

  • Totem Talk: Gearing Up Elemental 66 - 69

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Totem Talk is the column for Shamans. Matthew Rossi just got his internet connection fixed and after a week of forced hiatus, managed to beat Mass Effect last night. It's a fun game, but it would be better if it had shamans in it.Last week, we discussed gear for the Elemental spec attainable from quests in Hellfire, Zangarmarsh and Terokkar. This week, we'll be completing our look by seeing the quests available in Nagrand, Blade's Edge and Netherstorm. As before, we'll be looking at mail armor rewards: while a shaman can wear cloth and leather, that's beyond the scope of this guide. I'm probably going to leave the instance rewards for a final column on elemental gear covering level 70, focusing on Shadowmoon Valley and the instances.

  • Totem Talk: Gearing up Elemental 60 - 65

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Totem Talk is the column for Shamans. Matthew Rossi has two 70 shamans and is considering a third so that he can dedicate it to elemental, the most fundamentally shamanic of the three specs. No, I'm sorry, this week's column is not about Sentry Totem. Begging will do you no good.One of the nice things about The Burning Crusade when it released was that the gear available through questing was often more than sufficient to replace whatever you had when you came through the Dark Portal, and often it was for specs that had not seen as much love prior to its release. Frankly, it's very tempting to spec elemental when you hit Outland if you haven't already, as there's a lot of decent +spell damage mail available just from quests. In fact, my enhancement shaman's healing set is in fact mostly made up of elemental shaman kit that I got through various quests and simply held onto rather than vendoring it on the off chance I might want to spec elemental at some point. Now that I'm contemplating a third shaman to explore elemental with (I can't respec my resto shammy as he has way too much healing gear to even consider it, and I like the enhancement squidface just like he is... I think a tauren or troll elemental shaman could be a lot of fun) I'm looking back over those quests that reward solid elemental pieces.This installment focuses on Hellfire Peninsula, Zangamarsh and Terokkar Forest, assuming that you play through them in that order. It focuses on quest items and not instance drops, although I will link to appropriate level instance drops at the end of each zone's section.

  • Elemental buffed

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Hello, saga of Shamans in patch 2.3! We haven't had a post about you in, oh...a day or so. Time for an update, don't you think? And this one ought to be pleasant to most of you readers. But first, a recap. Blizz promised buffs for Elemental DPS in 2.3. It turned out to be a nerf on the PTR (for anyone over +200 damage). Shamans got very upset. ??? Blizz realized they'd made a mistake, and buffed Elemental DPS! Yes, it's true. Eyonix has recently made a post in the Shaman forum promising an imminent hotfix to the PTR, to the tune of a 5-6% increase to the damage coefficients of Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning. According to the whelp, this works out as follows: <1100 +damage: slight buff to DPS (as compared to 2.2) 1100-1200: no change >1220: slight nerf Well, it hardly seems to be the buffs that were promised back in the day, but hey, it beats a nerf! How about it, Shaman players? Are you pleased now, and ready to go back to your regular totem-dropping lives?

  • PTR Notes: BG Daily = 400 honor, Focused Will and Elemental under consideration

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Patch 2.3: the patch that just keeps on alternately disappointing and bringing joy to the player community. Apparently, the staggering 4000 honor that had been previously reported to be the reward of the new daily battleground quest was a typo, of the "extra zero" variety. The correct reward is 400 honor, still up from its original value of 200:It's off by a factor of 10. Battleground Daily quest bonus honor is supposed to be equivalent to 20 player kills at your level, ie 400 honor at level 70. (Drysc)The new Priest talent Focused Will, reported yesterday, is going to be redesigned, so don't bother commenting on it in its current state. This is a good thing, because as far as I know no-one really liked the talent they proposed that much.We wanted you to know that we're going to be redesigning the new discipline talent, focused will, so please hold off on providing further feedback on the ability until the new version is announced and/or it's pushed to the public test realms. The goal of the talent will still focus on survivability. (Eyonix)The intention of this talent is provide an alternative to the holy talent, blessed resilience, so the priest who desires a talent of this nature has more than one option, adding more flexibility to the talent choices they make leading up to either. (Eyonix)And finally, the changed-up Shaman Elemental tree is under much scrutiny from the dev team at the moment:Though not the best thread to plug this into give what was provided, I'd like to state that we are looking into this [Elemental] quite extensively at the moment. (Eyonix)

  • Totem Talk: Pre-raid gear - belts, bracers and boots

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Totem Talk is the column for shamans. Matthew Rossi found himself sucked into a frenzy of Kara key runs this week, healing and DPSing, and as a result finds himself thinking about pre-Kara loot for shammies, who are after all the class this column is about. So I and my guildmates in the Consummate Vees, Horde-side Malfurion, did some key runs this week. (No, I'm not going to tell you my toon's name, it's a super-duper secret, but I will give you a hint: it starts with the letter V.) It's our hope to get back into semi-serious raiding shape by the time Zul'Aman comes out, and since I'm still working on my elemental set for when I switch specs (I like Resto, don't get me wrong, but I'm antsy to try something new) I started looking at gear options. I'm lucky enough to have a couple of nice epic Kara pieces for an elemental shammy (the Ring of Unrelenting Storms and the Big Bad Wolf's Head) but in general, most of my gear is gemmed out for healing.Since gearing up is part of the game, especially as you prepare for raiding, I thought it wouldn't hurt to talk over some options. The only limitations I'm imposing on myself are that I will only talk about mail pieces, and I can't cover gear for three separate specs in any comprehensive way so I'm just doing a few for each slot for each spec. (Also a note for lower level shamans - I'm testing stuff out on the PTR and will have a post about gearing up your lower level shaman with the 2.3 changes soon.) This time we'll cover belts, bracers and boots for the three specs, as well as some generic pieces that can fill a need for more variety. Belts, bracers and boots are often the hardest things to find since they're not often covered in the new dungeon sets, so it seemed to make sense to start with them first.Okay. As yet another aside, in light of last week's post about dual wielding and enhancement shamans, I present unto you Rage and Fury. I expect a lot of arguments to erupt between Fury Warriors, Rogues and Shamans over these, but whatever else can be said it cannot be denied that these are two sweet 2.6 speed fists. If I were a deluded egomaniac I'd be tempted to believe that someone at Blizzard reads my posts. But I know they don't. I made myself sad. Anyway, onto gear options.

  • Eyonix shaking things up for Shamans

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Eyonix is still running around causing havok on the forums (should we expect this regularly now?), and he's making a lot of noise in the Shaman forums specifically, always a welcome sign for Shamans like myself.Where should we start? Mana tide trainable for all Shamans? Fat chance. The Spirit Weapons buff (from 15% to 30% threat reduction) will be a big help on uncontrollable burst damage like Windfury procs. And not only does he share some of his character stats (sounds like his right below where I'm at), but he's got a list of concerns that are being passed on to the devs.And my own pet issue, the various "Shields" that we've got, are due to get some love as well. Along with the 2.3 Mana whoops, Water Shield buff* (it'll be free to cast), both Earth Shield and Lightning Shield could use a buff as well. A HoT on the Earth Shield? A Lightning Shield proc that passes off damage like Chain Lightning? We can only hope.Shamans aren't a broken class-- I don't believe any class in the game is truly broken. I love my Shaman. But there are a lot of exciting days ahead for Shaman, I promise you.* As Baluki points out in the comments below, Water Shield has other good stuff happening in 2.3, too-- not only does it give more mana, but at the end of a minute, it cashes out everything for you. Very nice.

  • Build Shop: Shaman 15/5/41

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Eliah is away from the Build Shop this week, so I'm taking his place, and I figured what better time to look at a great Resto Shaman build-- mine. Sure, some of you talent pros will probably tear it apart (it's a little less than conventional), but for my preferences and my playstyle, this build works pretty darn well.So let's start by telling you how I play my Shaman. Clearly, I'm not an Enhancement Shammy-- while I leveled as one, I decided right when I hit 60 (and yeah, I leveled to 70 with this build, too) that I wanted this character to be a raider. I was just getting in good with a great guild, I loved being a great healer (keeping a group up even in dire straits is fun for me), and I knew that healers would always be in demand, letting me run lots of groups.On the other hand, however, I didn't just want to be a healbot. I wanted to have the opportunity, when I was able, to crank out some DPS.

  • Totem Talk: Masters of the Elements

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Totem Talk is the column about Shamans. It was originally just going to be about shaman totems, but we thought the shamans themselves might get upset. Matthew Rossi is playing two shamans, that handsome fellow you see above you and also a awful, icky Draenei that we wouldn't dream of using for the picture until next week at the earliest. Well, a lot can happen in a patch day, huh? We know now that 2.3 has some pretty big changes in store for those shamans who choose to focus on the power of the elements. Some folks are not happy, even though they admit some of these changes are for the good. All these incoming changes to the spec do make my goal of talking about the elemental shamans among us a little trickier, because now we're looking at a spec that's going to be remarkably different in not very long at all.Still, that's why I'm here, right? So let us move forward and look at elemental shamans, the caster DPS spec of this particular hybrid class we love so well.

  • Patch 2.3 and you: Elemental Shaman edition

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Earlier today, the up-close-and-personal Enhancement shammies got some boosts, and Elemental improvements were promised for patch 2.3 as well. And here they are! Eyonix delivers: Being a level 70 elemental shaman myself, I'm particularly excited as currently I feel the class is in good shape, but in need of a few minor tweaks. I'd say the one I'm most pleased with (especially after seeing the results of change on an internal build) concerns lightning overload. When 2.3 launches it will have a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to occur, though the additional spell will cause half damage, still ending up being a noticeable increase to overall dps Also, the additional spell will cause no threat whatsoever. [Regarding] the mana spring totem. Previously it restored 12 mana every two seconds at maximum rank, for your entire party. As of patch 2.3 it will restore your groups mana by 20 every 2 seconds.This equates to 50mana/5 for each member of your party without the talent points in restorative totems. The second change impacts water shield. This spell will no longer cost any mana to cast (which also means the five-[second] rule will not be affected) and the mana granted per globe has been substantially increased. Additionally, the spells duration has been shortened to one minute and at the end of its duration it now grants mana for any remaining globes. Elemental Focus will now reduce the mana cost of the next two damage spells by 40%. Now before theorycrafting begins, this is actually a buff except in cases where your chance to land a critical strike with spells was extremely high. Frostshock will no longer be subject to diminishing returns which I'm sure players will find useful, especially in pvp. Lastly, we are making a change that will cause a reduction in dps, however, the elemental shamans overall dps will still be improving with the change that we're making to lightning overload. We're reducing the casting time of Lightning Bolt to 2.5 seconds (from 3 seconds), and chain lightning to 2.0 (from 2.5 seconds), causing benefit from spell damage to be reduced appropriately. The mana cost for these two spells are being lowered as well.The lightning mastery talent's cast time will now be reduced by .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 seconds. So, casting time for the spells ends up being the same as before. (All of the above from this Eyonix post) We're increasing the additional mana granted by water shield for both the Tidefury Raiment and the Totem of the Thunderhead. (Eyonix) Now that is what I call a lot of changes. Well, my LB-loving friends, are you happy with this stuff? Not all of these changes are Elemental-specific, of course; the mana spring totem change, for instance, helps everyone, Shaman or not. How do you think these changes will interact to help or hurt Elemental shamans?In other Shaman news, Eyonix has said basically "no cc 4 u", at least until Wrath: If we give shaman a cc abillity it won't be until Wrath of the Lich King.

  • Build Shop: Shaman 40/0/21

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Late again, dear readers, and without a good explanation this time. To compensate, I'll look at a build from the class everyone's been clamoring for: Shaman. Now Shaman is, without question, the class I know the least about in the game. I did some research before writing this, but it's still going to be a bit shaky, so you'll just have to excuse that. It'll also probably be shorter than your average Build Shop, simply because I won't be able to segue into extended discussions of individual talents or skills as often.I didn't get very many Shaman builds, despite the class's vociferousness in the comments. To be specific, I got three: two elemental, one enhancement. I know enhancement is undergoing some shakeups right now, what with the dual-Windfury nerf and all, so I'm going to avoid that and just do an elemental build. Without further ado, I give you: 40/0/21. Shaggyg on Destromath thinks this build, taking points in both Ele and Resto, should "increase crits and improve casting performance" once his up-and-coming shaman hits endgame. (Aside: props on the <My Little Pwnies> guild name; I've seen it on a few realms now and it always makes me chuckle.)

  • PTR notes: Not-so-Clearcasting for Shamans

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    By now, you've probably at least heard (perhaps in haiku form) that shamans are facing a serious nerf in the upcoming patch. As a Resto/Elemental shaman, I figured I'd take a few minutes to lay out for you just what we, your trusty totem-dropping buddies, will be facing.Y'see, there's this ability called Clearcasting. Mages, priests, shaman, and druids can all get it under certain specs-- it basically gives you a mana-free spell every few casts, the percentage of which changes by class. Mages at full spec get a 10% chance, Druids get it as a chance on melee attack, and priests get it as a usable ability (with a 3 minute cooldown).Now, this talent is especially useful for Shaman, since we are notoriously mana inefficient-- supposedly, that's our tradeoff for being able to melee, heal, and cast damage spells. Way back when, the Clearcasting talent (in the Elemental tree) had a standard rate of 10%, but just recently, in 2.0.10, it was changed to anytime we got a critical spell hit.That's huge. But it's also what the devs apparently didn't like.

  • Elemental Monster: new card battler from Hudson

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Card-battling games seem like a natural for the DS-- the second screen is especially well-suited for managing cards while the game is in play. But we haven't gotten that many card games-- in fact, SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters DS is the only one we can think of, and that one's not even out yet.Hudson's Elemental Monster is a turn-based card-battling game that uses some pretty great 2D sprites. Between battles, the game has an RPG-style story mode, which also uses a lot of hand-drawn 2D. We're actually surprised to see a DS game coming out that has this much non-polygonal art (some backgrounds are 3D, but that's fine!) How about a US release, Hudson?