack since so many device makers have focused their efforts on Android, and it makes sense to "reuse its lower layers." Still, they insist that they otherwise intend to borrow from it as little as possible. Obviously, don't hold your breath for Firebooks, as the project's very much in its infancy, but in the meantime there's some mighty interesting conversation happening in that discussion thread about Mozilla's lofty end game: breaking "the stranglehold of proprietary devices over the mobile device world." [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Acer AC700 WiFi goes on sale, is your $350 ticket to the Chromebook club

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Good niches don't come cheap, but while $350 isn't exactly a steal, Acer's new AC700 will, at the very least, get you into the wonderful cloud-based world of Chrome OS for a good deal less than, say, Samsung's Series 5. Of course, there are certain sacrifices to be made for the sake of affordability, namely the fact that the current version of Acer's entry into the space is WiFi-only -- a 3G version is set to hit later this summer for, one assumes, a noticeable price bump. The AC700 has an Atom N570 processor, 16GB of storage, and 2GB of RAM, and best of all, is available right this very moment.

  • Chromebook boards Virgin America, checks-in at Ace Hotel for summer vacation

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    How do you solve a consumer education problem like the Chromebook? You put it into the idle hands of urbanite travelers -- that's how. The fast-booting neither laptop, nor netbook entity with negligible storage and not-yet-defined purpose will find a temporary summer home at select Virgin America gates and New York's Ace Hotel starting Friday. Jet-setters flying between San Francisco and either Chicago O'Hare, Dallas / Fort Worth, or Boston Logan can get an on-the-fly, marketing-fortified crash course in Chrome OS computing by visiting special 'Chrome zones' located near departure gates. Virgin's also thrown in some free in-flight WiFi to ensure you test drive Google's Cloud-dependent lap-dweller . And if you're one of the millions of tourists planning on seeing the Big Apple in all its humid splendor, the Ace Hotel's got an on-the-house stash that lobby lizards can use, but only guests can take out. But the promotional push doesn't just stop there: all partners involved have bundled specialized travel-planning apps into the experience -- sure to be ripe with cooler-than-thou recommendations. It's a noble attempt by our search giant overlord to make a name for its portable computing entrant, and a helpful distraction from that armrest hog next to you.

  • The Engadget Show - 022: Gadgets get smashed, Rick Karr talks broadband, Peter Rojas and Ryan Block tell us what moved them

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    The Engadget Show is back! Last time it was gaming, this time we go for something with a bit more variety. The show starts with Tim and Brian taking a quick look over some of the month's biggest gadgets, like the Samsung Chromebook Series 5, the HTC EVO 3D, and a pair of new readers: the Barnes & Noble Nook WiFi and the Kobo eReader Touch Edition. After that it's sledgehammer time, where Brian and Terrence work through some pent-up frustrations by beating the silicon out of a series of durable gadgets, all captured in delicious slow motion. Some survived, some did not. Then, we all learn a lesson as Rick Karr stops by to talk about the (sorry) state of US broadband compared to the rest of the world. Next, we take it to the streets to ask you what your most important gadgets are before being joined in the studio by the Engadget founder Peter Rojas and Editor Emeritus Ryan Block, the duo behind gdgt, to talk about the gadgets that most affected them in their time at the site and beyond, also taking some questions from eager audience members about, well, gadgety things. Finally, we all get carried deep into the aural environment of Chrome Canyon. It's a tech-heavy, action-packed show this week that you won't want to miss. So what are you waiting for? Watch it now! The video stream is above, or download the show in HD below!%Gallery-127329% Hosts: Tim Stevens, Brian Heater Special guests: Terrence O'Brien, Rick Karr, Peter Rojas, Ryan Block Producer: Guy Streit Director: Michelle Stahl Executive Producers: Joshua Fruhlinger and Michael Rubens Broadband Segment Producers: Chad Mumm, Rick Karr, and Betsy Rate Broadband Segment Animation and Editing: Danny Madden Music and visuals by: Chrome Canyon Taped live at AOL Studios Download the Show: The Engadget Show - 022 (HD) / The Engadget Show - 022 (iPod / iPhone / Zune formatted) / The Engadget Show - 022 (Small) Subscribe to the Show: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Show directly in iTunes (MP4). [Zune] Subscribe to the Show directly in the Zune Marketplace (MP4). [RSS MP4] Add the Engadget Show feed (MP4) to your RSS aggregator and have it delivered automatically. [HD RSS] Get the Engadget Show delivered automatically in HD. [iPad RSS] Get the Engadget Show in iPad-friendly adaptive format.

  • Acer's AC700 Chromebook coming to the US this month for $350, 3G model arriving later this summer

    Dana Wollman
    Dana Wollman

    Samsung's beautiful-but-pricey Series 5 Chromebook too rich for your blood? Fear not, cloud-dwellers. Acer just announced that its Chromebook, dubbed the AC700, will go on sale in the states this month for $349.99, to be followed by a 3G-equipped version later this summer. If you're part of the niche market that would happily live in Chrome OS in exchange for instant-on access, be advised that it runs on an Atom N570 processor and 2GB of RAM, and has 16GB of flash storage, a 1.3 megapixel webcam, two USB 2.0 ports, and a 4-in-1 memory card reader. We'll be curious to see how the build quality compares to the Series 5's, though for some people, that $70 price gulf will render that a moot point. PR after the break. %Gallery-127247%

  • Samsung Series 5 lands in Europe June 24th, starting at 399 euros

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    The US has already tasted its first piece of the Chromebook pie, and now Samsung's serving up a slice to our friends across the pond. That's right, the Samsung Series 5 will grace European soil starting this Friday, and will set our European brethren back €399 (or £349) for the Wi-Fi model and €449 (or £399) for the 3G version. The Chrome OS laptop will be available in the UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and Italy to start, and is said to be on the way to other countries in the next few months. So stop licking your lips already. Full PR after the break.

  • Samsung Series 5 Chromebook now shipping in Arctic White -- Titan Silver edition still to come

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    We already knew it was coming -- Samsung hasn't been particularly shy about its teasing -- but the big day has finally arrived, and the Series 5 Chromebook is now officially shipping to those eagerly awaiting the Google-powered laptop. If you weren't among the high-end coupon clippers who snatched one up during the surprise sale at Gilt a couple of weeks ago, you can now pick up a Chromebook of your own. At least for now, however, it looks like you'll have to settle for a white exterior -- the "Titan Silver" (also known as black) edition is still in pre-order mode at both Best Buy and Amazon.

  • Samsung Chromebook Series 5 review

    Dana Wollman
    Dana Wollman

    For almost two years now, Google's been talking up the idea of always-on, always-connected laptops based on a version of its Chrome browser. Local storage, of course, was not an ingredient in the equation. And while a lucky few developers got to put the concept to the test with the help of the CR-48, it never surfaced as an honest to goodness consumer product. At last, though, the Chromebooks are here, starting with Samsung's Series 5, a cute little number that promises instant-on access, 3G connectivity, and long enough battery life to web surf with the best of 'em. But is this new class of computers -- and this solidly built one, in particular -- poised to make an impact? Let's find out. %Gallery-126104%

  • Samsung and Acer Chromebooks now available for pre-order at Best Buy and Amazon

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Some folks have already gotten their hands on a Samsung Series 5 Chromebook thanks to an early sale at Gilt, but everyone else can now finally get their order in at a couple of more traditional sources: Best Buy and Amazon. In addition Samsung's Chromebook (available in both white and silver starting at $430), that also includes Acer's Chrome OS-based offering, which is now known as the Acer Cromia and starts at $380 for the WiFi-only model. Neither retailer is quoting a ship date just yet, but Google's previously stated that they'll be rolling out on June 15th.

  • Samsung Series 5 3G Chromebook gets iFixit teardown, lays bare its telling internals

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    It's already made an early debut, just to sell out in a matter a hours, and now Samsung's answer to the Chromebook, the Series 5, is getting some attention of a more destructive sort. The folks over at iFixit have proven once again that ripping apart consumer electronics is not only therapeutic, but also enlightening, this time putting Google's ultraportable under the knife. On top of the specs we already have, this Chromebook's inner workings reveal 2GB of non-upgradable DDR3 RAM (the CR-48 apparently packed upgradable RAM), Intel NM10 graphics, a Qualcomm Gobi WWAN board, an Atheros AR9382 802.11n WiFi chip, and a 16GB SanDisk SSD. If you want even more intimate details (and have some cash to burn) you can wait to rip into the Chromebook yourself -- or you could to do the practical thing, and click on the source link below.