engadget video


  • Video: Samsung's RTS-A1100 puts boom in a bubble

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    In Samsung's vast booth on the floor here in Vegas we stumbled upon this unannounced gem, the RTS-A1100 "media center." Priced at an expected $499 when delivered to the US in second half of 2008, the RTS-A1100 resurrects the ol' iMac case to fine effect. The gestured controlled, 4.3-inch touch interface allows for easy (though often, laggy) navigation of your media. USB and what looks to be a proprietary iPod interface around back can augment the media hosted on the internal 80GB disk. Rounding things out are 2x 20W speakers and CD player capable of ripping your audio direct to disk at 16x. We'll cut 'em some slack on the non-responsive UI for now as this is just a pre-production model. Plenty of pics below with a video demonstration of the UI after the break. %Gallery-13116%

  • Video: Optimus Maximus caught on tape at CES

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Mahalo Daily's Veronica Belmont was able to catch up with Art Lebedev at CES 2008 and spend nearly six minutes checking out the oh-so-captivating Optimus Maximus keyboard. If you've managed to resist heading past the break and clicking play as hastily as humanly possible up 'til now, what on Earth are you waiting for?

  • Video: Hands-on with Neonode media playing GPS prototype and more

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    What do you do when you've got a hot UI built upon a red-hot touch screen technology? Diversify and conquer, naturally. Today, Neonode is showing off a new media playing GPS device in their booth at CES. The fully functional, engineering prototype may or may not be brought to market under Neonode's brand as they consider licensing their IP to the big SatNav boys. Whatever happens, we likey. They were also showing off concepts of their Neonode MP3 player (not working) and media player (working). While you wouldn't catch us watching a full length video on that tiny screen, we'll dole out the love to Neonode for showing us a glimpse of their future. Click on the through for video of the GPS device or check the gallery for the Neonode media player.%Gallery-13105%

  • Video: A little Bug Labs demo

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    You know our nerd hearts beat deep for the just-released open-source modular Bug Labs gear, and Mahalo Daily's Veronica Belmont caught up with Jeremy Toeman for a quick little demo. We're not sure exactly why you'd want a motion-sensing camera with the lens on the opposite side of the motion detector, but hey -- let's see your iPhone do that. Check the whole vid after the break!

  • Video: FlyTunes brings internet radio to iPhone

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Interested in hitting up internet radio on your iPhone with a sleek interface? For those with unmodified iPhones that are already turning away sheepishly, come on back. FlyTunes is simply a web application accessible via Safari, which allows users to customize stations on their PC / Mac and then login and listen from the phone. Also of note, it can queue up to a half hour of music should you want to listen for awhile after leaving an EDGE / WiFi-covered area, and if you're wondering how much coinage you'll have to lay down to get in on this, you'll be stoked to hear it's free. Onward, to the video!

  • Video: D-Link's D-Life lineup showcased at CES

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    D-Link had a pretty decent installation at ShopStoppers here at CES, and while all that vanilla networking gear is fine and dandy, Mahalo Daily's Veronica Belmont was able to focus on the firm's new D-Life family. Based on PowerLine technology, the gear keeps track of your preferences / settings and enables users to simply enter in identification information and have new D-Life gear practically set itself up. You know the drill -- check the vid after the break!

  • Video: Slacker Portable closes in on release

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's been a semi-long journey to release for the Slacker Portable, and while it truthfully hasn't quite arrived, it's on the proverbial home stretch now. Demoing at ShopStoppers here at CES, Slacker was pimping its forthcoming Portable -- which is set to be available on the outfit's website on January 31st -- and according to the on-site rep., it'll be out in 4GB ($199) and 8GB ($299) versions. Granted, we're still not elated about the thing, but those who can't squash curiosity can head on through to check on the vid.

  • Video: DisplayLink technology showcased at CES

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We've been hearing a bit here and there about DisplayLink ever since just after CES last year, but Mahalo Daily's Veronica Belmont was actually able to swing by the booth and grab some video this go 'round. 'Course, you should fully expect an extraordinarily monotonous rep in this one, but just focus on the technology, people.

  • Video: Air Guitar Rocker thrashes at CES

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We've seen a few useful improvements to air guitar over the years, but Air Guitar Rocker actually managed to snag a license from Activision. Granted, it does take your nerd level to unbelievable heights, but then again, it is slated to cost just $29.95 when it lands in March. Be sure to click on through and catch a totally unprofessional air guitarist chatting it up with Mahalo Daily's Veronica Belmont after the jump.

  • Video: More time with Hitachi's 1.5-inch thick LCD HDTVs

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Just in case a few moments up close with Hitachi's oh-so-sexy 1.5-inch thick LCD TVs weren't enough, Mahalo Daily's Veronica Belmont was able to stop by the firm's booth (you know, when it was actually open for browsing) and snag a few more precious seconds of video. Itching for more? Click on through and mash play.

  • Video: Hands-on with Panasonic's VIERACast network HDTVs

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Panasonic's new VIERACast HDTVs are just an Ethernet cable away from displaying YouTube and all your Picasa photos, and Mahalo Daily's Veronica Belmont got a chance to play with one on the CES show floor -- check out the video after the break!

  • Video: Panasonic's AnyPlay Portable DVR does its thing

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We can't imagine everyone digging Panasonic / Comcast's AnyPlay Portable DVR, but for those out there lovin' the concept, we've got a sneak peek at the bugger in action courtesy of Mahalo Daily's Veronica Belmont. You know where it's at -- click on and enjoy.

  • Video: Panasonic's ultrathin plasma displays

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Over at Panasonic's CES booth, they teased us with a number of sexy plasmas that are unfortunately slated to land around 2010. Nevertheless, seeing a PDP with a thickness of under one-inch is pretty impressive -- wouldn't you say? If you managed to answer yes, go on and indulge in the video after the jump.

  • Video: Panasonic's 150-inch plasma defies reality

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Panasonic's 150-inch plasma display was fairly baffling while still veiled, but if you had to catch a few drops of drool when checking that out, we'd suggest grabbing a handful of napkins now. Mahalo Daily's Veronica Belmont was able to get up close and personal with Panny's new beast, and it pretty much goes without saying that you can't afford to miss the video waiting after the break.

  • Hands-on with the Pacemaker DJ system

    Barb Dybwad
    Barb Dybwad

    We had a chance to get up close and personal with Swedish startup Tonium's portable DJ unit and paw this 120GB-storing mobile mixing and more device. Comparable in size to the PSP (a smidge smaller), the Pacemaker's integrated crossfader and multifunction touchpad at first blush provide a surprisingly intuitive way to control your mix. We're not gonna lie -- we kinda wish the touchpad worked more like a Kaoss pad than like ye olde iPod scroll wheel, but all the same it's pretty fun to get some pitch bending on with a device that fits in one hand. Also let's be honest, you're probably not gonna become the hottest thing in Ibiza with this thing, but at $700 it's a relatively low-cost convenient practice setup for DJs on the road or an attractive option for aspiring amateurs. Be sure to peep yourself some video after the break.%Gallery-12859%

  • Video: Sennheiser's MX W1 wireless earbuds get showcased

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Sennheiser's recently released MX W1 earbuds were hangin' here at CES, and considering that they really are the first true wireless 'buds to utilize Kleer, we figured you may want to take a look. So, do ya? Head on past the break, it's all there.

  • Video: Guitar Wizard -- it's like Guitar Hero, but useful

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Ever wish you could actually learn real guitar skills when spending hours upon hours on Guitar Hero? Yeah? Click on through to check out Guitar Wizard, and if you're curious as to what it's all about, check out our previous post on it here.

  • Video: Alienware's curved display caters to gamers

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Alienware was showcasing a swank new curved display here at CES, and apparently, the DLP RPTV is a must-have for gamers. Hear this: 0.02-millisecond response time. Need we really say anything more?

  • Video: Fujitsu concept devices would make shopping easier

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We've seen quite a few shopping enhancements over the years, and it seems that Fujitsu is looking to get in on the action before opportunity passes it by. If you're interested in seeing a swank new employee armband that can dial up inventory at a moment's notice or a snazzy new device that enables customers to search for items in a store, pay for it right then and there and pick it up as you leave, click on through and press play.

  • Video: DLP prototype makes gamers look geekier

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Tired of getting blasted by your bro (or sis) on split-screen mode? Not wealthy enough to pick up a spare console, game and HDTV to solve the dilemma? DLP's got a new prototype that's seeking to squash said quandary by allowing each gamer to see different on-screen images. 'Course, this new hotness requires that you both rock an uber-nerdy set of glasses, and if you're curious to see what Mahalo Daily's Veronica Belmont looks like with 'em on, click on through to take a peek.