

  • Patch report for Age of Conan's July 10th update

    Matt Warner
    Matt Warner

    The never-ending quest and struggle to improve Age of Conan continues. Yesterday's patch introduced a multitude of changes including partial remedies to the female avatar DPS bug. Age of Conan players are well aware that not every patch goes according to plan. In fact, after a new patch goes live, players create and maintain a thread detailing the undocumented changes and also report on its aftermath. This is a great service performed by Age of Conan players, and it keeps everyone informed of the unintended changes and mishaps.The latest dissection is underway and on the surface it's not looking very good for Funcom. There are two threads representing the latest changes and issues on both the US player forums and the EU player forums. The patch builds are identical thus the results from each report mirror each other. Listed below are some of the more significant items present. It's important to note that both lists are continuously updated as more changes, bugs, and yes even fixes not listed in the official patch notes are uncovered. Invisible walls everywhere Mapping keys seems to no longer work. [Example: Can't change W to Y] Stances getting stuck Stamina regeneration decreased Rare resource drops increased

  • Is Age of Conan a rousing success or a stinking failure?

    Matt Warner
    Matt Warner

    There's plenty of doom and gloom discussion surrounding Funcom's Age of Conan. The hours played and reported by X-fire users plummeted since it hit desktops. Possibly the wackiest and most critical bug ever seen in an MMOG ever won't be fixed anytime soon. Unfinished content has diminished Age of Conan's reputation in the later parts of the game. The rap sheet goes on; however, a strong demand exists for a new MMOG as an astonishing 700,000 accounts were registered in the first month alone. That number is quite a feat, but the overall number of subscriptions four or six months down the road comes into question as most players that leave after their first month tend to be very unforgiving. Stropp, an MMOG blogger, remains optimistic in his post entitled "Why Age of Conan Will Succeed" and points out all the advantages that Age of Conan and Funcom possess. While Stropp did cancel his Age of Conan account he believes the game will not die anytime soon and projects long-term success. Funcom is certainly a capable company with experience, but how many subscribers are needed to claim rousing success or do the crude pitfalls from an all-to-soon-launch already make Age of Conan a failure from a business standpoint? You decide.

  • Rock out with Turbonegro's Conan tribute, "Destroy All Monsters"

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Norwegian punk rock band Turbonegro have added their Age of Conan soundtrack contribution "Destroy All Monsters" to their Myspace page. From reading the group's website, it becomes clear that they're at least a little bit loopy; but that's the way we love our rock-stars, right? They sat down for an interview with IGN, in which we find out that the band has ruthlessness, masculinity, and of course, swordsmanship in common with old Conan, and that they have progressed to the child-eating stage of their careers.The track was performed live at the Age of Conan launch party, and we're told that a high-def clip of this occasion will be available soon. The soundtrack for the game will launch in Norway on the 30th of June, and in August for the rest of the world.

  • Testing Age of Conan: Gamespot's hardware roundup + performance guide

    Matt Warner
    Matt Warner

    You got bills to pay, no computer upgrades in a year, heck maybe it's been two or three, and here comes along Age of Conan with eye-dazzling effects that you must play. It also comes with launch bugs that don't ease the stress on your computer or your nerves for that matter. Crash after crash will leave you infuriated, the problem could be drivers, maybe the PSU can't handle the load, or it's poor optimization code -- whatever it is let the debugging process begin. PC Gaming really does need some better standards, especially MMOs, but let's get back the basic computer hardware needed to run Age of Conan. What hardware will make it run like a champ, and what hardware will even run the game at all in case Grandma wants to chop some heads off in Hyboria on the most sluggish computer. Everything you need to know is available in this in-depth, fantastic hardware performance guide by Gamespot.

  • Exclusive interview with AoC Senior Dialog Writer Aaron Dembski-Bowden

    Adrian Bott
    Adrian Bott

    Age of Conan has received acclaim from all quarters, especially for the quality of the Tortage quests, dialog and voiceover acting. The credit for a bewilderingly vast amount of this material goes to Aaron Dembski-Bowden, a young British writer already known for his work in the tabletop roleplaying field. We tracked him down and managed to secure an interview. Despite the look in his eyes above, which is the sort of thing you see immediately before your character's arms and head are cut off, he proved a very approachable guy... Let's start with your background, your work to date, what position you held in the AoC team, and what responsibilities that entailed. I've done a bunch of pen 'n paper RPG work (primarily for White Wolf on their World of Darkness game lines) and Mongoose Publishing's various Fantasy genre licences. I'm currently alternating between videogame work and writing Warhammer 40,000 novels for the Black Library, Games Workshop's publishing house. Also, in the few moments of clarity that reach me through the haze of over-coffeed sleepless nights, I still cling to the shreds of useful lore I picked up from my writing degree. This is the part where I should say I've always wanted to be a writer. That's not entirely true. I wanted to be a writer in my teens, when I realised I was too much of a coward to be a paramedic. All that lifesaving sounded like hard work, y'know? And before I wanted to be a paramedic, my only ambition was to be one of the kids that got to hang out with Optimus Prime. In my defence, I was about 4 at the time.

  • MMO MMOnkey: What to do when the Age of Conan servers are down

    Kevin Murnane
    Kevin Murnane

    Your Tempest of Set has been set down and your Dark Templar's gone dark. You've really gotten into this whole Conan thing but the Age of Conan servers are down for maintenance. Now what are you going to do? Well, you're sitting at your computer so you could check out the wealth of online forums, fansites, wikis, whatever, that are devoted to the game. But if you really want to dig into Conan and his world you're in luck because there has never been a better time to immerse yourself in Hyboria. Of course, the best way to learn about Conan is to read the stories written by Robert E. Howard. Howard completed 21 Conan stories between 1932 and his suicide in 1936. Although his writing style may sound somewhat stilted and some of the cultural attitudes about women and non-Europeans prevalent when he lived may be offensive to the modern reader, his work holds up remarkably well. Howard was an exceptionally evocative and imaginative writer with a marked ability to bring his extravagant settings to life. There's a reason why the creation of a pulp fiction author living in a small rural Texas town has not only survived for decades but has become so well known that it's the basis for a best-selling MMO from a game company based in Norway. The original Conan stories are well written and exciting. The problem has been finding them.

  • Funcom endorses Age of Conan graphic fiction

    James Egan
    James Egan

    GameZone is producing a series of original fiction set in Age of Conan's Hyboria, which deals with the world's characters and lore. The series is created by Michael Lafferty and is a blend of short fiction, comic art, and graphic panel storytelling using in-game screenshots. Lafferty has Funcom's blessing on this; an announcement at the official AoC community site leaves no doubt that they've given their express permission.Lafferty's fiction begins with 'In Service to a King' and continues with 'Deliverance from the Sea' and 'In the Shadow of the Volcano.' More stories are to follow. GameZone has one caveat about the series, though: "Some of these stories may contain spoilers for quests, so by Crom, be forewarned!" It's doubtful that spoiler quests will keep people from checking out the series, so have a look at Michael Lafferty's work and sound off if you like what he's doing.

  • Age of Conan dethrones GTA IV in Europe

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    With the amount of hype, advertising, positive reviews and media attention Grand Theft Auto IV has received over the past few months, we wholly expected it to remain on top of the software sales charts until our video game consoles grew sentient and attempted to purge humanity from the planet. Strangely enough, a dark horse recently overtook Rockstar's well-received crime drama in many European territories -- a horse mounted by a brawny, rippling Cimmerian. Yes, Funcom's decapitation-rich MMORPG Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures recently outsold GTA IV in a number of European locations, including Germany and Sweden. Since Rockstar's latest opus is still selling like freshly baked hotcakes in North America, we can't help but wonder if GTA's themes of living the American dream and hooker brutalization got lost in translation as the title crossed the Atlantic -- or whether Age of Conan's musclebound mascot reminds German gamers of a certain pop culture icon who is quite revered in their country.

  • Age of Conan update re-adds Traders, fixes another leveling exploit

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    So far there have been two major updates to Funcom's still-new Age of Conan. The third has re-added a much-missed feature: the Trader. Traders are a combination bank, auction house, and mailbox. If you haven't yet had the chance to use them, all you have to do is drop your wares into the bank and set the item as 'for sale'. There's no option to do a traditional auction; other players can purchase your items at the price you list, or not. Additional tweaks to the game correct a leveling exploit formerly available via the apprenticing system, correct a few class ability issues, and smooth out a number of UI issues. Interestingly, Bear Shamans have had a number of abilities moved to an earlier level, correcting a bug where class representatives weren't getting certain spells at all. For the full notes, read on below the cut.%Gallery-9836%

  • Age of Conan expands subscription options

    Matt Warner
    Matt Warner

    Were you ever busted paying off your favorite MMOG subscription with your parent's credit card? It was all worth it if that subscription didn't run out the next month. Well, whatever your reasons for not wanting to pay for Age of Conan with a credit card Funcom has expanded the payment options by partnering with PayByCash. This service provides over seventy different payment methods which get your cold hard cash into the right hands. AoC's subscription rate is comparable to other MMOGs, a full listing on subscription rates from various regions can be found on the official site. Still can't get enough Age of Conan news? Check out Massively's ongoing coverage. [via Warcry]

  • Age of Conan vs. Schwarzenegger's Conan

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    With most great movies, the videogame version will fall drastically short of expectations. Here we are, looking the official retail launch of Age of Conan right in the eyes, and we have to ask ourselves: will Age of Conan deliver on the promise of this 80's cinema staple? From everything we've seen AoC delivers in regards to action, scenic beauty, gameplay and excitement. If you have the computer muscle, this will be a gaming tour-de-force. Just the same, the Arnold Schwarzenegger Conan movies are writ large in your mind. You may still have lingering questions.Today, we'll put those questions to rest. We've compared five aspects of the game versus the film classics. Not only that, but we've kept score. Plus, as an added treat, each argument in the movie's defense includes a wonderfully cheesy video clip to get that full effect. Read on to see who wins: the Austrian all-star or the Norwegian newcomer?%Gallery-23259%

  • Massively's Age of Conan launch day giveaway

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Happy launch-day, Age of Conan! For those of you who are curious about the game but haven't picked up your own copy, you're in luck! We're celebrating the game's launch with a giveaway -- we have eight copies of Age of Conan (worth about $50 each) and three guides to Hyboria (worth about $10 each) to share with you, dear readers. So if you've got a hankering for Hyboria, it's easy to enter: all you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling us why you're interested in playing Age of Conan before 7:00 AM EST Wednesday, May 21st. (Please, only one entry per person -- we can only deal with so much enthusiasm at once!) When the contest closes, we'll pick eleven winners at random and ship you a shiny prize. To win you must be age 18 or up and a resident of the US or Canada (excluding Quebec) -- for full eligibilty details, please read our official rules.%Gallery-9836%

  • Is this the age of the mature MMO?

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    In a recent interview with Funcom's Erling Ellingsen, he speaks candidly about the direction he sees MMOs taking in the near future, and how Age of Conan will soon be considered a pioneer in regards to more mature gameplay.His valid points include the fact that the average gamer is well into the mature category, and the younger MMO players who started out with World of Warcraft four years ago are now considered mature. So not only is the market maturing, but he sees much more upcoming competition for AoC in regards to the mature genre.Be sure to read the complete interview for more insight into the direction of the game, and how Funcom views the importance of a proper MMO launch, avoiding the mistakes of others.

  • Funcom seeks volunteer forum moderators

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Funcom posted a bulletin seeking volunteers to moderate the official Age of Conan forums. The game will be launching in just over a week, so if you're a particularly passionate member of its community, this is probably a good time to jump on board.All you need: strong English language skills, an infraction-free couple of months of history on the AoC forums, "organization skills," and a little bit of forum moderation experience. It's too bad it's not a paying gig, but there's no doubt that there are people out there who are committed enough to the game that they'll help out for free. So if you're one of those people, head on over; Funcom has provided a application for you to fill out.Just don't be too shocked when you end up spending hours every day battling level 80 elite trolls.

  • Consume even more Age of Conan beta coverage

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    You've probably seen all the coverage of Age of Conan around the net -- we have quite a bit here at Massively, too -- but if you're looking for even more information about the world of Hyboria than Gamespy has a nice roundup of all their coverage. Everything from more beta impressions to the artistry of the Age of Conan is discussed. So if you haven't had enough exposure to the game yet or you're just looking to know all there is to know about Funcom's Age of Conan before release, check it out.If you're a big fan of Robert E. Howard's world and want to know how Funcom brought it to life, then definitely check out Gamespy's discussion with members of the development team about how they brought Conan's world to life.

  • Grand Theft Auto IV takes late night comedy world by storm

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Comedy starved night owls are probably already aware of the attention that Rockstar's latest crime drama has received on the late night entertainment scene. We chuckled at the Daily Show's coverage of the game's midnight release, but thoroughly LOLed at Conan O'Brien's previews (embedded after the jump) of the toned-down version of Grand Theft Auto IV (if only Stephen Bishop's classic "It Might Be You" really were available on Liberty City's airwaves).However, we didn't truly board the ROFLcopter until we saw the above skit from The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson (the former unitesticled boss on "The Drew Carey Show"). Perhaps it was the visit from "Saturday Night Live" veteran Tim Meadows that made it our fave, or perhaps it was their subtle send-up of the criticism the game has endured due to it's adult content. On that note, if there's anything funnier than the actual media coverage of Rockstar's mature blockbuster, we've yet to see it.

  • Funcom promises ale and wenches on launch day

    Andrew Russo
    Andrew Russo

    Salty wenches, axe-wielding berserkers, and players stuck right in the middle of it all with a frosty ale in hand. Virtual life is so beautiful. Funcom promises to deliver this adult oriented gaming adventure through the upcoming MMO, Age of Conan. If you want the gory details on what AoC has to deliver, game designer Jason Stone sat down and took a few moments to pour some barbaric ale and tell his tale.Jason explained to the folks over at Zergwatch that the AoC team was not about to compromise their devotion to the mature content that is part of the Conan world. There has been some criticism concerning the violence and other, more mature, content, but they are holding their ground. He was then asked about the approaching launch. Will we find ourselves at launch day with our blades blunt and our armor rusted? Hell no! Jason assures us that the team at Funcom has learned from the launch of Anarchy Online and that we can sharpen our blades and get right down to business starting on day one.

  • By Crom! Another Border Kingdom Cryer!

    Brenda Holloway
    Brenda Holloway

    It halted some feet away, and Conan glared at it, trying to distinguish its fire-misted outline. The quivering flame had a solid core; the flame was but a glowing green garment that masked some evil entity. "By Crom, I'll have your name!" shouted the Cimmerian. "State your business here!" A sharp laugh echoed from the slate walls of the cliffs that lined the path. "Well do you know my mission. We have come to demand RP-PvE servers in Age of Conan!" "What devilry is this? Surely even the most ale-sotted noble has ceased to call this song from the minstrels." "And yet, even as the Sun may set and shroud her rays, leaving dark; she may still rise in the morn, burning bright with the light of a million... well, a dozen... okay, with the awesome light of but a single Sun." Conan sniggered. Another role-player.A fully-fledged forum brawl has broken out over the question of PvP servers in Funcom's Age of Conan, and frankly, we're more than a little wary. Roleplaying is like juggling, after all; it looks great when it's going well, but one dropped chainsaw and suddenly everyone is screaming. Best of luck to the Conan community no matter how this one turns out. In other news, AoC dev Jason "Athelan" Stone answered a burning question about the demon form the Heralds of Xotli could wear. It used to be almost permanent, but that made all Heralds look identical; it will now be a short duration, powerful spell on a fast cooldown. That's a welcome change for any Herald who couldn't remember what they looked like! The tank-like Guardians are proving a popular class in beta; seeing how rare tanks have become in most popular MMOs, perhaps AoC has stirred the magic sauce to make them desirable both for solo and group play. It's nearing launch time for Age of Conan, and in our minds, we're already sailing the wine-dark seas of Hyboria with naught but pillage on our minds. If your dreams are likewise drenched in blood, try your hand at finding Mitra for a beta key, or try for a chance at testing PvP to your heart's content.[Via Ten Ton Hammer]

  • Funcom devs answer your AoC questions

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Age of Conan's launch is so close we can smell it. Actually, we're not sure what that smell is, but the fact is, we'll be killing stuff Hyborian-style very soon. So in another Ask the Devs installment over at Ten Ton Hammer, we hear from Jason "Athelan" Stone who answers a few questions and concerns.We hear a bit about everything from group loot options, to server locations to the player capacity of guilds. If you have your own question that you'd like to be answered by someone at Funcom, you can head on over to the TTH Ask the Devs forum for the chance of having your question picked.

  • AoC Lore: Boat Captain Amyr

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Down in Stygia there's a river called Styx. Of all the boat captains in the Khopshef Province the most well known is Amyr, master of the Pride of Luxor. Unlike most of the other boats the Luxor is old, but so well maintained that you'd swear it was better than new. Decorated with bright colors, she glides across the lapping waves with little effort. No matter what it is (people or cargo) -- when it absolutely, positively has to get there... Amyr will get it there.The captain is a barrel chested, imposing man with a booming voice who has the command presence that even King Conan would admire. Blunt and forthright are his hallmark characteristics. While he may be stern he's also very shrewd, and can haggle with the best of them.There may be one (and only one) weakness. Rumors suggest that he has soft spot for a woman named Semira, a priestess of Derketo who lives on the island of Pashtun. No soul alive would openly suggest such a thing to Amyr's face.