Fit Smart


  • Adidas' miCoach Fit Smart uses your wrist to measure health data

    Edgar Alvarez
    Edgar Alvarez

    Less than two weeks after making an unofficial appearance, today Adidas is formally introducing its new wearable, the miCoach Fit Smart. Revealed in San Francisco, during the Wearable Technologies Conference 2014, this wristband is capable of measuring your burned calories, heart rate, distance covered, pace and more fitness stats. Better yet, it wants to look good while doing so. It's going to be available in black and white, featuring a strap made of soft-touch silicone (similar to Nike's FuelBand SE) and a small strip of LEDs which can change color depending on the intensity of a workout. While the Fit Smart isn't Adidas' first entry into the wearable fray, one that's now more crowded than ever, the sports gear company says it is approaching things differently with its new product. It wants to appeal not only to die-hard runners, like with the Android-based Smart Run watch, but also to those people who would like to start running and working out on a more consistent basis.

  • Meet Adidas' new smartband: the miCoach Fit Smart

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    It looks like Adidas is ready to launch a new fitness tracker called the miCoach Fit Smart, judging by leaks at the FCC, LegalForce and retailer Keller Sports. Product shots from the latter show a hybrid of Nike's FuelBand and Adidas' own miCoach Smart Run, with an LED dot display like the FuelBand rather than the Smart Run's color LCD display. However, the Fit Smart does retain a more watch-like profile with a new, quick-locking band of some kind. It'll clearly monitor your heart rate as well, perhaps via infrared with the green sensor pictured on the back of the device. The FCC page shows that it'll pack Bluetooth 4.0 LE, aka Bluetooth Smart, to communicate with your mobile device.