

  • EverQuest II video peeks behind the scenes of Tears of Veeshan

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    You may have to wait until Tuesday to jump into EverQuest II's next expansion, but you can get a peek at the making of Tears of Veeshan in a new behind-the-scenes video now. From the food-fighting goblins, grand vistas, and intricate details of Highkeep to the Naiad-filled halls of the Shissar-built temple Stratum of the Protectors, devs highlight some of the art and animations of ToV. Also included is a brief overview of the new Channeler class by Creative Director Akil Hooper and a glimpse of of an enormous globe of Norrath. Check it all out in the video below. [Source: SOE press release]

  • I bought a level 85 character, and I'm loving it

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    It's not a secret that I play other games, and one of my guilty pleasures has been EverQuest 2. It's a game that I've played off and on for many, many years -- never quite reaching the level cap, but never quite giving it up for good either. It's one of those things that I'll log in and enjoy for a few weeks, then grow tired of it and go back to a better MMO (World of Warcraft). When I logged on two weeks ago for the first time in about six months, I discovered what Sony is calling "Heroic Characters." They're not a hero class like WoW (although they feel like them, as I'll explain later). Heroic Characters are characters that you can buy via microtransations that enter the game at level 85 with a full compliment of gear and EQ2's version of talent points. I looked at it, thought about it for five minutes, and then spent 2,500 of Sony's store points I had saved up throughout the years. For about $25 worth of digital points, I grabbed a level 85 Wizard and logged on. Were it not for work and BlizzCon, I'd never have logged off.

  • One Shots: Why you sit

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Why you sit? Why you sit when there is so much to be done? Every minute you spend sitting, a thousand NPCs die a gruesome death that could have been prevented by your immortal battle prowess! But you sit. You sit and you admire daffodils as you ignore the noise of innocents in peril. Hope that's one mighty fine sit! So who is this sitter? I'll let reader John introduce you: "Here is Pearl, my level 20 Archer in Final Fantasy XIV. She's obviously relaxing and enjoying the All Saint's Wake celebration. Holidays are the best time to explore the Final Fantasy world." Why you holiday? Why you holiday when people need rescuing? With great power comes great loafing off, apparently. For more public shaming in this week's One Shots, hit the jump!

  • One Shots: Certifiably Insane

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    One of the things that I love the very most about superhero MMOs is that they give players a great platform to show off their creative designs. Yeah, they can be eyesores too, but I find that that's also a blessing in disguise because it's an easy visual indicator of lazy players whom I probably want to avoid. I wouldn't want to avoid reader Carla, however, because she's bringing her crazy-A game to DC Universe Online today. "Here is a photo of my supervillain, Certifiably Insane, posing before the city she's conquered," she wrote. So my question is, what do you do with a city once you conquer it? Get mired in administrative red tape? Does Certifiably Insane have to preside over council meetings and sewage labor union debates now? How does a supervillain deal with zoning issues, anyway? The answers to that and so very much more are all after the break in this week's One Shots.

  • The Tattered Notebook: Navigating EQII's Nights of the Dead

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Halloween is by far my favorite holiday, and EverQuest II is easily one of my favorite games of all time. So when the two combine, it's a match made in heaven. But just like the game itself, the Nights of the Dead live event has so much to it and so much to do that it is easy to become overwhelmed. Cue The Tattered Notebook! I know what it's like to want to participate fully in an event but not know where to start. And now with so many more new players (thanks in large part to the Heroic Characters), it's not even a matter of finding the little changes to this year's event. Let's be honest: Even those of us who have taken part previously can't remember every detail from year to year, especially when more is added each holiday season! So today I'm going to provide a guide to introduce you to all things Nights of the Dead.

  • Free for All: Why I'd love to buy high-level characters

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    There is a seedling of a possibility of an up-and-coming trend that I've noticed lately, one that has some players' hackles raised. It's just one of many trends that have shaped MMOs over the last several years. Some of those trends include the massive market switch to free-to-play models, social gaming's influence on the MMO industry, the continuing popularity of selling power even by publishers who seem set against selling power, and the ever-growing mobile market and switch to mobile devices as favorite gaming destinations. But to me, this new trend is one of the most exciting: the recent trend of giving away or selling high-level characters in games that require leveling. When I really think about it, it's been going on in some form for a long time, but the different designs and systems of all of the different MMOs we play have hidden it for much of that time. I'll tell you why I love a free or paid-for high-level character.

  • EQII's Tears of Veeshan opens beta doors today

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Waiting until the launch of the latest expansion of your favorite game can be torture -- especially when that expansion adds a new class! Luckily for EverQuest II fans, there's no need to wait until November 12th to get a taste of the new Channeler class, the dragon-themed AAs, or the new zone and dungeons; as of today, Tears of Veeshan is in open beta. To jump in and check out all the new incoming goodies, players use the live launchpad to change game version and download the entire beta, which requires the same amount of space as the regular game install. Players can even copy characters from the live servers to use on the beta server. Full instructions on the process can be found on the official site.

  • The Tattered Notebook: Forging your own leveling path in EverQuest II

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Who needs the straight and narrow? Not I -- when referring to EverQuest II progression, that is. Those who catch my antics on Massively TV can certainly attest to the fact that I am more of a twist-and-turn-loving meanderer than a straight-line kinda gal. And that's even without the inevitable distraction of shinies! Luckily for me, EQII is made for just such a soul as mine with serious emphasis on the wander part of wanderlust. Folks who watch EverQuest Two-sday have seen me lope along the Golden Path, EQII's version of an in-game guide to where to level. But in EQII, the path is not a rigid set-up directing player steps as in many other themeparks. No, the Golden Path here is more of an occasional checkpoint along your journey that offers you just a nudge in the next general direction. Even then, you don't have to follow those implied suggestions. Maybe you'd prefer to forge your own path. That's where today's guide comes in! But unlike the recent guide for the new level 85s, this guide is for any and every level range, so no matter where you are now, you can see all the possibilities for where to go next.

  • Pre-orders now available for EverQuest II's Tears of Veeshan expansion

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    EverQuest II's next expansion is right around the corner, and SOE has now opened pre-orders for Tears of Veeshan. Pricing for the pre-orders is $39.99 for the standard edition and $59.99 for the collector's edition. As we all know, pre-orders are all about the goodies. So what do players get for reserving their digital copy of the expansion? Those who go for the standard edition will receive a pre-order exclusive Veeshan Loyalty Cloak as well as an Aerayky Monk mercenary named Slymar. Those who opt for the collector's edition get a new Ethenere prestige home and a Shissar plushie to put in it, an Etherwing mount, a painting, and a two-hour XP potion on top of the previously mentioned items.

  • The Stream Team: Decisionally challenged weather edition, October 7 - 13, 2013

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    I don't know about you, but in my neck of the woods Mother Nature is suffering some kind of identity crisis. In the span of a single day we have had bone-chilling cold and frost, sun-scorching heat, and monsoon-inspired rainstorms. Every time we have a season-appropriate cold snap, the second I go to remove my air-conditioner, we have a blistering heat wave. People were pumpkin harvesting in shorts for heaven's sakes! Is it fall? Or is it summer? If the weather is any indication, we need to institute a new season. We could call it Summall. Or maybe Falmer. Then people can just expect to employ heavy coats and shorts within hours. Like they do in Colorado! Like the weather of late, I'll admit to being decisionally challenged at times (especially when trying to pick what to do in a game with so many options!). Luckily, for any who suffer that same affliction, your favorite Stream Team hosts will never conflict on the Massively TV schedule. So who's playing what when this week? Check out the schedule and see!

  • EverQuest I and II give free gold memberships during Heroic Character event

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    If jumping in to the latest content on a new level 85 Heroic Character isn't enough of an incentive to check out EverQuest II, SOE has sweetened the deal. During the free Heroic Character promotion running until October 15th, select returning players will also have a free gold-level membership. And those who sign up to continue their gold membership on or before the 15th will receive an extra bonus of their choice of either a mount, a Thurgadin Grand hall prestige home, or a Windwalker robe armor set. EverQuest is also running a Welcome Back to Norrath promotion during the same time frame, offering free gold membership to select returning players as well as a large bag and potions. Signing up for a gold membership before the event ends will net the player his choice of either the Hero's Forge armor system, a mount, or a 36-slot bag. [Thanks to BabaGraPL for the tip]

  • We interviewed SOE about today's EQII Heroic Characters patch

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    By now you have probably heard that EverQuest II is launching a little thing called Heroic Characters today; after all, this little thing is kind of a big deal. How often do players get the chance to jump in and experience a game as a permanent high-level character instead of just being teased with one during a brief tutorial? And for two weeks this possibility is completely free to each and every person, be they new players or veterans. Whether you are eagerly awaiting your chance to jump (back) into Norrath and see what things are like in the newest story arcs or you're eyeing the sudden influx of high level newbs with trepidation, there's no denying that EQ II is going through a fundamental shift today. This patch has the ability to change the landscape of play in the game more so than anything since the free-to-play conversion. When you couple these new Heroic Characters with the lifting of item restrictions, there are literally no more gates barring people from joining and experiencing most of what the game has to offer. In anticipation of this big change, I had the opportunity to sit down with Franchise Director Dave Georgeson and Producer Holly Longdale to talk Heroic Character shop, and they shed more light on this upcoming experience. They also revealed a little something extra coming for the raiders in Norrath.

  • The Daily Grind: What do you want from NPC companions?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    More and more MMOs these days are including companion NPCs, it seems. From EverQuest II's mercenaries to Neverwinter's companions, there are plenty of options to party up with the computer and have HAL watch your back in a dicey spot. So what do you want from NPC companions, if anything? Do you like them around for the company and a person to share a little story with or engage in conversation? Do you want a companion to patch up a weakness in your class' build? Do you show companions off as prestige items to your adoring public? Or perhaps do you just want a poor mule to follow you around and carry all of your junk? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • The Tattered Notebook: What to do with your new level 85 in EverQuest II

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    It occurred to me as I was crafting up an EverQuest II leveling guide that a score of folks would be popping into the game on newly minted level 85s as soon as Heroic Characters go live next week. You might even be one of those who are taking advantage of this opportunity to see all of the upper content echelons. If so, let's be honest: You aren't necessarily going to care where the best place to go at level 38 is. You need to know what's happening in those later levels. So I switched gears; today I am offering a guide for life in the 80s and beyond instead. Whether you have played EQII before in the lower levels and are bumping up your first character or you are diving in for the first time and finally giving the game a go, here's what you need to know to acclimate to life in the upper tiers of Norrath.

  • SOE removing EverQuest II's F2P item restrictions

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    SOE is changing up EverQuest II's membership benefits on October 1st. First off, F2P and Silver-level accounts will no longer feature item restrictions or item unlocking. Also, Gold-level members will see permanent increases to both coin loot (15 percent) and mount speed (10 percent). Furthermore, the devs are also parting out features from the game's Age of Discovery expansion to the item store, so if you've yet to experience the dungeon maker, mercenaries, tradeskill apprentices, reforging, or the Beastlord class, you can now pick and choose the particular functionality you'd like to unlock. [Thanks Zjeven!]

  • Get your free EverQuest II heroic character starting October 1

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    SOE is putting the finishing touches on EverQuest II's heroic characters, according to a new producer's letter from Holly Longdale. The pre-leveled toons are designed to allow EQII players to get together from the get-go, whether those players are former Norrathians daunted by the level 95 cap or high-level players who don't want to repeat low-level content with their newbie friends. "The goal is to provide a fun and easy option for existing and returning players to play or experiment with our characters and have immediate access to high-level content," Longdale explains. Beginning on October 1st, the Hero's Call event will allow players to create a heroic character for free. After the event ends on the 15th, HCs will be available from the cash shop. Full details are yours via the links below.

  • The Tattered Notebook: EverQuest Next Round Table roundup

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Back when EverQuest Next and EverQuest Landmark were announced, SOE President John Smedley made it clear that the two games were henceforth in "open development." That meant that the company would be soliciting feedback and opinions from players about myriad design decisions for the two games. Since then, EQ Next devs have thrown out new questions each week for players to vote on and discuss. Utilizing polls and forum discussions in a special section of the main site labeled Round Table, important topics like bearded female dwarves and armor appearance customization are delved into and player desires and feedback are gathered. After collecting the data, the devs respond, sometimes in video form. Today, The Tattered Notebook is going to round up all those roundtables, giving you a summary of which way the community is leaning on these different topics as well as the dev input. I'll even throw in snippets of their opinions as well! Of course, if you haven't added your thoughts to the mix and you'd like to, you still have time to do so as all the polls are still active.

  • EverQuest II moves expansion to November

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    EverQuest II's next expansion, Tears of Veeshan, has been moved to mid-November, according to a letter by Senior Producer Holly Longdale. Calling the expansion "something special," she said that the team will begin the beta on October 15th and that the project is coming together well. In the letter, she also announced that heroic characters are now scheduled for the first week of October. Longdale said that the team is still "fine-tuning" details for the heroic character release and is making adjustments to Destiny of Velious zones so F2P players have a place for heroic characters to romp. Finally, if you haven't purchased the Age of Discovery expansion, you might be interested to hear that SOE is selling features from that expansion individually.

  • The Stream Team: Labor Day edition, September 2 - 8, 2013

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    To the youngsters, Labor Day has always always seemed misnomer since folks actually get to take time off from school and work. So a more appropriate moniker would be Play Day, amirite? But the older crowd knows that the day was meant to honor the hard work and contributions of workers. So in the spirit of honoring hard work, we pay homage to those who tireless toil to entertain us -- The Stream Team! Hats of to you, and a three-BBQ-rib salute to boot! Want to join us in this week-long celebration for our streamers? Then tune in to Massively TV and watch a live show or two and catch a few reruns as well. We've got all you need to know right here. (For the snacks, however, you're on your own.)

  • The Tattered Notebook: Will EQ Next bolster or break EQII?

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Doom! Gloom! Kaboom! As is wont to happen, the recent news about SOE's layoffs sparked a flurry of speculation about the fate of the various games in the studio's portfolio. In fact, it's not terribly unlike the the speculation after the unveiling of EverQuest Next. Will EQ Next/SOE layoffs kill off my beloved *insert game title here*? In the case of EverQuest II, I feel fairly confident that the answer is a resounding no. I've even said as much before. Unfortunately, I can't confidently say the same for other titles, even though I'm pulling for the success of them all. If anything, I get the impression that SOE is circling the wagons around its flagship IP, solidifying its attention on the franchise that started it all. Where do I get that idea? Well, keep reading to find out!