

  • Massively's Community Detective, Issue #6: Lord of the Rings Online

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you've been playing MMORPGs for any length of time, or you keep up with the latest happenings around the industry, you're probably familiar with Lord of the Rings Online's Landroval server. In addition to being the "unofficial" roleplay server for Turbine's Tolkien-based MMORPG, Landroval is consistently mentioned as one of the finest communities in online gaming. Whether it be in forum discussions on various gaming websites, chats with gaming buddies, or even internal discussions here at Massively, Landroval is almost always referenced when someone asks about a friendly server that offers a dense and mature population. For this week's issue of Community Detective, we decided to put Landroval to the test. While the community lived up to its billing, we did encounter some curious inconsistencies with regard to Turbine's customer service. Head past the cut for our findings and impressions.

  • One Shots: Riding through the starry night

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    There's something liberating about getting out in the night air and just wandering around, looking at the stars, far from civilization. Of course, if you live in an extremely urban area like many of the writers, stars are harder to see for all the light pollution in the area. So what's a gamer to do? Turn to their favorite MMOG, of course! Today's One Shots comes to us from Twarsong, one of our regular Lord of the Rings Online contributors, who writes: It was a long ride through the night that brought Twarsong and his steed through the North Downs and into the well hidden refuge of Rangers, Esteldin. With the constellation Orion shining through the twilight now at his back, he and his faithful steed will rest easy under the protection of the heirs of Númenor this day!While we're not entirely sure that's Orion back there, it certainly is lovely to look at. Screens like this certainly show off why Lord of the Rings Online remains a steady favorite for people to send in! Do you have a great screenshot of your character wandering around; by starlight, torchlight or sunlight? If so, pack it up and send it to us here at oneshots AT along with a quick note on what we're seeing!%Gallery-9798%

  • LotRO lorebook examines Halbarad, North Downs hero

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    A new character of Middle-earth has stepped into the Lord of the Rings Online lorebook spotlight. Halbarad is a key figure in the North Downs, and helps to coordinate the defense against the forces of Angmar from his central location of Esteldin. He plays many parts in the story of LotRO's Book III, and has strong ties with a famous fellow named Aragorn.Those who have read The Lord of the Rings may recall that Halbarad was the leader of the Grey Company that meets up with Aragorn in Rohan. The lorebook lists his class as unknown, stating that he possesses the skills of both a warrior and a lore-master. Take a look at Halbarad's detailed entry to find out more about this significant character, and the quests he is involved in.