engadget video


  • Video: hanging with WowWee's WiFi-enabled Rovio

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Mahalo Daily's Veronica Belmont caught up with Davin Sufer, WowWee's CTO, for an up-close look at the new WiFi-enabled Rovio bot -- and it looks pretty sweet. Users control the Rovio through any browser, and the interface includes full-motion video from the built-in camera, which can be aimed up and down to eas navigation. Check the full video after the break!

  • Video: WowWee Bladestar takes to the (indoor) skies

    Barb Dybwad
    Barb Dybwad

    We caught up with the WowWee Bladestar in the wild to snag some video footage of this Cylon killing machine battery-powered flying wonder. Hat tip to Veronica Belmont and the Mahalo Daily team for the special CES video coverage, after the jump.

  • Video: Control a Media Center with Logitech's diNovo Mini

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    We're interested in the idea behind Logitech's diNovo Mini keyboard, a $150 Bluetooth remote for your Windows Media Center which promises to make couch surfing a little more convenient. If our hands-on gallery really communicated the device's sleek aesthetic (if not it's functionality) then let Mahalo Daily's Veronica Belmont show you the rest, after the break.

  • Video: Logitech Squeezebox Duet

    Barb Dybwad
    Barb Dybwad

    We got some hands-on time with the new Logitech Squeezebox Duet, the device that ensures Daddy never sleeps at night. Veronica Belmont and the Mahalo Daily team provide the eye candy after the ever-lovin' break.

  • Video: Checking out the Logitech Harmony One

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    So you've got the announcement of Logitech's latest Harmony remote, the Harmony One. You've checked out our hands-on pics and you've even read the first review. So why not spend a minute with Mahalo Daily's Veronica Belmont and take a video look at the redesigned channel changer, safely tucked away after the break.

  • Video: LG Watch Phone hands-on

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    You've waited for it, now you've got it. Video of LG's new Watch Phone. Just check the scroll-action from the Shine-like bar as we navigate through the user interface with ease. Voice or other audible prompts indicate a successful completion of each task. Bluetooth? Yup, although we didn't have the chance to test it in our haste. Not too shabby LG, not too shabby.

  • Video: Hitachi 1.5 LCD TV hands-on

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    What? Wasn't everyone ninja-spelunking the cavernous halls of CES 2008 this evening? For those who couldn't, here's Hitachi's 1.5 LCD TV in a silky pirouette just for your viewing pleasure. Funny enough, 1.5-inches never looked so chubby.%Gallery-12700%

  • CES AV club: the Engadget podcast returns, video with Veronica Belmont!

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Engadget podcast fans, good news! I'll be bringing back the podcast for the duration of CES, with our editorial team and a special guest or two sitting in on the show to discuss the big news in Vegas. So fire up your podcast aggregator / iTunes / Zune Marketplace, or keep an eye on the Engadget podcast feed, because the show will be back on the air for next week and next week only! And on the video front, we're teaming up with CNET-expat and Engadget ladyfriend Veronica Belmont and her excellent team at Mahalo Daily, who will help round out Engadget's up to the minute video coverage. We're expecting great things, so be sure to check back for Engadget + Mahalo Daily (and all the rest of our video) out at the Engadget video tag.-Ryan

  • Pleo unboxing, er, hatching -- photos and video

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Hard to believe it's been almost two years since Ugobe's Pleo was first announced, but today one of our very own showed up at our doorstep, sweet as a newborn (new-hatched?) Camarasaurus. Pleo's certainly undergone a lot of physical changes since we saw it in the early days, now sporting a more adorable shape (as well as cameras and sensors studded all over its precious little head). A few first impressions and fresh details Pleo's skin is rubbery-sticky (a little like the soles on a brand new pair of Cons). We can totally see this thing feeling like a dinosaur. The motors on this thing are loud. Like, kind of distractingly loud. Yet somehow it remains ineffably adorable. You just want to take care of the little bugger. You hatch it early on by flipping its power switch and petting it until it awakens from its deep, late-Jurassic-era slumber. Jury's still out on the Tim Allen-esque grunting noises. Ugobe PR let us know that the first version of Life OS (the software that powers Pleo) isn't really set up to "evolve" as it was supposed to, but there will be new versions of Live OS in 2008, which will enable behavioral optimizations and that "evolution" thing. There will be an SDK! Take that, Aibo. Poor, poor Aibo, dead as a dino--never mind. Despite having a massive, heavy NiMH battery pack, it's only 2200mAh; We're still letting Pleo get situated and acquainted (read: charge) but we've got a hands-on gallery below, and video and plenty more Pleo details after the break. So, who's down for a quick refresher on chaos theory?%Gallery-11270%

  • HD video: Robots, robots, robots (and other stuff) at Nextfest 2007

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    You saw the Nextfest 2007 gallery, now see the video. In our highlights reel we've got (in order): Keepon dancing Multi-touch Collaboration Wall by Perceptive Pixel FT by Kyoto University Atlas Devices rope ascender Outerspace by Andre Stubbe and Markus Lerner (Berlin University of the Arts) Albert Hubo "dances" to Yeah! by Usher + Lil Jon + Luda Recon Scout by Recon Robotics Kiyomori samuraibot by TMSUK Laptop_Orchestra by LIMITEAZERO Will the real Zou Ren Ti please stand up? Bipedal transport by Waseda University, TMSUK Shadow dextrous hand by Shadow Robot Co. E-TAF automatic door by Tanaka Seisakusho Morpho Towers by Sachiko Kodama (EUC), with Yasushi Miyajima (Sony CSL) The embedded player is after the break, download links are below. We dare you not to get robot fever.[MP4] Download in HD (490MB)[MP4] Download in wide VGA (165MB)[AVI] Download in HD (498MB)[AVI] Download in wide VGA (137MB)

  • HD video: iPhone unlocked on camera from start to finish

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Ok, here it is, the first time on camera you've seen a real iPhone software SIM unlocked from start to finish (and not done with the demo app iPhoneSIMfree sent out last week). The last iPhoneSIMfree unlock video we had only showed of the end result of a successful iPhone unlock, which took place off-camera. This time we're doing the entire process, which we confirmed earlier this morning, on video. For quick reference, here are the steps we took on camera: Started with AT&T SIM inserted Inserted T-Mobile SIM, showed that it produces invalid SIM error (expected behavior for a locked iPhone) Connected to iPhone over SSH Transferred iPhoneSIMfree unlock app over SCP Restarted SpringBoard (iPhone default application launcher) Ran iPhoneSIMfree app When complete, iPhone shows that T-Mobile SIM no longer produces invalid SIM error, instead asks for activation (expected behavior for an iPhone that has a valid SIM, but is not yet activated) Prep for re-activation off camera using iAsign (phone is now unlocked, but still activated with AT&T) Back on camera: activate iPhone with T-Mobile SIM using iAsign Make test call to another phone Activate iPhone once more with AT&T SIM using iAsign Granted, we don't expect end-users to take all these steps when unlocking their iPhone -- we just went a little overboard here so everyone can see the release software is functional, and unlocks iPhones as advertised. Embedded player after the break. [MP4] Download in 720p HD (187MB)[MP4] Download in wide VGA (61MB)[AVI] Download in 720p HD (187MB)[AVI] Download in wide VGA (61MB)

  • The Nokia iPhone commercial

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    As Nokia said yesterday, "If there is something good in the world then we copy with pride." Alright then, fine with us -- now let's take it to the next level. We don't know what you're doing to further the big-name iPhone knockoff revolution, but we did our part and pitched in by making our pals at Nokia a commercial for that hot new non-device of theirs -- free of charge. Sure, maybe it seems a little familiar, but gratis is a hell of a lot less than what TBWA \ Chiat \ Day charges. Commercial and downloads after the break.

  • iPhone unlocked: AT&T loses iPhone exclusivity, August 24, 2007, 12:00PM EDT

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    It's high noon, Apple and AT&T -- we really hate to break it to you, but the jig is up. Last night the impossible was made possible: right in front of our very eyes we witnessed a full SIM unlock of our iPhone with a small piece of software. It's all over, guys.The iPhoneSIMfree.com team called us up to prove their claim that they cracked Apple's iPhone SIM lock system, and prove it they did. (No, we don't have a copy of the unlock software, so don't even ask us, ok?) The six-man team has been working non-stop since launch day, and they're officially the first to break Apple's SIM locks on the iPhone with software. It's done. Seriously. They wouldn't tell us when and how they would release it to the public, but you can certainly bet that they'll try to make a buck on their solution (and rightly so). We can hardly believe the iPhone's finally been cracked. No, scratch that -- we just can't believe it took this long.Again: we can confirm with 100% certainty that iPhoneSIMfree.com's software solution completely SIM unlocks the iPhone, is restore-resistant, and should make the iPhone fully functional for users outside of the US. Read on for details and links to our video, and check out the gallery of images below.%Gallery-6331%

  • HD video: Roomba 560 vs Discovery

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Anyone at all interested in home robots -- especially those too lazy to vacuum their own floors -- will want to see just how well iRobot's new Roomba 560 fares against its predecessor, the Discovery. Well, we've pitted the two against one another in noise, speed, cable management, docking, and, of course, ability to destroy one another. Embedded player after the break.P.S. -Forgive our shabby carpet, the dudes who rented the place before us took really sucky care of the joint.[MP4] Download in 720p HD (139MB)[MP4] Download in wide VGA (40MB)[AVI] Download in 720p HD (139MB)[AVI] Download in wide VGA (40MB)

  • HD video: iPhone interface complete walkthrough

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    It's not like you need any clearer a picture of what to expect from the iPhone interface at this point, but we'll show you some real world use of the device in this walkthrough as we churn through just about every app and option the iPhone's got. Embedded video after the break![MP4] Download in 720p HD (380MB)[MP4] Download in wide VGA (157MB)[AVI] Download in 720p HD (380MB)[AVI] Download in wide VGA (130MB)

  • HD video: iPhone on-screen effects

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    That definitive interface gallery we did? Awesome if you want to find your way around the iPhone -- but it doesn't really do much to show off the fit and polish of the UI. So we compiled a group of our favorite bits of UI elegance on the new device; be sure to download in HD for the full experience.[MP4] Download in 720p HD (77MB)[MP4] Download in wide VGA (30MB)[AVI] Download in 720p HD (77MB)[AVI] Download in wide VGA (31MB)

  • iPhone first hands-on video in HD!

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    It's over on Engadget classic, check it out!

  • Video: interview with Steve Wozniak!

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    We caught up with the one and only Steve Wozniak waiting in line to take an iPhone (or six) home. He even gave a bunch of people in line shirts and signed line badges. Aw, how nice![MP4] Download in wide VGA[AVI] Download in wide VGA

  • Video: HTC Touch's TouchFLO interface

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    We've been fooling around with HTC's Touch, which comes equipped with the redundantly named TouchFLO shell / UI add-on for Windows Mobile. It's a pretty quick video, so check it out if you wanted to see how exactly this thing works with the sweeping motions of your finger. (Apologies in advance for its low-fi-ness, we only had our crappy point-and-shoot handy when shooting.)[MP4] Download the video (VGA)[MP4] Download the video (QVGA)[AVI] Download the video (VGA)[AVI] Download the video (QVGA)Update: Yeah, we know, the videography kind of sucks. Check out Phone Scoop's demo, they do it up right (as always).

  • Xbox 360 Laptop mk2

    Benjamin Heckendorn
    Benjamin Heckendorn

    Behold, the Xbox 360 Laptop mk2! It may look a bit like its first generation sibling, but don't be fooled. This Xbox laptop is a bit thinner, significantly lighter, and has some essential upgrades if you're gonna build one yourself. You are going to build one, aren't you? Because that's the best part about it -- we're going to show you how to make one of your own in the coming weeks with a three part How-To series. We'll describe, in detail, the steps necessary to fab an Xbox laptop, and if you're extra nice we'll even provide some original technical files and drawings. But play before work -- check out the photos (below) and videos (after the break) of the Xbox 360 Laptop mk2!%Gallery-2614%