

  • Chaos Theory: The Secret World was worth the wait

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Folks, I have to be brutally honest: I'm old. I have a family, two jobs, and more time-consuming hobbies than one man should. And yet it pains me to log out of The Secret World. Last Saturday I slew demons (and Illuminati) in Funcom's new MMORPG for 10 hours straight. Actually, I took a 30-minute dinner break, so I guess it was more like nine-and-a-half. The point is that I looked up at my clock, said holy crap when it told me that the sun was about to rise, and scratched my head trying to remember the last time that happened. I've been playing MMOs since the late 1990s, and when I say that I've pretty much played them all, that's not hyperbole. Right now, TSW is running a close second to Star Wars Galaxies as the most enjoyable title I've experienced to date. And keep in mind that it's been live for two weeks.

  • Chaos Theory: Tornquist on The Secret World's launch, future

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    You know, this is probably obvious if you've read my coverage of The Secret World thus far, but I'll just go ahead and fess up: I dig the game, and watching Funcom knock the cover off the ball is gratifying in a strange sort of way. That's why I didn't get too upset when my opportunity to interview creative director Ragnar Tornquist was upstaged by the firm's huge news dump this afternoon. The company shocked gamers and industry watchers by promising monthly content updates and a whole bunch of other stuff, some of which I had asked about in a series of questions we sent Funcom earlier in the week. The resulting answers are still worth a read, though, particularly if you're pinching yourself over TSW's successful launch and its rosy future.

  • Chaos Theory: Early access to The Secret World

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Dark days aren't just coming, folks -- they're already here. And they're glorious. As you've probably surmised, Chaos Theory is a new column all about The Secret World. What you might not realize, however, is that this addition to Massively's feature roster was a little bit last-minute. Don't get me wrong; I've been looking forward to this game for a number of years now (heck, I signed up on DarkDemonsCryGaia.com waaaaay back in May of 2007, before Massively even existed!). Up until very recently, though, we had no plans to cover the game on a recurring basis. That changed over the early release weekend as I spammed our editors with zomg-I'm-having-a-blast-and-you-should-totally-let-me-write-about-this emails. Sure, I played the press beta and largely enjoyed it for what it was, but now that I'm in the game proper, tooling around on my own characters and taking the time to soak up the stories, the lore, and the mechanics, well... let's just say that we'll have plenty to talk about for the foreseeable future.

  • Final round of The Secret World questions revealed

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Funcom has been making fans of The Secret World very happy lately, thanks to the community Q&A with Ragnar Tournquist. Senior Assistant Community Manager Glen "Famine" Swan rounded up a list of questions asked by fans, got answers, and released the list by thirds on the TSW forums. The third and final round of questions went out on the forums yesterday and they were met with an enthusiastic response from fans. These questions addressed bosses, GM involvement, transitions between zones, plans for the future and more. However, the answer that sparked the most discussion was the one surrounding the concept of corpse running -- it sounds like it's definitely going to be a part of the game. Check out the full blog post for the final Q&A session.

  • ARG! The Secret World community uncovers hidden 'Monster Blog'

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Let us never say that Funcom doesn't know how to run a good Alternate Reality Game, or ARG. The community surrounding the upcoming modern-day MMO has discovered a personal blog named Monsters of Maine. How, you might be wondering? Through the oft-maligned Twitter, that's how. If you're willing to sift through a 50+ page thread over on The Secret World's official forums, you'll find a transcript of a the Twitter conversations between the fictional people of Kingsmouth. Yep, this community pretty much rocks. So what's the blog all about? Well, it's run by a user named Cryptoinvestigator -- who's revealed via that Twitter convo as Tyler Freeborn, a "crazy" who believes all sorts of evil things are taking place. One of his more ominous blog posts reads, "The Pale Men will return. Not today, not tomorrow - but soon. I can FEEL them. I can smell them." Several of his other posts contain some really awesome peeks into what we can only assume are pieces of game lore and screenshots cloaked in ARG craziness. The most recent post by Freeborn says he's got evidence to prove his claims, so we'll be keeping an eye out for that. Hmm, we can feel ourselves becoming more obsessed with this by the minute.

  • The Daily Grind: What are your expectations of The Secret World?

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Massively was on the ground at the Penny Arcade Expo over the weekend, and one of the games we saw that really has some promise is The Secret World. It's quite a departure from the fantasy genre in MMOs, with elements of horror, mysteries and conspiracies, hidden knowledge sought by secret societies... ok, we can say no more. But it's killing us that we can't talk about it quite yet. We've seen the gameplay but Funcom will unleash unspeakable occult forces upon us, like lawyers, if we spill what we know. Of course we'll have a feature story on The Secret World up on Massively soon -- but in the meantime, we want to ask what you think about the impending arrival of horror to the MMO scene. Funcom is clearly trying to set the tone for the game with their latest trailer, which might have given us clues about the kinds of things we'll see in TSW. But as we all know, a cinematic isn't always the best representation of a game title. So do you think The Secret World will be a dark, mature title? Or will it be Cthulhu-lite? Sound off and let us know about your expectations of The Secret World!

  • Fall into the conspiracy of The Secret World, again

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Last time The Secret World was announced, a conspiracy swept through the alternate reality gaming community. One telling of secrets and sanctuaries, of dark days and demons. The conspiracy was quelled after a period, and the puzzles fell into depths of time.But now, with the latest unveiling, the conspiracy returns. "A Friend" is back to stalking The Secret World forums, removing answers and doing his best to "protect" the community while odd videos and websites are beginning to come up.While the MMORPG may not be done, the viral marketing "conspiracy" is beginning to start up again for all of the new people intrigued by the story behind TSW. What lies as a reward for those who crack the puzzles and get to the depths of the sanctuary? Well, we're not at liberty to say. Too many eyes are on us already, and we already risk our lives getting you this information. We've embedded the video after the break, but that's all we can do! They're watching us!

  • The Secret World approaches revelation

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    If you're unaware of Funcom's newest project, The Secret World, it's about time you knew that the secret is about to be unveiled. Forget the stigma associated with Funcom and Age of Conan, and consider the fact that The Secret World comes to us from Ragnar Tørnquist, the man behind The Longest Journey and Dreamfall. The unraveling of clues that lead up to this game's reveal is impressive, but not as impressive as the fact that The Secret World's community is comprised of some of the most intelligent gamers you'll find this side of EVE. We have games that are hardcore for strategists, games that are hardcore for economists, games that are hardcore for the combat-savvy, but with The Secret World, we will finally get an MMO that was made for the hardcore conspiracy theorists, history buffs and puzzle solvers out there.Case in point, a recent teaser video was released showing certain decipherable codes that led to a new Alternate Reality Game website called Sanctuary of Secrets. Leave it up to the TSW community to crack the codes and discover the hidden secrets. Of course Funcom has not officially commented on their involvement with this site, but it goes to show the passion brewing in the people anticipating this game. Ever since our demo at GDC last month, we've been itching to let our readers know what's in store. Tomorrow the embargo will lift and everything we know will be revealed, so stay tuned!