counter-strike global offensive


  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is go for August 21

    Launching simultaneously on Xbox 360, PC and Mac, and on PS3, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has been slated for August 21. CS: GO will be sold for 1200 MS Points – $15 on platforms that aren't called Xbox 360.

    David Hinkle
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive SDK to drop three months after full title

    The software development kit for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is scheduled to launch three months after the game itself, which is a lot like saying it'll drop "as the crow flies," since CS: GO doesn't technically have a release date yet. The SDK will allow players to mod and create their own maps, and is in development by Valve veteran Mike Durand.The kit will include a few maps from Counter-Strike 1.6 that didn't make it into Counter-Strike: Source, Valve's Gabe Newell announced on the podcast Seven Day Cooldown. Newell said Valve has successfully integrated both titles into CS: GO, "unless the beta testers are blowing smoke up our ass."

    Jessica Conditt
  • Building Counter-Strike: Global Offensive atop a strong community

    I can't imagine how hard it is to be a development studio with some of the most beloved franchises under its belt. Fans expect so much. It can't be easy to be Valve -- doubly so when trying to develop the next entry in one of the studio's popular competitive franchises, Counter-Strike. Valve's Chet Faliszek really wants to please the fans and eventual communities that will spring up around Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.%Gallery-134634%

    David Hinkle
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive loses cross-play

    A lot can change in six months. As of last summer, Valve had planned to offer cross-play for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on the PC, Mac, and PS3. But based on what it's learned from the beta, Valve has decided to strip the functionality in favor of offering constant updates for players on the PC and Mac."The beta has proved we want to update not just the beta, but the game itself post-launch frequently on the PC," Valve's Chet Faliszek revealed to Joystiq. "To do that we need to separate the platforms so one doesn't hamstring the other. So for that, we have removed the idea of cross-platform play -- essentially make all platforms stronger by not mixing them."If you would like to get into the ongoing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive beta, fill out Valve's survey. If you want cross-play back in the game, wait to sign one of the dozens of online petitions currently being created.

    David Hinkle
  • Fill out a survey, get beta access to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

    Thousands of players already have their hot little hands on the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive beta, but Valve is just itching to give out more to those willing to fill out a survey. The survey is broken into two parts, a hardware survey conducted via Steam and a short questionnaire. The questions revolve around expected topics -- FPS experience, favorite Counter-Strike version, weapons and maps, etc.Starting next week, Valve will award beta keys to a batch of survey respondents. There are no "wrong" answers to the survey, according to Valve, so we're really hoping no one looks into our 12.9 K/D ratio. You can find the survey on the Counter-Strike blog.

  • Counter-Strike: GO beta arrives just in time for Winston Churchill's birthday

    After a brief delay, it seems that the Counter-Srike: Global Offensive beta will launch on PC at the end of November. The game's Twitter feed revealed a November 30 launch date for the game's pre-launch trial run late last week, as spotted by The feed also noted that "de_Dust and "de_Dust2" will kick off the beta, which only allows "current key holders" entry at launch. Valve previously stated that CS: GO's beta period would initially roll out with around 10,000 players, and will grow "in steps" as the company tests stability and server structure. The full game is expected to launch sometime in "early 2012," but don't expect a hard date anytime soon -- between the developer being Valve (see: "Valve Time") and the approach the company has taken to launch (the beta will eventually just turn into the final product), we don't expect a solid release date until the game is already upon us.

    Ben Gilbert
  • Counter Strike: GO beta delayed to address early feedback

    Originally planned for October, it looks like the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive closed beta has been delayed. According to an ESEA News interview with Valve's Chet Faliszek, the beta was pushed back after the company received feedback from the Counter-Strike experts who have already tested the game. Faliszek noted that there are some fundamental issues that need to be resolved before the beta is made available to a wider audience. He didn't offer any updated release date for the beta, though he did reveal that the initial wave of the beta will include 10,000 players and will grow "in steps" as Valve tests "infrastructure and scalability." Eventually, the beta will be made available to everyone. Faliszek added that there will be no set end date for the beta, saying "we have no mandate from anybody of when we have to ship this." Essentially, he said, the final version of the beta will be the game that Valve actually releases to the public. "It will be the release game that you're just playing," he said, "and then at some point we'll say, 'Okay, now we're going to officially release it.'"

  • Go pro with an hour of Counter-Strike: GO footage

    Bad news for the haters: We've spent the last hour absorbing ESL TV's Counter-Strike: Global Offensive footage from a recent Intel-sponsored competition. After watching the U.S. and Europe square off, we're in possession of all the sweet tips and kill tricks that will make us unstoppable when the game arrives. ... OK, OK, we suppose we can break a little something off for you, but keep it to yourself: When you see someone from the other team? Shoot 'em. Common sense, you say? Sure, but here's our twist: Keep shooting them, until they die. Go get 'em, tiger.

    Justin McElroy
  • Counter-Strike: GO gets Arsenal Mode with help from modders

    When Valve launches its new download-only Counter-Strike game next year, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, it'll add several "Arsenal" modes to the multiplayer FPS. The Washington-based developer has announced a partnership with the creators of the popular "Gun Game" mod, on which Arsenal is based. In Gun Game, players start with a simple gun and then gain access to more powerful weaponry as they score kills. The Arsenal "Arms Race" and "Demolition" modes will collectively add eight maps to CS: GO, and "expand on the classic Counter-Strike gameplay." Beyond its Gun Game lineage, we haven't yet seen how Arsenal mode plays out. We'd bet on there being quite a few dead terrorists by the end, though.%Gallery-134634%

    Ben Gilbert
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive preview: Ready, set

    You want pressure? Take Counter Strike, a game that people are still fervently playing some 35 years after its original release, a game with a community so devoted that some won't migrate to patched versions of the same game. Then, make an expanded and updated version and debut it to a gang of rabid, hardcore professional gamers. Oh, and tell them it's coming to consoles in addition to PC. Welcome to the recent lives of Valve's Ido Magal and Chet Faliszek and their latest project: Counter Strike: Global-Offensive.%Gallery-131820%

    Justin McElroy
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive to have cross-play for PS3, PC, Mac and not Xbox

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive will officially feature cross-platform play between the PS3, PC and Mac, Kotaku reports. To make the battlefield fair, PS3 players will be able to play with a keyboard and mouse; to make the battlefield completely favor PC/Mac users, PS3 players will also have the option of using a Move motion controller. Xbox 360 players will be able to play with a 360 controller, and maybe a live cat if they can figure out how to plug it in correctly (Protip: tail first.) Valve bossman Gabe Newell has said he'd like to implement Steamworks on Xbox 360, but Microsoft has repeatedly resisted, instead placing restrictions on Xbox Live functionality. Global Offensive is Valve's second title after Portal 2 to use Steamworks on the PS3, and no one has burned down the Sony servers yet. Well, mostly.

    Jessica Conditt
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive trailer is wholly inoffensive

    The first gameplay trailer for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is actually quite pleasing. That is, if you're into the fast-paced slaughter of virtual opponents. It's okay, folks -- they're terrorists, so that's kinda how these things work.%Gallery-131820%

    Ben Gilbert
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive to include new Decoy grenade and balance tweaks

    Officially, Valve hasn't given us much more than a name for Counter-Strike Global Offensive, but unofficially, they've invited a bevy of pro-gamers to the HQ to play it already. G4 got a hold of one of those pros, and Craig "Torbull" Levin from eSports Entertainment Association, has shared some details on the game he saw. It sure sounds a lot like Counter-Strike -- of course there will be new models and animations, but the maps are all the old familiar kind: Dust, Dust2, Inferno, Nuke, and Train. There are some new maps to play on, and new weapons, including a new heavy machine gun, a new range of shotguns specifically for close-up combat, and a Molotov cocktail grenade, expensive and designed for strategically cutting off a certain area on the map. There's another new grenade called a Decoy that sounds cool: It'll send out a burst of gunfire from wherever it's thrown, confusing the enemy team into thinking there's action there. That's still being tweaked (the gunfire might be from specific weapons or just the generic enemy firearms), along with weapons strength and various experiments like giving everyone kevlar at round start, or making the CT defuse kit a special item like the Terrorist bomb. Sounds interesting -- and still very under development. We'll see the game later on this month at PAX, and let you know more then.

    Mike Schramm
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive coming to XBLA, PSN and Steam early 2012 [update]

    Update: Looks like we didn't have to wait too long at all for confirmation of the project: Valve and Seattle-based developer Hidden Path Entertainment just distributed a press release announcing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, an updated and expanded version of the seminal team-based shooter. Slated for an early 2012 release on XBLA, PSN and Steam, the downloadable title will add "new maps, characters, and weapons," renovated versions of classic maps (what's up, de_dust) and a plethora of new modes, matchmaking options, leaderboards and other modern shooter mainstays. Best of all, it'll be playable later this month at PAX Prime. Check out the full press release after the jump! Original post: A heaping pile of evidence is growing in support of a future installment in the thoroughly-played Counter-Strike universe -- this one subtitled Global Offensive. The most promising tidbit is the Facebook page of anti-cheat gaming community ESEA, which revealed the name of the game, and promised more info later this morning. The post was preceded by an image of ESEA's Craig Levine at the offices of Valve. (You can tell it's legit, because hey, there's a giant valve.) Valve designer Jess Cliffe corroborated the title on the Steam forums, correcting an earlier poster who labeled the game "Global Operation." Also, Electronic Sports League manager Bastian Vieser claimed on Twitter that he "Just spend [sic] all day playing the new Counterstrike Global Offensive" at Valve's HQ. It certainly seems like a real thing -- now there's just the small matter of whether it's a port, expansion or an entirely new game altogether. We've got our freakishly elongated fingers crossed for the latter.

    Griffin McElroy