

  • One Shots: Quiet homage

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    We love Lord of the Rings Online. Graphically, you just can't deny that the world of Middle-earth is absolutely gorgeous. No exception to this is today's One Shots submission sent in to us from our regular Lord of the Rings Online contributor, Finudir. He tells us a bit about this scene: Captains must always look to the past to find examples of great leaders before them. In one such exercise Finudir was tasked with saving a statue of Elendil, perhaps the greatest leader to ever grace Middle-Earth. Here is Captain Finudir of Gondor paying homage before the reconstituted statue.Do you have a screenshot from your favorite land -- perhaps one we haven't seen recently? If so, bundle it up into an email and send it to us here at oneshots AT! We love seeing new places. Be sure to add your name and what game the image is from too so we can credit you. %Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: The story continues

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Earlier we were given the chance to check in with Finudir as he adventured around the lands of Lord of the Rings Online. Today we bring another screenshot from the adventures of his fellowship, as they deal with the dragon problem from the other day. He writes in: The Fellowship has approached the dead dragon and are witness to the attempts to revive the creature. No one knows if the intervention was successful (you would imagine it would unless someone accidentally jumped off a cliff, for example), but the scenes were somehow smuggled out to Finudir Captain of Gondor and distributed for your enjoyment. If you've got some great screens of adventure, we want to see them! Just send them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name and the game they're from. We'll post them and give you full credit!%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Here there be dragons

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Normally we don't get very long notes along with our One Shots, but today is definitely an exception! This Lord of the Rings Online update comes in from Finudir (playing someone else today), our regular Lord of the Rings Online contributor, and is fairly long - so we'll turn it over to him.Deep within the bowels of the Misty Mountains lies an ancient treasure of the Dwarves which had been attacked by a dragon in days of yore. The dragon died in the assault, and because of the weather conditions within, has been preserved. Unfortunately this has given a perfect opportunity for one of the Nine, a Nazgûl, to revive the evil creature using the souls of wights. Only thing more dangerous than a dragon is an undead dragon, as the saying goes. The situation presented an opportunity for a hardy bunch of adventurers to put an end to this malicious plan, which if successful would endanger Rivendell's existence. In [this] picture, you see the Fellowship (constituted from left to right of the Legendary Minstrelchulos, Captain Beoryk, then Aegribor and Guntheric the Hunters) on a perch overlooking the terrifying scene below.How will it end? We'll check in with them in a day or so and see how it goes for the brave adventurers!Interested in using a couple of images to tell your story? We're down with that, but you have to send them to us so we can post them. All you need to do is email them to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, game and story. We'll post them and let the others hear of your tales of daring adventure.%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Onwards, for glory!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    We haven't heard from today's Lord of the Rings Online One Shots contributor for a while, but we're glad he and his fellowship stopped to snap a picture and check in. Apparently their adventures are going well, as Finudir brings us up to date on what's been going on since we last saw them. After the culling the Gauredain population and reclaiming the top of Emyn Uial for the Free Peoples, our fellowship stopped for a moment to collect our thoughts and take in the wonderful view of Lake Evendim. From left to right, Olivier the Minstrel, Galoros the Hunter, Finudìr Captain of Gondor, Capi the Burglar and, waving to his admirers, ArcticWulf the Champion. The Tomb of Elendil awaits.Do you have a screenshot of your gaming group setting out for fame and fortune? Perhaps you just like the way a particular area looks? Maybe a bit of both? Whatever the case, we'd love to get your screenshots. Send them to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com. Please include name & game - all else is optional. We may use yours next!%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Rawhide!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    You can't beat the joy of mounting up in your favorite MMOG and riding out. All good things you're missing, like vittles love and kissin', are waiting at the end of your ride. Well, or there's generally a big nasty monster at the end of it for your group to take on -- those are fun too. Today's One Shot comes from our Lord of the Rings Online regular, Finudir, who writes: Oh how regal they look! From left to right: Olivier the Minstrel on Delmar, Captain Finudir of Gondor on Valaris and Galoros, Hunter of Forochel on Swifthoof. Gotta love Olivier's purple boots. Do you have a screenshot of rounding up the dogies? If so, throw a rope around 'em, tie 'em up and send them to us here at oneshots AT, along with your name, and a brief description of what we're seeing in the image. It's easy, fun, and free! Can't beat that. %Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: We'd rather be fishing

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    It's the first day back to work for many folks who either attended GenCon or SOE's Fan Faire this last weekend. Beyond that, many students are also heading back to class today, so we'd imagine many people are wanting to be back in the fun of gaming. For those of you who can't be in your favorite game today, we're bringing a relaxing gaming scene to you, to remind you of those lazy summer days gone by. One Shots regular, Finudir, sent in this Lord of the Rings Online screenshot of a fishing extravaganza. He writes: Quite a scene at Thorin's Halls recently as many traded in their swords for fishing rods and headed to the nearest fishing hole. Summer Festival is here!!!We're going to avoid making the obvious "what you did on your summer vacation" joke, but the invitation is all the same. If you've got some screenshots of your travels, we'd love to see them. Just send them to us here at oneshots AT along with a brief description and your name -- assuming you'd like credit, of course.%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: A case of schadenfreude

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Normally right about now, we'd open with something interesting or vaguely witty related to this screenshot. However, this particular screenshot has us entirely too busy snickering, and has otherwise left us at a loss. As if the above Lord of the Rings Online screenshot sent in by One Shots regular Finudir wasn't enough to get us started, the description pretty much sealed the deal. Finudir writes:Arcticwulf was late in arriving at the scheduled time outlined by his Captain. Never lacking in a wicked sense of humour, Captain Finudir of Gondor decided to apply an ancient punishment he had once witnessed in Rohan. Wulf had to remain seated until the candles were completely burnt out. Needless to say, no one wanted to bunk with him that night, and the Fellowship splurged to get him his own room at the Prancing Pony Inn.We hereby promise to not be late to any of Finudir's parties. Ever. (Of course, never having been invited, we figure we're safe!) Do you have a screenshot of... unorthodox methods of getting your group battle-ready and in-line? Or perhaps any good screenshot that will make us laugh? If so, send those screens our way to oneshots AT Sure, they're fun on guild forums, but it's even more fun when the rest of the community gets to share in the laugh! Don't forget to tell us what's going on in the screenshot, too.%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: A few too many

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Ah, sweet, blessed weekend. Time for relaxation, sleeping in, and occasionally long nights at the pub which perhaps involve a few too many drinks. This screenshot shows just what can happen if you decide to get too drunk in Lord of the Rings Online. Finudir's been tying one on recently, and we got this concerned note:Clearly, an intervention is necessary. Seems that since being dispatched to Eriador by Faramir of the House of Anarion, Finudir Captain of Gondor has acquired a taste for the Hobbit brew. Here we see Faramir stumbling and staggering towards some pub or another, having taken part in a few too many activities of the Summer Festival. One wonders where he might have awakened!All we can say is that we'll stick with our respective non-Hobbit alcohol. We've been blurry after one too many drinks before, but never had the world go sepia. Do you have a screenshot of you partying a little too hard in your favorite MMO? Or perhaps just of a celebration that you'd like to note? You should send those in! The email address is oneshots AT -- and be sure to include a description. Just remember: say no to Hobbit alcohol this weekend!%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Boot to the head

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Finudir of Gondor just keeps the cool screenshots of his adventures with his fellowship rolling in from Lord of the Rings Online. Today we have this screenshot of them battling a particularly feisty Ongburz Rock-heaver, with surprising consequences, for everyone to enjoy. He writes in: For weeks, Galoros and Finudir of Gondor had scouted the orc camps at Dol Dînen trying to determine their intent and weaknesses. Finally last night, it was decided that the time was ripe to strike. Things went rather smoothly, but Robertolangoiz (affectionately called Bobby) would tell you differently as I'm sure he's feeling the pain of getting punted by a troll, which sent him flying a few dozen yards (seen on the left side of the pic). He can't be feeling too good this morning. Sorry Bobby.Do you have a painful moment captured on "film"? Perhaps you have a screenshot where we can work in another Dr. Demento reference? Whatever your game, your reason, or your screen is about, we'd love to see them! Attach it via digital email carrier pigeon and wing that screenshot over to us with a quick description on what we're seeing -- and feel free to suggest your own pop culture reference if that's your thing! You never know, we might use it next.%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: One mead too many

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Woohoo! It's the weekend! Time for rest and relaxation, unless of course, you're one of the insane masses who was up at oh-dark-thirty this morning waiting on a certain bit of news to come down the wire. But now that that's done, it's time to get our MMOG party on! Today we find our One Shots regular, Finudir, who has apparently been doing a fair bit of tavern hopping in Lord of the Rings Online....After a recent bout of revelry, Finudir of Gondor became exasperated at the never-ending stream of baddies slipping into Nan Amlug from Angmar. Walking dangerously close to a precipice, especially after having consumed one too many Blue Bocks, Finudir threw up his arms and directed a well-versed rant at the world below. "Why can't we all just get along!!!!" could be heard for miles in the valley. All we can say is that we hope he slept that crazy idea off somewhere. After all, who would give us loot if we made nice-nice with the monsters! Do you have any screens of your own in-game revelry (or the resultant messed up aftereffects) that you'd like to show off? If so, pack them up (with a quick blurb for each) into an email, and send it to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com! The more screenshots, the better!%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: It's good to have friends

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Today we bring you a scene of surprise and daring from one of our regular Lord of the Rings Online contributors, Captain Finudir of Gondor. We're just glad to hear that he and Alamast came out alright! He writes: Finudir of Gondor's been trekking through the North Downs recently. During one of his recent walks through the forest of Taur Gondwaith, he accidentally stumbled upon a grumpy Rock-Troll. Good thing Finudir never solos without his trusty herald, Alamast, or it might have been Good Night and Good Luck for our well-travelled adventurer. As it turned out, the Rock-Troll met an early death. Huzzah!Do you have any screenshots of you and your friends out adventuring in the world? Perhaps you've met an unbelievably nasty beast in your travels that others really should see. Whatever your reason (and your game) send those screenshots to us here at oneshots AT! We love to hear your stories.%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Everybody say cheese

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Now that is one good looking bunch of adventurers, if you ask us! Of course, with some of the reader-favorite graphics here on One Shots, we can't generally resist a great Lord of the Rings Online screenshot. This one is of Captain Finudir's group. We'll leave the introductions to him!You only get to arrive in Rivendell for the first time, well, once. The Fellowship arrived in Imladris feeling quite good about itself, having just saved Trestlebridge from certain doom after an Orcish attack. Time enough to take a deep breath to pose in front of a brilliant sky, as we descended into the Valley for the first time. (Left to right) The newest addition to our Fellowship, the minstrel Olivier, stands proudly looking off into the distance. Behind him is the Loremaster Robertolanguoiz, affectionately called Bobby by his companions. Galoros, a rare elf from Southern Forochel, gives his most severe look. Captain Finudir of Gondor stands proudly with his chain mail glinting in the setting sun. Capi of Everclear Lakes tries to look as inconspicuous as possible, while Arcticwulf's impatience is plain to see: you can practically hear him growling "You primadonnas...let's go, we've got heads to smash!" Do you have a great screenshot of your normal gaming group? Perhaps you'd like to show the world just how awesome and made of win you all are together when out saving the world? Feel free to send those screenshots along to us at oneshots AT! And be sure to tell us all about those images -- after all, the stories in those screens are yours!%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Culling the herd

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Never let it be said that our Massively readers aren't some of the most awesome gamers. Today's One Shots isn't just a cool Lord of the Rings Online screenshot, but shows off how thoughtful one of our readers and his fellowship are. Captain Finudir writes:When our Fellowship learned that the good, hardy people of Esteldin were on the brink of going hungry, we decided to go beyond the call of duty and provide them with enough auroch meat and hides to see them through the winter. These beasts don't fall easy, but with some careful work we set about our task. In this picture you see, from left to right, Finudir Captain of Gondor, Capi of Everclear Lakes and Galoros our Elven companion. To the far right is none other than Alamast, Herald of Gondor. Many an observer that happened to pass by would ask questions such as: "What in the world happened here" and "What did these poor aurochs do to you?"Do you have a screenshot of you and your group running around in your favorite game? If so, we'd love to see it. Just send it to us here at oneshots AT We're always looking for more screenshots to share!%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Next!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Ah, the joys of utterly destroying your enemies! There's just something to going into an area -- especially one that proved problematic -- and destroying everything. The sheer amount of MMOG "revenge" kills that probably happen every day just boggle the mind. Today's One Shots shows off just that kind of carnage from Lord of the Rings Online. Captain Finudir of Gondor sent in this screenshot of goblin destruction. He notes: in the Silverdeep Mines, no goblin should feel safe. Do you have a screenshot of a revenge kill on a mob (or mobs) that gave you trouble but now are something you kill just for fun? Perhaps you're playing a game that we haven't seen in a while and you'd like to see your favorite game highlighted? Whatever the reason, we'd love to see your screenshots! Just drop them to us here at oneshots AT %Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Fighting trolls on the internet

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Okay, so it's not the normal troll one might expect to see on a website... Unless, of course, you're coming to Massively, in which case, it could really be any one of a plethora of troll types! Today's One Shots troll, however, comes to us from Lord of the Rings Online, where this intrepid fellowship squared off to fight this fairly perturbed monster! Captain Finudir describes the scene for us:From left to right: Robertolangoiz, our esteemed lore-master, is clearly checking his notes for the best way to take down this troll. Galoros, our hunter, happens to be our highest level fellow at the moment, so he is drawing the attention. Captain Finudir of Gondor assesed the situation after having ordered his herald Alamast to sneak around and cut down the troll at the knees. Meanwhile, the troll looks slightly annoyed, unaware that his about to meet an untimely death.Huzzah, say we! We're all for the MMO crowd out there, fighting the good fight against trolls. (Present troll-rolling company excepted, of course.) Do you have some great shots of combat, of you and your friends waging epic (and not-so-epic) battle? Perhaps you've got a hilarious screen of a wipe and a great funny story to go with it? Whatever your story is, we'd love to check it out. Just drop us a quick note and a screenshot to oneshots AT massively DOT com! Only please, no trolls unless they're the video-game graphic kind.%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Just playing through

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    While we're not entirely sure if this is really the precursor to golf, or if it's more in keeping with hockey or perhaps even croquet, we have to admit, this Lord of the Rings Online screenshot made us laugh pretty hard. Today's One Shots comes to us from Captain Finudir of Gondor, who sent the above screenshot in to us with the following note:As Captain Finudir of Gondor toured the Northern Shire, he came across this odd wooden sculpture. Is this an artist's rendering of what eventually became golf? Notice the smile on the hobbit's face. Clearly, he is enjoying himself.We really think it's the almost smug look of "this one is going into orbit" that really makes this one laugh-worthy. We can just picture any of us doing that after a particularly nasty battle, too. Fore! Have you found anything in your game of choice that just shows off that the designers have a great sense of humor? Perhaps you've found a hilarious easter egg, or saw something that just made you stop and laugh that another player did. Whatever the case may be, we'd love to see it! Just drop those screenshots into the mail to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com. %Gallery-9798%