Fallout 3


  • Joystiq review: Fallout 3's Operation: Anchorage (DLC)

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    For the uninitiated, Operation: Anchorage sees players on a VR mission to infiltrate an Alaskan military installation, with a heavier emphasis on being stealthy than the main game. Yes, what we've just described could very well be the premise of the original Metal Gear Solid, but this is Fallout 3, right? Well, not exactly as you know it.Operation: Anchorage is a 4-5 hour campaign (we got through it a bit quicker) that calls the game's FPS element into play more than we'd anticipated. In fact, the scenario is a linear one in the vein of Call of Duty and is very focused on action. Sure, the trademark V.A.T.S. targeting system is still present, but, most of the time, we found ourselves playing in a purely run-and-gun mindset. Still, there's a depth of story and uncanny attention to detail that very much manages to keep this DLC rooted in the Fallout universe. %Gallery-39191%

  • Fallout 3's Operation Anchorage available now

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Fallout 3's Operation Anchorage DLC is now available to scav from the Xbox Live Marketplace for 800 ($10, 50 caps or 100 pieces of scrap metal). The VR mission takes place in the land of Palin, as a force attempts to liberate Anchorage from the Chinese. Once downloaded, keep an eye out for the "Outcast Distress Signal" to find the new content.If you're sitting on the fence about the purchase, bear in mind that we'll have a review available later this week. And don't forget, the next couple of months will feature two more DLC packs for the post-apocalyptic adventure. The big change arrives in March with Broken Steel, which will increase the game's level cap and get rid of that pesky (abrupt?) ending.%Gallery-39191%

  • Bethesda: No plans to patch Fallout 3's PS3 ending for end-game play

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    When the third DLC scenario for Fallout 3, "Broken Steel," hits Xbox 360 and PC in March, it will replace the game's current ending, which doesn't allow players to keep on exploring the Capitol Wasteland post "end-game." This is something we've known since last November; what we didn't realize is that PS3 players -- already missing out on any DLC action -- will continue to be stuck with the current "brick wall" ending.When asked by MTV Multiplayer if there were plans to patch the PS3 version of Fallout 3 for end-game play, Todd Howard, the game's executive producer, responded, "Not at this time, no." Howard has also remarked that Bethesda "really underestimated how many people would want to keep playing [past the ending]," and that Fallout 3 was "probably the last time we'll do something like that."Source - Bethesda Won't Commit To PS3 Fallout 3 Getting Ability To Play Post-Ending [MTV Multiplayer]Source - Bethesda Reacts To Three Major Fallout 3 Criticisms [MTV Multiplayer]

  • Todd Howard takes on Fallout 3 criticisms

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Regardless of how many times its software is contending for Game of the Year accolades, Bethesda isn't immune to criticism and Fallout 3 is no exception. Speaking with MTV Multiplayer blog, Bethesda Softworks executive producer, Todd Howard, discussed three major complaints fans and haters alike have about the recently released Fallout 3.First criticism out of the gate is that Fallout 3 is only mediocre when judged as a shooter to which Todd Howard quickly agreed. Secondly, each ending of Fallout 3 has been blasted for its quick and dirty wrap up. Howard argues that many people are more upset about the game actually ending than the ending itself and promises the upcoming Broken Steel DLC will combat that by allowing players to continue their adventure. Lastly, critics say that VATS can be rather boring once players are able to almost always get a head shot. Howard says that everyone has a different concept of entertainment and watching a head explode in Fallout 3 never gets old for him, but he admits, "the 'to hit chance' for head shots is probably too high." Three complaints down. So, are you satisfied with Howard's responses to these Fallout 3 criticisms?

  • Philosony: Will the real Alex Sheperd please stand up?

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    One thing that I think we all love about our chosen hobby is that the experience of a single game can be drastically different for each person. I don't mean this in the way we mean about other "static" media where we might each interpret what we read/see/hear in unique ways. I mean that though two people may play the exact same game, the cut scenes they view and the boss battles they fight may be completely different. This might be most evident in sandbox games or titles that have a prodigious amount of side quests, but sometimes even the main story can take wildly different paths depending on player input.Heavy Rain director David Cage has expressed his desire to create a game that allows you to really suffer consequences that affect the story and continue playing, always conscious of your input in the overall plot. We may be entering an era in which we gamers may not only see different stories but have to actually reflect on what the path we choose says about us as well as the story. When my recent play through of Silent Hill: Homecoming was rewarded with a less than satisfying ending I immediately cursed the game's writers for their ineptitude. But looking back I've begun to wonder: am I partially to blame? Are bad endings increasingly becoming the consequence of bad or even inconsistent decisions by players? Don't worry, the spoilers don't begin for another 300 words.

  • LittleBigPlanet leads in AIAS award nominations

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The game industry's closest approximation of Hollywood's Academy Awards has to be the Interactive Achievement Awards. The Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences (AIAS) has revealed its nominees for 2008, and LittleBigPlanet has managed to run away with ten category nominations, the most of any game this year. Ahem. And the nominees are: Overall Game of the Year: Fallout 3 Grand Theft Auto IV Left 4 Dead LittleBigPlanet Metal Gear Solid 4 Console Game of the Year: Fallout 3 Gears of War 2 Grand Theft Auto IV LittleBigPlanet Metal Gear Solid 4 See the rest, after the break.

  • Xbox.com reveals Fallout 3's Operation Anchorage achievements

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    In five short days the first of three downloadable content expansions will release for Fallout 3, exclusively on the Xbox 360 and PC. In preparation, Xbox.com has updated the Fallout 3 profile with four new achievements obtainable in the content expansion, Operation Anchorage. Totaling 100 GS points, three of the four achievements appear to be directly tied to specific missions found in the promised "4-5 hour" DLC pack, while the final achievement is awarded for completing the entire Alaskan adventure. The four achievements and creative descriptions added to the Xbox.com Fallout 3 profile are: Aiding the Outcasts (20GP) - Completed "Aiding the Outcasts" The Guns of Anchorage (20GP) - Completed "The Guns of Anchorage" Paving the Way (20GP) - Completed "Paving the Way" Operation: Anchorage (40GP) - Completed "Operation: Anchorage" Operation Anchorage releases on January 27 and is priced at 800.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Video: When Halo 3 met Fallout 3

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    The charming video which you'll find just below the break is an expert blending of Halo 3 and Fallout 3 and it holds within it two very basic truths. One: It's fine for Fallout, but Halo probably wouldn't be better if it stopped every 10 seconds to let you select which body part to aim for.The second truth? Apologies to Marty O'Donnell, but Halo would be much, much better if set to the melodious vocal stylings of Roy Brown. Sorry if that's hard for you to hear.[Via X3F]

  • Video: What Halo 3 would be like with V.A.T.S.

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Here's an experiment. What would you get if one were to mix traditional Halo 3 multiplayer play with a targeting system, say, like Fallout 3's V.A.T.S.? The answer is something as shown in the video above. It's interesting, sure enough, but we're not sure how much we enjoy V.A.T.S. in the Halo universe. It is definitely not a peanut butter and chocolate combination. That is unless someone could show us how to accurately lineup a teabag using V.A.T.S. Just saying.[Via GamerSushi]

  • Fallout 3: New Operation Anchorage screens to whet your Rad-free appetite

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Today, three new shots of the upcoming Operation Anchorage DLC for Fallout 3 were released today and while they aren't nearly as exciting as the last batch of screens we're chomping at the bit to get our hands on the content. Landing exclusively on the Xbox 360 and PC on January 27, Operation Anchorage is the first of three announced DLC packs for the award-winning role-playing game. It's just around the corner and we have our 800 ($10) ready.%Gallery-42267% Gallery: Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage

  • Cue the groaning: Writers Guild announces video game nominations

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The Writers Guild of America has announced five nominees for best video game writing in 2008. This will be the Guild's second year giving out the award, with last year's nod going to Dead Head Fred. Hmm, well, this year's nominees are certainly an interesting group and are sure to generate some conversation about what constitutes good writing in a game ... provided said game was written by an eligible WGA member, that is. Fallout 3 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Tomb Raider: Underworld Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble! Although most of those titles are instantly recognizable, Dangerous High School Girls is an indie title that's (clearly) gaining some recognition. Are you betting on the dark horse? The winner will be announced Feb. 7.[Via Big Download]

  • Fallout 3 patched today, Operation Anchorage DLC coming Jan. 27

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Bethesda just sent us word that the first Fallout 3 DLC, Operation Anchorage, will officially debut on Xbox Live on January 27th for the aforementioned price of 800 ($10, 50 caps or 100 pieces of scrap metal), which will hopefully give us just enough time to plow through the new content for Mirror's Edge and Fable 2.Additionally, the developer has also pushed out a patch today for all platforms, which, among other fixes, finally keeps those pesky, murdered NPCs dead. Sure beats them coming back from the grave all bitter and willing to give you directions to the nearest hotel. It's the same patch PS3 owners got in mid-December, so check out the full patch notes here.%Gallery-39191%

  • Fallout 3 patch released, Anchorage DLC dated

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Bethesda just sent word that a new Fallout 3 title update has just been released earlier this morning and will insta-download once connected to Xbox Live with a copy of Fallout in your 360 disc drive. Information and a really, really long list of the bug fixes can viewed here. But there's more! The upcoming Fallout 3 Operation Anchorage DLC has been dated and given an official price. The 800 Microsoft point DLC will be available for download off the Xbox Live Marketplace on (drumroll) Tuesday, January 27th. Good times.

  • CES 2009: The Microsoft outer hub of booth games

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Situated in the exact opposite corner of the CES Central Hall, Microsoft must have been strategically placed so that no wars would break out between the two juggernauts. Although Justin McElroy thinks it's so that an employee from Microsoft won't fall in love with an employee from Sony and cause complete chaos. That's definitely more plausible.However, just like Sony, Microsoft only had a tiny section devoted to gaming. You could get some hands-on time with Fallout 3, Lips, the new Scene It, Gears of War 2, Dawn of War II and Halo Wars. The rumor we'd heard that Fallout's upcoming Operation: Anchorage DLC would be there turned out to be untrue, so we spent most of our time beating young girls at karaoke with Lips. Okay, we kid. We geeked out on Dawn of War II. More on that soon. Meanwhile, enjoy the gallery below for you booth addicts.%Gallery-41641%

  • CES 2009: 'Real' Pip-Boy revealed, Vault-Tec stock soars

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    In the bowels of CES, Engadget discovered the first sign that the nuclear holocaust foretold in the Fallout series is approaching. Yes, what you see above is a Pip-Boy prototype. Sure, Universal Display Corporation hasn't given a name to its 4-inch, flexible, wrist-worn OLED display (designed for the Brotherhood of Steel military), but we know exactly what we'll be using this handy thing for in the future -- well, those of us who survive, at least.Perhaps we can put this in a way that'll convey the seriousness of this situation:Step 1: Pip-Boy invented.Step 2: ???Step 3: Nuclear holocaust.Check out a video of the device after the break. Start saving for your vault cot now!

  • Fallout 3: 'Operation Anchorage' screens, level cap increase revealed

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Bethesda Softworks, X3F's reader voted Studio of the Year, released new screens for the upcoming Operation Anchorage DLC for Fallout 3 earlier today (and can be found in the gallery below). Making an appearance in the screen shots are the snowy battlefields of Alaska, a Chinese bunker and a rad looking ninja outfit. Releasing later this month, the Xbox 360/PC exclusive Operation Anchorage DLC is priced at 800 ($10). Bethesda told Eurogamer that the level cap in Fallout 3 will be raised to 30 (from 20) in March with the third DLC package, Broken Steel. Ninjas in Fallout 3? Yes, please. Gallery: Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage

  • Fallout 3: New 'Operation Anchorage' screens, 'Broken Steel' level cap revealed

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Click to embiggen. Bethesda released new screens today for Fallout 3's Operation Anchorage DLC, along with word on how high it'll raise the game's level cap with the third DLC pack, Broken Steel, planned for March. The new Operation Anchorage screens (which can be viewed in the gallery below) reveal a ninja suit, a snowy lake landscape and a commie Chinese bunker. The DLC pack is scheduled for release later this month at 800 ($10, 50 caps or 100 pieces of scrap metal).Bethesda also informed Eurogamer that Broken Steel will raise the player's level cap to 30. We'd previously known that the bump was coming, but had no idea how high. Patient folks may care to wait and see if a discount happens on the packs down the line. As for us, well... that ninja armor looks like it might be worth $10. %Gallery-39191%

  • Amazon nukes Fallout 3 bundle prices today

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Today's Amazon "deal of the day" bombs the prices on several limited edition Fallout 3 bundles. For starters, the Fallout 3 "Collector's Edition" for the Xbox 360 has its price melted by 40% and is being sold for $50.For those who really want the Vault-Tec goods, Amazon's exclusive "Survival Edition" has been reduced by $20 for all available platforms ($110 for X360 and PS3; $100 on PC). The main difference between the two bundles is the Survival Edition's life-size replica of the Pip-Boy 3000. Sadly, it doesn't feature built-in GPS or a real-time medical readout like the one in the game.

  • Fallout 3 Collector's Edition for $50 at Amazon today

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If you've yet to explore the not quite barren wastelands of Fallout 3, today might just be the day to get started. Amazon is currently offering the collector's edition of Fallout 3 for $49.98, just over $30 less than the retail price of $79.99. Lest you've forgotten, the collector's edition comes with a Vault Boy bobblehead, a 100 page art book, a making-of DVD and a sweet metal lunchbox (It also includes the game, which is important). If that sounds just a bit too paltry for your expensive taste, Amazon is also offering its exclusive Survival Edition for $109.98, a $20.01 savings over the regular price. The Survival Edition includes all the extras of the collector's edition, with the addition of a replica Pip-Boy digital clock.Like we said, if you've been waiting to get Fallout 3, nabbing the collector's edition for less than the standard edition is a pretty sweet deal.[Thanks, Alex]Source - Amazon.com -- Fallout 3 Collector's EditionSource - Amazon.com -- Fallout 3 Survival Edition

  • Joystiq's Top 10 of 2008: Fallout 3

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    << BACK (5) COMMENT NEXT (3) >> There was a point -- maybe three hours in -- when we were half convinced that Fallout 3 was intentionally trying to make us not like it. Here we were, in what is probably one of the most stunningly realized game worlds ever designed, feeling like we'd been duped. The pace was plodding, the voice acting was dreadful, and we actually preferred engaging in face-to-face dialog with the ghouls than most of the human characters, who were, in a way, more ghoulish in appearance. Someone had us running fetch quests and the whole experience seemed nothing like the deeply engrossing adventure we'd imagined.