

  • WildStar's Jeremy Gaffney on progression, tradeskills, and endgame

    Gavin Townsley
    Gavin Townsley

    In the first part of our interview with Carbine Studios executive producer Jeremy Gaffney, we discussed everything we could about the Settler path. In this followup interview, he divulges the beautiful details on essential parts of the game: progression, tradeskills, and the elder game. WildStar has been setting a fun tone with each new video that's released. As it turns out, that same philosophy extends to nearly every corner of the game.

  • Elder Scrolls Online elaborates on crafting and exploration

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    ZeniMax scooped up all of the questions that fans had after seeing The Elder Scrolls Online's crafting and exploration video, and answered several of the most pressing of them in a new post. TESO will feature five crafting professions: weaponsmith, armorsmith, enchanter, alchemist, and provisioner. Of these, players are able to train in two fields so that a robust economy will develop between crafters. While there aren't any recipes in the game, players have multiple avenues to combine ingredients and make the same item. The studio indicated that those who have played previous Elder Scrolls games might have an advantage in knowing familiar plants and crafting ingredients and how they interact. Other topics in the AMA include fishing lures, how big your library can get (there's no limit, basically), the use of Mundus Stones, and the difficulty of lockpicking. "Your lockpicking will automatically improve as you level, gradually making chests that were once very difficult to open a much easier prospect. Though your lockpicking skill will increase as you level, the chests you encounter in higher level areas will also be more difficult," ZeniMax explained.

  • Breakfast Topic: Do you WoW-craft?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Some people are just driven by the need to make things, whether it's art, writing, or any other kind of craft. World of Warcraft certainly seems to have a wealth of crafty types, who use their skills and expertise to do everything from making shoes to sewing adorable plushies to truly amazing cosplay. But while there are plenty of crafty players, not everyone has the talent or inclination. So tell us, do you World of Warcraft craft? If so, what's your craft of choice and why? And, for those of us with neither crafting inclination or talent, well, we can always enjoy the work of others -- or just enjoy playing the game!

  • The Elder Scrolls Online wants you to explore everywhere

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Any RPG player worth his or her salt knows that there are two primary maxims to making it big: explore everywhere and take everything not nailed down. Fortunately, ZeniMax subscribes to this philosophy as well, which is why the team has placed an emphasis on exploration and loot-gobbling in The Elder Scrolls Online. In a new video, Creative Director Paul Sage shows how players can loot all manner of goods in the world and then use those items for crafting. He also points out how the world will be populated with readable books, fishable areas, hidden chests, and ability-boosting stones. So if you were wondering if it's OK to rob a church in TESO, the following video should assure you that it's more than fine -- it's encouraged.

  • Gold Capped: Never scan the Auction House again

    Basil Berntsen
    Basil Berntsen

    WoW Insider brings you Gold Capped, in which Basil "Euripides" Berntsen aims to show you how to make gold on the Auction House. Check out Basil's gold making podcast, Call To Auction, and email Basil with your questions, comments, or hate mail! Have you ever scanned the Auction House with TradeSkillMaster (the best auction management addon, well worth the trouble of learning) and not gotten a complete scan? Maybe you see an error message and your crafting window starts displaying unknown materials prices, even though you can see the prices right front of you when you search? This is a bug that affects anyone on a realm with a lot of auctions (more than 42554, according to the TSM error message). In essence, the GetAll scan that's used to grab a dump of the AH in a few seconds can be incomplete if there are a lot of auctions. As far as I know, the traditional scans are immune to this, but they take a lot more time; like 20 minutes instead of 20 seconds. Even if the scans work perfectly on your realm, scanning is still an extra step that you have to do every time you want to update the prices before you queue up your crafting list. Luckily, there's a way you can get up to date price information without ever having to scan the AH again.

  • TUG offers design video and new Kickstarter reward tiers

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    A couple weeks ago we introduced you to an aspiring sandbox game with a focus on exploring and building that hit Kickstarter. Titled The Untitled Game (a.k.a. TUG), the open-world venue plans on using technology and social sciences to directly involve players in the design. And after listening to community feedback, developer Nerd Kingdom has introduced three new reward tiers for backers as well as a video that spotlights design features such as crafting, companions, and more. The new tiers offer digital beta or alpha access as well as in-game extras like tattoos on your character and a baby sabre tiger companion. Prices range from $30 to $65. Folks can also get gift packs to share that give bonus copies of the game in addition to the personal copy. Check out all the details on the latest update post. And be sure to watch the design video after the break.

  • Cutting to the heart of extraction in The Repopulation

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you want to craft items in The Repopulation, you're not going to go down to the science fiction equivalent of Ikea and buy the Martin Plasma Rifle. You're going to get out into the wild and get the resources you need. There are two systems for gathering items in The Repopulation, and the newest development blog for the game discusses one of the ways to grab those resources: Extraction, also known as "digging useful components out of corpses." Since the game doesn't feature levels, there's a more organic system to gathering these resources. Players first decide how difficult the extraction should be, with higher difficulties resulting in higher-grade resources. More difficult extractions take longer, however, and as a result, players have a higher chance to fail unless they've practiced harvesting a particular species. For more details on the specifics, check out the full development blog on the official site.

  • The Repopulation adds gore, stampedes, turrets, and more

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    The Repopulation's end-of-the-month progress report is here, and judging by the sheer length of the thing, April was one for the books. The new update takes a high-level view of development and it states that since the majority of The Repopulation's features are complete, the dev team is now focusing on content creation and an enjoyable new player experience. Highlights from April's patch cycle include the new harvester system, player turrets, AI tweaks, stampedes, and gore options. Of course, that's just the tip of the iceberg, so be sure and read the full post for all the details. [Thanks J.C.!]

  • Camelot Unchained secures an additional $3 million in funding [Updated]

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Last night, Camelot Unchained surpassed its $2 million Kickstarter goal, but if you've been following the Kickstarter for the last month, you know that reaching $2 million means a lot more than reaching $2 million. As originally promised when the Kickstarter launched, the game will now receive an additional $3 million in funding, $2 million of which comes from City State co-founder and MMO industry veteran Mark Jacobs. The remainder comes courtesy of unnamed investors. "The last 30 days have been an incredible journey," Jacobs said via press release. "We believed there's an audience for a highly focused game like ours, which has now been proven. What we didn't expect was how our community would come together so quickly and avidly. Not only is our average pledge off the chart, our backers have been just as intensely supportive in other ways, from providing immense amounts of helpful feedback to translating information into four languages (German, French, Japanese and Korean), and more." Camelot Unchained will use a proprietary engine optimized for large-scale battles and already battle-tested to the tune of 200-plus frames per second while displaying 1,000 simultaneous characters rendered with 12,000 polygons. The three-faction PvP-focused fantasy MMO also boasts a building-block crafting system that will allow players to construct individual cells and larger segments before assembling them "in nearly limitless ways." [Source: City State press release] [Update: We've clarified that the additional funding was promised as a Kickstarter goal from the start.]

  • MMO sandbox TUG launches its Kickstarter

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    If you're the sort of sandbox aficionado who's more into crafting and exploration than griefing, then this post is for you. Brand-new to Kickstarter today is an MMO called, well, The Untitled Game, or TUG for short. Inspired by the likes of Minecraft, Zelda, and EVE Online, TUG promises an immersion-driven, "massive procedurally generated world to explore" along with such features as combat, crafting, building, an organic UI, modding tools, hidden civilizations, animal taming, "logic engineering," day/season cycles, realistic weights, support for roleplayers, and no DRM. Like rival Shroud of the Avatar, TUG will be playable solo, on a private server, and on the official MMO server. Developer Nerd Kingdom styles itself as "a collective of scientists, researchers, technologists, economists, content creators, artists, modders, and gamers from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds" with a "deep passion for the nerdery of academic sciences, art, and technology," but in spite of its academic background, the studio promises a survival sandbox/multiplayer RPG hybrid without all the associated spreadsheets and number-crunching. The game is targeting 2015 for launch with an alpha this coming July; the digital download edition of the game can be secured for as little as 10 bucks on Kickstarter now. See whether the videos behind the break don't convince you.

  • More details revealed for Camelot Unchained's world-building systems

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Talking about building the world in Camelot Unchained is not something that can be done in just one sitting, so Mark Jacobs broke it into two. In the first update, Jacobs described the building blocks, mining, and the cooperative nature of construction. The conclusion of this two-part series focused on explaining blueprints and how RvR is intertwined in the world-building system. Blueprints, which can be traded, are a way to speed up the building process -- or rebuilding, if enemies have destroyed your structure in RvR. Players with the appropriate skills can create blueprints of an already finished structure or through the architect's interface as a plan for a future structure. Through RvR, players can claim buildings built by others, either by deconstructing the entire thing or just capturing it; those structures can then be repaired or rebuilt by the new owners. Want even more information on building a fortress in Camelot Unchained? Then check out Massively's interview with Mark Jacobs.

  • Xsyon update focuses on in-game economy

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Although it's been a while since the post-apocalyptic sandbox Xsyon has seen a patch, today's update looks to make up for that. With a focus on developing the in-game economy, this update introduces a number of new features, including new resources and materials, new Artisan and Master armor sets, a tribal upkeep system that offers bonuses, special trade totems, alliance and family group formation, and more. Trade will be bolstered through the new totems; the new trade and quest versions allow tribes to place additional totems that will serve as a marketplace and quest hub. Even better, besides the ones placed in the tribe's own land, additional quest and trade totems can be placed on allied land. For more details on this and the other new systems, check out the full patch notes. [Source: Notorious Games press release]

  • New dev blog details Neverwinter's crafting

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    How would you feel about a Neverwinter professions blog? No, you're not expected to write one, silly, but you can certainly read one if you're interested in the game's crafting mechanics. In a nutshell, crafting involves hiring numerous NPC assets to complete crafting-related tasks. These NPCs include Leadership Mercs, Platesmithing Miners, Mailsmithing Prospectors, Leatherworking Skinners, and Tailoring Weavers. Over time, completing various tasks will award profession XP as well as resources and rewards. Your NPC assets will work on your tasks while you're out adventuring, and you can also "tinker with your professions on the Neverwinter Gateway website when you're outside of the game client," according to the diary. Learn more at the game's official site.

  • XL releases ArcheAge fishing trailer

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Ho hum, fishing in MMOs. Who cares, right? Wrong! XLGAMES cares, and the company apparently thinks enough of its ArcheAge angling mechanics to make a gameplay trailer out of them. MMO Culture has uploaded the trailer to YouTube, and in it you'll see over a minute's worth of deep sea fishing plus the transporting of the day's catch back to land, presumably to sell or cook. ArcheAge is gearing up for its Chinese closed beta phase, a date for which will be announced later this month. The game has already released in its native Korea and will be published in the west by Trion, though no date has been forthcoming. You can view the trailer after the break.

  • Officers' Quarters: Reworking a guild concept

    Scott Andrews
    Scott Andrews

    Every Monday, Scott Andrews contributes Officers' Quarters, a column about the ins and outs of guild leadership. He is the author of The Guild Leader's Handbook. Ideas for unique guild concepts are hard to come by. This week, a guild leader who thought she had a winning formula finds out that no one is interested. Let's look at what she came up with and how we can rework her ideas to entice more recruits. I have recently transferred from Nazgrel to the RP server of Moon Guard. I did this with a certain goal in mind, to establish an all Goblin Trade Guild. I have hit a crucial snag however and can't seem to generate any interest in my Guild idea. One major selling point of my Trade Guild would be that we would hold a monthly [Bazaar] in which other Guilds would be encouraged to join in and sell their wares along with us. Using [Gryphonheart Items] we would create an item catalog and haggle over prices. I was hoping that this would help revitalize the role play community. Nothing I have tried has worked to recruit Any suggestions?

  • Why I Play: Villagers and Heroes

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Villagers and Heroes, formerly called A Mystical Land, surprised me. I had gone several weeks if not a few months without logging in to the game for longer than a half an hour, so you can imagine my surprise when I realized that the game not only had been improved but had added systems that I thought it never would. In other words, the game was suddenly a world, a fully realized browser-based MMORPG. Despite my feeling that the game was going to languish in state of semi-completion, suddenly it had housing, more crafting, a better UI, and a fully stocked cash shop. I've streamed the game before, but now I find myself logging in a lot more than ever. And now, after hosting a livestream with associate designer Cameron England (embedded after the cut), I'm really having fun with the game and have noticed that it offers a lot more than games that are much more well-known. This is why I play Villagers and Heroes.

  • Grimlands heralds Linux and Mac announcement with second video

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    If the post-apocalyptic wastelands of Grimlands caught your eye but you didn't think you could play on Linux or Mac systems, think again; DRAGO Entertainment has just announced that the shooter will be developed on both platforms. And players needn't worry about which version they are playing from, as everyone will be on the same servers together. The studio doesn't intend to stop there either: DRAGO's Lucjan Mikociak added, "And there are even more versions planned down the road." Along with this announcement, DRAGO has released the second installment of the three-part Making Of series. In the video, Wiktoryn Zerebecki details the importance of crafting and the player-driven economy and Krystian Kofin expounds on vehicles. Watch the full video after the break. [Source: DRAGO press release]

  • Mark Jacobs: Camelot Unchained can succeed with just 50K subs

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    In a recent interview, Mark Jacobs stated that unlike some other big titles, Camelot Unchained will be financially successful with fewer paid subscribers. "We don't need one million subs to make money," he said. "If we get 50K paying subscribers a month it will justify the $5 million development budget." Of course, he admitted that they'd certainly be happy with more. Jacobs also touched on other topics, including crafting and the absence of PvE. Players who want to both fight and craft extensively will need to rely on alts. as fighters will have limited crafting options. And don't think the world will be empty just because there will be no traditional PvE; Jacobs assured that there will be NPCs, noting "You can skin them, get materials off them, salvage their weapons, armor, etc. but you cannot level your RvR skills by doing that." [Thanks to Mikkel for the tip!]

  • The Nexus Telegraph: A speculative look at WildStar crafting

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Sometimes my plans coincide perfectly with real-world events. Last time I wrote this column, I planned to talk about crafting, and then on Friday WildStar gave us a look at some of what we can expect in the system. Admittedly, we don't yet know how the whole circuit board system plays into crafting or what "one of two systems" means, but we can speculate, can't we? Before anyone asks, let me say that no, I had no forewarning or advance preview. I'm just pleased that everything came together by coincidence. So right now we know that the circuit board interface is the basis of one of the crafting systems in the game, and we know how the circuit boards in general work. That's enough to make some reasonable guesses. Let's start by guessing at a system in which you sidestep the entire process of finding the best stats on the best items by just making it from scratch.

  • Grimlands developer turns to Kickstarter to finish post-apoc shooter

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Post-apocalyptic shooter Grimlands may have been canceled by publisher gamigo, but development studio DRAGO isn't giving up on the title just yet. The firm has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise the funds necessary to finish the project and keep it "true to its original vision." A press release says that Grimlands was canceled because of gamigo's "strategy shift from development to distribution" in spite of the title's five-year development cycle. DRAGO's Lucjan Mikociak says that Kickstarter is necessary to save the game. "There is no way around it: Big games need big money. Since gamigo stopped funding us in January, we have survived thanks to friends and family support," Mikociak explains. "However, in order to properly finish the game by year's end, we need further funding of $650,000. After talking to several publishers and investors we feel only Kickstarter allows this without compromising our vision." Grimlands marries shooter gameplay with stealth and cover mechanics as well as character progression and customization. It also features an extensive crafting system wherein nearly every in-game item is made by players. Gameplay includes an open world, dungeons, PvE and PVP options, and upgradeable vehicles.