

  • Wasteland Diaries: Sector 2

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    In Fallen Earth the Grand Canyon Province is divided into sectors. Sector 1 is where you will learn the basics of the game, but there are a few important and new concepts you will be introduced to in sector 2. Those two concepts are mutations and factions. NPCs will try to introduce you to these concepts through a series of quests in Sunshine Corners. The quests will give you a basic rundown of each of Fallen Earth's faction's ideology, but there are a few other things you should know. The purpose of the post will be to make sure that you know what to expect when you arrive in sector 2. You will be making one of the most important choices in your character's development when you choose a faction to align with. Each faction has different perks, mutations, and capstones. These all play a major part in what your character will become and must not be taken lightly, unless you like dumping chips into respec injectors. After the cut, I will arm you with the knowledge to make a better-informed decision.

  • Wasteland Diaries: Combat fatigue

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    Fallen Earth has the best crafting system I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Fallen Earth's PvE is not too shabby either. And I actually enjoyed the game's PvP for a time until the end. I can't really say that Fallen Earth's PvP is bad, but it has several fatal flaws. And these flaws have caused the vast majority of the endgame PvP crowd to move on. In this post I will examine what I think these flaws are. This is just my opinion, but my experience PvPing on all levels extensively lends my opinion at least a shred of credibility. The fact is: PvP in Fallen Earth is at an all-time low. There is hardly any real penalty for dying in the game, so why are there so few people partaking? There are several reasons that nobody PvPs in Fallen Earth, and the death penalty is not one of them. After the cut I will analyze the most common reasons for not PvPing. I will try to represent the facts of the matter, but like most of my critical articles, this one will be smothered in opinion.

  • Wasteland Diaries: Take a hint

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    In the past, I've written guides to help new Fallen Earth players. Most of the information I put in these guides is common knowledge. I have compiled a list of things one should know about playing Fallen Earth, whether one is a brand new clone or a grizzled veteran of the wastes. This guide is different because it isn't really a guide at all, just a compilation of advice. Most of this stuff may not help you, but I can assure you, at least one of these bits of wisdom will be of use to you. Essentially, I have compiled a list of useful hints, tips and tricks that I think every player should know. Some of them might evoke a facepalm from the veterans, and some might make life easier for a new player, but you will learn something. So without any further ado, proceed past the cut and prepare to be enlightened.

  • One Shots: Fallen Earth fashionista

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    While anyone who has listened to Massively Speaking can tell you that Shawn just loves Fallen Earth, what you may not be aware of is just how hardcore he is about aesthetics. Indeed, it would appear that our fearless leader happens to be a post-apocalyptic fashion fiend -- and the rougher-looking the fashion, the better! Today's One Shots also gives us a view of the higher sectors of Fallen Earth for those who haven't traveled there as yet. Shawn explains: "Whenever we see Fallen Earth screenshots, they're always from the desolate brown desert wasteland in Sector 1, but I wanted to show that there's much more to the game than that. This was taken in the swampy region near Docuer's Court in Sector 3, filled with Cypress trees and swamp moss. I'm also sporting my brand new MOPP 7 mask I grabbed as a quest reward from the recent Quarantined Monkeytown instance. The stats might suck, but its looks make it worth wearing." Have you been to a place we haven't seen as yet? Why not snap a screenshot and send it in to us! We love to see what you're doing. Email those screenshots to us here at oneshots@massively.com along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here and give you the credit for sending it in. %Gallery-85937%

  • Wasteland Diaries: New paint job

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    The Fallen Earth 1.6 patch is a couple days old now, and I've had a chance to check out some of its features. I've painted more vehicles than Earl Scheib this week. I was able to test the respec injectors on the Public Test Server (PTS). I haven't tried them on the live server yet, but I have a few misallocated points that aren't serving much of a purpose. I was able to run through the new, extended tutorial with a brand-new clone. And the Fallen Earth team has given us the ability to flag ourselves for PvP anywhere, anytime. This should prove interesting. If you have been waiting on the sidelines for the next patch or are wondering what new things are in store for us, I will give you a breakdown of the new stuff I have been able to check out myself after the cut. The patch is only a few days old, but I have been trying to experience the new features to the fullest in that short time.

  • Bring a little color to your ride in Fallen Earth

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    As you scour the wastelands in Fallen Earth, most likely you're taking advantage of the situation by getting yourself a vehicle. Not just any vehicle -- you want something that's flashy, functional, and durable. A fair amount of storage would help, too. Yet for all the options given to players, you've been largely restricted to the main colors of the game world for your new roadster until now. The first phase of color customization is hitting the live servers tomorrow, and it brings with it the option to pay a Garage Manager a fee and pimp your ride with a nice new paint job. Four paint and dye kits are being added to the crafting of dyes, with each one working on a different range of vehicles and offering the same selection of colors. On top of that, there are eight additional kits of higher rarity -- three of which are found out in the world, and five of which are crafted from new rare components. While our preview gallery doesn't seem to include Safety Orange, Hot Pink, or Powder Blue among its selection, you can take a look to see just how slick your Fallen Earth wheels will look after the patch. %Gallery-98329%

  • Wasteland Diaries: The end

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    When I first heard about Fallen Earth, the first thing that piqued my interest was the post-apocalyptic setting. The second thing was the FPS-style gameplay and the third thing was the factional PvP. I was delivered the setting in spades; I got a good, healthy dose of FPS action. I will admit, I got a good deal of PvP as well, but not much of it was factionally driven. The understanding I had of what to expect when I hit max level was enforcers and CHOTA squaring off for control of a town, slugging it out for hours on end. But in reality I got sporadic random battles or clan warfare. PvP was supposed to be the endgame material. At least that was the impression that I got. In this post I will look at the current state of Fallen Earth's endgame, and what we might expect to change from the information garnered from the recent State of the Game. Many people aren't sure what to do in the game once they hit the level cap. After the cut I will take a look at the state of Fallen Earth's endgame and where I expect it to go given the recent announcements.

  • Fallen Earth PTS patch features respecs, pretty colors

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you haven't yet put in an appearance on Fallen Earth's public test server (PTS), there's no time like the present. The game's newest patch, 1.6, has just been pushed to the PTS shard, and it's ripe for all the poking, prodding, and pummeling that players can muster. The update brings a boatload of new features to the wasteland, including arboreal graphic enhancements, a revamped newbie tutorial, minor respec points, custom vehicle paint colors, and PvP flagging. Grab your respec injectors from mutagenics merchants and type /pvp to prep your clone for all the ganking action you can handle (and type /pvp again when you've had enough). Read all about it on the official site as well as the official forums.

  • One Shots: Don't need nothin' but a good time

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    After a long, hard day of fighting off myriad things that are hell-bent on your destruction, it's time to relax! Of course, if you're lucky enough to know about it ahead of time, you can catch some great in-game events going on courtesy of Fallen Earth's numerous clans. Today's One Shots comes to us from The Deacon, who recently popped in to one such event for some beer and music -- definitely a great way to end a day. He writes in: "Every Thursday, the Invicta clan hold a community wide Bike rally at a bar in New Flagstaff, complete with a live DJ! Here is a shot of me mid-headbang, rocking out in the mosh pit just after I arrived." Have you taken part in a community-driven event recently? If so, we'd love to see some screenshots of it. Just email them in to us here at oneshots@massively.com. Be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. Also, please try to make sure your image is at least 1024 pixels wide -- we hate not being able to use smaller ones because they don't fit in the gallery! %Gallery-85937%

  • Wasteland Diaries: Do-over

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    Have you ever fantasized about a second chance? To go back to some major turning point in your life and do things differently from there? Well, as far as I know that's impossible in real life. But we can do it in games. Rolling an alt (as it's referred to) is a rather common thing among many MMO players. Some will never do it, and others do it way too often. I fall somewhere in the middle. In Fallen Earth I have three max-level characters: one pistoleer, one rifleman and a melee-specialist. Two are PvP characters, and the other is my maxed-out crafter. Aside from sporadic PvP, that doesn't leave me with much to do but gather resources and stockpile chips. No thank you. I'd rather roll an alt. Now, in the many months I have played Fallen Earth, I have learned a great many things, which should improve my chances of survival in the wasteland during my seventh time (counting my beta characters) through. We shall see whether the knowledge I have amassed will keep me alive for any length of time. After the cut I'll chronicle my 12-hour rebirth.

  • One Shots: Like tears in rain

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    After a long day running through the wastelands of Fallen Earth, Sparth takes a moment to reflect, perched atop a roof. While he's unlikely to be in any fear of his lifespan ending altogether like another who once sat crouched in the rain, we're certain that there's at least a mild sense of unease. After all, the wasteland is certainly no cakewalk -- even with weapons! With that said, here's the short and sweet note that Sparth sent in to us with this lovely image showing off the recently integrated weather effects in Fallen Earth. He writes: "[Here is a picture of] my Enforcer alt in Traders Flat, the Sector 3 capital city. It was taken at night with a beautiful rainstorm." Are you tooling around in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallen Earth? If so, we'd love to see some screenshots from your adventures. Send those in to us here at oneshots@massively.com along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here and give you the credit for sending it in. %Gallery-85937%

  • Wasteland Diaries: Fansites

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    Finding your way through Fallen Earth can be daunting at times, but there is help out there. Sometimes the people in the game might not be the most knowledgeable or helpful lot. I said sometimes. Luckily for us, even though Fallen Earth has a relatively small community, it is populated with knowledgeable and helpful people. If something has you stumped, and you just can't seem to find anyone in-game that can help you, there are alternatives. Most of your simple problems can be solved in the help channel by a HazMat Team member or by other players in region chat. Some of your more complex problems may require a bit of research. Researching can be quite fruitless if you don't know where to look. After the cut, I'll give you several resources that you should bookmark immediately if you haven't already. Some of these resources are more up-to-date than others, but even out-dated information is still better than nothing.

  • Wasteland Diaries: Capstones

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    Capstones in Fallen Earth are powerful abilities that can be learned at level 45. In the literal sense. a capstone is the final stone placed in the top of a wall. In the figurative sense, it is an important achievement. Either way, it is a final step; something that will be realized at the end. Well, now that the level cap is 50, capstones aren't max level abilities anymore. If our level progression continues to 150 (as was the original plan), eventually we will be able to achieve about half of the capstone abilities without even trying. So, let's enjoy them while they aren't a dime-a-dozen, shall we? After the cut I'll give a brief summary of each capstone and its requirements. It's important to know what each capstone does before building a character, as some builds will benefit greatly from certain capstones. In many cases, Fallen Earth's capstones are goals for certain builds, and the theme of the build works hand-in-hand with its capstone.

  • Fallen Earth companion app released on Blackberry

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Fallen Earth has been pushing its mobile app with quite a bit of vigor ever since it was released on both the iPhone and the Droid a few weeks ago. And it's with good cause -- the app allows for players to take care of a number of more tedious play elements while on the go, freeing up in-game time for more exciting endeavors. While the functionality of the software hasn't been expanded, the user base certainly has, as the mobile companion is now available for Blackberry phones and devices as well. Available via Blackberry App World for $2.99, the ported release offers all the functionality of the original Fallen Earth application. That means players can browse the auction house, check in on the world map, keep track of crafting, and interact with both friends and clan members. For a full picture of the features, players are encouraged to check out the official release and FAQ for the prior versions, which apply equally for the latest release. Whether you're wandering as much as your favorite clone or just want to browse auctions at work, the expanded potential user base is a good thing for the game's players.

  • Wasteland Diaries: Mad skills

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    While Fallen Earth characters have mutations, it is their set of skills that truly defines them. Many skills augment a specific type of character build, and choosing the right skills is, for the most part, a no-brainer. But knowing the what each of the skills does might help you determine which skills will fit into your play style. And that will, in turn, help you decide where to put all of those valuable little AP. There are only nine (non-tradeskill) skills in Fallen Earth, but each skill is tied to a wide range of different abilities. The higher the skill goes, the better the ability gets. So, in order to get the most out of a specific ability, the skill must be raised. In order for a skill to be raised, its prerequisite stats must be raised. Before you decide to start dropping AP into stats, you have to look at the bigger picture. You will need to know what each ability does. After the cut I will give you a brief description of each organized by skill.

  • Wasteland Diaries: Building character

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    When making a character in Fallen Earth, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. While I still have three of my four respec injectors, newly created characters will not get a respec. So it is very important to determine what you want your character to be before you start spending AP. Fallen Earth is a "classless" system, but most builds are differentiated mainly by their choice of weapon mastery, and these could be construed as the three classes. While choice of weapon type will be the cornerstone of the build, there are still a great many questions you will want to have answers to before you start to improve your stats. But your first consideration should be what type of character you want to play. You will want one that suits your playstyle, but isn't completely gimped. My goal with this post will be to help make sure you have a plan before you start your build. Even though you can probably just assign AP at random and still make a viable (at least for PvE) build, you probably want your character to be the best that he or she can be, right? Now, I am not a character-building expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I have some experience with it. After the cut, I'll give you the tools and knowledge you need to build a solid PvE or PvP character. You will need to make the tough decisions yourself.

  • One Shots: Packing heat

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    It's an interesting question: If you were in the post-apocalyptic wastelands of Fallen Earth, headed off into the unknown, just what would you take with you? For us, it would involve lots of food, lots of firepower, and something that could get us away from danger quickly -- with extra fuel! That said, if you're regular One Shots contributor Twarsong, your packing list would go a little something like this: "Everything needed to ride off into the sunset: Shotgun... check! Dress Sabre... check! Nightstick and Ice Axe... double check! GA-8 Sidearms... check! Motorbike... check!" Have you ever grabbed a fun screenshot and thought up a silly story for it? If so, we'd love to see that. Just email it in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a brief tale to go along with the picture. We'll post it out here for everyone to enjoy, and give you the credit. Easy, no? %Gallery-85937%

  • Wasteland Diaries: Patch 1.5

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    It's patch time again, and the developers of Fallen Earth have given us more great, free content. Most importantly, we have been given a fast-travel system. Also, the craftable items have been expanded, and the new equipment will rival, in fact, surpass the Death Toll and Faction gear. There are a few new ways to get faction reputation more quickly that don't involve a PvP zone. There are new, rare drops available through the "serendipity" system just waiting to be collected. There is a new weather system that includes rain, thunder and lightning, and even puddles on the ground. There is a new Blood Sport type called assault, which has several objectives rather than a single one as in Capture the Flag. Get more details on all of this neat, new stuff after the cut.

  • One Shots: What not to wear

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    We've made no secret that Fallen Earth is a staff favorite here at Massively. With strange, mutated monsters threatening you at every turn, and factions that take great relish in trying to wipe each other off the map, the post-apocalyptic Grand Canyon is a dangerous -- yet fun -- place to be. We especially like how Icarus Studios have added a touch of humor to the wastes by creating fashion ensembles such as the gear pictured above. After all, who else but a wasteland warrior would have the cojones to wear what amounts to a very large target on his chest? Twarsong tells us a bit more about this fellow he ran into during his travels: "The Coalition Archives of Fallen Earth tell of a warrior race whose prowess in battle was unmatched. I'd imagine they would have nothing but pride and respect for their Children Of The Apocalypse progeny. Just the other day, a C.H.O.T.A. bloodied my nose in a bunker bar. I was surprised when he yelled, "It is a good day to die!" I wasn't surprised that he was ready to kill over a spilled Old Kingman iced tea... that is to be expected of a C.H.O.T.A. I was surprised that that he was so well read of our historical archives!" Have you found some interesting or wild gear in your favorite game? Perhaps you'd like to tell us about your favorite class or race? If so, snap a picture of it and email it in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here and give you the credit! %Gallery-85937%

  • Fallen Earth patch 1.5 drops tomorrow

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you enjoy the post-apocalyptic environment that Fallen Earth offers, you can't help but look forward to each new patch as it comes along. Patch 1.5 promises to bring fast travel systems for higher-level characters, a new Blood Sports combat type, and the new "serendipity" system to generate more varied and interesting equipment drops for players. They're all enticing additions, and as a result it should be welcome news that the patch is slated to go live tomorrow. Naturally, this comes with a bit of extra downtime for the servers -- in this case, between 6 AM to 11 AM EST. There's also a warning that any clones in the Deadfall region tomorrow might want to keep their eyes open for Outsider activity or other suspicious goings-on. Take a look at the full patch notes if you're logged in to the Fallen Earth forums, and get ready for tomorrow's patch and all the associated festivities.