

  • German WAR box confirms CE and preorder info

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We've already seen rumors about what might be coming in the Warhammer Online collector's edition, but now a German site (not the same one as before -- what's with the Germans getting this stuff early?) has apparently posted more information on the CE and what a preorder of the game will get you. The box apparently confirms the previous rumors of the exclusive miniature, the comic book, and the bonus quests (along with the player titles), and the preorder of the CE will net you "guaranteed access" to the open beta (so open beta confirmed, apparently), a head start to the live game, and two bonus in-game items.A German-speaking friend of mine (who actually does professional translation) tells us that the in-game items are a "Knight's (?) Portable Camp," which, "receives your tired soul and heals your wounds between battles." And the other is the "Guards of the Amber Ring," or at least a ring of some kind, that "improves your attributes" and casts a spell called "Touch of Earth," which we're told adds a chance to hit. Sounds pretty cool, though there's no information on when the preorder will be available, or even if it will be in America (the box is obviously labeled for Europe).Any of this entice you to jump in on Warhammer, or were you already convinced? The collector's edition stuff doesn't sound too exciting, but jumping into the beta and the live game is definitely worth a preorder, if you ask us.[Via K&G]

  • Save the game, get Tabula Rasa on the cheap

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Despite recent reports indicating that Tabula Rasa was a money pit pulling NCsoft Austin towards the brink of the abyss, you might be surprised to know that the game is actually quite a bit of fun, despite its flaws. Its fast-paced PvE gameplay has been slowed somewhat by recent patches, and the endgame still isn't entirely there, but its combat makes up for many of its shortcomings, and its CP mechanic is as wild a ride as ever. As gamers, we want to see the Tabula Rasa team live on to finish building the game they have in place and fulfill the promise the game has in spades. So when we submit the following deal to you, via Cheap Ass Gamer. Tabula Rasa's Collectors Edition is on sale at GoGamer for the strikingly low price of $14.90. That's less than the cost of a monthly fee for most other MMOs, and you get lots of little goodies like an AFS field guide, TR dog tags, an AFS challenge coin, and a "Making of" DVD on top of a month of gameplay. Before anybody accuses us of selling out, we're not getting any kick-backs here. We would just like to see the game get its fair shot, and the easiest way we can see that happening is to get the game in the greatest number of hands as possible. So vote with your wallets, and show the suits that a sci-fi MMO can succeed in this crowded market.

  • Rumor: Warhammer Online collector's edition details leaked?

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    Via TenTonHammer comes the word that the onlne store may have leaked details of Warhammer Online's collector's edition. If we can believe the web page, the box contains most of the usual fixins for a special MMO kit: a mousepad, a manual, an art book. But this one sounds like it contains a lot more. There's going to be a graphic novel included, possibly repackaging the first few issues of the 'Forge of War' Warhammer comic book. There's also going to be an exclusive figure for use in the Warhammer tabletop game.The in-game assets, though, sound most intriguing. The collector's edition also purports to offer 12 exclusive quests and 12 exclusive character heads, as well a special player title. Each army gets two quests and (presumably) two heads. Each quest, further, offers a unique reward - perhaps not obtainable via any other means?If this page is accurate, this might be some of the most unique content available to players (for a price) at launch yet. The pre-order swords given out by the developers of Pirates of the Burning Sea raised a few eyebrows, certainly. This content seems more akin to the 'Adventure Packs' sold by Sony Online in the months after EverQuest II originally launched. What do you think of the offering? Are exclusive quests juicy enough to get you to spend big bucks on a nice box?[Via TTH]

  • The Daily Grind: Are you a collector?

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    I admit it. I'm one of those crazy people who went absolutely nuts for a World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Collector's Edition and shelled out the extra cash. I read the book, watched the DVD, ripped the CD to my drive and then put it back on the shelf where it has been ever since. Now, I don't regret the purchase at all, but I'd also firmly class myself as a collector when it comes to certain geeky things. (Heck, if you look at my office, you can figure that out pretty quickly.) With all the great new games coming up this year -- Age of Conan, Warhammer Online and the rest -- it got us to wondering... Are you likely to pick up the Collector's Edition of some of these upcoming games? Are there any features in a CE that make you more interested in getting it? (For me with Burning Crusade it was the DVD install option, the nifty art book and soundtrack.) Do you like the idea of more useful items being included like the ring that gives a bonus to XP? Should getting a CE land you a spot in the late open beta, or do you prefer the pre-launch "level before everyone else gets here" idea? Should CE in-game items remain harmless like the special pets were for both World of Warcraft CEs?

  • Age of Conan Friday Update with new screenshots

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Funcom has issued another Friday update. It mostly covers the announcement from earlier this week about Age of Conan's packed to the gills Collector's Edition. But they did sneak in three more new screenshots in today's update as well.The first is above and shows off PvP mounted combat. When I was talking to the Funcom folks earlier this week at CES during my Dark Templar hands-on, they mentioned there were two pre-order combat mounts: the Woolly Mammoth and the Rhino. I wasn't able to see the gameplay of mounted combat, but I did see Woolly Mammoths that you could kill. If the mounted version is any where near as big, you will definitely have your enemies trembling before you as you bear down on them on one of those bad boys.The second and third screenshots are in the gallery below and show an Ice Demon as well as a battle over an expansion bridge. Hopefully the next Friday Update from Funcom will have more new information.%Gallery-9836% %Gallery-13299%

  • Collector's Edition pet confusion in Patch 2.3.2

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    If you got the original Collector's Edition of WoW (not the Burning Crusade version), then you have a surprise in your mailbox. It's not a good surprise, it's a mistake. All Collector's Edition pet emails were sent out again in error.If you take the gift and click on it to start the quest, you will get the message that you have already completed the quest. So you are not getting a second pet. Nor can you send this to a friend according to Drysc who says, "You can enjoy the epic quest of clicking the delete button on it though?"This is really just an annoyance that causes no real in-game problems. Have you noticed any other issues with Patch 2.3.2?[Thanks Tommie!]

  • Capcom unveils the Devil May Cry 4 collector's edition

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Capcom has announced today that a collector's edition of Devil May Cry 4 will be made available at $79.99 alongside the vanilla version of the game in America on February 5th. The box will contain a collection of interesting knick-knackery - namely, a DVD of the first 4 anime episodes, a Steelbook case and a bonus DVD. No sign of any figurines or wearables of any kind, but we're not particularly upset about that. The bonus DVD will contain a "making of" feature, music from the soundtrack, a "digital" art book as well as wallpapers, icons and screen savers for your PC. Of course, we're at a loss as to why Capcom didn't put in an actual art book. We'd much rather spend extra money on a physical paper-and-glue version than a PC-only DVD full of images. Still, collector's editions are always good fun. We're just not sure that this one is worth the extra money.

  • Two Worlds Collector's Edition confirmed

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The little RPG that could, Two Worlds has officially joined the collector's edition crowd, bonus disc and all. GamingTalkHQ spotted a listing over at Gamestop for a Two Worlds Collector's Edition and confirmed with developer SouthPeak that it is real and the listed contents were correct. So, for $10 more you'll receive a bonus disc which includes artwork, music, wallpapers and a web kit as well as a Two Worlds map and a 48 page hardbound artbook. The collector's edition will be available when the game releases on July 31st and sounds like it'd be worth the extra cash if you're into art and pretty photos. If not, standard edition for you.[Via GamingTalkHQ]

  • GameDaily gets a copy of the Collector's Edition

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    I won't be buying the Collector's Edition, because it's just not my sort of thing. However, the people at GameDaily have gotten ahold of one a bit early, and have posted a lovely series of pictures with the full contents, so cheap people like me can lust over the glory that is Blizzard ephemera. I do rather fancy the Outland map mouse pad, even though I usually play on my laptop's trackpad (I know, I know). And for those of you who will be getting a CE, here's what's in store.[via Joystiq]

  • Peek inside the World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade - Collector's Edition box

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Unless you were lucky enough to have snagged an early copy off of the shelves at a Wal-Mart, then you probably haven't seen the insides of a World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade - Collector's Edition yet. If you don't want to wait until midnight tonight, then here's your chance for a sneak peek. Unfortunately, this Collector's Edition appears to be sold out everywhere, including the Blizzard store. We're hoping to find a copy somewhere tonight, although it sounds like we'd have a better chance surviving as an icecube in the Molten Core. You can still snag a copy on Amazon ... to the tune of $200 and up. Hardly surprising, since folks are selling the original WoW collector's edition for over $500. Is an exclusive pet worth that much, we ask you? The highly anticipated expansion for WoW will be selling in stores at the stroke of midnight tonight. In fact, they're having midnight launches for it, and Joystiq will be braving the cold and freezing our butts off to bring you some coverage.

  • Assassin's Creed CE with 12" figurine

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Collector's editions, seems like they're everywhere these days. Not one to miss the party, Ubisoft plans to offer a limited edition of Assassin's Creed. Not only that, but this particular collector's edition stomps others into the dust. Included in the box is a 12" painted figurine of everyone's favorite assassin, Altair. Now that's a collector's item.We don't know if this set will make it to the US (or Europe for that matter), but Play-Asia is currently taking pre-orders for a region free version. That means it will work on any 360 on the planet. The box set itself is a reasonable $59.90, but the cheapest US shipping will run you $15.20. That puts this pretty package at $75.10, which is about what any other collector's edition would cost with tax. Assuming you've got the dough, your next problem will be figuring out where to put the Chief. See a larger picture of the figurine after the break.[Via Joystiq]

  • Blizzard reveals Burning Crusade collector's edition

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Blizzard has announced the contents of the Burning Crusade collector's edition. Including the game itself (on both CD and DVD), you also get: An exclusive in-game pet, the netherwhelp. According to Blizzard, it is the offspring of the nether drake flying mount. Blizzard promises an image "in the near future." The Burning Crusade CD soundtrack "The Art of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade," a hardcover coffee table book. A behind-the-scenes DVD featuring two hours of footage Two starter packs for the WOW Trading Card Game and "three exclusive tournament-legal" cards (Leeroy Jenkings, perhaps?) Map of Outland mouse pad The original World of Warcraft collector's edition included a hardcover art book, behind-the-scenes DVD and in-game pet. If you have both collector's edition, can your avatar bring two pets along with them? Would they play with one another? [Via WOW Insider; thanks, Supa]