

  • Here's a trailer for promising indie sandbox Life is Feudal

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Need another indie sandbox to pin your player-generated hopes and dreams upon? Life is Feudal might be up to the task if the game's latest trailer is any indication. Bitbox's brief video clip highlights features including a seamless open world, 100 percent terraforming, "flexible free building," physics-based melee and ranged combat with aiming, crafting minigames, a realistic player damage system, and a combat formation system. Bitbox's press release says that additional game-related details are coming in the future, including information on a "complex food and cooking system" as well as full loot mechanics, skill and stat caps, and weapon combos. Click past the cut for the trailer. [Source: Bitbox press release]

  • The Daily Grind: Would you rather use mats to craft or make money?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    With each new MMO that I dig into, there's always that looming question I must address from the start: Do I want to pursue crafting or just be a gatherer-supplier? Crafting has a lot going for it: delayed gratification, potentially big rewards, self-reliance, and satisfaction for making your own gear. It's also not a terrific money-maker in most games in the beginning (in fact, it's often a money pit), it takes a long time to do, and sometimes it's just easier to farm or buy gear elsewhere. I usually choose to gather and sell materials to make money, because then I can just buy what I want. Plus, I like being well-off in games -- you never know when you'll need a huge chunk of cash for that tempting purchase! What about you? Would you rather use mats to craft or make money? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Shroud of the Avatar shows off crafting sigil and more

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    A plus-sized project update for Shroud of the Avatar kicks off with a look at the crafting sigil, the diagram that shows how the game's crafting disciplines are interconnected. The crafting sigil is made of three rings (inner, middle, and outer) that hold five skills apiece. The inner ring is devoted to crafting, the middle to refining, and the outer to production. This setup is not just for eye candy, but provides a visual representation of the crafting process as items are made by going from the inner ring to the outer. The update goes on to tease male avatar armor, a story sneak peek, Shroud of the Avatar swag, and several screenshots of housing exteriors, interiors, and basements. Yes, basements: truly the most requested MMO preview aspect ever. Please try not to wet your pants. Actually, they are kind of cool, so disregard that sarcasm.

  • The Daily Grind: Do you specialize at crafting or do it all?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I'm having the hardest time focusing on a tradeskill in Final Fantasy XIV. They're all enjoyable in their own way, and heck I even like gathering. I feel that I should specialize, though, because otherwise I'll spread myself too thin and ultimately run out of time for other FFXIV funsies and other games. What about you, Massively crafters? Do you do it all in a particular game, or do you specialize in the stuff you need or the stuff that's most profitable? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • New Pathfinder dev blog details salvaging, harvesting, and more

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    So what about Pathfinder's non-combat gameplay? I'm thinking specifically here about salvaging, harvesting, and gathering. What's that, you say? GoblinWorks has just posted a dev blog on these very topics? Well, I'll be! It seems as if salvaging has been simplified a bit since the last the time the devs talked it up. Oh, and harvesting spots are generated procedurally, so you won't necessarily be able to map out iron and tree nodes like you can in more typical MMOs. Gathering nodes have also been tweaked. More specifically they're now tied to the supply of harvestable resources in a particular hex, and GoblinWorks is currently going with a system of exclusive discovery rights to prevent claim-jumping. Finally, today's dev blog touches on the game's outposts, which are semi-permanent structures in wilderness areas that produce a steady supply of bulk goods by the hour. Hit the links below to learn more.

  • Hearthstone wipes beta progress and institutes patch

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The day long feared/anticipated is here: Hearthstone is performing its one and only beta wipe while at the same time plugging in a new patch that includes a wide range of fixes and a new crafting interface. Included in the patch notes are notifications that the level cap has gone up to 60, the chat system has been "rejiggered," and many of the classes have received balance tweaks. Hearthstone players will earn more gold and more cards now, and they can unlock heroes in any of the game's three modes. Blizzard previously said that the game should not wipe from here on out and that more players will be invited into the beta.

  • Age of Conan dev letter outlines new dungeons, tradeskill revamp progress

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Age of Conan game director Joel Bylos has penned a new director's letter recapping the various happenings in Hyboria. Funcom is still hard work on AoC's long-awaited crafting revamp, and Bylos says that the "single most important part of the tradeskill system was completed earlier this week." Apparently there was plenty of work to be done converting old items and old tools into the new system -- some of the assets were originally created using Anarchy Online toolsets, for example. It sounds like there's still a long way to go, though, as Bylos mentions that UI work, content work, node placement, and tutorials still need doing. The letter also mentions Age of Conan's traditional Halloween event as well as three new dungeons that have made their way onto the game's test server. Click through the links below to read all about it!

  • Hearthstone: More gold rewards, class balance, and more

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    One of the first major updates to the Hearthstone beta client is almost here (along with the account wipe). Hearthstone Community Manager Zeriyah wrote a post with additional details on the new bug fixes and quality of life improvements which just so happens to include: Daily quest flexibility (Defeat X opponents with either Y class or Z class) Class balance (Yay, nerfed rogues) Gold generation improved (10 gold per three wins instead of 5 gold per five wins) Read on for my thoughts of the changes and the changes themselves.

  • Captain's Log: More Star Trek Online help for the new player

    Terilynn Shull
    Terilynn Shull

    The news is out! Lobi are now accessible account-wide! They're no longer bound to a single character! While I would love to be able to write an entire column about how happy the change has made me, I won't make our readers endure it, but it sure was a fun way to start off this week's Captain's Log. The good news for some is that this week's column will be dedicated to the brand new players of Star Trek Online. This decision was triggered by an email I received from a reader who wanted to know how he could change his character's outfit without having to go to the tailor all the time. He was a very new player and was embarrassed to ask anyone else, and trusted I wouldn't make him feel a fool. It was then I realized that there are lots of little things in Star Trek Online that aren't obvious to new players. While many of those things are second nature to me now, I recall with bitter clarity what it was like to be so new that asking a stranger for help was akin to playing Russian roulette. So join me past the break as I touch on what all those tiny little icons on the HUD mean.

  • Massively Exclusive: Albion Online dev blog explains diversity with spells and crafted items

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Previously, we learned about Albion Online's territory control, housing, the economy, and more in our exclusive interview with CEO Stefan Wiezorek. Thanks to this exclusive dev blog, today we get a look at the relationship between crafting and spells and how that translates into deeper character customization. In short, Albion players will craft spells that can be put on crafted gear, which in turn gives them access to that spell whenever they equip that item. This system offers an endless possibility of combinations as players equip various items, each with their own set of spells added on. For a detailed run-down of this system, check out the full dev blog after the break.

  • The Daily Grind: Which MMO crafting system is your favorite?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I've been doing a lot of crafting and gathering in Final Fantasy XIV lately, and while I'll stop short of any best-ever hyperbole, let's just say that I like it a lot. The crafting in particular is a cut above the usual collect-resources-press-button-go-walk-the-dog MMO norm, and the gathering is similarly involving to the point where you can't AFK it because you're actively engaged and making choices. Speaking of best-evers, though, that would make for an interesting Daily Grind question. Wouldn't you agree? So, to make it official, which MMO has your favorite crafting and/or gathering mechanics? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Ghostcrawler on crafting professions and leveling

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Sometimes I actually love Twitter for how it can bring the players and the developers together in a more immediate way. Case in point, this tweet from Ghostcrawler. When asked about crafting professions falling behind as the expansion progressed, the answer was clear and unambiguous that Blizzard agrees it's a problem. @JakeSteel423 Yes, but no immediate announcements. We agree it's a problem. - Greg Street (@Ghostcrawler) August 23, 2013 While it's light on specifics I'm glad to see they get the problem. At this point I'm only keeping blacksmithing for the extra sockets, and I know a lot of JC's who were mighty disappointed when they found out there would be no epic gems this time around. Maybe a return to BC style scaling items is in order? Maybe not. Making my original Lionheart Blade was a pain.

  • PAX Prime 2013: Adjusting butts in Elder Scrolls Online

    Jasmine Hruschak
    Jasmine Hruschak

    After my hands-on demo at E3, I was cautiously optimistic about sitting down for another hour of Elder Scrolls Online at this year's PAX Prime. I was ushered into the press demo area and immediately dived into character creation. There were significantly more options available here than during my last demo just a few months ago. Among the additions was a feature I'm sure you've been waiting for: the "posterior dimensions" slider. Beyond butts, the variety of the options Bethesda brought to PAX Prime was pretty impressive. I spent more time in character creation than I expected, even customizing my stomach size. After I decided on the appropriate butt girth, I loaded into the snowy, nordic area of Bleakrock Isle and immediately spent a solid 10 minutes exploring my option menus.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Who watches Guild Wars 2's watchknights?

    Anatoli Ingram
    Anatoli Ingram

    A few weeks ago, I covered a few possibilities for the direction of the Guild Wars 2 patch that was known at the time as The Queen's Speech, now revealed to actually be Clockwork Chaos. The majority of it didn't pan out, which is to be expected when engaging in wild mass guessing; I'll be a little disappointed if ArenaNet has really decided to retcon the hints it previously set up around the Great Collapse, but we know that the Crown Pavilion Arena will probably be revisited at some point and there's always a chance for things to go wrong in lots of different ways. The plus side is that Scarlet Briar is exactly the kind of villain GW2 has been hurting for, and her presence on the playing field is opening up all kinds of potential directions for the plot. Behind the cut are spoilers for this chapter of the living story as well as Scott McGough's short story What Scarlet Saw. Join me in the depths of hopeless nerditude and let's discuss the new lore elements this release has introduced!

  • Super Adventure Box returns to Guild Wars 2 [Updated with magic find stuff]

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The rumors are true: Super Adventure Box is coming back to Guild Wars 2 for a 2013 encore event! The next content update for the game won't merely trot out the old April Fools Day content for another go, but will also add several new levels and challenges. When players return to the retro-themed game-within-a-game, they'll have the chance to push onward into World 2 with several new levels and a terrifying end boss: the Storm Wizard. ArenaNet is also adding a new Tribulation Mode for those who like a challenge, more super weapon skins, boss weapons, and the chance to craft a Princess Miya mini. The forthcoming update isn't just about the Super Adventure Box; players will be able to craft ascended weapons and push up to 500 skill points in weaponsmith, artificer, and huntsman crafting. Legendary weapons will be buffed and magic find will be stripped away from all gear in favor of adding it as an account-wide bonus. You can prepare by checking out our previous guide to Super Adventure Box and our analysis of its soundtrack. [Source: ArenaNet press release] [Update: ArenaNet has confirmed on its forums that celestial gear will lose its magic find stat and food will keep it. For everything else, Martin Kerstein posted the following: "Weapons, armor and trinkets with magic find will become account bound, lose their current stats and will gain the ability to be double-clicked to select one of several stat options depending on the item. For example, if you have an Explorer's Pearl Staff, you can now double-click it to change it to any other crafting stat."]

  • Celebrate Fury of the Feywild's launch with a trailer full of lore

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Neverwinter's first big content expansion, Fury of the Feywild, is officially live, bringing a new campaign system, new professions to learn, the call to arms system, and dozens of gameplay tweaks and balance changes. Also included is the 20v20 PvE/PvP event Gauntlgrym, along with a new zone to explore and piles of new items. Cryptic and Perfect World have marked the launch by releasing an all-new trailer detailing the lore of Fury of the Feywild; you can see it yourself just after the break.

  • The Daily Grind: Do you appreciate items more if you make them?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    In MMOs, there are four main ways of attaining items: You can loot them from mobs, buy them (either with in-game or real-world currency), earn them (via quests and alternative methods), or craft them. My running theory is that while all of these can provide satisfying acquisitions, it's the last one that perhaps makes us most appreciative of them. I loved everything I wore and used in Fallen Earth, for example, because I crafted every single piece of gear and weapon in that game. A pistol wasn't a mere drop; it was the result of a lot of scavenging, part-making, and skill points. One of my all-time favorite possessions in World of Warcraft was my helicopter mount created by countless hours of engineering. So our topic today is pretty simple: Do you appreciate MMO items more if you make them than if you acquired them otherwise? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Get an advance look at Neverwinter's Fury of the Feywild details

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Neverwinter's module 1 update, also known as Fury of the Feywild, will hit the game next Thursday, August 22nd, but you don't have to wait until then to read up on all of the specifics. Cryptic has posted many of the patch's details today, although they are of course subject to tweaking. Expect to see a lot of changes with module 1, including many class balance adjustments, a reduction in cost for some astral diamond purchases, a new passive power for non-augment companions, better inventory management, foundry tag searches, and LFG and trade chat channels. Fury of the Feywild will also include the new high-level zone of Sharandar, the ability to upgrade companions with astral diamonds, the salvage feature, and the new professions of artificing and weaponsmithing. The patch will also lay the groundwork for the Summer Festival to begin on August 29th.

  • Civilization Online not currently planned for North America

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    You might be tremendously excited about Civilization Online right now, especially if you read our interview with Jake Song yesterday. But if you live in North America, it's time to crank that excitement down to a dull interest because XLGAMES and 2K Games are not currently looking at a release in the region. 2K Games PR Manager Brian Roundy delivered the bad news: "Civilization Online is developed by South Korea-based XL Games in partnership with 2K, and will be available first in Korea. No release date has been set. There are no plans for a North American release at this time." This doesn't mean all hope is lost, of course. It might be that the studios are holding their cards close to their chest or that they don't want to commit until they see how it performs in Korea. But if you were camping in front of a retail store (why?) for this release in America, you should probably go home for now.

  • Massively's hands-on with Strife, a new MOBA from S2 Games

    Gavin Townsley
    Gavin Townsley

    My team is struggling. We've managed to hold our own after a nasty fight in the bottom lane, but then a message appears on my screen: Krytos is coming. The team at S2 Games had warned me about this giant ape and his tower-neutralizing, minion-stomping abilities. But there he was with the enemy team following in his wake. This is Strife, the new free-to-play MOBA from the company that created Heroes of Newerth. The three-lane-based gameplay might look familiar from the top down, but a giant ape is just one of many interesting mechanics Strife is utilizing to help create a more enjoyable and flexible MOBA experience. Oh, and did I mention the pets and the crafting?