

  • EeePC keyboards different on black and white models

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Okay, this is pretty much for the crazy keyboard aficionados out there, but the crew over at Laptop says there's a distinct difference between the keyboards on the black and white Eee PC laptops. They compared the 'boards on a white 701, black 4G Surf, and white 900, and while the two white Eees had identical keys, the black unit featured different switches with deeper keypresses and more tactile feedback, smaller spaces between the keys, and rougher plastic. (Of course, if you actually use any keyboard for long enough, the plastic eventually wears smooth, so that's probably not an issue.) We doubt the difference is going to really sway anyone's purchasing decision -- the tiny Eee keyboard isn't exactly ideal for hardcore typists, after all -- but if you're looking for a tiebreaker between the black and white 700s, well, now you have one that will bore the pants off people at parties.

  • ASUS's Atom-based Eee 901 shows up in pictures

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    It was just yesterday that the official announcement of the Atom-based MSI Wind's pricing prompted us to wonder where ASUS's promised Atom Eee 900 was, and would you look at that -- here's the Eee 901, looking radiant in white. Of course, the major changes are internal, so the exterior looks pretty much the same -- apart from some extra buttons and the relocation of the power jack -- but it's good to know this thing is inching closer to release. Now if we could just get some benchmarks and pricing info, we'd be all set. Check the read link for tons more pics.[Via jkkmobile]

  • ASUS Eee Box B202 desktop gets pictured: we like the concept better

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Not like this is the first time we've seen a finalized product look noticeably worse than the concept preceding it, but it's a shame ASUS' Eee PC desktop won't be nearly as pretty as we were led to believe. According to Chile Hardware, the picture you see there to the side is a bona fide Eee Box B202, which weighs in at less than one kilogram (2.2 pounds) and packs an Intel Atom processor / 945 chipset, 1GB of DDR2 RAM, an 80GB hard drive and a Linux-based operating system. No clue how legitimate those specifications are, but hopefully the unit itself looks way sexier from the other side.

  • ASUS Eee PC 900 now available

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    We knew it was due today, and what do you know: ASUS is busting out its new 8.9-inch Eee PC 900 right on schedule. So far ZipZoomfly is selling the XP version for $600, while is offering up the Linux edition for $566. We're not sure what happened to those other resellers, or where that $550 pricepoint went, but we're sure we'll be seeing both before long -- which means it might be wise to hold off for just a tad bit longer, unless you really can't wait for sweet, sweet subnotebook embrace.[Via Laptoping]Read - Buy.comRead - ZipZoomfly

  • ASUS Eee PC given away with T-Mobile mobile broadband package

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We're calling this right now: ASUS' Eee PC is the new MP3 player. But only in the context of giveaways. Anywho, just days after RBC announced that it would dish out free subnotes if prospective customers joined in, PowerUp Mobile is now offering a similar deal for UKers who sign up for T-Mobile's Web n Walk mobile broadband package. In short, folks comfortable with inking their name on a two-year contract at £35 per month will net a free USB modem and a Eee PC 2GB Surf. Better hurry -- the deal expires on June 15th.

  • Eee 900 now available for pre-order for delivery May 12

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    We already knew a few delivery dates for the Eee 900 worldwide, but ASUS came real with the Stateside deets today, so if you're in the market, get ready for some unboxing fun on May 12th. A plethora of online retailers should be taking your $549 pre-orders soon, including Amazon,, Newegg, PC Mall, and Costco, and several brick-and-mortar retailers will also get stock on the 12th as well. Other than that, it's the same Eee 900 we've been seeing for a while now -- we're just waiting for that black one to hit.

  • Laptop battery shortage should end by Q3

    Joshua Fruhlinger
    Joshua Fruhlinger

    After a fire at LG Chem, li-on batteries have been hard to come by for companies like Asus and Quanta. But fear not, laptop lovers, because it looks like the battery plant is getting things back in order. According to Sung Fu-hsang at Simplo -- a battery manufacturer that relies on LG Chem -- the li-on supply will return to normal by Q3 2008. So how bad is the current shortage? Asus CEO Jerry Shen noted that his company could have sold a lot more than 5 million Eee PCs were it not for the problem.

  • ASUS Eee PC 900 display retrofitted into 701

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We've already seen one engineering bloke stuff a touch panel into a Cloudbook, so we figured it was only a matter of time before that luscious 8.9-inch unit from the Eee PC 900 found its way into the pioneering 701. According to jkkmobile, all that was necessary in order to make the mod happen was a good bit of reworking around the bezel and a BIOS hack to enable full-screen support on a larger display. Unfortunately, a step-by-step guide has yet to be posted (though it's likely forthcoming), but you can gaze upon a smattering of photos right now by giving the read link a visit.[Via Liliputing]

  • Canadian bank hands out free Eee PCs

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    It used to be if you signed up for a new checking account, a bank might throw off a toaster, alarm clock, or in extreme modern cases, a 1GB iPod shuffle. Well times, they are a'changing, and boy do we wish we lived in Canada right now. Up north, RBC Royal Bank is offering a free ASUS Eee PC when you switch to their checking account service. That's right, you get an actual computer after completing the move (and dealing with a lot of red tape). Sure, it's only the 7-inch, 2GB version, but it still runs Xandros way better than this solar calculator we got from our bank.[Thanks, Matt]

  • Black EeePC 900 appears in the wild, goes well with dinner

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Although the Eee PC 700 comes in a whole rainbow of colors, the big brother 900 has only made appearances in white so far -- but it looks like ASUS has been quietly prepping a black version as well. These pics just popped up on Flickr with virtually no explanation, but that's definitely a black Eee PC 900 next to someone's terrifying dinner. Seriously, that thing is looking at us. Hit the read link for several more shots.[Via jkkmobile]

  • Asus rumored to be spinning off Eee brand, 11-inch Eee PC coming too

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Information doesn't get much more twisted that this so you'd best tread lightly with it. We've got a DigiTimes rumor whose message appears modified in translation. Engadget Chinese tells us that the original DigiTimes article (in Chinese) states that Asus is planning an Eee PC "sub-corporation." In other words, an ASUS spin-off that would include more than just low-cost ultra-portables. The rumor is attributed to DigiTimes' proven ASUS sources. However, DigiTimes' own English translation simply calls the move an Eee "sub-brand" which was already obvious with ASUS' announced plans for additional Eee branded products including the E-DT desktop, E-TV television, and 19- to 21-inch E-Monitor all-in-one said to be due in Q3. DigiTimes' sources also claim that ASUS will slap a 1001 model number on its 10.6-inch Eee PC and then -- perhaps supporting the spin-off claim -- says that there will be a premium 11-inch Eee PC before the end of the year as well. Originally, Jerry Shen, ASUS CEO, said the Eee PC would never exceed 10-inches so that it wouldn't cut into ASUS' laptop offerings. A spinoff would presumably give the Eee brand more freedom to compete. [Via Engadget Chinese]Read -- DigiTimes (Chinese)Read -- DigiTimes (English)

  • ASUS replacing Eee PC 900 batteries with longer lasting versions

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Attaboy, ASUS. Not even 24-hours after reports starting flooding in over end users receiving less capacious Eee PC batteries in Hong Kong than expected, the firm is stepping up and doing the right thing. According to an admittedly rough translation of a statement on its website, ASUS is openly thanking its supporters for their business, and while it seems as though it's still chalking the whole mishap up as a simple mistake, every single Hong Kong-based customer will be receiving a free (5800mAh) replacement. 'Tis a shame we'll likely still be griping over the battery life.[Via jkkmobile]

  • Thieves use Eee PC in Brazilian ATM scam

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Man, that tiny Eee PC can be used for just about anything: surfing the web, blogging, surreptitiously hiding inside an ATM machine and stealing your identity. You know, the usual stuff. Yeah, so three creative Brazilian thieves were recently caught stuffing a black Eee into an ATM, where it replaced the ordinary magical-money-making workings and instead stole unwitting customers' card numbers and PINs. The thieves didn't stop there, however -- they purposefully damaged all the other nearby ATMs so that theirs would be the only one in service. Clever! Of course, that doesn't explain why it was so easy to crack open the target ATM in the first place -- we'd pretty much consider our cash flow problems solved if we could pull that trick. Check out the Brazilian TV report after the break -- any Portuguese speakers care to translate?

  • Keepin' it real fake, part CXVII: Kira 100 rides the Eee PC wave (a bit too closely)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's one thing to bust out your own Eee PC wannabe knowing full well it isn't apt to catch on, but the Airis Kira 100 isn't even different enough to warrant such a label. No, this copycat smells, looks and likely feels just like Asus' darling, packing a 7-inch 800 x 480 resolution display, a 1GHz Via C7 processor, gigabit Ethernet / modem jacks, integrated multicard reader, a pair of USB 2.0 ports, 802.11b/g WiFi, built-in webcam and a battery good for "four hours." Oh please, don't tell us you're seriously considering this €299 ($476) imposter just because of the loud paint jobs. Wait, are you?[Via GadgetoBlog]

  • 3K Longitude 400 Mini-Notebook -- you'll never guess what this reminds us of

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Alright peoples, how many Eee PC knockoffs do we really need? Is 10 enough? How about 100? There seems to be no end in sight, and here comes the relatively unknown 3K Computers to give it a whirl. We'd say the first mistake is the 7-inch screen, gotsa stay ahead of the curve. Pair that with the 400MHz processor and a $400 pricetag and we haven't the slightest idea why we'd go in for this little Linux-based boringbook. Oh, wait... nope, we got nothing.

  • Eee PC 900 owners find weaker batteries than those used by reviewers

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    This isn't going to end well for Asus. Early adopters of the Eee PC 900 in Hong Kong are in a spat with Asus over batteries. Seems the Eee PC 900 ships with a standard 4-cell, 4400mAh battery whereas the battery shipped to the Hong Kong media (and presumably others) was a 4-cell, 5800mAh; the latter Asus is calling a mistake. That would certainly account for the wide ranging Eee PC 900's battery life reviews which have varied from a very disappointing 1.5 hours to a decent 2.5-hours. Of course testing methods will also contribute to lifespan. Regardless, ASUS is now considering giving 900 buyers a free upgrade. Our suggestion? Just do it Asus, and pronto. Else the Eee PC brand you've become so dependent upon is going to take a serious beating.

  • ASUS: 10-inch Eee PC coming this year, Atom in June

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Jerry Shen, ASUS CEO, is casually twisting Eee PC fans into a tizzy this morning. At the launch of the 8.9-inch Eee PC 900 in Taiwan, he uttered the magical phrase "10-inch Eee PC" for the first time. Expected sometime later this year, Shen said that the 10-inch screen will be the biggest allowed on the Eee PC. Good for you Jerry, but we've got the feeling that you've completely forgotten about the original promise of a $200, 7-inch laptop. Surely we're due for a price drop now that the 900 is out, right?Update: Asus also confirmed that an Atom-based Eee PC will launch at the Computex show just like we heard. No details about the screen size or any other specs were provided.

  • Eee PC 900 gets dissected, looks about the same as the Eee PC 700

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Oh, poor Eee PC 900. You haven't even made it into most people's hands, and already you're getting dissected and inappropriately inspected. Honestly, we didn't mean for that to rhyme. Regardless, the folks over at bit-tech have gone to all the hassle of cracking the little dude open, though what they find inside is apparently more of the same. No new modules, no fancy layout changes, no tiny army of artificially intelligent lifeforms. Still, it's nice to look at. Take peek and see for yourself!

  • Asus Eee PC 900 hits the US on May 12th

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    We're serious this time, people. No more kidding around with those international ship dates, we've got ourselves a real live release date from Asus: May 12th. The hotly-anticipated Eee PC 900 with that relatively bountiful 8.9-inch screen is going to sell for a starting price of $549, with Linux and XP versions available at launch.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Atom-based Eee PC in June? Sure.

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Everyone loves the Eee PC, especially now that Asus has increased the display from 7- to 8.9-inches, bumped the webcam to 1.3 megapixels, and widened the track-pad while adding in some nifty multi-touch capabilities. Unfortunately, we're still looking at a rated 1.5-hours of battery life since the new 900 uses the same power hungry CPU found in the original Eee PC. So where's Atom and its promise of "significant power savings?" Well, according to Techradar, they've been in touch with Taiwan-based ASUS' UK reps who believe that the Atom-based Eee PC will debut at Computex in early June and then launch globally shortly thereafter. Makes sense as June is the confirmed time frame for the Atom CPU launch. If true -- and we believe it is as it syncs up precisely with DigiTimes' sources -- then the only remaining mystery is whether the June model will also feature an 8.9-inch touchscreen (and possibly GPS) as promised by Asus. Let's hope so.[Thanks, Robert James P.]