

  • Samwise's holiday wallpaper available now

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    As usual, Blizzard artist Samwise has presented us with a holiday-themed wallpaper, and here it is on Blizzard's site (you can use the links at the bottom to choose different sizes obviously). Just like the art in years past, the pic tends a little more cutesy than most Warcraft-themed creations, but hey, it's the holidays-- drink some cocoa and melt that frozen, war-torn heart of yours.And this also tells us what we originally suspected about the Blood Elves joining the Horde-- not only did players enjoy playing a "good-looking race," but it looks like the little Horde ladies did as well.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Hi Donald

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    It's that time again! Settle down with your favorite gaming snack and get ready to vote for the best of recent WoW-themed webcomics. As always, if you run a comic or know of one that is not featured here, drop a line in the comments section to nominate it. Allzheimers: Actually, I'm more of a mourning elf. (Snagged a WoW comic contest honorable mention) The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf: On in game protests The Adventures of Blanc: Not Fair What's your game? LFG pg 104 Gamer Trials If you've done your reading, and you're ready to vote, follow through the jump and pick the comic you enjoyed the most.

  • A very Guild Christmas

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Oh my. The folks from The Guild have assembled this short montage of holiday songs refitted just for your (you Warcraft players) enjoyment. If you're a huge Guild fan, you'll probably love it, and if not, you'll probably be a little turned off by the awkward singing in the beginning.But I have to say: stick with it. Because the last song parody is pretty much golden. If you've ever spent a major holiday playing World of Warcraft, you'll know exactly what he means. Happy holidays to you too, Guildies!

  • COLOSSAL MP3 Player stays true to its name

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's quite likely that the COLOSSAL MP3 Player has somehow managed to stay largely hidden from view for some time now, but it is apparently popping up in a number of locations and begging to be purchased as the ultimate tech gag gift. Apparently, these things come in a number of hues, check in at about five to ten times larger than your prototypical DAP and include a USB cable, earphones and 256MB of built-in memory. The humongous units get their juice from four AA cells and can be found at random drug stores (and probably elsewhere) for under $20. Needless to say, this is the stocking stuffer buster you've been looking for.[Thanks, Marcus]

  • Stay At Home Servers out to shatter the stereotype

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We outright asked you how you'd alter Windows Home Server if you had the chance, and thankfully, none of you requested that these no good storage gizmos head right back to the office closet where "they belong." Unfortunately, it seems that not everyone has been able to overlook tradition and see how beneficial a home server can truly be. Legions of such devices are trickling into abodes as we speak, and while some families are rejoicing, others are apparently being torn apart at the notion of such a handsome device setting up shop within the residence. Stay At Home Servers: it's a debate sure to rage on long after the frosty months have passed, but just remember -- a family that stores together, (generally) stays together.Psst, check out the video in the read link if you're completely befuddled.

  • /silly: Can't see the forest for the trees

    Arthur Orneck
    Arthur Orneck

    Clicking the above image will reveal the wondrous enigma that is this week's /silly comic. The inspiration for this comic actually came from one of my guild mates, who has a rather neglected level 70 warrior main trying to find her niche in the endgame world. The complaints I have heard about the strong weaknesses of each of the three warrior trees seemed like ripe pickings for a comic, so I went ahead and paraphrased in the most humorous way I could fashion. From a personal standpoint, I can't really take sides on the issue of where warriors stand compared to the other melee classes. It is well established that my main is a retribution paladin, and on top of that my highest level warrior is only level 23, so I am lacking in the experience to speak authoritatively. Deku, the adorable orc featured today, is only just coming to the point where talents factor into the game. Bonus points to those that know where the name came from, by the way.So I hear there is a patch of some sort today? Did you guys hear anything about that? Man, I wish someone would mention it somewhere...Arthur E. "Arturis" Orneck spends way too much time staring at monitors, whether it is for web development, gaming, or drawing on his tablet PC at odd hours of the morning in order to get this blasted web comic posted on time every Tuesday morning, so that all you fantastic readers have something to stare at while servers are down for maintenance.

  • 24 in 1994: the "lost pilot"

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    How did Jack Bauer ever get by without his magical Treo? We figure it must've involved a whole lot more eyeball threatening than he usually manages to cram into a season of 24. Also, according to CollegeHumor's "unaired 1994 pilot" episode, it involved a pager and some really bad early 90's hair. Consider yourself warned, video is after the break.

  • WoW Moviewatch: Drugs, my anti-World of Warcraft

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    A simple premise done well. I can't say that I officially recommend drugs as an alternative to this game (or that I agree with the idea that doing drugs is better for you than raiding for epics every weekend), but I thought the joke here was done pretty well.And especially well for just some kids messing around. The sound, colors, and the music all worked, and while you can't fault those anti-drug PSAs for doing what they do, they do have a certain style to them that begs to be parodied.

  • zomg u has stick?

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    First of all, I will point out that I do understand why, from a balance and game mechanics perspective, no class can use every weapon. That being said, when you consider it from an RP angle, it begins to get a bit silly. Perhaps it's not fixable, but it is at least good for a (sometimes bitter) laugh. So the orc warlock can handle the big sticks, the small pointy sticks, but combine the two and somehow, thar be probs. Sure, if this lock can hold it in one hand, then that's doable. But two? Tiny blood elf pallies can totally handle that monster, but there's something about warlockery that changes even the big orcs into weaklings. Why can't my holy pally hold a dagger? Come on, I promise, she won't even use it; just leech all its stats. I guess pallies just aren't subtle. At all. Attempts to teach stabby stabby by the great gurus resulted in furrowed brows, a few injuries, and several panic attacks. They're going to stick with the elaborate swinging motions, thank ya. On that note, why can't she hold a staff? Pointy staff, no problem. But stickz = idk.

  • Gallery: Fun with Brewfest goggles

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    These images just keep making me laugh. Over the weekend, we posted pictures of people having fun with the Beerfest goggles around famous Azerothian NPCs, and although my original request of Illidan never panned out (he's not a humanoid, apparently, and thus not susceptible to the effects of beer goggles), you readers responded with tons of funny pictures featuring our fearless leaders as Gnomes and female Orcs.So here they are all collected into a gallery, and if you have any more, feel free to drop us a note with links to them, and I'll add them in. Thanks to all the commenters who posted links for these pics: Nate S., myrlin, Haaken, erin, and s02.%Gallery-8945%

  • Vain iPhone uses self-portrait as wallpaper

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Yeah, we've certainly seen wallpapers with a touch more satire built in, but there's just something eldritch about seeing an iPhone on itself. Be a clever joke or simply a sign of obsession, it's intriguing nonetheless. Now, if only the pictured icons could be hacked to work within the photo...

  • Breakfast Topic: Funny Stuff

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    At some point in your WoW adventures, someone is sure to have sent you some of the funny items that are littered all over the game, such as the "Exotic Cookbook" (entitled "How to serve man"), and the "Broken I W.I.N. Button." Not too long ago, a friend of mine sent me one I hadn't seen before, the "Steamy Romance Novel," which really made me chuckle:As Nahni glided up, the grizzled warrior gave her a hard stare. "I suppose you're here to collect the reward for killing those murlocs?"Her eyes wandered down to the glowing broadsword at his side. "That depends on what the reward is, Marcus." She twirled her hair playfully, pretending not to notice how he shifted uncomfortably in her presence. "I may not want it."Marcus stepped toward her, bristling with a mixture of fear and anger. "The reward is not negotiable!" He paused for a moment while gathering his nerve, and pressed himself against her diminutive form. Their lips met hotly, melting her frost armor spell in a torrent of sweltering vapor."So, is there another step to this quest?" she teased, her eyes glittering with excitement.<This goes on for several hundred more pages, without advancing the plot.>Are there any items in this game that make you smile whenever you think of them? If you can't think of items, perhaps you know of a place or NPC? Tell us about anything you think is funny.Update: I just can't resist quoting in full some of the things that commenters have found. It's quite silly, and it really should be part of this post anyways. Click on the link to read them.

  • Tuesday morning misery on a T-shirt

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Jenny posted a t-shirt design on WoW Ladies that I just thought was too good to pass up. You can't actually buy it yet, but apparently she's entered it into a contest over at SplitReason, and if enough people vote for it, they'll offer it as a real t-shirt. You don't have to vote for her or anything (I have no idea who she is, except that she posts on WoW Ladies and made this funny shirt), but if you like the shirt as much as I do, feel free to show your support.Is it just me or are there a lot of WoW-related t-shirts over there? Must be something about you guys and voting for t-shirts.

  • Found Footage: Calamari retro

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    So, say you're watching Pirates of the Caribbean. Mmmm... Did somebody say, "Calamari?"Before there was the iPhone, there was iHome. And strangely enough, it worked pretty much the same-- just a little slower, and you could only do it from home, and you had to decide who was going to get the phone book out and look it up. My only question is what exactly he's doing at the beginning. Is he pretending to drive the ship?Thanks, Stephen!

  • LFG releases teaser, promises feature length film

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Here's some really interesting news from the guys who make the popular Looking For Group comic: a feature film is in the works. Sohmer, who runs Blind Ferret Entertainment (which is also working on projects for PvP and Ctrl-Alt-Delete), says that the company is going to make a "75-80 minute feature film" (animated, of course) starring the LFG gang.And the piece above is a "teaser" for the movie, tentatively titled "LFG: The Origin of Dick." (The character in the video above, if you haven't read the comic, is named Richard). No word on whether the whole movie will consist of songs, or song parodies, but the short is pretty well done, and so if that's any indication, the full-length movie will be a good time. Not to mention quite an achievement-- are there any other online comics that have gone on to support a feature film? I can't think of any.Of course, that's assuming the comic can actually support it. We'll find out when it releases-- Blind Ferret says they're targeting it for late 2008.

  • iPhone returns from service with 'official iPhone tool'

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Call us crazy, but it certainly appears that Apple's unofficially official iPhone tool has ripped off MacGyver's lifeline. According to an iPhone user that sent his handset in for warranty service, it arrived back with this here piece of equipment, complete with Apple's famed display label and plastic bag. Heck, if having a malfunctioning iPhone is the only way to snag one of these bad boys, we're definitely crossing our fingers for an excuse to send ours in.[Thanks, Matthew V.]

  • WoW Bash collects chat screenshots from MMOs

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Many of you might be familiar with it's a legendary collection of quotes from IRC. Their top 100 page is a must-read if you've never done it before, but be careful, as extreme laughing will ensue.And now, reader Furism sends us a note that he's started WoW Bash, a version of that collects quotes from MMO games, including many quotes from World of Warcraft. The site just started, so unlike bash, there's not tons of great quotes to read through (many of them are not very funny), but there are a few gems to be found, most of them on the top 100 page (which only has about 40 on at the moment). This one made me laugh. But the genius of bash is that it collects quotes from all over the IRC world, and so by bringing this page to you, dear readers, hopefully WoW Bash will gain some exposure and get some really good quotes on there.And even if it takes a while, it's an excellent idea, and a great way to show off the hilarity (or usually stupidity) appearing in chat channels all over Azeroth and all the other online worlds. If you've got a screenshot of a funny quote, get it up there.

  • Turn your Apple IIe into a Linux terminal

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    As he even points out, this isn't the first time this has been done, but Quag7 has written up a very detailed, simple, and often hilarious (I feel the same way about Michael Bay!) guide for converting that old Apple ][e you've got sitting around into a Linux serial terminal. In this case, he runs a serial connection between a modern (everything is relative here) Gentoo distro and the ][e using ADTPro as a go-between. Hook up ADTPro on both, get the serial hooked up and running on both, install a term program on the ][e and then make sure everything can talk to each other (at 9600 baud-- remember baud? Oh those were the days), and voila, you've got an Apple ][e that can run a Linux distro. Why would you want to do this? No idea.But why else do we do this kind of crazy stuff (like hook an Apple ][e up to a game machine, or even an actual Mac)? We do this, my friends, because we can.[via Waxy]

  • Reporter has mic stolen during iPhone interview, recovers ungracefully

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We're quite aware of the mayhem that went on during the buildup to the iPhone launch, and while it may cross someone's mind to purloin the oh-so-coveted device just hours before it went on sale to the public, we can't imagine a Fox News microphone being an acceptable substitute. 'Course, we've no way of really reading the vigilante's mind, but a brief iPhone interview was cut even shorter by a random mic stealer. Click on through for the zaniness as it happened, and kudos to the reporter on not just bailing out while she had the chance.[Thanks, Matt]

  • Friday Video: Curiouser and curiouser

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Selecting a video for this week's spotlight was somewhat difficult ... because we managed to stumble across some of the weirdest videos we've seen in a while. Take a moment to think about the magnitude of that statement. Around here, we spend all day immersed in the fruits of Miyamoto's brain (and other Nintendo goodness), and yet these videos were extra weird.Hit the jump for the full array. And yes, we know there are even weirder videos out there. Please don't supply links; we're not sure our bruised brains could take it just now!