

  • Earthrise newsletter introduces dev team and their influences

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Masthead Studios has released the second newsletter for their upcoming sci-fi MMO Earthrise. As with their first newsletter, it's full of hyperlinks to images and audio related to the game, however there are a few new additions this time around. We've read about the game itself in recent months, but until now little has been known about the people behind the scenes who are working to make Earthrise a reality. The newsletter features an introduction to the members of the Earthrise development team at Masthead Studios in the form of a short Q&A for each developer. Each of the devs discusses what brought them to work on the project, their influences, and what they do at Masthead Studios to further the creation of Earthrise. There's also screenshots of a new area on Enterra called The Nest and a hyperlinked recap of Earthrise's media coverage in the last month. But the real focus of the Earthrise newsletters is on the community, and a number of issues are showcased in the latest iteration.

  • EVE Online blazes into The Empyrean Age

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Massively has been beating the war drums as EVE Online enters a new era in PvP: The Empyrean Age expansion. This time of factional warfare will sweep players of all four races in New Eden into a whirl of conflict never seen before in the game. PvP will no longer be limited to low sec ganks, 0.0 alliance warfare, or Empire war decs. For the first time, it will be integrated with the storyline on a massive scale. And all the while, embedded reporters loyal to their respective factions will be conveying news and swaying the masses of New Eden to their cause. With all of this build-up to the expansion's release, there's a great deal of information to absorb. So we've written about what exactly The Empyrean Age is, and what it is not. Our columnists at Massively have written on the background of the conflict between EVE's races, and torn through some of the complexities of EVE's factional warfare for you as well. Although factional warfare has been tested extensively, these radical changes to the universe of EVE Online require a hefty amount of downtime to deploy. But after the full day's downtime, the shardless galaxy of New Eden will be set ablaze at 02:00 GMT on June 11. While you're rocking back and forth in your chair waiting for the server reboot, check out Massively's ramped up coverage of the sci-fi MMO and get yourself into the mood for tearing into the hulls of your rival faction. We suspect that a number of EVE vets are going through booster-level withdrawal symptoms today; so for the truly hardcore, CCP posted the full patch notes in all its 18-page glory on their provisional 'downtime site'. And of course, there's always time to watch Clear Skies a few more times while you wait for New Eden to ignite once again. %Gallery-24797%

  • Empyrean Age details revealed in EVE developer chat

    James Egan
    James Egan
    06.03.2008 invited a few of the EVE Online staff from CCP Games to participate in a live developer chat this past Sunday. was kind enough to provide a complete log of the chat, which was hosted by their own Community Manager, Laura 'Taera' Genender. Among the EVE Online devs present were CCP Greyscale (game designer/factional warfare), CCP Ginger (ISD manager/storyline), t0nyG (lead writer), and CCP Wrangler (community manager). The developer chat was primarily focused on the changes that The Empyrean Age and its factional warfare will bring, but the CCP staff addressed a number of other issues and concerns as well:

  • Sci Fi Channel creating hybrid TV series and MMO

    James Egan
    James Egan

    The Sci Fi Channel plans to air a TV series that simultaneously plays out as a massively multiplayer online game, the Los Angeles Times reports. This pairing of television writers with game designers will allow fans of the series to influence its story arc through their own actions in the virtual space. David Howe, president of the Sci Fi Channel, said, "This is the Holy Grail for us, without a doubt... this is groundbreaking, and I don't say that lightly."The large and dedicated player communities attached to various titles in the MMO space are appealing to the Sci Fi Channel. "Bundling a World of Warcraft player community with a series and an on-line social community is something the Sci Fi Channel has tried to puzzle out for several years," according to the Los Angeles Times. The Sci Fi Channel's desire to tap into the MMO market led them to work with Trion World Network, a California-based game company with some major investors standing behind it. The hope is that together, they will achieve a first in interactive entertainment: create a hybrid television series and online game, where players affect or even determine the direction of the show. If successful, this will stand as a milestone in the history of both television and games.

  • EVE Online: play test factional warfare, June 4-6

    James Egan
    James Egan

    CCP Games announced a new series of factional warfare playtests for EVE Online's imminent Empyrean Age expansion, and are seeking help from all available pilots in New Eden. EVE dev CCP Tanis stated that the first release candidate for the Empyrean Age is being put on the Singularity test server, and that CCP is now focusing its attention on the gameplay mechanics of the long-anticipated factional warfare system. The playtest will focus on the offense and defense of capture points and the conquering of solar systems. Players will be divided into either Caldari or Gallente factions; each faction will have an offensive and defensive team. The ultimate goal is to capture as many systems as possible while preventing the opposing faction from gaining any territorial control. CCP developers and ISD will be on hand to answer questions and guide players. When: June 4 to 6 (Wed., Thurs., Fri.) from 11:00 to 14:00 EVE time (GMT).Where: Singularity test serverWhy: "We really cannot stress how important your feedback is to us." Another Why: Each day the players on the winning side will be given a stock of officer modules !! ... *dramatic pause*... on the test server only. (Sorry.) Also the player who submits the best bug report will be given maxed out skills on the test server. How: Join the in-game channel "Faction Testing" for instructions.CCP Tanis also reminds players that the latest Singularity test server patch is required to participate in the playtest. The patch should ONLY be applied to a second copy of the EVE client, and NOT the main client used for everyday play on the Tranquility server. That is, unless you'd prefer to call the test server "home" from now on. Further details can be found in the official announcement; EVE Online account login is required to access this information.

  • Rob Pardo to keynote at the Paris Game Developers Conference

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Blizzard's Rob Pardo, Senior Vice President of Game Design, has been recruited to keynote the Paris GDC this summer, which will take place on June 23rd and 24th at the at the Coeur Défense Convention Centre in Paris. He'll participate in a Q&A session in which he will discuss his inspirations and challenges, as well as Blizzard's future plans. The official press release should appear soon on the Paris GDC site. The Paris GDC will be taking place a few days before Blizzard's World Wide Invitational in the same city. We're expecting a lot of choice WoTLK news to drop there, but certainly, Pardo may say something juicy ahead of time at the Paris GDC, and we'll be sure to find out if he does.

  • GrowlCode brings Growl to Xcode

    Cory Bohon
    Cory Bohon

    Do you like Growl? Do you use Xcode? Then chances are you'll like GrowlCode. GrowlCode is a plugin to integrate Growl's on-screen alerts into the Mac OS X developer app, Xcode. GrowlCode integrates the following actions: Build Succeeded, Preprocessing Complete, Compilation Succeeded, Clean Complete, and many more. To use GrowlCode, you will need to download both GrowlCode and Growl (which is available at GrowlCode is compatible with Xcode 3.0 and Mac OS X Lepoard (10.5) and Tiger (10.4). Instructions for installing can be found on the GrowlCode website.

  • Breakfast Topic: What's your favorite WoW holiday?

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Zom over on the forums asks: what's your favorite WoW holiday? And the response is extra special because it's by Kisirani, who, you may know, is actually Blizzard's World Event Designer-- him showing up in your thread about holidays is kind of like God showing up on a thread about your favorite mountain range.Kisirani asks specifically for constructive, reasoned posts, but c'mon, he's asking on the WoW forums. Fortunately, this site is not the WoW forums, and our comments are more than capable of giving constructive and reasoned.. well...I kid! Tell the guy what your favorite WoW holiday is, whether it be the free epics of Hallow's End or the ticket grinding of Brewfest, and maybe the upcoming updates to Nobelgarden (we hope) will incorporate some of your constructive and well-reasoned ideas!Thanks, Joshua!

  • Sony cuts PSP dev tools cost in half

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Sony subsidiary SN Systems has cut the cost of the PlayStation Portable dev tools in half, effective today. The announced price reduction, in conjunction with a new Tuner performance optimizer, is hoped to increase the appeal of developing for the PSP. Support fees for current licensees will also enjoy a 50% reduction.Sony made a similar move last November when they halved the price of its PS3 dev kit to a reported $10,250. Sales of the PSP, while still trailing the DS, have received a sales boost in recent months thanks to the handheld's redesign.[Via Gamasutra]

  • Learn Cocoa with your free time this holiday

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Let's face it, during the holiday season we all need to take a little break from our families (even though we love them). Why not do something productive when you're squirreled away in that spare bedroom hiding in the bed from your Aunt Dora? Cocoa Dev Central has just updated their great Cocoa tutorial for Leopard. I am just a simple blogger, and I could follow along so I am sure you smart readers out there will be whipping up apps lickety-split.

  • Chat with the LotRO team next Monday

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    There will be a chat with the developers of The Lord of the Rings Online at MMORPG on December 3rd. Fans will have the opportunity to ask questions about pretty much anything. Hopefully they'll manage to wrangle out some Book 12 info. Maybe they'll even get a slip about next year's expansion! Okay, probably not.If you have a question or just want to sit in and read it as it happens, show up at the MMORPG chat room at 7:00 PM sharp (EST) on Monday. MMORPG also provide info on how to log in via IRC if you don't want to use the web-based chat interface, or if you're just totally old-school.The future is looking bright for LotRO; Turbine's Jeffrey Steefel and Adam Mersky have eagerly talked about the soon-to-come launch in Korea and all sorts of customization options that will be going live with Book 12. We're looking forward to new class balance initiatives and some updates to the reputation system as well. So there should be no shortage of things to pry about in the chat!

  • Chronicles of Spellborn CM interview

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We haven't heard much here at Massively about The Chronicles of Spellborn, but what we have heard has been interesting. It's definitely a lesser-known MMORPG, and doesn't have the promotional power of Warhammer or some other MMOs currently in beta, but the dev team over there is definitely throwing around some interesting ideas. Want to play a fantasy MMO where gear doesn't matter, or where player skill is supposed to trump dicerolls? Then if this interview over at TenTonHammer is any indication, Spellborn might be your new favorite upcoming game.TTH talks with Community Manager Pierre-Yves Deslandes about a game that seems to be aiming to break every MMO convention out there. Gear has no stats on it, so you can wear whatever you like anytime you want. Skills are layered, and meant to be used in conjunction with combos. And there is no auto-lock-- while Deslandes strays away from the "twitch" idea, they instead want to call it "focus." Instead of mindlessly clicking, you've got to be involved in the game.Not all of it sounds completely new-- NPCs still give quests, and their big innovation in that area is that it's a book floating over their head rather than an exclamation mark. But Spellborn might be an interesting outing, especially if you're looking for something new in MMORPGs.

  • Pirates dev: PvP and crafting are "different parts of the same system"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Female-Gamer keeps up their great Pirates of the Burning Sea coverage with an interview with dev Isildur, aka Kevin Maginn. It's an excellent read, especially if you're excited about the economic possibilities in Pirates. It sounds like they've been through a few iterations of the system, and Maginn seems pretty happy with what they've landed on. It's actually closer to EVE than crafting in games like World of Warcraft, in that player craft are actually necessary in a war-driven economy, and PvP will definitely affect how and where crafting gets done. Maginn goes so far as to say trading and PvP are different parts of the same system, in that to make the best items in the game, you'll have to fight other players to get to them.He also says the beta is currently going through an expansion, so if you haven't been invited yet, your chance may be just around the corner. But even if not, there's only a few months left to wait before we all start shipbuilding and sailing the high seas.

  • Legendary Thread with Cory Stockton

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Legendary Thread, 1up's WoW podcast, has a special Blizzcon episode up with Cory Stockton, WoW's lead level designer and a new name to me. It's a fun chat, covering topics from Dalaran to Naxx to new hair. It also contains some interesting new information on Death Knights. Note that this isn't finalized but is, according to Stockton, the way the devs are leaning at the moment. Doing the quest to unlock a DK will give you a new hero slot, in which you can make a DK. This means you would need to redo it if you wanted to make a second DK; it's unknown whether you can have more than one hero slot per realm, though. This also means you (hopefully) won't be stopped from making one by having ten characters on a realm. Another tidbit that I found interesting is that Blizzard watched to see what items are flooding the AH on a regular basis, and then uses them in professions to help the economy. If you've got an hour to spare, go listen to the podcast. If you don't, feel free to complain here about the fact that Stockton mentioned "next expansion" when talking about a second hero class. That makes me sad.

  • Journeys inside the iPhone's SDK

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    I have now spent a pretty solid week writing applications for the iPhone. And what an exciting week it's been. I've been privileged to view and interact with the iPhone in a way that few other people have had the opportunity to. The iPhone is tight, robust and its SDK--even seen through such imperfect tools as class-dump--is beautiful. Let me give you an example. This morning I decided to write a basic word processor for the iPhone. In about 30 lines of code, I was able to create an application that saved all changes to disk and reloaded that text launching the application. That kind of success doesn't happen because I'm some sort of phenomenal programmer, it happens because Apple makes amazing, usable libraries. I was able to use classic Cocoa strategies like reading a string to and from disk and combine it with new UIKit strategies like creating a keyboard that automatically knows how to enter and edit text.

  • Apple announces third-party software details for iPhone

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    As expected, Apple used WWDC as the stage to announce a third-party development solution for the iPhone, putting to rest fears that the handset would be a closed (read: non-smartphone) platform. Calling it a "sweet solution" for allowing devs to get their wares onto iPhones across the globe without sacrificing stability or security, Apple is using its full Safari-based browser to let folks code up true, Web 2.0-compatible apps that can be accessed and updated on developers' own servers. Though any apps that third-party developers put together will run under Safari, they'll be totally customizable and maintain the platform's unique look and feel. Better yet, they won't require any special SDK -- Jobs claims that a working knowledge of modern web standards is all we'll need to code up custom iPhone goodies to our hearts' content.

  • iPhone to get software development kit at WWDC?

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    The iPhone's critics have focused on a handful of issues that could serve to to derail its would-be path to retail dominance; of those, the lack of a removable battery, 3G radio, and support for third-party apps are frequently cited as the top three (presented in no particular order). We may be waiting for round two to get either of the first two niggles resolved -- but contrary to initial reports, it seems that independent devs may end up getting a crack at the first model after all as Jobs had suggested at D. The New York Times is citing "a person briefed on Apple's plans" as saying that WWDC will see the introduction of a software development kit that allows folks to convert small Mac apps to run on the iPhone, seemingly making good on Apple's claim that the handset runs OS X. So who's ready to take the plunge if -- and only if -- this announcement pans out?

  • Stratics dev chat: live coverage

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Well, it's time to get some answers, hopefully! Here I'll be covering Stratics' Q&A chat with WoW lead developers Kalgan and Tigole, as well as some of the CMs. I will keep this post continually refreshed with everything the devs say, so feel free to reload for updates.Edit: The chat has been postponed until a week from today: Tuesday, May 22, at 6:00 PM Eastern time.5:55: Chat starts in five minutes. Drysc, Eyonix, Kalgan, Tigole, and Nethaera have just joined the room.5:59: Kalgan left, but I'm sure he'll be back. Several people are present with nicknames like "HELP_Shamans."6:02: I estimate there are about 900 people watching the chat. That's quite a few. Looks like there are some set-up issues, as Eyonix has now left too, Kalgan isn't back, and nobody's said anything yet.6:10: Here we go! Welcome to the first ever Stratics house of commons chat with the developers of World of Warcraft! We'll begin with a brief introduction from our guests and then jump straight into the questions. The full logs will be available at shortly afterward.6:12: Introductions time.Nethaera: Good afternoon everyone. I'm Nethaera and one of the World of Warcraft Community Managers.6:20: The developers are experiencing some minor technical problems, it should be corrected in a moment.

  • Get your questions in for the Stratics chat

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    I wrote a week ago about Stratics hosting an IRC chat with WoW's lead designers, and now they day has come. You've still got several hours to submit your questions to Stratics' army of question taker bots; the chat will start at 6 PM Eastern time (3 PM Pacific). In fact, since I'm such a nice guy, if you don't feel like going over to IRC yourself and sending in your question, post it here and I'll submit it for you, as long as the bots keep accepting questions. If you do want to join in the madness, point your IRC client at, port 6668. The chat itself will take place in #StraticsHoC, and discussion can be had in #worldofwarcraft. And don't forget, I'll be covering the chat live as soon as it starts, so check back on our home page for updates.

  • IRC Q&A with the devs at Stratics

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    A week from today, WoW Stratics will host a live IRC question and answer session with Blizzard developers Tom Chilton (Kalgan, pictured) and Jeff Kaplan (Tigole). Kalgan and Tigole are the WoW lead designers in charge of game systems and balance, and world design, respectively. The chat will last an hour and start at 3:00 PM PST on Tuesday, May 15. Stratics will be collecting questions for 48 hours before the chat and screening them ahead of time; no questions will be fielded during the chat. If you ask me, that somewhat defeats the purpose of a live chat, but I'm not complaining; it's nice to get any insight from the designers. And I can understand why they'd do it this way; the amount of shouting that would go on during a live Q&A would probably prevent very much communication from going on.Only a few people (presumably server ops and the developers) will have voicing in the main channel, but there will be a separate channel available on the same server for simultaneous discussion. And if you can't make it, Stratics will almost certainly put a log up on their server. All the IRC details, as well as instructions on how to submit a question, are on Stratics' site. I will also be in attendance at the chat, and I'll be live-blogging it for WoW Insider, so you'll be able to tune in here next Tuesday for live updates. But until then, what would you like to ask the developers?